Nicholas Galitzine Interview on Identity: “I feel a deep sense of comfort in who I am now"

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keeping that in a monologue uh positive is so important I feel a deep sense of comfort in in who I [Music] am what a time to be aive for you I mean over last year you not only have had red white and R blue marry and George and now the idea of you bam have you had time to soak it all in yes and no I I think um work coming first and foremost has been has been great and I think that's what when I feel most uh most alive is really being on these amazing film sets and and playing these amazing characters a and you know I think in some ways you've got to really put all of your uh validation into just the making of the thing because you don't know that the life of these projects uh you know after you make them and then just see this um immense appreciation for all these projects um is is so humbling and you know the ability to have serious resonance with a lot of people I think um has just been really really special for me yeah and I mean the idea of you is amazing where were you at in your life when this role came along I just finished filming red white and raw blue and um purple hearts had actually just come out and and was starting to blow up and uh and so I was I I went to I had read for it and um they' liked me and then they asked me to come to New York to uh to chemistry test with Annie and um and it was just kind of this Whirlwind with this this amazing crazy chemistry test and uh getting the rooll the next day and it it was the first time really had done you know three projects on on on the bounce like that what was it like going into that first chemistry read with an halfway where you like oh my God what is going on like how did you prepare for that and when did you feel like you first really clicked I mean I mean pretty immediately I have to say I think Annie carries herself with a with a huge amount of openness there is just something very warm and radiant about her and we just had so much fun we um we we just had like a naturalness you know between the two of us that um that really seemed to work and I think becoming so comfortable with each other even in the chemistry test made the notion of going into to filming with her just uh just so much easier and um and calmer I think yeah and I mean you are a complete triple threat in this you sing you act you even do a little bit of dancing and honestly you're living out the pop band fantasy that I've always had in my life what was that like to live out that boy band fantasy so much fun I mean it's so gratifying and you know definitely hard work trying to to embody the physicality and and trying to um create these these songs that that really you know told told a story of who this person is and how they develop as as an artist from that sort of classic boy band to to really a kind of a singer songwriter who I felt really uh creatively challenged which was exciting and I think everyone's going to be desperate for the album to drop a scen of they seen this do you think this is going to Mark a new chapter in your music career perhaps who knows I I mean music is something that I feel really passionate about and um you know I've just been very lucky that acting has has been you know my main gig you know hopefully when I get some uh some free time I I'll be able to to push forward with the music as well because I I made some really fantastic relationships through this uh filming process and I think as well that what's so special about this movie is it does make you really reflect on those moments those life-changing moments you have because it really does center around this moment of Fate right where they meet and a complete sliding doors moment and we all have them we all have unlike encounters that can really change our lives yeah is there a real sliding doors moment you think you've experienced and a great moment the Serendipity in a way the the Genesis of my career was serendipitous um because the the play I auditioned for where I got scouted by my agency that led to me booking my my first job um I almost didn't go to you know I was on the phone to my dad saying this is ridiculous I'm going to make fool of myself why like why am I here I'm just going to come Harin you know my dad um which he he very much reminds me to uh to this day you know um he convinced me to go in and um you know had he had he not convinced me I I would not be sitting here talking to you because I I had no aspirations of of acting at the time and um so I I I'd say I mean that's the moment that really jumps out to me it felt very serendipitous and we all need a cheerleader in those situations where we question ourselves 100% don't we you know the the goal I think for a lot of should be to to have our own internalized uh cheerleader I think in a way so so we can you know not speak badly to ourselves and encourage ourselves to to take a big leap of faith yeah have you always been a big cheerleader for yourself or has that been something you've really had to go on a journey to discover yeah 100% you know I I think I felt an immense amount of um impostor syndrome I mean especially the first few years of my career and and you know it's it's so natural at as actors we're we're often times deriving validation from a lot of other sources outside of ourselves and it can be very an insecure job it can be a very fragile job and and so you know it it doesn't hurt when you're starring with um a couple of Oscar winners um that that's kind of a good sign that you're you're you're doing things right both Annie and Julie have been so um wonderfully encouraging to me um within the last year I definitely worked on that inner voice a lot and it just makes the whole experience just so much more fun now um being able to kind of feel like you you belong you're you're you're right where you're supposed to be I'm sure youve you've felt that as well in your line of work too it's it's um it's kind of a constant thing of reinsurance but we all we all need