What Does Heaven Have To Say? | Benny Perez

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hey family welcome to church LV online we're so thankful that you are inviting us into your home and I'm just so excited that we're still able to meet as the church community virtually really this is a season that you're choosing faith over fear and wisdom over worry I want to encourage you to open up your hearts today joining us leave a comment let somebody know you're with us or do with us go to the VIP link fill out the form and a member of our dream team will reach out to you and send you again I want to encourage you to lean in here at church Elfi we're about leading people [Music] so come on get ready open up your heart it says this in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth somebody say in the beginning yeah God created the heavens and the earth aren't you glad that God is the beginning of all things come on their God is the beginning of all good things and God is not only the beginner but he's the ender it says this and the earth was without form and void and darkness was over the face of the deep and the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters Genesis chapter 1 verses 1 through 2 now we're gonna skip over to the book of John Jesus speaking to his followers and he's coming to the end of his ministry and he wants to remind them about something he wants to remind them about this precious helper this precious third person of the triune Godhead the Holy Spirit he's gonna remind them about that and in the Jewish mind said at this moment as he begins to talk about the Holy Spirit how he's coming on the earth they would actually now begin to remember because they grew up knowing the first five books of the Bible that the Holy Spirit was at the beginning of the creation and the Holy Spirit come on is coming at the beginning of the church he says if you love me you will keep my Commandments and I will ask the father and he will give you another helper and never another person just like me the word helpers Paraclete or Parakletos somebody to be with you forever even the Spirit of Truth is the Holy Spirit whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him but you know him free - Ellis watch this with you and will be in you so it's not only he's gonna come on me but the precious Holy Spirit is gonna come in me somebody say on me and in me come on pastor I'm in my house do I have to say that well don't you scream at the television set when your team is winning don't you scream if your team on the Super Bowl so you could you could talk back to me right now come on I can't see you you could talk back see watch he says his first 25 these things I've spoken to you while I'm still with you thank you for your word God in Jesus name come on everybody said a big amen amen amen you may be seated your are seated what is that you may be seated you know I want to talk to you today and I'm in this Worship Center you're at home or maybe you're just walking around you got your phone out I don't know where you are I hope you are you know abiding by what they have told us and so even in this Worship Center you know unless their family members that are close but the rest of us we have some distance and so we want to make sure that everybody is safe I want to talk to you and start a brand new series and a brand new series called Christ in the crisis Christ in the crisis specifically the message today is actually what does heaven have to say what does heaven have to say we are in a global pandemic I don't quite understand it all I don't claim to be a doctor I don't claim to know everything that is taking place I am hearing what people are saying I am hearing what the CDC is saying what dr. Nucci is saying are the doctors as they come on with the White House press conferences I do know that people have been infected and we're praying for our own pastor Paul treichel who is in the hospital and we're declaring health and healing come on over pastor Paul right now in Jesus name over there in that hospital up north we're declaring that Jesus is our healer and people keep asking me pastor have you heard what this person have said did you hear that it may go on for longer did you hear that that Disneyland is not opening up like they said they would did you did you hear about this did you hear about that then and there's so much stuff that we are hearing right now whether it's Fox News or CNN news or whatever news or if you go online you hear about the stock market did you hear about this did you hear about that and I want to hear and I want to be informed and I want to be aware but I don't want to be consumed all the time about what I am hearing in the natural because everything we're hearing right now is really an earthly perspective which is a real perspective and so we're hearing people talk about things on earth that live on the earth in other words it's a natural perspective that is now translating into a natural outcome but can I say to you this way that I actually believe watch that we can get another perspective the question is is what is heaven saying what does heaven have to say about this situation I don't want to be just somebody who's coming to you and telling you what the news to say or what the World Health Organization is saying you can get that I want to be a person that's here in Henderson Nevada that's talking to everybody around the world on Facebook with Benny Perez in Church Alfea and YouTube at church LV right now I don't want to tell you something that heaven has something to say about what's happening right now in the earth let me just say to you this way heaven has a perspective come on God has a perspective the Word of God has a perspective of what is happening on the earth today so I don't want to just hear what people are saying I want to hear what heaven is saying about this situation what is heavens perspective perspective is very important I keep saying this because it's true perspective isn't it is how you view things but watch perspective is not just how you view things but you don't view things as they are you view things as you are that's