What Do You Want? || Bianca Olthoff (Savage Prayers pt 1)

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Lawrence County I just want to save a quick welcome if it's your first time here or you are visiting welcome to the father's house you always have a seat at the father's house number two for those that are watching online to our digital communities you want to say that we love you and we are glad you're a part of this community and lastly but definitely not least our Norco prison camp is chemi welcome brother hey what you chosen maybe day to be in the house of God well here at the father's house you might know or might not know but I'm gonna put everyone on the same page we are kicking off a new series called savage prayers we believe that when we pray savage prayers and not only changes our faith but by proxy it changes our life when we pray big bold audacious prayers when we ask when we seek when we knock the Spirit of God can move in our faith and by default change our life and I when I look back at my own faith journey when I look back at what might some might call like my relationship with Jesus when I look back at this I am marked by what I believe will be a stake in the ground for some of us in this church for some of us we're gonna hear the words each week and you're gonna come faithfully each week and I believe through the exposition of God's Word the reading of God's Word through worshiping in the house and by being savage with our prayer life our life will change now how do I know this well I was profoundly impacted by an activity that my mom made us do us being I have a twin sister at the age of seven she pulled a piece of butcher paper and she taped it to our kitchen door now that might not mean anything to you but for our family we were experiencing a financial situation and we did not have and so my mom said that our God is a God who sees us and our God is a God who cares and our God is a God that knows what we need but he wants us to ask him and so she put a big piece of a butcher paper on the kitchen door and she grabbed a big black marker and she put the top God's prayers and she made my sister and I articulate what it is that we wanted well the top of the list was my grandfather salvation I love my Puerto Rican grandfather stubborn as a mule and did not love Jesus so we wanted grandpa to be with us in heaven and love Jesus and so we prayed that grandpa would say yes to Jesus and then our second prayer was in our refrigerator in our pantry we didn't have any food there was this tin of government-issued peanut butter and a block of government-issued cheese and if you have never had government-issued cheese you have not lived your best life okay but this pretty awesome but but we didn't have any food and so we pray that God would give us food and we didn't have a car my dad was starting a church in East Los Angeles California and people were lending us this car we were borrowing cars we even borrowed a Chinook which is basically a small family motorhome so we were traveling around in a motorhome like traveling gypsies and we believe that God can give us a car and not just any car my mom said I want us to learn how to be specific with God and so leading church on the on-ramp to the freeway there had this big Toyota billboard and there was a new car that just came out family van and it was the Toyota previa any children of the 90s remember that egg looking like car yeah okay well in the billboard it was maroon and had a perfect family and a perfect dog and so we prayed for a maroon previa even with a dog well at the sake of sounding erroneous and doctrine at the sake of me sharing this with you my fear is that you're gonna hear oh this is just blabbed and Gravatt this is just name it and claim it that somehow selfish prayers don't work I just want to pause for a second but acknowledge on the day that we hung the butcher paper on the kitchen door there was a knock at our door in our neighbor Valentina I will always remember her came over with a box of groceries Yoplait yogurt fresh lemons from her tree two loaves of bread and Campbell's tomato soup and that day we tasted the goodness of God who provided food when we didn't have it a few months later my grandfather received Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior and at the sake of sounding crazy my dad was able to save enough money and we a repossessed maroon Toyota previa come on somebody I firmly believe that there's there's something that shifts and changes we are savage enough to believe that when we pray big bold prayers of Earth see and knock that God loves those who are daring in their faith God knows that when our faith changes our lives change and this church is all about passionately pursuing Jesus above all else but some of the bedrocks of our foundation a prayer and praise big values here in the house and maybe you don't have a faith background or maybe you do have a faith background and you're coming in this concept of prayer and you're like this feels weird I don't like it it's layered it causes me to feel certain things let me do mystify what prayer is prayer is communication with a good God and I know it feels overwhelming to some but