From Christianity to Africanity

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foreign [Music] moving from Christianity to africanity it doesn't matter which way we look at it in where the way we accept it or not and how we are moving away from a colonization because Christianity really speaks to our spirits being colonized and so the move from colonization whether we're moving from Christianity whether we're moving from Islam from Islam and starting to own our own Spirit our own our own spirituality and our own spiritual journey and we also have the understanding now as as we dig deeper and as Scholars to find that the Christian story or the story of the Christ is actually an African story well um I beg to differ a bit about that because if you're looking at the Christian the Christ from Biblical point of view using Bible less history although the Bible is not a history book it's a book of faith purporting to details at the history of certain group of people which is the Jews or the Israelites you find that the men they talk about in The Gospel you know Matthew Mark Luke and John is a Syrian it was a Syrian Mystic who spoke Aramaic and now people will go to the descriptions of the color of the skin that is the Bible say his skin was bent like brass his hair is like wool his eyes are like flames of fire or brownish therefore these are physical characteristics of a black person but these are the same physical characteristics of Muammar Gaddafi these are the same physical characteristics of Sai Baba of India so basically they are darker skin people who are not necessarily African like you get them in South America the Aztecs the all Megs you get them in South India you get them in the black Arabs themselves some will say Muhammad's the prophet Muhammad's mother was a black Arab or nevertheless in Arab so the then you there is some Scholars who say the story of Christ is taken from Osiris from Egypt and therefore this is and they'll even go to the point of say Cara krst from the hieroglyphics and said this is the Christ but on the etymology the context is different even though it was taken from Egypt let's say for interest sake it was it was taken from kimet but in committee was not called Jesus and Kim it was not called Christ in committee they were not calling us Christ so some will come up with comparatives like comparing Osiris Horus and Isis and says for the Trinity father mother and child but for me this is a farfetch this is a far-fetched and it's also a result of our colonization that even some of our people when they are waking up to the African Spirit and the African Soul they're still searching for the Christian God in Africa so they go around and making a Christian deities out of the African indigenous Gods so that they continue to to fit into the narrative but also the African stories of spirituality is not patriarchal so the biblical about is very patriarchal Jehovah and by extension his son Jesus is very very patriarchal story uh it's very uh contradicting African spirituality actually here in Africa we started worshiping women before we worship men before we have male deities we had feminine creative principles as our goddess you can go to the nguni cosmology they talk about which is basically the energy of the universe which is basically an androgenous force that is neither male or female or that kid is both male and female qualities in it it's a force not a person who means but then when Menses send the first principle is the principle called Maha which is the principle of nourishment which is Mother and of course naturally every child was born into this Earth must have a mother including Jesus who might not have Earthly father but he has an Earthly mother because we are born through the womb of the woman you have to be carried in the womb you have to be born to Earth so the first Goddess that was given to us within our African cosmology is a mother it's a that is why we refer to this as Mother Earth [Music] you know it's white people who come in invade our land they say this is their Fatherland that is a dichotomy of South Africa the whites refer to these land as their father land we call it our motherland it's our motherland because we were Mother dear we are born here and it is their father's name because their fathers conquered it for them and the Jan van riebeks and so forth they did conquer it for them they are not born into it so we were born into it so now the story is very patriarchal it's very chauvinistic in the narratives of the gospels and so forth so from the cultural practices that is expressed by this spiritual expression one can see from the beginning that this is a non-african story now when people are trying to fit it into the African story now they come and that is why in the Trinity they will say uh from egyptus Osiris Isis and Horus father mother child but but that's not a conventional Christian doctrine of Trinity the conventional Christian doctor opportunities father son Holy Spirit there's exclusion of the mother yes because that is the patriarchal origin of that so we basically say the the this religions Judaism Islam and Christianity these narratives are created by insecurement to control women hence the first sinner in these stories is a woman you know if you go to the Old Testament the first thing is Eve and then Delilah is demonized for cutting Samsung's dreadlocks basically she's blamed for Samsung stupidity because Samson had an agreement with God that his strength is in his hair and he must keep that as a secret between him and God and I decided to reveal his secret to the woman and then in turn the woman is the one who shoulder the blame you go to the story of Christ they bring the woman we caught this woman committing adultery but adultery is an act that of two people you know so you don't see the man in the picture and these people are willing and ready to Stone this woman uh some of the how Jesus talked to some of these women like the Samaritan woman and this other woman I think she was begging for food and then he said to the woman and we would don't give what is to the children of Israel to dogs you don't give that to dogs and then she said but the dogs also eat what fall from the master's table so now when you follow the whole narrative it's very patriarchal it's very chauvinistic he's therefore anti-african and that is why in our spiritual tradition we'll talk about our Google and we talk about Uma I just said we talk about we'll talk about jobella we talk about feminine creative principles as I say that in Africa yeah in the very evolution of our story spiritual culture we were ruled by women we had a high Council of the mothers which is made up of women above the age of 40 and these women were Masters in traditional healing or African mysticism so these are the same inventors of Ubuntu now if you look at our loss of Ubuntu their consequences are always mystical or magical they will say You must not eat lying down you ask why they said you want to develop breast from your back this is so our loss so this matters they were masters of what the white men will say witchcraft but it wasn't witchcraft because it wasn't designed to be which people per se it was designed to be which the mind don't go and ask the salt from The Neighbors at night when the women are sweeping it mustn't be sitting here they want to sleep here if they sweep on your legs you're not gonna marry so the consequences of breaking this loss were always magical or over Target like that because this will happen and this will happen so because the only medium that this matters ahead to protect the Society was of Target the fear of magic not actually talking about the fear of Obito or the fear of magical consequences mind you in Africa here we discovered a magic before we discover religion so that's why most of our African religion are mystical our Discover we were ruled by the youngers first our first rulers were healers so another tradition probably the Affairs rulers were priests like Melchizedek and so forth but here our first rulers were yeah great mothers who were traditionally healers who were people who were communicating with nature helps and everything so today they say South Africa