Graceland, Then & Now: 1960’s | SECRET GRACELAND #43

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Hi guys, and welcome back to another  installment of Secret Graceland, number 43.  Today we will be looking at some photos of  Elvis, his family and friends at Graceland,   all from the 1960s, the only full decade  Elvis spent there. If you haven’t yet seen   the 1950s video I did, check that out.  We’re going to take a look at each photo,   then that spot today. Comparing then and  now is one of my favorite things ever   and I scoured my files and selected these  photos that stuck out to me. Let’s jump in. We’re starting our tour right outside the  famous gates. Here is a nice color look   in the very early days, of Elvis’s first  cousins, Billy and Bobby Smith. They are   standing where it was still dirt in front of  a new brick wall. Here is that spot today.   Turning just a bit to the right, here is  the boys’ dad, Elvis’s Uncle Travis Smith,   Gladys Presley’s brother. Again this whole  area was just dirt. And that spot now. If this doesn’t look familiar it’s because it’s  a view fans only saw between 1957 and 1970. This   was the original guard shack on the property. Like  we talked about in the last then and now episode,   Graceland, Then & Now: 1950’s, Elvis gave his  friend Gary Pepper’s’s dad Sterling a job as a   gate guard. Sterling died in this guard shack  in the summer of 1970 of a heart attack. The   wooden one guard shack was replaced with  the brick one we see today around 1970. Elvis is careening by on his golf cart. That  was right here, right next to the stone wall. Let’s go up to the front of the mansion and  take a look at a few photos taken out here.  We don’t see this today. Taken in August  1965, this is the breezeway connecting the   Music Room to the Trophy Building. The Trophy  Building was built that year so originally,   this is how that middle part looked  that connected the two spaces,   that’s the corner of the house on the left, the  edge that is the Music Room. It had this aluminum   or metal siding and green top. Some of this  is still there. Let’s see this spot now. It’s   a more permanent structure with a real roof,  but some of that metal siding is still there,   we can see beyond the tree. There’s the Trophy  Building of the right, that tan brick building. Another great photo from August 1965 of the  front of the house. You can even see that   green breezeway roof in the background next  to the Music Room. The house looks virtually   the same today. Here we see the lion,  the wrought iron bench and a red gazing   ball inside the decorative vase. Today, it’s  exactly the same. The decorative vase holds   plants today but these are Elvis’s actual  benches you can sit on and take a picture. Going inside the house, you might’ve seen  this photo of Priscilla from the late 1960s.   I think Elvis took this one actually. This  is from the same day of the footage of her   slowly walking down the main staircase. See  the door behind her and the blue curtain?   She is standing at the staircase landing,  probably just about to descend the stairs. Next, let’s go into the living and look at two  incredible peeks into 1963, in two photos shared   with us fans by collector Fred Whobrey. Here is a  gorgeous look at a day in the life at Graceland in   the living room, isn’t this amazing?… it looks so  similar today. And another from the opposite end   of the room that we get to see on the tour. There  is plenty to notice here so I created a separate   video all about this one photo when it recently  surfaced online, you can check it out in the link   here at the top and in the description  box below. And here is that view today. Also taken is this room is this famous  photo of Elvis pictured playing his bass,   seated on the couch in this shot by the  Commercial Appeal. It is one of my all   time favorites of Elvis at Graceland and of  the house itself. This crystal clear photo   is a stunning look into life at Graceland  in 1965. And that same exact spot today. We’re bouncing around on the timeline but we’re  going in order of the tour path. So next on the   tour is the Music Room beyond the Living Room.  In 1960, a fraternity called the TKE presented   an award to Elvis and he hosted his guests in  Graceland’s Music Room. I created a video all   about this event, you can watch it up here in  this link or in the description box below. In   this photo, a couple of the fraternity brothers  are standing around Elvis and he’s kneeling down,   signing things for them. You’ll probably recognize  the TV behind him and that’s how we can see where   they are. Just a few years later in 1963, this  awesome photo was taken and shared with us by   Fred Whobrey. This photo is from the same angle  as the photo we just saw. The TV has been taken   out of the room and stored away, and this piano  is now moved in that spot. But some of the other   furniture might be familiar, like the gold couch  on the left and the gold and white coffee table.   Then here is that very room today, with many  of the timeless pieces of the 1950s and 60s. Let’s take our tour down the hall to Elvis’s  grandma Minnie Mae’s former bedroom. This was   taken by Jimmy Velvet. That’s Gary  Pepper, Elvis’s fan and friend and   Elvis’s grandma in her chair. They are  sitting inside this downstairs bedroom,   that we see on the tour. Fast forward a couple  years to the late 60’s and baby Lisa came along.   