why we can see the same thing but now we can come from different perspectives we could look at the same thing and come back with different conclusions there's a lot of conspiracy theorists out there there's a lot of people saying things as they look at the same thing I don't want to buy into conspiracy I don't want to buy into what she said or he said but I have a question what is Heaven's perspective on what is going on with the virus with the spirit of fear with all the worry and the dread that is going on in the world today what is Heaven's perspective so perspective is very important perspective is shaped by four things you want to write these down number one perspective is shaped by your experiences your experiences number two perspective is shaped by your beliefs by your beliefs number three perspective is shaped by your expectations by your expectations and number four perspective is shaped by your culture how you grew up your family structure that's why a lot of people are really positive looking at a situation that some people are negative about some people grew up in a negative environment with a negative maybe family or negative friends and you have a bent towards being negative some people grew up more in a positive environment maybe a faith-filled environment maybe an environment that's like you know what man we're gonna overcome this and now you have watch a different perspective even though you're looking at the same thing I grew up in his space my wife Wendy grew up in a Caucasian home and yes even when you grew up in certain types of homes right they could have a certain type of outlook and so we have to be careful that we don't watch now somehow think that all those things are not influencing our perspective we have to be careful that we're not just allowing CNN Fox News MSNBC CNBC or whatever News Channel you're getting don't allow that just to influence your perspective you have to get another perspective get an earthly one but I have a question what does heaven have to say what is heavens perspective on the situation right now this is so important because as followers of Jesus as men and women of faith although we see and are aware of the virus we should not be consumed with everything that's going around us we need to be watching me consumed with what God has to say consumed with who we are in Jesus and what Jesus has done and be aware of everything else it's important to know that the chaos and confusion the darkness is not the first time it happened in fact if we go back to Genesis chapter 1 in the very beginning of time it says this in the beginning God created the heavens in the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness covered the face of the deep and the Holy Spirit watch the Holy Spirit was hovering another translation says he was moving over the waters so what does it say it says that God is the beginner of everything that God has started this thing called the earth but when God starts something I believe God is a God of purpose God is a God of design can you write that in your notes God has it got a purpose God is a God of design I don't believe God is a God of confusion he's not a God of chaos so we believe and I believe the Scriptures teach that all good things come down from the Father of lights where there's no shadow there is no turning with him and so I actually believe that in Genesis chapter 1 when God created the heavens in the year is it God a divine order he has a god of purpose he is a God God that has a plan that I don't believe that it was created with chaos and confusion but in verse 2 we see that the earth now was without form and void one translation actually says and the earth became not was became that way there are some people that would believe that maybe just made me between verses 1 and verse 2 was the fall of Lucifer and he came down and began to ravage the planet and begin now to cause destruction to God's creation and I believe that I would actually lend that and give credence to that because I actually believe God doesn't create all that and so first - is the enemy coming in and causing the darkness and destruction I don't believe God watch me is the cause II as there is the cause behind the virus I don't think God is the God that causes sickness and disease and all this pain and all these issues that are happening but he's the God that we can turn to and say father I don't understand everything I can't explain everything but I do know this then I could turn to you come on because God is good Jesus is our victory and it doesn't matter we will not back down and I believe that even if the enemy comes in like a flood the Spirit of God shall raise up a standard against him I love this because listen even if the enemy has come in and there is destruction there's chaos and his confusion listen there's only one person that could declare he is the Alpha and the Omega and that person is Jesus himself that Jesus starts things he that begun a good work in you is faithful to complete it you say well wait a second if Jesus is the beginner and the Ender then what is the enemy the enemy is the one that comes in in the middle of something and begins to mess things up in the middle you remember the story I preached last week Jesus gets in the boat in the middle of the lake the storm comes up in the middle of a situation the enemy comes in in the middle of all the issues that come in the enemy comes with fear in the middle and torment and worry in the middle he is the meddler in the middle why is this good news pastor because we never judge our life by a snapshot when God is making a full-length movie we never stop and say oh man my my life is a composition of what's happening right now it is a moment it is a moment this is a moment this is a period of time and yes there's situations that are happening and yes even friends and family members are dealing with this but I'm here to tell you that our God that begun a good work in us is faithful to complete it that he will bring us through because the interesting thing here in Genesis chapter 1 it says something very powerful it says this then in verse 2 with the casting confusion