has the most uh beautiful constitution in the world or the most advanced question in the world but what protected this constitution it is the NPA it is the Civil societies is the political parties it's constitutional court it's a whole lot of things that protect this now what was used to protect the constitution of the mothers of the nation which is Ubuntu so they had no army they had no MPA no Civil Society no political parties to protect their rules and their laws and the high loss of the Bantu now what they then the only medium they had to protect this was a fear of Magic the fear of you know if if I don't do this the consequences will be like this if you do this it's gonna rain during your wedding day so all of this thing now what will connect this with the rain It's Magic so this magic was kept in our mind so they Bewitched our mind first to omega's obey they did not use the gun and then and then the jail to make us fall in line and in Africa we never had jails uh when we look at people the only people who will be locked up somewhere will be zombies so we never had jails we never had old age homes for the elderly people so we never had this institutions to keep the people in line we had the word of the mothers of the nation so fundamental origin of our spirituality is uh is feminine so any religion that demonizes women it is not our own when I came from the angle yeah about Christianity being african-based it was uh coming from the kemetic teachings about I studies in here you know it was it was about that from that angle and that is why we actually need to keep having these conversations because when we are looking and I was going to spread it to bring it to scene how Christianity relates to sin but what we need to have these conversations because we move from one thing to the next thing and we are not getting and being able to appreciate who we actually are because we may have we can we should be we may be able to trace our Origins from all sorts of places on the continent and that is actually right because there were no borders our ancestors the borders are a new thing and we we can safely assume and know that our people used to live and grow and where they actually could and it was determined by whether as water where they was put together they are crazy yes so that that was the nature of our lives but now with where we find ourselves after colonization we actually and after christianization mainly for us uh that this end of the continent were struggling to actually find ourselves the identity crisis is actually so big that anything that smells Africa we are latching onto yes anything that can tell a story different from the Christian story where latching onto as as ours you know and when we say when I say hours and and not hours I'm speaking about us learning them we're moving from Christianity and the two popular spiritual Lifestyles now is bungoma yes and I see the Egyptian philosophy actually just really came it's really be catching on and and I know why as well why it is catching on because we were actually really instrumental in in in that movement making sure in just trying to a vet the identity crisis and also presenting an option to bungoma is it because now people are thinking that the way to go to African spirituality is through Google so we were presenting another one that here is another one that speaks of a documented history which whereby where is bungoma is not documented whereas stories who is also not documented so that it's a it's it's a way of we need to be able to bring about and show and educate on the different aspects of spirituality that existed down here I'm going to after having said that I want to speak about the rastafarianism because even in our heads uh we view it as coming all the way from Ethiopia and and so I I need you to actually educate us on that and where it came from why you subscribe to it and also the let's start with where it came from and then we're going to go into also the principles of it and what I loved also was the fact that you went into patriarchy because I was actually going to bring that up because it's a big thing it's a big meta and it's a big matter that hinders our spirituality well um it is true what you're saying that um in moving away and we need to clarify these things that um and this is a challenge I'm also having in the Interfaith space that whenever they say African traditional religion bringing avogogo to come and perform rituals and but African spirituality it is not only Abu GoGo the Abu God where they are just one of the specialists in African special spirituality the several Specialists you have African traditional religion practitioners who are not necessarily traditionally healers like you have the um Institute in the Eastern Cape you have a Marco Institute of Dr no gozolam then there you have professori in Limpopo this uh African traditional religion Advocates or African spirituality Advocates who are not necessarily traditional Healers uh I subscribe to African spirituality how I pray different from how the mainstream rastafar and I pray I use the ancient basutu prayers where I learned that there are certain prayers of rainmakers there are certain prayers that deals with fertility fertility there are prayers that deal with um the ancestors to appease to the ancestors without necessarily A slaughtering an animal and so forth so basically they see the third dimension that needs to be brought in that is between kimet and anubungoma which is African which is the part which I'm basically basically advocating the part that I'm teaching within my own Institute and so forth um but you don't not everybody need utas not everybody need to trust her to become a traditional healer you know and we trust her for many things including our own Awakening our African Awakening so so that we demystify the whole thing because now with that we are also bringing another stereotyping of that okay if you are not a Christian then you you must be yes oh yes oh yeah so now we need to clarify that because there are many expressions of African spirituality you have moroccapula which is an African what do you call an indigenous priest who whose job is to uh ubonga is is speaking to the heavens so this is the realm of cosmologists not theologians so we're basically cosmologists we speak to the cosmos because we Africans are cosmologists are not theologians we don't ever return script except what they are attempting to do with the Egyptian Book of the Dead which is not also an African Bible contrary to popular beliefs that people think okay we had an older Bible called the Egyptian Book of the Dead not the Egyptian Book of the Dead was put together in 1886 which is basically the collection of scripts funerary text the puppy rice that when people are being buried that was a puppy right of seti papillary of uneva and and so forth different puppy rides so they compile them together and then came up with what they call the Egyptian Book of the Dead but it is not a book that the Africans gathered spiritually like what people do in the church and they started to read verses and chapters from the Egyptian Book of the day there was no such thing but this is where puppy rice or text that whenever your funeral rejects actually when where you have been buried they accompany you so that when you then reach to the throne of Osiris to the Judgment scales where they are going to weigh your heart with the feather if they also read your Deeds so it is actually the the the the the the the text where your Deeds are written the puppy right where your Deeds are written from so ours is an oral tradition a mouth two years which you had different fraternities that deal with that the storytellers um the keepers of Homeland you know the the custodians of history and then the oral traditionalists like in West Africa you'll get the griots among the Monday people they have also the three category of crayons which are basically storytellers who are keeping the tradition through oral from month to years from one generation to the other so which also they were looking for particular individuals with a good memory to be this talking books so we come from a tradition of the talking books of library