Here she is sitting on her great grandmother’s  bed, cracking up. See the headboard and lamp   in the background? Here’s another where they  propped her up on the pillows. She’s here,   in this bedroom, on this very bed, that  has been reupholstered but is the same one. Next up is another incredible photo from  inside the dining room circa 1963. This   is another Fred Whobrey share from the corner of  the dining room that us fans don’t get to walk in.   When this first surfaced a couple years  ago, we got a look at totally new angles   and furniture that we’d never seen before.  So of course I made a video all about this   and another “new” dining room photo,  you can check out in the link here at   the top and in the description box below.  And here is somewhat of that view today. Another photo from 1963 that has  been floating around out there for   some time is this one taken from the  back of the dining room of Priscilla   halfway into the kitchen. This time we  are in color and we can see all the way   through to the Music Room. Then here  is this exact view today…beautiful. Our tour is now going into to kitchen  to look at some newly surfaced,   fascinating looks at the kitchen in the 1960s.  Fred Whobrey shared these next two gems with   us a couple of years ago. Here’s Dee Presley,  Vernon Presley’s second wife, at the forefront,   18 year old Priscilla in the back, seated inside  the kitchen eating breakfast. Now here is that   same spot now. It’s not the same counter top,  appliances or cupboards, Elvis did remodeling   soon after but this is where that photo was taken.  Next, a photo of Vernon having his breakfast. Yes,   this is Graceland. At this point, 1963, the  kitchen was the end of the house. The jungle   room didn’t exist yet. Those windows overlooked  the backyard. And that door behind him went into   the hall. Vernon was sitting at the threshold  of the kitchen doorway today, where Priscilla   and Lisa are standing in this photo from 2012.  That door behind him went into this hallway.  If you want to learn more about what  can be seen in these two photos and how   the kitchen layout was before the jungle room  was added, guess who made a video on it? Yep,   yours truly. It can be found in the link here  at the top and in the description box below. Now we’re going to explore the basement in  the 1960s. Here’s a photo from the mirrored   staircase down to the basement in the early 60s.  I don’t know who that man is but there’s 18 year   old Priscilla peeking in from the doorway.  This is another from the amazing collection   of Fred Whobrey. You probably have a photo  from this staircase on the tour, here’s mine. Today, when we reach the basement TV room, it  has a distinct blue and yellow theme that was   remodeled in 1974. But what did it look like  before that? Here is the basement back in the   1960s. This is where Elvis had the gold records  he had acquired and just one TV at this point.   It’s a very nice, cozy space. See that 10 speaker  squares on the bottom left? Now here is that view   today. A lot has moved around and the colors are  totally different but those 10 squares remain. In March 1960, Elvis met with a DJ and fan club  president in the basement TV room, future TCB den,   and took a few pictures. These give us some of the  very few glimpses this far back into this space   and how it was decorated before the big changes of  the 1970s. Take a look at the art on the left of   this man, that’s the projector screen. Now here  is that space now, and what we recognize from   the tour. So much has changed but that art on the  projector screen stayed the same all these years. We are now taking our tour up to the  jungle room, but since it’s the 1960s,   the family refers to it as the den. In  1967, Elvis threw Priscilla a surprise   22nd birthday party right here in this room in  1967. There was video taken at that birthday   and we’ll be looking at a couple stills  from it. If you want an in depth analysis,   I go into a lot more detail in a Secret Graceland  titled ‘ Birthday Party in the Jungle Room,   in the link here at the top and in the description  box below. In that home movie, it pans around the   room at Minnie Mae sitting here on this red  chair. There’s a green glass behind her as   well as some other tell tale features that show  where this was taken. Now here is where that was,   Grandma was sitting on a chair where this furry  bench is today. In a different part of the room,   Joe Esposito is waiting for a slice of birthday  cake. Behind him is a stone wall with a wooden   statue perched high up. Now here is what  that portion of the room looks like today. While we’re still in the same area, this  is a few years earlier. Elvis and Vernon   are standing in a screened in porch and none of  it is recognizable. Not the structure or even   the furniture. After 1965, this space was built  into the den or jungle room that we know today. Skipping around in time again, here  is Priscilla and friends dressed up   for a formal event. During the  time she lived at Graceland,   the den had red carpet and red floral curtains.  See that door with windows behind them? They are   all standing in front of this back door here,  that has been brown since the jungle theme. In 1968, the Presleys made an addition to their  family and there are some great photos to show her   off. This photo was taken in their home of the  three seated on the couch with wood paneling   in the background. Notice how there’s an angle  of paneling the goes up to the side all the way   on the right side above the bar stools? The  family was sitting in the middle of the den,   or jungle room as we know it, with  the staircase in the background. Let’s go off to the side under the carport.  