it is like having a conversation with the friend so how I pray to Jesus God of the universe as my friend is Jesus I love you Jesus I'm so grateful for what you've given me Jesus this is my heart and my hope my egg my dread my hope my joys and my sorrow and then at the end of that I'm gonna put a praise on it praise is how we worship God now in some cases like we just experienced right now worship is the act of singing but worship could be riding worship could be giving back financially to God's what is God's these are all forms of worship so prayer and praise and I firmly believe that when we understand what it is like to be savage in our prayer life it changes the trajectory of our life it changes our faith station it changes the way we view our lives and how we operate day to day now I want us to learn how to be savage and here's the thing the prayers ask seek knock that we're going to go through feel like very simple prayers but do not be deceived they're actually very difficult but these prayers will challenge us will challenge our faith and challenge how we interact with one another in this faith community so as a leader here in this house I want this church to stop praying basic boring prayers dear Jesus thank you from food make me rich make me hot make my thighs not touch give me a house in Corona del Mar amen that's basic and boring those are people that eat vanilla ice cream and wear beige khakis that is not savage people and that is not for the house of God we're gonna like roar out with our faith we're gonna shift the nation with our faith people are gonna be like Anaheim what we're gonna put Anaheim back on the map because you wanna know something Disneyland isn't the happiest place on earth I'm believing in declaring that the father's house Orange County people are gonna walk in one way and leave another way and you don't have to say 159 for young Tiki here okay I don't want us to play plastic prayers and benign blessings I'm believing that the Spirit of God if we believe that he is who he says he is and he could do what he's promised to do our life will be different so let's go ahead and talk about this Ward Savage I'm not gonna be around relying on Oxford Dictionary or Merriam Webster's dictionary I'm gonna use my favorite dictionary at the moment and that is the urban dictionary and the urban dictionary list savage as people willing to do what no one else will do people will have no regard when other people will think and that's who I want us to be spiritually I want us to go after God and chase after God's promises because we believe that God is who he says that he is and we see this played out in the narrative that we're gonna study today about a man by the name of bartemaeus but before we do that this series was founded upon a conversation that Jesus has with his disciples if you're new to church disciples that were his clique that were his crew there were his homeboys they had seen what Jesus had done they have eaten the multiplied bread that he multiplied but multiplied fish that he multiplied he had seen him healed the sick and and the lame will walk and the blind will see they saw this and in Luke chapter 11 his disciples who had seen all these things they asked this question Jesus teach us how to pray you know what gives me hope we were a baby church and I know that there's people in different areas of the faith spectrum maybe you've been a Christian for a really long time but maybe a little salty and bitter because the Lord has not dealt with you in the way that you should be dealt or maybe you're like a baby Christian you're like god is so good and those people that we need to put like in a cave for a minute before they calm down from there Jesus hi wherever you are in this Christianity spectrum and this love and Jesus spectrum I firmly believe that if the disciples had the hood spot to pray or to ask Jesus how to pray we can come to Jesus and say how to pray now your homework this week is to read how Jesus taught them to pray God forgive us of our sins help me forgive others thank you for what you've given us it's beautiful but we are rooted this series in these two verses at the end of that prayer don't turn there but I want you to look at the screen and read Luke 11 starting in verse 9 it says this this is Jesus talking to the disciples so I say to you ask and it will be given seek and you will find knock and the door will be open for everyone who asks receives the one who seeks finds and the one who knocks the door will be open let's go ahead and open up with a quick word of Prayer God we love you we thank you and we ask that you just are in this place whatever words that are not of you I pray that you alter them you change them but the Spirit of God could speak to your children in the way that you want to speak to them in Jesus mighty name amen pull out your Bible turn with me to mark chapter 10 and as you go there put your notebooks your pens and jot down the title of today's message it is what do you want okay savage girls and boys average men in women this is what we're going to discuss today so we pick this up in mark chapter 10 by the way if you don't have a Bible we are a Bible teaching Church and we have