on links people who were good at memorizing things and passing them from one generation to another who has fraternities what the white people will call secret societies that were entrusted as custodians of this particular knowledge system that they pass it you have the fraternities of the hunters the fraternities of the drum makers the drums itself the good covers all of them have the story of the wood what does this symbolize and all of that so these stories are passed on and on and on like that to our people that that was information being kept through word of mouth because there was an obligation to this word of mouth it was an obligation to tell the truth and the the this title is now remaining with the Zulu King they said the mouth that doesn't lie so this way the mouth that did not lie so don't know that this one they are oritas they are good narrators and they they don't leave out details so this is where our talking books is how our spirituality was given the people who told me ancient prayers it was from mouth to ears that they kept it from memory from as far as the beginning of time from the evolution of these spiritual cultures so that is the next Dimension that we need to bring it in of dealing with African spirituality without necessarily going kimet because Kemet is not the total summary of all that is as far as African spirituality is concerned we cannot move from Christianity to commit without even understanding what other options there are the identity crisis is really a big deal yes because to to decolonize our spirit we need to understand yes the different uh where we actually come where where our people came from where our the stories is as you as you as you put it and the stories are really important in that those other things are the reason is because all those other things are going to to die out if we keep focusing on on one thing leave we live they want to focus on another we leave all of our other our other Expressions to die and this is our sole responsibility as the custodians we are custodians because we are here we have found that Spirit has led us to the different places that it has led us you are where you are I am where I am and you are working and doing exactly the same thing yes you know and that is why we need to be take on that responsibility to actually make sure that when we move on when we pass on we have left our children we have left the community knowing that they are knowing of the of our spirituality so that when they go out there and they're looking to find themselves were not only identifying as what our colonizer brought to us we're not only identifying as also the things that we have we are being taught or the things that are just out there we need to identify as ourselves so that and to do that we need to be able to know the differences I spoke to you about I asked you about to bring up um Rastafari yes because Ira Safari is very interesting and it's a it's an it's an element that also seems to to actually filter into many different kinds of of African spirituality Expressions it keeps coming up it comes up in the people that are interested in in africanism or africanity are actually find that they their pathway will lead them through Rastafari at some point and it will lead them to and that's another thing that we are actually finding is that we we dabble and we dabble and we double we do not commit and and not that there's anything wrong with actually with that actually but we the dabbling means that we get to learn bits and pieces off but we do not get the totality of it we do not get to experience it we are just uh on the Move yes and we need to take on things not only as Scholars as well it's not that responsibility of spoilers as well it's the responsibility of people that need to grow spiritually that need to to be decolonized Rastafari is a response to colonialism and slavery uh rastafarai it it is based on the Ethiopian King his name is Ras tafari he was called Rastafari is born tafari magone and then he became Licht Safari is a royal title as a child born in the royal family which basically beat Royal Sun and then he became djas maktafari which is another title which is basically Commander or The Keeper of the door and then he gets Ras tafari which is a hit uh ahead of an army and so forth a Rastafari and then he became negustafari which is King tafari negus is a Amharic is which is ethiopic word for King negus Emmy n-e-g-u-s and then in 1930 he was crowned Emperor Haile Selassie now Haile Selassie is a name he was given at the age of 40 days well the Ethiopian children through the Ethiopian Orthodox Church when they are born they the male child at the age of 40 days must get their baptismal name and then the female at the 80 days they have their baptismal name so he used his baptismal name which is which means powerful Trinity uh uses baptismal name to as his regular name the name that is one of our rule with it that he was given from the age of 14. now the last uh the the Rastafari movement was then uh exploded or heralded in Jamaica from former slaves Africans were taken as slaves or stolen from the continent here and taken into slavery which Jamaica was a big sugar Plantation so you will say it's a it's a spiritual culture that was developed among former slaves from the plantation now what they did um most of them around that time there were this African Awakening that we are going through and then there was a script they wrote they called The Holy PB or the black man's Bible again trying to move away from the white man's Bible and then they come up with another one the patchman scroll of black Supremacy this was a time now they were talking about Ethiopia is the only place in Africa that was never colonized and then they were talking about Prophecies of the Messiah will come out of Ethiopia now when Rastafari was crowned this Elders these forefathers of the movement Leonard Howell dunkley Robert Hines um and Joseph Nathaniel Hebert they came out and said the crowning of Rastafari Haile Selassie is a fulfillment of a prophecy of the coming Messiah that now the Ethiopian royal family have certain title from the days of King Solomon when the queen of Ethiopia the Queen of Sheba went to meet with King Solomon and then the first the son of that Union became the first solomonic king of Ethiopia so they killed the titles of the Kings of Israel King of Kings lots of Lords conquering land of a tribe of Judah so now when Rastafari was crowded in 1930 with all this title King of Kings Lord of lords conquering land of Judah his name means powerful Trinity Trinity is god father son Holy Spirit and he is a man whose name literally means powerful God if you interpret it that way and then they had this interpretation of the name Rastafari to mean Russ's head tafari means creator that therefore rastafar means head Creator so therefore they say this is the God we waited for the head Creator although Rastafari is ahead to be feared you know the dreaded one the feared one but then they are limited understanding of Amharic then they knew tafari treatment Creator instead of one to be feared for you to get a Creator it will be a fatali like Federate this is like in case that the original language so they then said this man whose name means the head Creator a powerful God or powerful Trinity King of Kings Lord of lords this is the prophesized Messiah that the Book of Revelation 5 talk about that the certain script in the Bible talk about so this then intertwined and African rebellious spirit that was rebelling and revolting and responding to colonialism and slavery using the Bible to rationalize this god-king concept but the concept of the god king is not biblical it's actually as old as Africa um the king of barbadi our King when the missionaries came there then they tell them to convert the people to Jesus squatty because he said um the king is the god of the Earth um the Pharaohs were God Kings the kabakkas in in the Great Lakes region in Uganda mainly our Kings were default were seen as the representation of the heavens like the Zulu Shaka of the heavens Shaka Zulu they believe that he come from the heavens he's a child of Prophecy he was born in the month of indulgasi