Nicholas Galitzine Remembers His "Firsts" | Teen Vogue

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my first celebrity crush was Jessica Alba I was obsessed with Jessica Alba for a period of time the lips incredible hi Teen Vogue I'm Nicholas Gallatin and these are some of my firsts if I had to pick a a dream person to be in a romcom I'd say IO would definitely be on that list because she's so charming and and funny get out of the freaking car I did a job in Ireland and I was like we actually bonded over our our love for Ireland and we actually I think stayed in really similar areas in in Dublin for for both our our respective times that I mean I don't think she was even working there I think she was there to study or or something like that but she is the pride of iseland I can confirm my first impression when meeting IO was and I just I just immediately wanted to be friends with her obviously the bear was kind of I think it had either come out or was like in the process of coming out but she hadn't sort of blown up in the way that she has now I knew immediately you know she was going to be a star I mean obviously because of her talent but you know even more so than that I think her work ethic I think she's been you know hustling at comedy for for a really long time and she's a wonderful dramatic actress as well and I I can't wait for people to see um you know even more stuff of her dramatically the first thing that people should know about me is that I'm a very open person unless I haven't had my first coffee of the day in which case don't come say hi to me because I'm going to be in a I'm going to be in a terrible mood and I'm not going to be open at all it all depends on that first coffee first coffee is integral I think Americans think that we're a lot more polite and a mild manner than we actually are and we can be very very rude I can guarantee you that most English people you'll meet out in public you know whether it's on the tube or you know just around London I mean we we kind of stay in our Zone we we're not very um talking another thing that Americans get wrong I'd say is that they they either think that we're part of the royal family all East End gers who talk like this whereas there's um the majority of us kind of sit in this little middle uh uh Zone as well there are there are more English people than just the the Posh and the and the cockes my first celebrity crush was Jessica Alba I was obsessed with Jessica Alba for for a period of time and still am in a lot of ways you know she's the most beautiful human being and the lip incredible but also a wonderfully talented person and an amazing business woman i' I've heard she has incredible business Acumen too which I think is also very attractive my first audition uh was for a tiny tiny little movie uh called the beat beneath my feet I ended up getting the the lead role in this and it was the first movie I ever [Music] did love putting some work getting to University or be a sad loser about a young uh wannabe musician who befriends a disgraced uh rock star who faked his own death which is kind of crazy to to think and you know there was a period of time where I was like oh this acting thing I mean it's very easy you know you go to your first audition you get the lead role I mean the rest of my career is going to be exactly like this and then you know obviously find out that wasn't the case the first thing that turns me off about a person is the people who try and uh get on the tube before letting the people off the tube first like just just wait just wait like one moment and then you can get on you know that really irks me I'll say the first thing that turns me on about someone I'd say is authenticity if you get a sense from someone that they are completely themselves you know they've embraced their Oddities and their quirks it just creates a really vulnerable space between people where you don't have to kind of pretend to be something else that you're not I think maybe perhaps when he he comes back from France and you kind of sees this Royal Court and I suppose the the sort of stakes that it would take the sort of um effort and commitment it would take to ascend to sort of power or relevancy in this and I think you know the same could be said for me at the start of my career climbing through the sort of the the echelons of of this wonderful industry I mean it's very daunting to begin with you know he starts to feel more and more comfortable in that setting and I think the same is true as I've traversed you know every year in this industry so yeah I'd say that's there was there's a likeness there I mean the first food I like to eat when arriving in the UK is probably we're not exactly renowned for oh what I will say is like good Indian food cuz I feel like the US doesn't have as much sort of Indian restaurants as as I mean we're so known for that in the UK I feel like you know given our large Indian population love spice but when it comes to to Curry I love a lamb cormer trying to push myself you know I'm trying to get ready for for hot ones you know eventually I don't want to uh to have my pallette destroyed if I ever get invited on that show the first time I fell in love let's say my my first girlfriend she was from Spain we worked together in Aban Fitch it was very desperate for money at the time so that was my excuse I remember just like traveling you know be being so broke and uh and spending all my money traveling to Spain to uh to go and and see her you know sleeping in airports uh taking buses and that's what you do for for for young love very financially irresponsible of me but um you know it seemed worth it at the time my first job was when I was about 14 15 and my friend and I started a car washing business and we'd go around the uh the affluent neighborhoods knocking on uh knocking on doors we didn't have expertise in this area but we we sort of hoped that our young um charm would kind of get us through the door and we realized the sort of effort that you had to put in without all of the kit to wash a car and then to only get maybe 10 quid for it uh was uh was It was kind of futile we disassembled the uh disassembled the the business um after about a month or two we didn't fall into the the the car washing business long term I think the first time I realized my work had had resonance was was after my second movie which was this kind of cheesy Romance movie but we got invited to this film festival in Italy which was kind of for teenagers and um I mean about like a thousand people showed up and I was just completely flawed and and and blown away I was in New York at the time and I just kind of I think I felt more perceived than I'd ever felt before and and and that that felt like a notable shift for me my first interaction with Julia Moore was actually this cast scheduled Meetup where where basically Bally the entire cast of the first three episodes uh got together in a room I remember feeling an immense warmth from her immediately her smile is so large and and um it really she just has a way of lighting up the room I think it made her very human for me and I think then going into the process and actually getting to know her that was very much confirmed you know she's just such a sweet uh Soul as well as being immensely talented the first period costume I had to wear was probably for Cinderella I don't remember exactly what it was but I'm sure it was some sort of waist coat and wide collared and and and sort of riding boot um type costume because it was not set in this real world world those were kind of a a mixture of uh different periods I think but they it was so fun to wear and difficult to move and dance in that's for sure but um they looked amazing unfortunately um they they don't let me have any of those things you really got to become a bit of a thief on a film set because often times it's a process by which they they hold on to these things for years and then at that point you know you can't be bothered to to secure them yourself so you got to you got to you got to steal props from set that's that's the only way the only way to go thank you Teen Vogue for having me I am Nicholas Galatin and these were my firsts [Music]
Channel: Teen Vogue
Views: 93,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anne hathaway, best movies, camila cabello, firsts, jessica alba, julianne moore, mary & george, mary & george cast, movies, movies and entertainment, netflix, nicholas galitzine, nicholas galitzine best movies, nicholas galitzine interview, nick galitzine girlfriend, purple hearts, purple hearts cast, red white and royal blue, red white and royal blue cast, teen vogue, the idea of you, the idea of you cast, tv and movies
Id: xglwg8cihoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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