a free Bible for you if you don't have one so next week bring your Bibles mark chapter 10 starting verse 46 then they came to Jericho it's jesus and his disciples together with the large crowd were leaving the city a blind man Bartimaeus which means son of Timaeus was sitting by the roadside begging when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth he began to shout Jesus son of David have mercy on me many rebuked him and told him be quiet Shh shut up stop but he shouted all the more Jesus son of David have mercy on me Jesus stopped said call him so they called to the blind man cheer up on your feet he's calling you throwing his cloak aside he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus Jesus asked him what do you want me to do for you I've always been intrigued by these stories these miracles that we see in the old and new Testament but specifically and in the New Testament interacting with Jesus why because Jesus loved meet people who struggled to be in the presence of Jesus in fact this is very important that Jesus had a soft spot for the blind and for the lame why because it was prophesied that Messiah the one that was gonna save God's people he would heal the sick the lame would walk in the blind would see so Jesus is very intentional and all the Gospel writers are intentional about documenting what Jesus did here you and I love the greater the struggle the more powerful the miracle that's what I love that these are some savage thirsty desperate people so given the theme of ask seek knock this week is gonna be on ask and Jesus did some crazy things for those that asked specifically I love looking at blind at the blood his interaction with the blind Jesus had a soft spot in in in mark chapter 8 and blind man told him he wanted to see and what did Jesus do he he took spit put it on the man's eyes and he was healed in the book of John and John chapter 9 Jesus spits in the dirt makes a paste of mud puts it on the blind man's eyes and he could see and another account Jesus also used spit to heal a blind person now this to me is a little bit weird okay has anyone ever been spit on well you raise your hand a few of us okay yeah see I wasted on that I didn't deserve it I have a twin sister by the name of jasmine and I'll put her on blast right now because she's not here pray for her okay and when we were 13 years old we had started working out together and any children of the 90s will remember this amazing gimmick from Suzanne Somers called ThighMaster who remembers the ThighMaster yes my ever loved before like the thigh gap happened because of Suzanne Somers okay so we were doing this circuit training where she used a ThighMaster and then I well I had finished my circuit and I turned to Jasmine and I said let me have the ThighMaster to which she ignored me then I yelled a little bit louder Jasmine give me the ThighMaster and she ignored me again I said Jasmine give me the ThighMaster she said fine she held up the ThighMaster by the blue handles and hit me on the forehead with the red coil in the middle I am no chump I am savage you know what we were working out by the kitchen so I go to the kitchen door drawer and I pull out a knife and I began to chase Jasmine around the house I am no chump okay so I was going after javelin screaming don't you ever do that well she her back was up against the wall in the living room and she looked at me dead face and she said don't come closer I said why what are you gonna do and then she does this and flailing through the air is a looki of epic proportion I see it coming at me and it lands right in the middle of my forehead I'm screaming and it's dangling down in front of me like a dislodge I I'm like oh my god I say all of that because sometimes we ask the wrong people for the wrong thing okay what we need to go to is Jesus and ask him for the things that we need can I get an amen now what I love is that this man communicated his need with an ask and we see Jesus asked this pointed questions I believe God is asking every single one of us in here today so in mark chapter 46 we see that they came to a city called Jericho and Jesus was with his disciples and a large crowd a Bible scholars theologians believe that there are up to thousands that are swarming Jesus and calling out his name and all of a sudden they encounter a man called bartemaeus now I love this passage so much because it lists the city and it lists the man's name the city is important Jericho in fact just yesterday at midnight Matt and I landed after a wonderful tour to Israel and as we were looking out over this one particular Valley my tour guide had pointed out to me that is Jericho so the city that would have been the city the gateway into the Promised Land was something super important for me if you're new to church you don't have a faith background the the people of God the Jews specifically were slaves for over 400 years under the oppressive hand of a man named Pharaoh I was going to say Caesar okay a man named Pharaoh and when we saved her 400 years of slavery and bondage they were free but then they wandered in the wilderness for forty long years finally they had access into the promised land and there the first