which is July so therefore he was prophesized that there would be one sent by the heavens there are some clips lately they've been going around that were taken from this shakazulu movie that was made in the 80s and there is a conversation between Chuck and the missionaries and Shaka said Jesus had to die so that the heavens must pass the power to me and here kwazulu the only King of Kings is shark not Jesus you understand so so they've always been that thing that our kings are Divine rulers a Divine kingship so the idea therefore of Rastafari was Haile Selassie Who is the and the movement is named after it brought in this idea of the god king that the king is God or God as a representative of God on Earth and so therefore then the movement was then called Rastafari and then when you asked us what is your way of life it's Rastafari what is your philosophy it's Rastafari uh what is your thinking it's Rastafari we are not Rastafarians and we don't practice rastafarianism so we don't have such an ism called Rastafari so it's modernism like communism socialism it's not an ideology it's a way of life it's a it's a it's a it's expression of a person so we say we share a multiple personality with Rastafari we are called by his name we call upon his name so our philosophy is Rastafari but then it also suffered a judeo-christian overbearing through using the Bible so to a great extent certain aspect of it become anti-african one of the most critics of a mango homa in in yangas is the rasta who read the Bible so then I came up until to our time and where we bring in our African native into Rastafari we stopped reading the Bible we reject the biblical concept of Rastafari we developed the African concept of it we reject the idea that the Bible should be used as a final judge of all African cultures you can't judge the African cultures based on the Bible so now what you have right now in the Rastafari movement you have those who are gravitating to the African roots and therefore using African spirituality African philosophy African cosmology to articulate Rastafari and then you have those who are using the Bible who don't sound too different from the Born Again Christians and their attitude towards things African they hate everything and the patriarchy yes and the patriarchy because they are reading a patriarchal book because of the Bible so the because of the subscribing to the Bible then they become patriarchal and they are rules you know women must shut up in the church things that are in the Bible so most of their rules are shaped by the Bible because also you come up with this thing that Haile Selassie was a Christian so they felt like they have to be Christian themselves too now I always say to them that I consider him a god but and I consider that God belongs to no religion but also in his own utterances he said yes I'm a Christian but as a king I'm equally a Christian a Muslim and a peer gun now I say that if it's all of that is none of that when there's no way you can be a Christian a Muslim and a pagan at the same time if you are all of that you're none of that so he was a diplomat so he had a certain way of speaking so in my viewers that is his diplomacy now rejecting religion and presenting himself above religion because this is the problem that Africa is finding itself in now we have Kings who are Christians we have Kings who belong to political parties there are two things a king does not belong to in an indigenous African society the king cannot be religious because the king is a custodian of the the spirituality or the spiritual culture of the religion of his ancestors the king cannot be like the king foreign by God in this mess that we are in is sent by God like what which God is that followed shedding you know all of this type of things and now he's dividing the nation because among his Nation you have a large population of his Nation where I have people we have a large population of his or eff ort I was listening yesterday the Secretary General of EFS Marshall domini saying kzn is for eff from Ghana to kokstadt nobody's going to tell them what to do because there is this talk that the ifp they're having issues with him so so you see that itself divide the nation when the king is seen to be taking sight in politics or in religion because the king he's supposed to follow the religion of his ancestors the founders of that Zulu through malandela or since all these men were not Christians but they believed in God they have a name for him they call him Mains or that is why the titles of Shaka is divine titles like what we are saying the emperor is the king of kings and so forth so now the king therefore eventually for the rule of the nation the emperor is to say I'm equally a Christian a Muslim and appear again that I said that if it's all of that is none of that he feather said that the religion is personal and the state is for all because he said that in his country everybody pay tax Christians Muslims and non-christians so the state is for all Ethiopia is for all Ethiopia is not for particular religious group otherwise it divides the nation if the king is seen to be taken aside so now the Rastafari movement the path they failed to transcend is to transcend religion as the emperor transcended the religion and placed himself above all this religion or or diplomatically kind of like rejected that but when by the look of things you find that it is more of spiritual grounding than religious alignment so yeah the Rastafarian movement in short as it stand you have what we call the rastafarah and the Christ Safari and they get very angry when I say that because these are the people who say uh they will use tafari who use Christ to rationalize tafari they will say King tafari Rastafari is Christ in his kingly character he's a returned Christ he is the second coming of Jesus Christ you understand so now that became a problems now now I started to say but this is not Rastafarian this is Christ Safari you are using Christ to rationalize Safari you your Doctrine is grounded in christology and not even rastiology you understand so um so they take a great exception they they take they get offended by that but when the business of decolonization who get offended get offended but the truth must be passed on and it's not that we think we are our way is the only way no our way is just another way just like they saw that their way is that way of the Christian way but it's self-defeating because they find themselves hating things that the Christians hate about Africa they hate things that the colonialists hate about Africa they have issues with traditional healers they have issues with oppasa they have issues with um certain things that are emanated from African expressions like Ubuntu and so forth so therefore it become it is even as a response to colonialism and slavery but it becomes part of problems it's not part of the solution to African problem so it doesn't fully respond to colonialism and slavery as it's supposed to I note how everything keeps going back to the Bible actually because it's been the one book that has uh that was used to colonize us and it continues to so even though whatever movements or whatever movements we make towards decolonizing our spirit we still it still revolves around the Bible yes and uh one also because the the people that wrote the Bible as well were very smart in setting it in Africa that is why we're always going to gravitate towards it being uh the the center of of of religion and of spirituality we need to come to a point where we actually understand religion and as opposed to as opposed to spirituality yeah and understand that uh when we when we get into spaces that that seek to the seek to limit or control our spirituality we already going into a religious space or into a culture space yes you know and that is the danger with us because we are so used to having leaders so also in in the in in spirituality in spirituality we're always looking to have somebody that is a leader so it's very easy to gravitate towards uh then worshiping the pastor or worshiping the whoever it is that is actually teaching and leading that space and also that's that goes to also worshiping the king because we are so