British Highschoolers try Wendy's for the first time!

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We're back, we're back! Ready? How you guys doing? Hungry. You good? You hungry? Very hungry. Have you heard of Wendy's? No. I know it's like a massive chain in America. Heard of it in America. Doesn't it shut down a lot? Wendy's started in 1969 by a guy called Dave. Named after his daughter Wendy. The main burger. Is Dave's Double. Is that what it's called? It's got your name on it. What is this? Oh my. Oh it's huge. Oh my days. Why is the patty square? That's square hamburgers, that's massive. How am I going to eat that without making a mess then? Straight in there. Oh my. That is amazing. That's good. Dave's a good man. Dave is a good man. Yeah, Dave did something here. Okay. I trust him. Yeah Dave was doing it. It's so nice. Better than McDonald's and all those fakes. Wow. This is the one. That is really good. It's way better than McDonald's. It's lovely. Really good fast food burger. Yeah. The burgers are thicker than our burgers. It's more juicy. It's bigger as well. It tastes like real meat and the cheese is all melted and it's amazing. It's like a proper patty. But it's just square. Wendy's, what's going on? It's like eating square pizza. Just shush. Why are they square though? I think the delivery driver just went. Okay. Is that specific to Wendy's or? I think so. I think it's an attempt to stand out from the crowd maybe. But in a round bun. Yeah. Messed that up didn't they. Why not square bun with a square burger? That would make sense. Honestly Wendy's should get on that. If I were them I'd look at all things that come square. You could grow tomatoes in a mould. Square tomatoes, square onions. Square egg. Isaac Toast has got it down. Exactly. Yeah. So. I'm just eating. It's really nice. Really nice. There's a lot of stuff in the burger as well. Some pickles, onions, lettuce. Tomato. Tomato, cheese. It's got everything. It's a nice burger. Yeah. Really nice. People eat this regularly. Yeah. They're living life. X2 8.5. 8.5 out of 10. 8.5. Okay. Strong start. Next up we have another iconic Wendy's menu item. Now this is maybe the most popular item on the menu. I'll decide that. Okay. I didn't know that was up for debate. Okay. This is like, that's why I'm here. That's why I'm here. The Baconator. The names that these American people come up with. Oh, that sounds good to me. That's a good name. It is a good name. The Baconator. Oh wow. No no, put it away. Put it away. Why is this stretching? I've never seen cheese like this. Oh wow. I'll never get nothing like this in the UK. Oh yeah. Oh my. Oh yeah. It's the same with a strip of bacon. The secret's out. Yes, they got rid of the veggies. Three, two, one. That's delicious. Oh my gosh. This wins, I don't care. No. These were never in the competition. Wow. Better than Dave's Double. Miles better. Wow. Poor Dave. Miles better. Is Wendy's close to here? No. Is it actually? It's not that close, unfortunately. It's brilliant. Yeah. It's absolutely brilliant. I mean, I prefer the sauce in the other burger. Oh, OK. The bacon makes everything better, doesn't it? In life. That's lovely, that. Yeah. Too much bacon. OK. I never thought a Baconator would be criticised for having too much bacon. This is actually really good. I might actually get this over the ones that I make at home. If the whole world tried Wendy's, McDonald's will go bankrupt. Yeah, it will go out of business, man. Oh my gosh. They also do Baconator fries. That looks good. Yes. Oh, Baconator fries. Not going to lie, it sounds like they just, Want to use the word Baconator in something else. I mean, you would. You would. You would. These are like real cheesy fries, not the fakes, You get from the seaside that have a little sprinkle. Oh, it's more cheese than bacon. Big problem. Oh, you're not a fan of cheesy fries. I like cheese. Not too much. Chees and chips is... All right, Baconator fries. The cheese is all melted. That is so good. Do you know what, as well, remember the first video, When I said I didn't like potatoes? Potatoes. I'm not like a massive fan. That's weird. Because I'm Irish. Now I like potatoes. It's cheesy. Very cheesy. Very cheesy. But I like it, though. There's nothing to be said. Wow. That's a solid. It's too good to be a side. I'm not a fan. Oh. It's too much cheese for me. I'm not a big fan. You don't like the cheese. Cheese is happiness. It's not really cheese, is it? It's something. It's not cheese. American cheese. It's kind of like cheese sauce, really, isn't it? It's nice. I'm not the biggest fries fan. If you could have burger and chips, or just two burgers, what would you do? Burger and chips? It depends how hungry I am. So next question. Is your last bite chips or burger? What? What are you dying of? Your last bite in the meal is always the best bit. Like in a roast dinner. You don't end on a carrot, do you? Careful what you say. It always ends. Would you end on a burger, not on the chips? I don't know. Often, if you're eating in a car or something, you'll find a chip afterwards down here. And you'll be like, oh. Often I'll just find a burger as well. Oh, it's a burger. Next up, we have, One of the fan favourites at Wendy's. Spicy chicken nuggets. I don't think they're going to be that spicy. Pepper's spicy for me. Come on, Matt. Let's give it a taste. Yeah, Matt. Oh my gosh, they're so small. These are like mini mozzarella bites. There's not that many in there. You know when you go to McDonald's, you get a lot. But then at