that there was the precious Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit was above all the chaos and confusion the Holy Spirit was moving over the chaos and confusion and I believe that God even that some what some of us can't feel him maybe some of us can't see him but don't mistake God's silence for his distance then I still believe that God is hovering over the situation I still believe I put my trust in a God that said listen I will never leave you I will never forsake you and the Holy Spirit was moving above he's still above our God is still above all things that now Jesus is seated watch me above every name he's seated and given a name that's above that's above that's above did you hear what I said Jesus his name is above every name every name that is in heaven everything that is an earth and every name that is under the earth the name of Jesus somebody say above say louder come on say above the Holy Spirit our God is above all the situation but just because he's above it doesn't mean that he can't feel it with us for we have a high priest that could be that could feel our afflictions we have a height priest that's Jesus who is there for us it's important for us to realize that heaven has another perspective and that if the Holy Spirit or can I say it this way since the Holy Spirit is above come on since Jesus is now seated in heavenly places at the right hand of the Father praying for us you know the scriptures also teach that me and you we are seated with Christ in the heavenly places come on junior highers come on high schoolers you're watching me you are seated with Christ in heavenly play you're seated at the very top of the bleachers you you you're seated at the highest place and why is that important because we are not seated in Earth we are seated in heavenly places which means this that we can get heavens perspective on something because it's important for you to know remember this where you sit determines what you see and what you see determines how you respond I'll say it again where you sit determines what you see and what you see determines how you respond a few years ago we went to England me and our family and we went on a double-decker red bus to see all the to see all the sights and I remember we got on that bus the first time we tried to get up on the top come on Bella come on BJ come on but I remember this and it was full and we had to stay on the bottom and we were going throughout the streets of London and the person was telling us about all these sights and we were pressing her head against the the glass windows trying to see up but we couldn't see it and kind of and really it was kind of disappointing that we weren't able to really really see properly why we're on the bus but we were on the bottom level I like to say we were on the natural level we restrained we did everything we could but we could right see what the driver was saying so the next day we had a plan somebody say plan and the plan was we're not going to get on the bus until we see that there are seats on the upper deck and when that bus comes we're gonna rush on that bus run that bus and dad will bring up the rear and he will pay for all of us but we're gonna rush up and sit on the top sure enough a bus came by I said this is it guys here we go you know and so we lined them up come on PG lead the charge Bella benaiah windy and then I ended a pain and we got on that bus and they went up there and we got a seat now on the upper deck same bus same roads same buildings same monuments but what's interesting is is that we had a different perspective why because we are on the upper deck we were seated come on in heavenly places we were seated on a higher level to see clearly I got good news for you right now that we that are in Christ we can now begin to see at a higher level through the Word of God I could feel something but I'll have to become it I could sense the fear I could feel the fear I could feel the worry I could feel the anxiety but I'm just gonna choose to sit in a higher seat I acknowledge my humanity but watch me I touched his divinity I knew who I am in Christ and I'm not gonna try harder I'm not gonna do this or that listen we got to be careful that it's not conditional upon us that if I do this and if I do that if I try harder if I do that if if if if if if if how about we just say Jesus has done it and by faith I trust him with my finances I trust him with my relationships I trust that God is that good that now as I become a person of light that he's declared me to be as I become a person of faith which he's declared me to be I could be the answer to the questions that are going around right now we now are seated with Christ in heavenly places how does that happen well the same holy spirit then moved in Genesis one above everything is the same Holy Spirit that Jesus speaks about in the book of John chapter 16 as he's talking to his followers as Jesus is getting ready to leave this planet and go see it at the right hand of the Father sit at the right of the father so he could pray for you and for me and he says but listen to me I'm gonna go away but the divine and Kircher will not be released until it happens so it's best that I leave because I can only be at one place at one time in my humanity but I'm gonna leave and the Holy Spirit is just like me because there's three and one Father Son and Holy Spirit and he's gonna remind you everything that I have said this divine encourage err I just telling you right now we need more encouragement in our world right now we need more good news in our world right now and the good news is this is that Jesus has made a way for us and that we have a father that's watching over the birds and the flowers he'll watch over us and we have the Holy Spirit living inside of us that encourages us to say no that the word said he'll never leave you nor forsake you know we're not going anywhere nope it doesn't matter what it looks like your God is for you because it's not based on your ability it's based on his ability it's based on me trusting him and saying God I'm looking to you Holy Spirit you live in me Jesus spoke of this precious