we that is actually our mind frames is about worship it's about uh always uh being lesser that and we do not appreciate the fact that you lead only in the role that you are supposed to be leading in but that we are all leaders in our own small spaces leadership does not mean Dominion or domination and this is the problem that most have made even from the fundamental concept of God God is not an object of worship is our object of identity we identify with that we are God having a human experience right now we are Spirit having a human experience so we are God all of us we are part of the god energy um it's like everything there is what where totals we are everything that there is so now the mistake it is made was made on the god concept the mistake was made on the Christ concept the Christ never said people should worship him if you read it for yourself he actually is telling people that they can even do more things than him because he said with faith you can do more than I am what I did you can do more than me you can tell the mountain to move now you look at all the Miracles of Christ from turning water into wine to the last miracle which is to rise from the dead according to christology there's never moved a mountain but he's telling you that with your faith you can tell the mountain to move now it goes to any other space whether this species of hematology where the leader of the space is transformed into a cultic leader it is lack of that because you see I am you sitting there you are you sitting me I am because you are therefore you are how we are it's Ubuntu um we find our individuality in our Collective we don't find our individuality in our individualism individualism is individualism is a new thing we were always capitalism yeah colonization yes we have always been a collective people so I I'm I can follow you I can follow your teaching uh without a uh reducing myself lesser than who I am because I see me in you there are things I identify in you that they built me so why hence I follow you but now your job is to make sure that you don't forget um there was an emperor a Roman Emperor as a to a one Roman philosopher called Marcus Aurelius now Marcus Aurelius always had a slave when he's speaking and talking and you know rousing the the people up he always had a slave behind him who always chanting this Mantra that remember that you are a man remember thou art a man remember you're nothing but a man so even if you are hyped up by all these energies that you are receiving everybody say praising you you must still remember that you are a man so now this we like that voice behind us that said remember that you are man I can be all this taught how I am a product of my environment I have a personal library of 500 books I read like I met men I'm self-taught I'm a organic intellectual I've been to 18 countries studying and learning and teaching I study forever I study I learn also from watching videos just to get some inspiration I learned from everybody so I become one I become because I'm open to absorbing knowledge and to sharing knowledge and to engage in the knowledge space so for many people I'm like wow this guy you know I've been seeing myself trending on Tick Tock everybody's like wow this is something else you understand but it's because I trained myself I socialize myself that way there's nothing extraordinary about this there's nothing that I did that nobody can do if you give yourself time to do it if you study you will 10 out extraordinary in your own special way so my point here is that all of these great people that we have there there are no different from us Ordinary People so therefore we should not worship them and we should not Elevate them to the level of a cultic leader because therein lies all abuse you can check all histories of cars whether Jamestown that famous cult Story the men just bending with the people in the church some cult leaders have told the people that on the 24th of December the world is going to an end people commit suicide and all of that we need to move away from that because once we create this cultic relationship with the leaders or people or Messengers or whoever are there to shed light and then we start to worship them as gods and Elevate them to the level of DNA Gods then we are in the danger of creating a situation where we'll be abused by these characters and this is what we are seeing in the churches today the pastors are doing anything they want with the congregation because the congregations have elevated them to the level of a demigod not even a God because if we're going to go to this straight God concept God is not to be worshiped um I once had a reason with my Muslim brother um we are together in the Cannabis space and then he was like softly nicely trying to convert me to Islam I said to him okay spirit in the church they said it's a holy spirit in the laboratory we call it oxygen let's deal with it scientifically as something that is in the laboratory do you think oxygen is worried that I don't worship it do you think that the oxygen wherever it is right now that um and I'm I'm inhaling and exhaling it all the time do you think our oxygen is sitting there worried now this is how you should think of Holy Spirit that's how you should think of of God of mudimu let me take it now to the languages of our peoples indigenous language modimo is not an object of worship in our African culture that is why we never had temples of worship we only have shrines of ancestors and the ancestors too we don't worship them there is no African word for ancestor worship oh Pata doesn't mean to worship the ancestors Power by demu doesn't mean to worship us doesn't mean to worship and says any of the African words that we use to in relation to um basically this relationship we have with amados is a true homage that we pay to abaculate there's no worship so worship praise and worship is not African whether in the church or Commandos so we don't do that or could these new age movements of keymed africology africanity afrocentricity all these movements are that I can adding up because it's the time now it's time for africanism so Africa will rise you know Africa will be free Africa it is it's time to be free to rise but the process of Rise we must be careful that we don't repeat what our colonizers done and this is what we are seeing now with the black Christians that they're doing what the white missionaries did when they brought Christianity here they debased our people they treated them in the most horrible way some get excommunicated those who are strong enough they went out and create their black version of these churches like these black christianities that we have like Russia said Cece and what some of them are result of racism in the white church so for them to adjust and continue in that particular Spirit of the church they went and make their own churches like for instance the story of Nehemiah 1883 he established the Temple Church among the temple people the closer people why there was a an initiation ceremony for darling about King darling he felt obligated although he's a mission is a Christian priest he felt obligated to contribute to that initiation so he offered a ball that was slaughtered for the uh the the homecoming of darling so the white missionaries were so incest about that thing they said oh you are a Christian but you still participate in your peer gun rituals in your hidden rituals your African rituals so as a result he broke away from them and said from now on I'm establishing the Temple Church as the Church of as the king of England is the head of the English church the Anglican church so the king of the temple will be the head of the Temple Church that's where the temple churches was established um in 1892 they established the Ethiopian Church of South Africa they break up with the Wesley missionaries because of racism in the church so this is where the African Christian but also with the question of um our traditional healers went through serious there was a period of Witch Hunt where lands at this tradition of ours the the equality witchcraft because they demonize it and they classified as witchcraft and there was a Witch Hunt now for them to adjust some