to do it we all practiced it and we all need to realize that we're enough just the way we are right yeah well because look we we we live in an era of comparison and smoking mirrors and so um I I totally agree with you I think I think keeping that in the monologue uh positive is is is so important and it must be so empowering when you are on a set like you're saying when you are working with these amazing actresses I mean you're kind of like Pokemon you got to catch them all in terms of like Oscar winners right now like we take an halfway we take Julian Mo let's go like what do you think you've actually learned from working with strong amazing women onet as well the their professionalism is um impeccable I mean their talent is obvious but I mean who they are as people I I think that that interests me the most because you know I think I often times think about Legacy in in this line of work and and you know we're kind of all cavemen at the end of the day and it's all about leaving our mark on on the cave wall you know for for people in the the future and I think the thing that's most important to me is you know people remembering me as someone who was hardworking and someone who was kind um and and open and giving and um they both have that in in Spades and so it it just makes the whole process so much more enjoyable and I I think you know with a lot of these projects where I've been number one and number two on the call sheet you know you set the tone for the entire cast and crew and um I like to think that I I I try and lead from the front and I and set a positive um atmosphere and a create a sense of community because I I think a lot of the time you know people who work on Films it's kind of like running away and joining the circus and we all kind of have this sort of Outsider mentality in some way and um they're just they're both just immensely talented and um immensely kind um I feel very very lucky I I I would love to work with them again in the future I mean it's so important to have those supportive environments especially industry like the entertainment industry and I think it's really interesting because on this podcast we always have amazing women come on talking about building more supportive spaces and I thought was so interesting about this movie is you watch an half's character really go through what the level of sexism that women have to go through in our society right and she's picked apart in a way that a man never would be and actually when we're constantly having these conversations on this podcast one thing that always comes up is you need more amazing male allies who step up and support women and it's amazing you're in a narrative with which is kind of like that right what how interesting was that to explore you know as men we have to set better examples for other men and I um that's something I've always been passionate about and um and educating you know the younger Generations that are coming through and and I think you know we're we're we're not there yet but we're we're doing really well in the industry I think um putting um talented women in in positions of power and decision- making and and you know the the lot of there are a lot of amazing female Le uh uh stories that I think we're seeing much more commonly on screen nowadays which is good do you feel like you got to a position now where you feel like you've really can sit in yourself and what's that Journey look like for you to get to that point over the years I think my sense of self has really been bolstered by my experiences as an actor and growing into my adulthood and I feel a deep sense of comfort in in who I am and um who I am to other people and uh I I think you know I would just say to a lot of people maybe in the early 20s or late teens you know when when we really kind of start analyzing identity and and sense of self is to to just kind of have patience because I think when this it happens so naturally when when when you're older you know it's about putting yourself out there and and challenging yourself and um you gain I think an immense amount of of comfort in yourself and and confidence in your abilities and um and you also kind of careless about things that you know that shouldn't really bother you too and I think that's the great thing about about aging and I I love what you said about you know senen uh just rediscovering herself I think really you know we use Coming of Age story in a in a teen context a lot but I think really I mean the idea of you in a lot of ways is a Coming of Age story um and it's a celebration of age pushing yourself and making yourself uncomfortable because that's the that's the Brilliance of my job is I'm constantly in sort of emotionally vulnerable or uncomfortable positions and um you know now as a as a 29y old uh guy I mean it's it's just night and day from when I first started in this industry I um I really do um enjoy being in in these spaces and challenging myself have you kind of learned with that that there's so much power in being more vulnerable and almost being more sensitive and leading into those things that were kind of taught that men shouldn't be and men shouldn't be on our screens too I mean vulnerability is a superpower and I think I've always thought for my characters to have a a dimension of vulnerability that's what grounds us all is we all experience this at different points and um I I I agree with what you said I mean especially as men we need do better and um as people who who are now becoming more and more comfortable within ourselves we we also have to help the younger Generations men and um that's something I've been passionate about for a long time I'd like to sort of continue talking to um you know teenage uh young men who are maybe struggling with with images of of self-doubt or whatever because um we sometimes don't get the feedback I think we we require I think it's exciting I think I think a lot of men are really being bolstered by a sense of Acceptance in the last few years I don't think we're there yet but I think we're definitely moving