McDonald's, it'd be a main. This is a side. Oh, it's a side. That's good, actually. All right, let's go. That's good. The bacon kind of I mean, the barbecue sauce kind of tastes like honey. Is there any water, please. He's actually gone red. I know. Oh my gosh. Can I have some more water, please? Yeah, I'm liking these. Wendy's not missing at all. It feels like it's actual chicken. Tastes like proper chicken. Like, it actually looks like it's made at home. Not in a factory. It's quite a low bar, really, when you think about it. Yeah, chicken nuggets in general. You want it to taste like actual chicken. Yeah. And then you're impressed. Next up, we have Spicy Chicken Sandwich. Why the special name? They love a chicken sandwich in America, don't they? Yeah. You guys liked the Popeyes? We did. Spicy Chicken Sandwich. It was nice. Let's see if Wendy's can compete. The lettuce and tomato in there looks almost token. It's not really doing much, but Oh, you're oh, he's just putting a stream of lettuce Is that to help with the spice? You need to cool your mouth down a little bit. Bless you, mate. It's like a massive chicken nugget. It actually is. It actually does look like that. Yeah. All right, ready? Ready? Let's taste. Oh, my gosh. This one's the best one. That is amazing. Yeah, wow. No, this one's the best one. Nice and simple, just like I like it. The lettuce isn't crunchy enough. Yeah. It's too soft. Like, you want to have a bit of give. OK. There's not enough different texture in there. The burger tastes nice, but it's a bit plain compared, To the other two burgers. It's just plain. It's just... Basic. It's just basic. Yeah. It is just chicken sandwich. It's a five. It's your average burger. Yeah, it's just straight down the middle. What do we think? It's too hot. You don't have a bite out of it. It's too hot. So how does that compare to, like, chicken shop chicken that you get here? Chicken shop chicken is still clear. OK. It's still clear. No, it's just got that little edge. I've got a theory for chicken shops. Yeah? The more I run down the chicken shop, the better the food is. OK. OK. Wow. That is a risky theory. That is a risky theory. Risky theory. You'll get salmonella man. Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sandwich? That's top tier. Top tier. We have the last iconic menu item from Wendy's. A little dessert. A Frosty. We don't really have Frosty's here in the UK. Somewhere in between an ice cream and a milkshake. So do you drink it all? You probably have it with a spoon. Frosty is famous for, because you can tip it upside down. It's not going to fall out. Oh, you really can. Like a meringue. I can't risk doing that. Very good. That is so good. This is good. That's good. Yeah. So nice. You're a fan of the Frosty. That is good. I'm a very big fan of this. Yeah, I like that. It's good? Yeah. It's crazy. It's like a drink. It's like ice cream, but it's a milkshake at the same time. I'm actually shocked. I'm actually shocked. Oh my days. Wow. I'm surprised how subtle the flavours are. Most other things we've had that American are really strong, And sweet, and sickly, which I love. But these are quite English flavours. It's nice. Good for the spice. Are you still feeling the spice? That's something I'd do like hot summer day after playing football would be brilliant. You know what? I have to try this. Do you want to dip your fries in? No, get away from it. Please, please, please. That's disgusting. Please, please. You don't dip your fries in your milkshake? Do you actually? Yeah. I love it. That is so good. No. Fries and Frosty is an iconic combo. I mean, the Americans have some weird combos. Let's try chocolate. Want to try? Is it good? You know it's better with the chocolate one. Yeah. It's because you get that sweet and salty combination. Yeah. So good. No, it's weird. It's not right. Morally, it's not right. Wow. If I ever get rich, I'm going to have a built in Wendys. OK. Wow. Wow. Richie Rich style. If it was a regular, like, fast food in the UK, I'd definitely go with that. I'd go with it all the time. Really? I'll go with it more than McDonald's. Take out McDonald's. Get rid of them. Knock it down. Knock it down. Any last words you want to say to Wendy? Wendy's still alive. Yeah. Hang in there, Wendy. Keep going. Hi, Wendy. Is Wendy a person? Wendy's a person, yeah. Dave's daughter. Who? Dave. Dave is the guy who started Wendy's. Yeah. Oh, Dave. Dave. And her brother ate her. Baconator. Oh, my gosh. Really sound like you were saying he ate her, which is very worrying. Very, very worrying. Origin story. I think this is much better than the fast food burgers we would have. One Dave to another. Really good. One Dave to another. All right, excellent, guys. We'll see you jolly soon. See you jolly soon. Bye. Bye.
Channel: JOLLY
Views: 2,708,553
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Keywords: JOLLY, josh, ollie, British, UK, English, englishman, comedy, duo, food, react, try, tries, best, weirdest, craziest, series, online, guest, memes, Gentleman, Brits, international, spicy, spiciest, hottest, noodles, snacks, fast food, best friends, infinite possibilities, gabie, kook, carrott, kendal, review, taste, test, steven lim, watcher, travel, sorted food, highschoolers, meme, tiktok, weird, rappers, actually good, paris, london, L.A., mcdonalds, michelin, crazy, asmr, mukbang, nyc, new york, city, american, biscuits, gravy, southern
Id: ilgrgVxVcv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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