Gorgeous photo of the pink Cadillac parked   under the carport. To me its a museum artifact  so its kinda funny to see it parked here,   back then it was just a regular car. Beyond this  we can see that screened in porch and the garage   still had doors, even though it was already  renovated into the annex apartment…. Here is   my photo of that spot from a few months ago going  on a UVIP tour, I just wanted to remember what it   looked like, I didn’t realize I was recreating  several photos from many decades prior…. In March 1960, Elvis came  back from the Army and gave   a press conference at Graceland just  before they headed inside the office,   this photo was taken outside his dad’s  office. Elvis was standing right here. Next, we’re going inside the Trophy Building  to look at some special photos. This is what   the Trophy Building was originally made for,  Elvis’s new hobby of slot cars and to house   this enormous track. This is taken from the  back of what is now the main exhibit space,   facing the swimming pool. For years, this was  the only photo I’d ever seen of the room from   back then. Recently, I came across this gem  on Billy Stanley’s Facebook. I don’t know   who it belongs to but I want to give credit to  where it came from. This is an incredible view   of the space and shows just how mastic this  track was. See that door in the back left?   Here is a smidge of how this space looks like  today. Elvis got over slot cars pretty quickly   and this room evolved over time, today it  houses artifacts in climate controlled cases. In May of 1967 Elvis and Priscilla held their  second wedding reception in this very space. Here   is a photo from that party…this was for all their  friend and family that couldn’t make the actually   wedding in Las Vegas. But we actually walk right  past this spot that they’re standing when we walk   the tour path. That spot is right here where this  TV is displayed on this little platform today. Another photo I wanted to discuss that was  taken in here is this amazing photo of Elvis,   Priscilla and Gary Pepper from the couple’s second  wedding reception held in this very room. If you   don’t know who Gary Pepper is, he was a huge  Elvis fan who became a friend invited into the   inner circle. He also happened to have cerebral  palsy. I’ve created a handful of videos all about   Gary and Elvis and am working on a few more.  Anyway, see the horse decor above them and the   strip of wallpaper to the right of that? Here’s  a photo of the room in the mid 70s. To the left,   there’s the couch with the horse above it and  a strip of wallpaper. Also, see to the right of   the couch, a post sticks out of the wall and  has something black running down it. Today,   this is that wall inside the Trophy Building. It  looks totally different. But see that post that   sticks out of the wall in the middle? Although  there is now a case built into the wall to the   left of it, that is where that gold couch was  where Elvis posed with Gary all those years ago. On the tour, once we exit the trophy building we  head to the Racquetball Building but since that   wasn’t built yet in the 1960s, let’s head over  to the pool. Speaking of the trophy building,   this is what that whole space looked like  before it was even built. This is the early   60s and one of the clearest of this area to  understand it better. This was taken by Jimmy   Velvet and published in his book, ‘Inside  the Dream.’ There’s the pool right in front,   the upper patio area was where the Trophy  Building was built right on top of. See that   white part of the house with the pointed roof and  double doors? That’s the Music Room. Back then,   Elvis could come down to the pool through  there. So on the pool level, see that half   brick wall straight ahead and the white wrought  iron above it? That is where Grandma Minnie Mae,   Dee Presley and some other friends are  hanging out in this photo. I love this one,   it’s one of my favorites from the 60s. That brick  still exists, and now that area looks like this. Getting an even better look at the  entire space from the early 1960s,   this amazing shot was shared by collector Fred  Whobrey. This young lady is standing in the future   Meditation Garden next to the original fountain  back when this was just a simple garden. It’s   interesting how back then it was mostly grass  with walkways and here is that same view today. In 1966, Elvis, Priscilla and their friends Jerry  Schilling and Sandy Kawelo posed for some photos   in the Meditation Garden. There are four stained  glass windows in the brick wall surrounding the   garden and the friends stood in front of the  one on the far right, with a white circle at   the bottom that kind go looks like an eye.  Here is where they were all standing. Lastly,   they were all also picture near the front  of the garden, in a more casual shot. Jerry   and Sandy are distracted, Elvis and Priscilla  are looking ahead. Elvis is standing in front   of one of the four decorative metal pots built  into the wrought iron surrounding the fountain. And that is it. Thank you for watching,  and I’ll see you in the next one. (Music)
Channel: Ashley's Adventures
Views: 30,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elvis, elvis presley, graceland, history, graceland upstairs, secret graceland, ASMR, memphis tennessee, priscilla presley, lisa marie presley, riley keough, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, graceland gates
Id: ObNDVdyqnMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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