in in the right direction when you look at even what you've just done in the last year right well like red white and R blue for instance which was such an amazing movie that did so much of representation on such a huge level showing a queer love story in a whole different way how proud are you of that movie and what that has been able to achieve and do for a whole Community yeah so proud I mean um I think it's fair to say that that movie has had a lot of resonance and it's just the whole some content that I think a lot of people had had not seen and and and now have and um you know it's a little bit of a a little bit of history for uh for um a lot of fans of of of both the book and and the movie and um it's something I I hope to sort of continue to to do in in in my work um uh enjoyment message empowering um think these are all uh things that that make me feel a lot of a lot of purpose in my land of work and one thing that is a weird constant thread between all the work you do as well as you do have to do your fair share of intimate scenes and I actually think they're are very when weever I talk to actors about this it can be a very sort of like transformative experience for people because it can be quite empowering in a way have you found that leaning into that has been an empowering experience has maybe made you feel more comfortable in your own skin as well you know in in those situations I like to really find what I can learn about the character and what we can show the audience about the character in those situations and you know as you said at this point I'm I'm very comfortable um in those spaces I've done so much um I think important uh and fun intimacy Work O over the years and um you know especially in Mary and George I'm just very proud of all the all the work we did and how it was sh Oliver heris so wonderful director really set a incredible uh visual tone for for a lot of that work and I think it's so incredible what you are doing and what you've been able to do in the last couple of years but I think a lot of people would be like oh my God he's appeared and look all these amazing things he's been doing but behind the scenes we both know that like there's a Whole Decade that goes before that a whole load of hard work that has to go what were kind of like maybe the struggle years like whatever any moments where you questioned whether this was even going to be possible for you to get to this amazing point you are now the crazy thing is I've at least done one movie in the lead role for every year I've been an actor and most actors would say you're so lucky uh how dare you complain about you know that amount of work but you know when I was starting out it was shooting for a month two months and then the rest of the year was trying to book the next job and and so for the first three four years of my career it was like you know just top speed and then breaking really aggressively and and and wanting to kind of hit that kind of uh that like terminal velocity again you know um because I my passion for acting just grew immensely I I realized that I I'd gone from having never explored it before to it really being my life calling in a way and something that I felt very just just worked for me in in a lot of different ways and so um I had to to do a lot of part-time work to to kind of stay afloat while I was doing that but you know with age and perspective the the work ethic that I think I had to have to stay passionate about my craft and and my passion and do all these other sort of jobs that you know felt quite mundane at the time uh it was very humbling and as I said built a work ethic and then you know get then finally being being able to get to the point where where I could really just be a full-time actor and you appreciate it so much more and you know there are so many immensely talented people within our industry who who would love those opportunities and if you take it for granted um if you don't show up prepared if you don't work hard if you're not kind to the people around you then then you're kind of spitting in their faces a little bit we all know that those moments of failure and those struggle times and the times of the there're the times where you learn your work ethic right and then you work so hard you get to this point then you're like oh I now I need to actually enjoy the thing that I'm doing I think the best education you can kind of get is just being in life and not in a kind of a bubble away from Humanity because you know the goal is to um perfectly Channel humanity and and um and and create a very textured person that feels accessible to us and and if you're not doing the part-time work if you're not in and around it that I I for all these sort of upand cominging actors who maybe um a bit down on the themselves that they're Happ to do multiple jobs you know maybe some waitering um I did I was a caterer you know uh anything like that just know that you're you're collecting ammunition there you're using um all of this stuff you're collecting the stuff that you can use in the future for your work so um I think try and see it as an encouraging step in the right direction oh my got 100% like you know sometimes you learn the most in those retail jobs or being that caterer right yeah we've all been there I mean most of us have been have been there so uh yeah don't worry about it you're not alone
Channel: Reign With Josh Smith
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Keywords: Nicholas Galitzine, nicholas galitzine interview, nicholas galitzine interview 2024, nicholas galitzine kiss, nicholas galitzine anne hathaway, nicholas galitzine and taylor zakhar perez, nicholas galitzine songs, nicholas galitzine music, nicholas galitzine girlfriend, nicholas galitzine movies, nicholas galitzine comfort, nicholas galitzine podcast, reign with josh smith, nicholas galitzine the idea of you, nicholas galitzine singing, nicholas galtzine red white and royal blue
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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