had to go into the church profit you know that is why today some people will be telling that but but this was our adjustment in those stages that you find that going three generations back what our ancestors necross and all of that because these were traditionally healers I mean straight example is my father I come from a long line of traditionally that's both on my mother and my father's side my father is the first one to become a Christian in the family my people specialize with three things rain making divination and initiation of boys into men who intervene now my father because he had this gift from his father were rainmakers who were diviners were initiators he has to pick and choose now the things that he will go with them into the church the spirit is the spirit of his ancestors it's not the spirit of the Bible or of Christianity it's a spirit of his ancestors but he has to camouflage it into the church and they find some affinities particularly the Old Testament that is why you'll find that most of these African Christianity they identify a lot with Old Testament because they're in you find out the prophets so therefore in yanga when it get into the church become a prophet you know and they try to murder themself according to the Old Testament Prophet the Elijah's and the jeremias and the isaiahs and and they find some things this is the rituals so now that is another thing again that the similarities don't mean sameness and this is how people have been confusing themselves that because you find certain similarities in the Bible therefore you see the Bible is ours it's not they're similarities ancient indigenous cultures have similarities from South America uh ancient pre-christian cultures they have a lot of similarities where I'd be on their ancestral system whether it be on their spiritual system itself they have a lot of similarities and ancient mythologies had a lot to a lot of reference to Africa it is not only the Bible that refer that mentioned Egypt about 100 times and Ethiopia about 40 times therefore because we see Ethiopia and Egypt in the Bible let's leave Israel out these two first Egypt and Ethiopia because Israel it is in the Middle East people will argue differently but this was that are in the continent it is not the Bible or the book of Mythology that make mention of these two countries not the first the Greek mythologies um Homa her daughters all these people even alien mythologists before the Bible they've always made reference to the Africa is a continent of the Gods it's a land of spirituality it's all began here um the one time a doctor in the United States made a placenta analysis of 140 something women Dr Rebecca Ken in 1994. she made a placenta analysis of 140 something women to determine the common origin of all females around the world 140 something emails of all racial groups and whatever so the only way to determine a common origin of all of us is through an organ that is only found in the body of a woman which is the placenta so through the framework of mtdna mitochondrial DNA so she did a placenta analysis of this 140 odd women and they come up with a conclusion that all females come from one woman who lived in central Africa about 300 000 years ago and when the white people wrote about it in the Time Magazine of 1994 as a breaking story they said the African Eve so what they do is they biblicize their knowledge and African knowledge this woman is 296 294 000 years older than Eve but we are using Eve is four thousand is six thousand years ago you are using Eve Adam and Eve is six thousand years ago all theologists agree I was telling Zane earlier that um when I was studying in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church theology they say Adam was born in 4004 BC on the 26th of October in 4004 BC which makes Adam 6000 years old which means the Bible story six all the creation story according to the Bible 6 000 years old lesser than most of the stories of creation lesser than even the stories of evolution so they take a 6 000 years a gold woman and they use it as a prototype of 300 000 years ago woman they say the African Eve when they find the bone of the oldest man in Africa they say the African Adam so they use the Bible to colonize us they use the biblical to colonize even knowledge remember that colonialism they did not only colonize the land and the spaces we live in the colonized ideas to colonize principles they call us Concepts that we use hence today black people will think when you say culture talk about something that is specifically black white people don't have culture they have civilization black self-culture white people don't have tribes they have Nations blacks have tribes but even the word tribe is not African and it's it's origin it's not even originating in Africa originating in Europe it was referring to the three groups that were fighting the Roman Empire empire the Astro Gods the vandals and the heroine so when the Romans call them Collective they say tribe is try tries three like Trinity trilateral Triune any three-sided thing so then therefore group to get a stripe now to say Swati is a tribe is a misnomer you will need three ethnic groups to have a tribe you need maybe Swati Zulu because then you'll have a tribe and then maybe you can sing guni tribe but is not a tribe you know it's a nation beyond the tribe I'm angry you see so so therefore we find that dichotomy that we need to deal with as we're moving as we are moving in our process of decolonization that we have to decolonize Concepts we have to decolonize ideas we have to decolonize principles you see when the Europeans colonize us they had a conference called the Berlin Conference they just sit down around the table 1844 three months 15 days they sit there to colonize us all spheres of our social existence religiously economically politically and so forth they took their time and that is why we must not take the process of decolonization as a simple thing it is it is going to be long it is going to be all-inclusive it must be holistic you can use one particular Institute I will teach people in my Institute and refer them to Zane and then Rosanna refer them to you and you refer them to others in order to have the total picture but it's not going to take one particular Institute or one particular individual to do the whole thing because it did not take an individual to come up with our colonization it took 10 European superpowers three months 15 days and then thereafter they sign a Berlin Pact that they're not going to interfere with one another in the process of colonizing us I like that you are very positive and about Africa being free Africa will be free only if Africans decolonize their minds and their spirits and that is actually the biggest challenge in that even as we understand that we are colonized we are not able to move from the colonial Concepts and the colonial principles and that is how we're living our life look at us now look at you and I addressed in the way that we're addressed in the workspaces because capitalism is a big thing for in in our lives now and also moving forward because everybody wants to move ahead economically as well and so that becomes our tripping Point yes this is where we actually fail because even as we actually understand we spend too much understand that a colonizes we still spend too much time in those capitalist spaces because we're looking after our pockets and we are and now that puts us at a disadvantage that we cannot actually get out of of being colonized because that space itself is just colonized wherever when each time you walk into the office you're actually walking into the space that is no longer yours a space that in which colonialism still Reigns you know so that is one thing that is actually going to detail us and also and not only that our children we place our children in school yes you know and the schools are colonized spaces as well so we hand our children over to that my to a place where is go away into spaces that their mindsets are already being colonized from four years old when we actually hand them over so that is actually the critical spaces in which we actually need to be able to come into how then are we