Holy Spirit and he said the Holy Spirit is a comforter how many did some comfort right now I need some comfort he is just he's a spirit that brings comfort he's the Spirit of Truth oh you know what the facts are the facts are I know what the facts but he's the Spirit of Truth he brings the Word of God the promises of God to me that my God will bring me through the storm that my God will bring me to the other side and no matter what he draws close to them a broken heart and a contrite spirit he is the comforter he is the helper he is the advocate he is the counselor and I need some counsel right now here's what I've been doing I've been getting up early and when I say early I'm getting up at 5:30 in the morning and I been asking the Holy Holy Spirit speak to me Holy Spirit illuminate the Word of God that's on my phone illuminate God the scripture to me and so interesting that that the scripture came to me and I just feel prompted to give this to somebody right now and this is live folks right here so so we're just working our best and I'm gonna go The Book of Psalms and just take a moment just to go to the Book of Psalms with me verse 34 and I want to share this scripture with you because I think it's going to help somebody because the Holy Spirit begin to illuminate this scripture to me Psalm 34 and it's verse 19 and I'm gonna get there verse 19 and I'm sorry verse 34 and stick with me verse 34 and verse 4 it says listen to my testimony I cried to God in my distress and he answered me any freed me from all my fears I loved it that that I could cry out to God and he frees me watch this from every one of my fears that my fears now watch me as I cry to God and I look to God now I could begin by the power of the Holy Spirit reminding me about the Word of God that now he begins to let me know no matter what happens to them look at yet let God will hear the cry and to him they cry from their hearts Lord will hear them and come to rescue them from all their troubles the Holy Spirit he's a counselor the Holy Spirit he's a comforter the Holy Spirit he's an advocate the Holy Spirit is an encourage the Holy Spirit will guide us and lead us with wisdom and faith notice I'm not talking about me me me me me I'm saying God it's you you you you you this is what we need to hear what is heavens perspective what is heaven saying I want you to get your toilet get out right now come on do you say what I have this toilet paper roll for up this is this toilet paper is literally from Costco and I got it before there was a big run toilet papers it's interesting that people are hoarding toilet paper right now the hoarding it and in full disclosure we ordered some toilet paper a couple weeks ago and so we have this big box of toilet paper at home and we're sharing it with people that need some toilet paper and I was driving to work this morning or to the church this morning and I had a couple rolls of toilet paper because we were out of toilet paper in the green room and so I brought the toilet paper and I was talking and also I just had this this thought and I think it was a god thought once you take this toilet paper and I want you to do this I want you to come out to look through the roll of toilet paper right now come on I want you to look to that cardboard tube right now I know I'm looking funny and if if somebody could take a picture if you're doing this in your house right now this is kind of funny we're looking through this TP do this TP and so when I when I do this it's interesting that that now when I when I do there's only that I could see right now is is the camera I can't see anybody else that's in the room I have this TP vision this tunnel perspective I have this tunnel perspective you see a tunnel perspective is good as long as it's looking at the right thing whew I'm gonna shot myself Amen right now watch watch the tunnel perspective the TP perspective is good as long as it's looking at the right thing but if your TP is looking at the wrong thing if you're hoarding the wrong perspective if you have the wrong tunnel perspective because I'm looking at the wrong thing I'm just looking at the virus and I'm looking at what's gonna happen I oh my gosh I don't know what's gonna go on and what if what if what if what if what if I'm telling you if you're looking at the wrong thing with your TP you can have the wrong conclusion and I'm here to tell you that sometimes you think get the wrong thing you need to take off that TP that tunnel perspective and take it off and realize it is a broad world there is a greater world that's out there when you look at the wrong thing with your tunnel perspective your teepee perspective that's all you're gonna see but you got to take it off and realize wow there's a wider world wow there's more information what does heaven have to say and I want to tell you right now what I want to do is I want to take watch me heavens perspective I want to have a tunnel perspective of what heaven is saying and I want to look to Jesus who is the author and the finisher of my faith I'm not looking to myself I'm not looking to my ability I'm not looking if I do this or if I do that I'm looking to Jesus this poor man cried out to the Lord and he delivered me from all my fears I know I preach in and everybody said I shouldn't yell I shouldn't get excited because everybody's in the living room right now but watch me you yell at the television for your sports you out to television when something good happens maybe somebody's going to get up and say I'm tired of the wrong T P I'm gonna get the right T P I'm gonna get the right one I'm gonna fix my eyes on Jesus I'm not let anything else begin to cloud my vision our God is good Jesus is our victory and through life or their death we will not back down why because our God is good I'm telling you right now some of you take off that tunnel perspective and all you're looking at is all the dread and all the fear and all take that off and realize there's a bigger world there's a bigger world and some of us need to keep this TP oh I know I'm hearing stuff but I want to focus my eyes on Jesus Jesus you're TP I'm praying I didn't hear this from