city that they encountered on their way to the promised land was Jericho in the Old Testament we see in Joshua chapter 6 this amazing supernatural occurrence happen in the Old Testament but guess what we are back in Jericho in the New Testament and something supernatural is about to happen in the same city which tells me if God did it then God can do it again if he did in the Old Testament he did in the New Testament he could do it for us today and as they were leaving the city of Jericho they encounter a man by the name of bartimaeus this is also important to know Bible scholars and note-takers more times than not we see that if there's someone with an issue an ailment or an illness it is just that that is listed a man with a withered hand a woman we should with an issue of blood a blind man but yet here we see people knew blind Bart they know bartemaeus in fact in Hebrew the word Bar means son of and Timaeus means honorable or esteemed so he is the son of someone who is esteemed so can you imagine this young man who's living in the shadow of an honorable father and yet he is Dishonored why is that because if you had an ailment if you were sick if you were blind if you remain if you were lame you had to be on the outside of the city you were considered ceremoniously unclean so here's this man under the the shadow of a very honorable man and maybe you kind of resonate with him maybe you feel like you come from a great stock or a great history and yet you're living a life where you feel as dishonorable or you feel unsuccessful or you feel over Sene or you feel it looked over maybe you thought that you were gonna become someone that you didn't but blind Bartimaeus is sitting on the outside of the city he's sitting at the outside of the gates and as he's there theologians believe that he was crossed legged and put a cloak over his legs to indicate and show what was gonna catch the the coins the food the money that people were gonna give so here is blind bottom ass at the gates of jericho begging beneath everyone saying my father's name was honorable but will you help me i'm alone will you help me i'm in need will you help me I need your generosity to be my abundance will you help me will you see me and in mark chapter 10 verse 47 it says when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth I want to pause for a second because if he heard he heard he didn't have his sight but he could hear and when we pray savage prayers I don't want to succumb with what we don't have I want us to come with what we do have God I may not have this but but I hear you I hear you and then he says Jesus son of David have mercy on me see everyone would have been saying Jesus Jesus Jesus but this man does something different he says his name and then his title Jesus son of David which was a messianic foretelling of you our Messiah Jesus son of David have mercy on me in Aramaic this term mercy on me is equivalent to saying heal me look at me Jesus son of David have mercy on me will you come heal me there's something about this man that I resonate with and I hope that you resonate with him too because though we are not blind I believe that there's moments in life where we feel like we are stumbling around and bumping into things that we can't see our future because it looks dark where we feel beneath people except the crumbs of what whoever will give us whatever they give us because we feel inaudible look at verse 47 when he called out to Jesus of Nazareth he began to shout Jesus son of David have mercy on me Jesus was just passing by he wasn't gonna stay there he wasn't there to stay and what I want us to do today is you have just come in here today is I don't want you to let Jesus walk by without you calling out to him without you recognizing Jesus son of David will you see me because when we pray savage prayer something is gonna have to change if you only do what you've always done you will only get what you've always had there is something that has to shift in your life friends if you want your faith to be different if you want your life to be different something has to change look at verse 48 many rebuked him and told them to be quiet speak why should up already but he shouted all the more Jesus son of David have mercy on me that word shouted is the same Greek word used in the other Gospels for those that were demon-possessed with a shriek a shrill a yell Jesus son of David he knew that his shout had to supersede the volume of everyone else begging for Jesus's attention and he cries out Jesus son of David and maybe you feel today that you've come in here and you've heard people say stop praying for the same thing we're tired of it stop talking to me about your God he hasn't answered you your God doesn't see you does he know your need let your desire away their discouragement let your desire for God to see you outweigh the haters discouragement those people that tell you you're never gonna go to school you're never gonna finish school you've been in school and a JC for six years you know you tell them wash me walk out with my diploma okay or people that will say all that girls never gonna go out with you no no no you were busted no no she's not gonna like