going to uh in in your view how do you see us moving away and getting to a point where we say Africa is free well you see that is how this is our problem that we're sending our children to the Romans and we wonder why they behave like Caesar we send them to Babylon and we wonder how they behave like Nebuchadnezzar uh it is because we need to take charge of our education again Africans who are the only people who allow our enemy or our colonizers to educate our children now we need to homeschool number one we need to develop a concept of homeschooling number two we need to develop decolonized schools if we're not doing homeschooling we must now begin to build institutions and which is the failure of our government that post 1994 it did not invest in um de apartheid apartheidizing our education before those of us who went to school before 1994 we had to study a thing called Bantu education and education is specifically designed for a black child so that it can create it can make us docile it can make us subservient it can make us these people who were educated for job seeking We're Not educated for job creation that is why today you'll find an unemployed graduate with a diploma degree in business management is given incentive to create a business but it's waiting for somebody to employ them now um salary is a bribe they give us to forget our dreams salary is a drug they give us to forget our dreams and build somebody else's dream because once you get into that species of the big salaries and so forth you have no time for yourself you have no time to build your dreams you have your own dreams so you're paid to build somebody's dreams and when you come back Saturday after lunch for those who work Monday to Saturday until one o'clock you have little time to yourself to manifest your dreams then you always arrest you do what you have to do quicker than Sunday you go to church for more zombification you'll understand and then Monday back to to the grind and and you you you get paid and you're happy to be able to take your child to a PR to curro yeah and you're thinking you're doing uh the best for your child because I'm taking my child to a private school education but in actual fact you are taking your child to a very expensive colonization space and that what is going to be created of your child your child is going to come out to be a similar slave like you will be going to an office or who will be looking if they're lucky to actually even yes it would be even be lucky if they can actually even get into those spaces because as we can see that also is getting limited we have so many people that our universities are chatting out graduates every year and we have and Sarah ramaphosa or or they mean nothing out of it we have no jobs no new jobs being made so even that one you can see that we're actually go aheading for the world we're going to be hitting the world if we have not already if you look at the unemployment rate currently we already hit the world so even that is no longer sustainable so that's that space is is killing us and that is where I'm coming into when you say you're so hopeful that Africa will be free we need to Free Africa from from the start from where we are bringing up our children how are we doing that we're speaking about homeschooling even when we take out when we homeschool our children we homeschool them and they still need to sit exams in that syllabus that is set by the government that is also the syllabus for colonization so you understand yes so even even our homeschooling systems are tricky yes but what it does it takes the child away from going to school but we're teaching them the same thing so we need what we need is uh and we cannot do this without the government unfortunately because we can create a syllabus I can decide that this is what my children need to learn I want them to learn black history I want them to learn uh africanism I want this is how I'm going to bring them up this is what they're going to eat I want them to eat organic foods grown on the lid we don't have the limit you know they want them to and so when I have created that where are my children going to exist well what am I doing because the majority of South Africa is not doing that the majority of southern Africa is not doing that so I'm already setting up my children to be outcast I'm already setting them up to to not uh be able to compete in the in the in the capital space or economic space as it is so my children I'm already setting them up for failure so by this I want you to tell me why you believe that Africa will be free we have to redesign the whole system we have to read redefine priorities our priorities we were conditioned to believe that when you speak a perfect English it's a mark of intelligence which it is not it's a mark of linguistic ability you're just able to transverse from one language to another the Chinese they don't need to speak a perfect English in order to design a cell phone or their children to make computers and all of that the Indians they don't need to speak perfect English in order to advance technologically now we need to understand that English is not a language of Desire and innovation so we need to we need to be innovative uh in design the things up to so far we are still a consumer Race by the standard of many we Africans that we consume what we don't make you know a whole lot of things that we have we don't make them we don't make our cars we don't make our cell phones we don't make anything of essential to us that's why we need to go to work that's why we need to that's why we need to go to work to do that that is why they will tell you that a black metal class is three months away from poverty if the black metal is unemployed or is fired within three months it's in poverty they repossess whatever they have back in the street yeah you're big in the street you understand now we need to move away from consumer race to a creative race black ignorance is a mega billion dollar industry um there were statistics that showed that just with fake hair and fake nails in America they make seven billion dollars a year out of black people out of black people so it's a it's black ignorance you know it's a mega billion dollar industry once you understand that part that the things that we need we need to design them ourselves now what are our needs we don't have our own so-called Maslow pyramid of needs we don't we need to have that we need to have our own pyramid of needs for Survivor we need to map out this thing that what are Essentials of our survival this hour Essentials will need shelter we'll need food we'll need transportation we need communication we'll need this then how do we design this thing for ourselves and stop having these phds who are congregating there at capellos and news cafes and telling you where they got their degree from Harvard and what and what and while their mothers are drinking and their grandmothers in the rural areas are drinking Waters with the goats in the Same Rivers where they're supposed to be making water reticulation machines so we need to invent so we're not inventors number one we need to come up with a Liberation ideology that is ours we don't need to go and borrow communism democracy and all of these things because our liberators are schooled in this foreign doctrine that John seems to have worked for Africa from 1958 when 57 when Ghana gained independence until 1994 when South Africa gained his own independence these things hasn't worked Ghana at best is producing a lot of con priest con artists who are building churches all around this country and impoverishing the poor communities even more inside of Ghana importing and exporting pan-africanists like Kwame nkrumah instead of one African country bringing in innovators we either having drug dealers who are running brothels around giving young South African girls drugs and in other countries too drugs get them into prostitution pimping them so we have a whole lot of movement of Africans even this I think South Africa is even currently assistant it's a bad experiment and a better example of pan-africanism bad africanism at its fail stages what you see here you will alone there are 44 African countries staying