anybody I didn't steal this from any of the preacher I didn't steal it from from noon a mom I didn't steal it from I'm telling you I got this when I was sitting in the parking lot here at the Green Valley campus I pray every time you see a roll of toilet paper you would say what is my watch me what is my perspective what is my tunnel perspective is it is it on the right thing or is that on the wrong thing if it's on if it's on the wrong thing take it off look how expensive it is if it's on the right thing come on keep it there keep it there keep your eyes fixed on Jesus he is the author and the finisher of your faith what does heaven have to say heaven has to say this the same Holy Spirit that was over the chaos and confusion is the same Holy Spirit that is over the chaos and confusion right now the same God who said let there be light and there was light in the darkness is the same God that through his scripture whether it's on the phone the paper Bible will bring light in illumination to what's going on in your life that's why I would determine that I will not back down as a church we're gonna keep moving forward because the church is not a building it's people so through zooms small groups through a Bible study we're starting on Tuesday night through food distribution as working with other organizations as you're bringing hope and life and light to Las Vegas Valley and beyond we're not gonna back down why because our teepee our tunnel perspective is on the right thing and for some of us it's been on the wrong thing take that take that away take that away teepee should not be used anywhere here teepee is used for another area don't allow teepee to keep you focused on the wrong thing put your focus on the precious Holy Spirit Jesus himself who says I'm here for you I'm here for you I'm here for you come to Jesus just as you are come to Jesus with our you humanity and then let him speak to you and tell you you're my son you're my daughter put your hope in me you see this is very dear and near to me because when I was a kid many years ago back in the 70s have a great mom a great dad my mom my dad teach me so much my dad's steady trustworthy and when we were in a tough financial situation way back in the 70s some of you're old enough to remember this interest rates were through the roof mortgages interest rates were through the roof hyperinflation I remember the gas crisis and my dad is bringing me my brother and were we're getting a line at the gas station and filling up gas five gallon gas containers just so we can have gas for the car I remember the times of government cheese and I remember all the times that America went through some tough times and fear was all around but I was a kid and I'm grateful for a dad and for a mom that stood and said you know I could have the wrong teepee I could have the wrong perspective of just like man what can I do I don't know if we're gonna make it I I don't know but but I'm grateful for my dad who took the TP down and put the right teepee up and he he said I'm gonna keep my eyes on Jesus my dad I'm just telling you this true story you make it conclusion yourself my dad said one thing we're not gonna do we're not gonna stop giving to God's kingdom we're not gonna stop giving to the church and even when we were way behind my dad said nobody trusts God even if we lose this or lose that it wasn't conditional if God I give you this money then you're gonna do this for me he said you know what God has done so much for me already God saved my dad sorry get emotional but God got saved my my family my mom my dad [Music] my dad just said you know what we're gonna trust God I don't know where we're gonna go I don't know where we were gonna do necessarily and I don't know some of you think that's a little irresponsible or could it be it's just like I just I don't know but I do know this I need to put my trust in God my dad did and through a series of events my parents saw God do some incredible things through their life my parents are still in that house that they were supposed to lose I remember that story when I was at University and I was barely making it had to believe God for laundry money I'll be walking to the laundromat by faith this is not it does not making this stuff up and we had in the trailer park I lived in there was a couple named Paul and Darla and I didn't have any money really for laundry and he said hey penny I got a few extra coins you probably can do a load or two do you need it tears started coming down my eyes I said yeah I do Paul but I didn't have any laundry detergent I didn't want to tell me I didn't have any laundry detergent he says hey we got an extra box of tide the little one he says here you go penny I went walking to that laundry mat right there Costa Mesa California and there I did my laundry I think they were half clean because I split the box into i sat there I began to think god you care I don't know how but I'm putting my trust in you it was a moment I'd begin to take the TP away the tunnel perspective on the wrong thing and what I did is that begin to put come on the TP on the right thing Jesus who is seated at the right hand of the Father Jesus who is my alpha and my make up my beginning in my end Jesus who said if your father take Jesus who said if he takes care of the father takes the father takes care of the birds and the flowers he's gonna take care of you begin to meditate on the right thing begin to feed my soul with the right thing some of us need just to put the tipi up that the the tunnel perspective on the Word of God and quit feeding ourselves and everything else could feeding yourself on everything else I just want to probably just maybe over share a little bit but I know a lot of us filed our taxes although you have not until July 15th to your taxes always get my taxes done ahead of time I told my wife Wendy and I told our family that we're not gonna stop trusting God and are giving financially to the house of God financially as God leads us to others and so we just believe God I wasn't asking God for anything I was saying god it's trust you it's true story filed our taxes and we've already got a