you will you tell them watch me walk her down the aisle praise God oh you your marriage is not gonna make it you're gonna be repeating the generational cycles of everyone before you watch me show up at my 50-year anniversary not because we're awesome not because we're good but we serve a good God and we believe what he said that he can do he actually will do I want us to be savage I want us to be savage even in the waiting see because I want to balance our theology I don't want you to walk on me like you'll get that I'm gonna get it amazing are you gonna get if it's God's will I'm got time okay because sometimes in the waiting we can lose faith I say this not to like balance our theology I say this because I have been praying the same prayer for 17 years God when when I gotta get a handle on this God when are you gonna answer me and I'm so tired of praying that prayer then this season of my life I'm actually praying a different prayer God I don't even know what to pray anymore I just need you to kill me from the inside out and you want to know something I'm savage because I pulled the playbook a play out of King David's playbook and he says in Psalm Verte 40 verse 1 he says I waited and waited and waited some more patiently knowing God would come through for me then at last he bent down and he listened to my cry what a good God we serve and look at verse 49 Jesus stopped and said call him so they called to the blind man cheer up on your feet he's calling you you know this shows me you don't have to have sight to be seen God sees you even if you feel like you can't see him he sees you there's a God in heaven other eight billion people in the world he sees you he knows your name he knows what you need and let me be very clear you can come in here you might think that you know pastor Matt or your therapist or your leader or even this church is your Savior is Jesus I'm just gonna stop that right now we will let you down we are men we will let you down but we are simply the people that we see here that are shouting cheer Jesus is calling you get up and go to him look at verse 50 throwing his cloak aside he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus I want to pause because the Bible lists that he threw off the cloak and my fear is is that we can read that and just gloss over it throw off the cloak okay whatever but wait the call could have been laid on his lap to catch the livelihood that the donation the money the food and what does he do he throws it off I'm not living by the crumbs of man I'm not living by man's leftovers because God has something for me now remember his name was son of honor bartimaeus the man who had been dishonored outside of the gate overlooked walked by every single day every single week begging for the crumbs leftover from the table begins to stand up and step back into his name son of honor these savage prayers will change our faith and by changing our faith it will change our lives if you want God to move for you write this down you have to move towards God you want God to move for you move towards God look at verse 51 what do you want me to do for you Jesus asked him the blind man said rabbi meaning teacher I want to see see bartimaeus was savage because his prayer was impossible I want you to know he didn't pray for like global peace he didn't pray for a better home he did paper a better spa outside the temple gate he prayed for his sight and I firmly believe that Jesus is walking around asking what do you want me to do for you and if we believe that if we believe that this that God can speak to us and asking us as scripture says the question I have is what do you want God to do for you I want us to wrestle with that because sometimes we can come into church we can ask these thought-provoking questions and leave me like what's for brunch where I want to pause I'm gonna invite you at the end of service to shout out what do you want God to do for you we could point to if you're writing this down if you want God to move for you know what you want this is super important because a lot of times we get mad at God and we feel like God led us down God did not come through because but my fear in that and this erroneous thought is we feel like God didn't come through for us but we didn't even know what we wanted so much so that even if God gave you what you wanted you wouldn't even know that that's what you wanted because you did not articulate it now we are if we aren't living the life we imagined it's because we never imagined the life that we would live are you thinking about your future are you thinking about what God can do are you savage and chasing after it and many of us don't ask God for things because we were afraid that he's gonna let us down so we play these small prayers and we are walking around blind mistakingly believing that God doesn't have time for us God there's eight billion people in the world and you know I'm just blind and instead of believing that you could do something for me God do you think you can give me a walking stick so I could stumble less in life so he prays these small basic prayers instead of going after God with all that we have and believing him for the absolute impossible look