What Did Elvis Presley Love To Eat?

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Elvis Presley enjoyed food and his appetite was as extraordinary as his onstage Persona most of us are aware that he enjoyed banana and peanut butter sandwiches however he had lots of other favorites too much of the food Pressley grew up eating was soul food which his Cooks had graced un later recreated for him he often overindulged to an amazing degree because he had a lifestyle where he could eat as much of everything he wanted whenever he wanted after growing up in poverty he was a creature of habit and disliked change in his meals according to Mary Jenkins Langston one of his Cooks who said in the documentary the burger and the king so whether he was performing at home in Vegas or in Germany he would ask for people to bring him familiar dishes or prepare them for him Presley's metabolism sadly couldn't keep up with his eating habits and he was only about 350 lb when he pass passed away we believe that after reading about the foods that changed Elvis Presley's life you'll have a better understanding of his fasination with food so here are the top seven foods Elvis Presley love to eat number seven bacon you need to comprehend Elvis Presley's intense fondness for bacon before we continue with the list of foods he enjoyed in southern cooking bacon and bacon grease are necessary seasonings it's hardly surprising that bacon was significant to him given that he grew up in Tupelo Mississippi where Southern Cuisine played a significant role in his life he enjoyed it either by itself or when added to almost anything and we can't really blame him since it's so delicious however it did significantly increase the amount of fat calories and cholesterol in his already fatty diet to serve at gron Gatherings he alleged allegedly even invented party meatballs wrapped in bacon Cooks made sure bacon was constantly in the refrigerator after Presley's rise to popularity and moved to graand in Memphis to ensure they would never run out it is said that the chef kept a supply of it cooked and available for nibbling and Presley would consume an entire pound at once according to Mary Jenkins Langston one of Presley's grac and Cooks the idea that he likes his bacon burnt is untrue Presley really preferred his bacon to be quite crisp number six grilled peanut butter and banana sandwiches Elvis Presley enjoyed eating grilled peanut butter and banana sandwiches if you haven't heard of any of his other favorites this well-known sandwich was gooey sugary perfection in Presley's eyes his chef at grund took some time to perfect the recipe starting with toasted bread and Grilling each sandwich with roughly 5 tspoons of butter was necessary to get Presley's approval so you ended up with flawlessly toasted bread that was both permeated with peanut butter and butter and flowing with both of them if you're in Memphis you can visit the Arcade restaurant one of Presley's favorite Memphis Hangouts and order a sandwich with peanut butter and banana that's reminiscent of the one Elvis adored the sandwich however has only been available there since 2001 although Presley never really a PB and Bee sandwich there the eery sells 300 every week during the annual Elvis week in August and 100 every week on a regular week number five Fool's Gold Loaf a friend once told Elvis Presley about a ridiculous sandwich called a Fool's Gold loaf that was served at the Colorado Mine Company in Denver Colorado so they boarded a plane to try it out at first he fell in love the official recipe called BS for toasting a loaf of French white bread that has been covered in 2 tablespoons of margarine the loaf is then hollowed out and a pound of crisp bacon a jar of smooth peanut butter and a jar of jelly are all placed within Presley loved the sandwich so much that once in the middle of the night he took a special trip to Denver to get it he promptly took off for grund after the restaurant sent 22 of the enormous sandwiches to his aircraft on the Airfield in Denver next up big breakfasts Elvis Presley loved morning meals especially the modest Foods he grew up eating and always insisted on a king-size breakfast therefore there were no elaborate items like omelets on the menu additionally he enjoyed having breakfast in bed when you have someone else wash your bedding for you who cares if you get crumbs and bacon grease on them you might expect that given his fondness for bacon his meals were filled with a lot of it he would have baked biscuits fried in butter sausage patties four scrambled eggs and occasionally fried bacon for breakfast according to his cook Mary Jenkins Langston he liked fried potatoes melon cubes pancakes with applesauce and melted butter freshly baked rolls and grilled peanut butter and banana sandwiches for breakfast among other things according to the New York Times I'd bring the tray up to his room and he'd say this is good Mary he'd have butter running down his arms number three meatloaf Elvis Presley craved meatloaf so frequently that he once insisted on having it every day for a period of 6 months regardless of how long he was set on Meatloaf it's probably safe to say that it was one of his favorite meals some reports even claim it was an 8mon meatloaf spell rather than six the family's meatloaf recipe may be found in the Presley family cookbook authored by Vernon Presley Elvis father and Nancy Rooks a longtime grcon cook ground beef bread cubes wheat germ minced garlic celery videlia onions eggs salt and pepper are all required in the recipe ground beef is held together in a loaf pan by wheat germ and bread cubes the Presley family's Meatloaf was covered with tomato juice that thickened after cooking as opposed to standard meatloaf recipes that use ketchup it was without a doubt a fan favorite and Rooks frequently prepared the king of rock and rolls meatloaf using this recipe a postcard with a different meatloaf recipe that includes bell pepper crackers in place of bread and wheat germ and ketchup added to the tomato sauce topping is also available from graysun so it appears that the chefs of grund prepared it in two separate ways VB B Pizza BB2 pizza was yet another Memphis dish that Elvis Presley favored Presley particularly likes going to ketas to have BBQ Pizza Pizza wasn't previously on the menu of the Italian restaurant however the restaurant owner sent his son to Chicago to learn how to cook it because military members who had sampled it abroad kept asking for it when the restaurant started serving pizza in the early 1950s it chose to add Memphis Style Bar barue as a southern flare nobody else was selling BBQ pizza at the time according to the restaurant therefore it appears that Keta created this well-known Pizza lastly cheeseburgers Elvis Presley could fill himself up with three BLTs eight premium cheeseburgers and three entire milkshakes for dessert this was back when he was in his 20s and just starting to become famous before he started eating like this and put on a lot of weight he would count on his Pals to smuggle in a bag of hamburgers for him to consume even when he was in the hospital and following a strict diet when Presley was a kid he frequented Johnny's barbq Drive-In for cheeseburgers in Tupelo Mississippi there RC Cola was the drink of choice for him the eery has a picture of eldis Pressley visiting it to eat and you can sit in the same booth and look up at the picture on the wall above it however since they now exclusively sell Pepsi products you can no longer obtain an RC in Memphis Presley enjoyed eating cheeseburgers at the arcade or the grid iron eateries he would order them with mustard pickles and onions at the grid iRun he would order a milkshake and a side of fries he also adored the little hamburgers at Crystal though he'd order so many Crystal hamburgers that it would take a lot of effort on the part of everyone at graand to eat them all one of the biggest concentrations of Crystal Restaurants in the United States is still found in the Memphis area one is even located on Elvis Presley Boulevard very appropriately so which one sounded the most delicious share your answers down below and don't forget to give this video a thumbs up that's all for now thank you so much for watching
Channel: Celebrity Lifestyle & Moments
Views: 8,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elvis presley, elvis, CL&M, lisa marie presley, priscilla, riley keough
Id: rrumlTzYfag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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