rebate check we got our check back I'm like wow that's crazy and there's just a few days ago we got some more things in regards to our taxes I oh my goodness true story so I called my tax preparer and I said hey hey Chuck I got some more stuff for my taxes goes man they they mailed it waste so late I said I know Chuck I don't understand it all but can I just send it to you he says sure send it to me I sent it to him and the next day he emailed me and he said hey Benny this one that you know something this is good news for you you're actually gonna get back more more more than what you originally got back now friends I I'm not saying to you that if you give financially God's gonna make the IRS give you back more money I'm not saying that what I am saying he's true to his word he will provide he will bless you so he could be a blessing to others see we make life not just about me me me but about him him him him him it's amazing that we could be like Acts chapter 2 and we could share we can give they were a desperate need and people sold houses and lands and brought it I mean this is crazy because they actually believed that God was big enough pastor what's gonna happen in Las Vegas I don't know I don't know how long is this trip gonna be shut down I don't know are people to get their jobs back right away I don't know I don't know what's the economic you know impact to to to to the to businesses and the economy and to churches and nonprofits I don't know I don't know and people that say they know they don't know but I do know one thing that heaven has another perspective I do know one thing that God is still above I do know one thing it didn't take Jesus by surprise I do know one thing that our God even in famine but take care of those that put their trust in him will you join me will you join me to get the right teepee come on I can make jokes about the right T P 2 pi 3 PI 4 ply but the right teepee the right tunnel perspective is on Jesus if it's on all the other stuff take it away allow God to show you his kingdom his world his plan his purpose because he has one I want to pray for you right now I want to encourage you right now I want to declare things over you right now what do you clear Psalm 91 that you don't have to fear the pestilence or the plate that comes by day I want to declare over you that the Lord is your Shepherd you shall not want in fact let me just share with you this thought I'm a little bit long but it's okay cuz the next experience is until 6 p.m. tell everybody when you read Psalm 23 I may preach on this next week it says in verse 1 the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want so David is writing the psalm but he's writing it and these few verses he's he's talking third-person so imagine imagine maybe Wendy is right here I would tell Wendy Whitney the Lord is my shepherd Wendy I shall not want its third person you know Wendy he makes me lie down in green pastures you know what he he he I'm speaking to somebody about another individual he leads me beside the still waters he restores my soul he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake and it's awesome Wendy or Wendy I got I got I got I got something else to say verse 4 even though I walk through the valley of shadow of death I will fear no evil and now David changes from third person the first person watch this he says for you how powerful is this for you he turned his perspective for you he's not talking about to win now he's talking to Jesus for you watch me in the test in the trial in the tribulation is when we now have a perspective eternal perspective and we go from talking about Jesus to somebody to talking to Jesus ourself woop even though I walk through the valley shadow death I will feel for you Jesus are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my viruses in the presence of everything and the presence of my enemies you do it Jesus you do it Jesus you know my head with the oil the Holy Spirit and my cup of joy and my cup of faith and my cup of Hope and my cup of love it runs over and I could declare surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life for you you Jesus what does heaven have to say and Jesus says I am your high priest I am your God I'm praying for you and I'm with you to the very end I declare that over all of us in the name of Jesus somebody give me some handclaps give me a five second phrase break right now on YouTube come on five-second praise break right now on Facebook come on light it up do some share share share share share share on Facebook come on Benny prison ministry people share share share share share share share share share come on YouTube subscribe subscribe subscribe can we get this message out there what does heaven have to say what is heavens perspective what a great day in church today I want to give you a couple of ways to stay connected with us during these times the first way is if you need prayer of any kind go to the prayer length fill it out and a member of our team will reach out to you personally via text or phone call you want to make sure you know that somebody is standing with you during these times the second way is by joining a small group you can actually join a virtual small group and see some people face-to-face if you want to be a part of that go to church healthy calm / groups the last way is by following us on Instagram at church LED for daily content encouragement prayers brushing playlists it's a great way to stay connected with us get further updates today was a great day in church let me declare some God truths over your life God you're in control you are our provider you are increased sir you are healer you are fighting our battles past our anxieties on you I pray the peace of God that surpasses all understanding guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus may the Lord bless you or keep you maybe make his face [Music]
Channel: ChurchLV
Views: 562
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: T_vQw3eeAS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 27sec (2667 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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