at verse 51 what do you want me to do for you Jesus asked him as we were planning for TF hoc I can't explain this other than I got a vision of what our church was gonna be I got a vision of what this house was gonna do for people like I saw it and I couldn't explain it but I knew that this house was gonna have music come out of it that would change people's lives that those will be leading us in worship will actually create an environment for us to experience the presence of God I knew that but we had a slight problem George was starting in a few weeks and we didn't have a worship leader like I'm talking about like zero worship leaders like I'm talking about like not even maybe someone kind of with like a Cajon or something like we had zero worship leaders and so we were gathering people to come pray about the birth of the church in our living room and Matt and I would open up our house and we invite people in and and I'm just gonna speak in faith I said guess what guys as I pulled out the television and turned on YouTube I said today we're gonna be led my elevations Chris Brown as I played their worship song for elevation guess what guys today we were being led and worshiped by Brooke Leger what from Hillsong yeah cuz we had no one I began to pray savage prayers I got on my feet oh my god my on my knees I got in my face met and I begin to pray God we're starting to church in a couple weeks and we got nobody little did we know that hundreds of miles away two people were on their knees and praying savage prayers God where do you want us to go God what do you want to do for our life and God wove together these two crazy couples and I was praying for one worship leader but won't he do it God gave us two and Chloe and Taylor gone that's what I'm talking about and God's abundant blessings this is the year of abundance for the church and guess what through abundant resources and donations from other churches we got to pay them for a year guess since my god good this is what happens when we pray savage savage prayers but in those Sunday night so we were praying for the church and believing what does it look like and how do we behave when what we have seen doesn't but what we see doesn't match up with what God has said see God told me this was my house of prayer and praise when we got a worship leader what happens on what we hear doesn't match up with the hear you know what I'm saying are you gonna be savage enough to believe are you gonna be savage enough to ask and ask and ask and I think a lot of us do not ask because we're protecting God and his reputation well if he doesn't come through I don't want to be let down I don't want others think that my God has no power so a lot of us are praying very small prayers and small asks and small desires and I believe that God is suffocating in a very tiny box that we tried to put him in and God wants to break out and show you his plans and his desires and his will for your life I believe that when we are savage we can bust through these doors look at verse 51 what do you want me to do for you Jesus asked him the blind man said rabbi I want to see Jesus knew what the blind man needed but he made him ask for what he wanted because God cares about what we want do you know what you want are you getting leftovers of what other people have left behind do you know what you want is there a want inside your soul is there a dream that you've dreamt that you haven't told anyone is there a desire inside of you and maybe you're here today and you are like I don't even know I don't even know what God has for me it's been so long since I've even dreamed it's been so long since I believe that God even has a plan for my life the flip side of this is we come in here and I ask what do you want and the flesh part of us I include myself is the for long we're like Lord bless me with Ferrari Lord bless me with the mansion and in Crystal Cove Lord bless me with a hot wife you know or the single Garza like Oh Lord bless me with the rich old man with the trust fund is about to kick the bucket you know before long we began asking for the wrong things okay and guess what James speaks to this in James chapter 4 verse 2 it begins with you do not have because you do not ask God when you do ask when you you do not receive because you ask with wrong motives that you may spend what you get on on your pleasures see so we kind of take verse 3 and we make it a supposition for why we don't ask because the heart is wicked above all else it's nefarious if I ask for bad things I'm just afraid that God's not gonna come through because I'm a bad person so we we skip over verse 2 which says you have not because you ask not you don't ask because you don't even know what you want what would it be like to pause and say what do I want God to do and when you know what you want have the courage to ask God last and final point for those taking notes when you want God to move delight in him no matter what the outcome god whatever you have for me I'm savage enough to believe that you're gonna give me what you know that I need and look at Psalm 37:4 it says delight in the Lord and he will he will give you the desires of your heart when you fall in love with