What does a MNR Rail Traffic Controller do?

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If there's anything that I would want the public to know is just that, there's a lot of trains, there's a lot of people, and there's a lot of things that can go wrong. To get all those trains in and out of Grand Central Terminal to where they're going is a feat in and of itself. And that's not including all the outside factors that we have no control over. My name is Daniel Pelillo. My title is Rail Traffic Controller, and I've been with Metro-North for a little over four years. My name is Liza Cruz. I'm a real traffic controller and I've been with Metro-North for ten years. So behind me is the Operation Control Center, and it controls all trains and movement of basically everything on Metro-North territory. It is like the heart of the operation. Where All the magic happens. As an RTC my main responsibilities are to make sure all of our trains arrive to their destinations on time and safely, as well as take care of our track workers, our contractors, our crew members, anybody that's out in the field. Our job is almost like when four cars come to an intersection and you have to decide which light goes on first. We control the tempo of the rail. How I would explain it to somebody on the street is we're kind of like an Air Traffic Controller. Anything can happen at any time, and you have to be able to make a decision on a whim. You definitely under pressure and you have to be able to maintain your calm and think clearly and make decisions and problem solve. All at the same time. Safety is the biggest role. That's always the number one thing. You know, we're responsible for everybody that's on our territory and that's including the passengers. So it's our job to make sure that everybody is safe at all times. Safety is first. Because we know that there's real people out there that we have to protect. So for the people at home watching this and for the riders, just be patient. It's a tough job and we're doing our best.
Channel: mtainfo
Views: 6,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mta, nyc, ny, transit, bus, train, railroad, bridges, tunnels, transportation
Id: XUyToaOeTww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 46sec (106 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2023
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