God I believe that he places a desire in your heart that is molded by him God shapes your future by shaping your heart and if you don't know what you want if you feel lost maybe it's because you've stepped away from God but come close to him lay on his bosom so he is able to whisper into or ear what he desires God wants to shape what you want by giving you what you longed for look at verse 52 go jesus says your faith has healed you immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road faith what healed this Mazin faith what if faith could heal your marriage what if faith could qualify you for a job that you don't deserve what if faith can restore a broken relationship what if faith could heal you in the past year leading here at TF hoc God whispered to Matt and I that this was gonna be a place for the outcasts for the misfits for the broken the busted the rich the influential the sole empty and aching in the last year I have seen people far from God draw close and dreams and passions are reinvigorated I've seen marriages on the brink of divorce come together because of a good guy I've I've seen I've seen people sick with illnesses find healing at him I've seen this what do you want God to do for you we aren't living the life that we imagined because we never imagined the life that we would live so today I'm gonna ask you what do you want God to do for you if Jesus was walking in this room down the aisles which he is because scripture says we're tore through I gathered I am there in the mist Jesus is walking here and saying what do you want me to do for you that you cannot do for yourself how would you want me to enter in and prove to you that I am a God who sees you I'm gonna ask you to be like blind bartimaeus I'm gonna ask you to shout out what you want God to do in your life but before before because right now you're like there's no way I can do that I'm embarrassed I don't want anyone to know but will you be like blind bartimaeus to throw off your cloak and not care and stumble to the voice of Jesus and let me remind you that there is no problem too big that God cannot solve there is no prayer too that he will not answer there is no promise that he cannot fulfill there is no broken heart that he cannot mend there is no relationship that he cannot restore there is no person that he cannot say there is no sin that he cannot forgive there is no pain that my God cannot redeem there is no chaos that my God cannot bring peace there's no fear that he cannot swell ch there is no bondage and he cannot break there's no need that he cannot meet there is no enemy that he cannot defeat and there's no mountain that my God cannot move so friends I ask you right now I ask you brother and sister I ask you by the mercies of Jesus Christ what do you want God to do for you this is not a rhetorical question to the blind Bartimaeus this is your opportunity will you shout back amongst the crowd will you cry out to Jesus and tell them your need what do you want God to do for you heal me feel my uncle my family he'll my health problems he will heal my sister heal my son success for my business in my family family salvation family salvation someone said buy something back over there hope I believe that God hears you and my fear my concern Orange County is that we remain silent out of fear of what other people will think but I want to openly declare that this is gonna be a church of blind bartimaeus we say Jesus met me on the outside of the city Jesus met me I was blind I was blind but God gave me sight I was broken busted and God gave me a job I was on the verge of a divorce but God heals me because when people see it move in your life it gives him faith for theirs I want to be savage I wanted dare to believe God is who he says he is not for me before this county for the state for the nation can we be a people a people group that is saying my God is good and I will see God in the land of the living can we worship God in this house can we dance our feet come on Church I will worship let's go church we will not be silent hi my name is Matt Hall top from the pastor's here at the father's house thank you so much for watching our youtube channel but don't stop here be sure to subscribe below so you don't miss out on a single service you can also support this ministry by clicking the give Now button and help us continue reaching and inviting people around the world to discover freedom and life in Jesus thank you so much for watching god bless [Music]
Channel: The Father's House OC
Views: 26,510
Rating: 4.9311256 out of 5
Keywords: The Father's House OC, TFHOC, TFH, The Father's House, Bianca Olthoff, Matt Olthoff, Churches in anaheim, Churches in orange county, female bible teacher, savage prayers, savage jesus, Elevation Church, Transformation Church, Steven Furtick, Mike Todd, Sunday Service, Christine Caine, How do I pray?, What happens when I pray, dangerous prayers, what is prayer?, Mark 5, Matthew 7, Blind bartimaeus, God heals, Does God answer my prayers?, propel, a21
Id: tgcoqy_0r4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 10sec (2290 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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