there but how is the state of Europe it was it is west it is one of the most unsafe place you get marked today you get stepped we even know crime is committed according to nationalities you know that this particular nationality is specialized with mugging and stepping these particular nationality specialize with drugs and all of these the particular nationality is specializes with fraud and everything this act crimes and impoverishment inflicted upon the fellow Africans so that means they need to be a total shift in a mindset when people like Julius malem are talking about opening the borders and all of that we must first change the mind so that when you're going to have a free flow of goods and people and everything is Essentials is is is essential people is people who are essential to our development like we are told today that the whole of Africa is entitled to be in South Africa because for 30 years we were exiled uh when we ran away from apartheid we stayed everywhere in the continent but where I I'm a former Freedom Fighter I stayed in Botswana Zimbabwe and Tanzania I can tell you that with fact and certainty that when we stay in those countries we're not running spaza shops and selling fake Goods when we're staying in those countries we're not selling drugs we're in refugee camps we're in refugee camps and military camps and schools for those who were students they were in schools for those who were soldiers like ourselves who were trained I was in multiple Military College in bagamoyo in a camp malaria infested Camp you know where we our refugee camps like dukeway in in Botswana where you were given One Tin of fish for a day as a refugee and we were not even well subsidized even by the United Nations High commission for refugees were not well subsidized we are not well taken care of that today you have people who claim to be economic refugees and political refugees and every festive season they still go back to their countries and Company how can a political Asylum Seeker have holidays and still go back to the country run away from yeah you see so so they're playing a whole lot of is because South Africa is trying to be what no African country is South Africa is the only country they say South Africa belongs to all who live in it Zimbabwe is for the zimbabweans Mozambique is for the Mozambique even countries that you will steal nothing from that you overstay they they arrest you they deport you it's not like you're going to gain anything it doesn't have social grants like here it doesn't have social welfare it's not a welfare state like South Africa where unemployed are given that legal 350 which we don't we know it doesn't do anything but you don't get a country like that you understand so it is a problem our brand of pan-africanism is not working is toxic it works it work against the South African so I'm not being xenophobic I'm a pan-africanist but this is not a pen africanism that we are dealing with now it is something completely strange it is actually if it's parallel africanism is a predatory pan-africanism is a parasitical penafricanism which is sucking the blood of South Africans I mean we come from a Great Depression of apartheid the gays are open the legal opportunities that are there instead of they go into the indigenous then they're going to those who say we are indebted to them they liberated us but the question is how come it took 53 countries 30 years to liberate one country if the whole of Africa that is here did participate in our Liberation how come it took them so long to liberate us is there something to be proud of that allow you to come and now mess up a country because you did assist these people by which way in Botswana we did not have a military camp and the Botswana police will arrest you if you pass there with AK-47s to come and fight here in Zimbabwe we did not have a military Camp there are few countries that we had military camps that is why our Liberation took long and one of them that sacrificed for us is Mozambique they even lost their president Samora Machel understand Swaziland we were passing in and out with our guns fine they understand were coming in and out and they had to Bear the brand every now and then there was raid the Maser rate the matola raid in in in in in in Mozambique a whole lot of kidnapping took place in in Swaziland called it Beirut the Beirut it was Beirut right so but can we talk the same about Malawi which was the first country to open an embassy for apartheid South Africa in 1972 where no country was having an embassy for a party in South Africa where you could not pass with your dreadlocks you have to cut kamuzu Banda will cut your hair just even when you are in transit you are not just staying you had a particular hairstyle that is required and all that so not all Africa participated in the liberation of Africa of South Africa so therefore this mindset have to change because the current mindset we are hopeful that Africa will be free but it will be long it will take long because we still have to change the mind and to set it in the process of Liberation not the process of manipulation that we are dealing with now how many of our African brothers and sisters who are here are contributing to further decolonizing South Africa from Neo apartheid nobody actually they're coming to repeat the same thing the boys used to say they are saying South Africans are lazy but this is what the boys were saying before 1994 that were lazy but who built who builted South Africa who was mining the mines who was cleaning the suburbs the the whites they say they can't trust us but our mothers were taking care of their children and cooking for them the whites they said we were lazy but we builded all these roads all this there's nothing like South Africa in Africa in terms of infrastructure development well developed even those who come as a South Africans are lazy Southern how are you coming to enjoy a well-built country by lazy people so there are contradictions even among the black narratives and the African narratives so our narrative is not Liberation narrative it's about capitalist accumulation predatory capitalist accumulation Western class materialism and and and that itself is a serious problem because whether it's the pastors with the attend that are mushrooming everywhere and is appeared in South Africa religion is not regulated so this priests do whatever they want and which is tantamount to money laundering uh drug trafficking human trafficking all type of criminality is committed here again you have also a weak security system and our intelligence system it is checking who wants to remove Cyril ramaphosa and then the next one will become president the intelligence will be more focused on who wants to remove Paul mashatile I understand our intelligence is not watching who's bringing dangerous things in this country our immigration system you pass there pass a lot at Bay Bridge going to Africa I travel a lot with buses so my port of entry and exit is by Bay Bridge because I'm in Limpopo then it's easier Bridge there are about 20 buses per day entering this country and half of these people are undocumented and some of them have expired passport what they need to do to enter here they put a hundred Rand in a passport and give it to the immigration officer and that hundred Rand is going to commit a lot of crime through that 100 right it's not bringing any it's not bringing any development so now in terms of Developmental Consciousness we have a lot to do we need to we have a lot of decolonization movement schools mushrooming both by South Africans we are not saying we are not forbidding free movement of Africans we have good pan-africanist in Zimbabwe Muslim big Tanzania Kenya Uganda those are the type of people we need to have to come into these spaces to help to decolonize not the best facts and the best con men the continent has ever produced to come around and Rob the already impoverished people who are dispossessed people and then your fellow Africans come to dispossess you someday the the the latching on your your desperation you know you'll get an SMS they said you have won this send this and then you send your numbers or your email they call you more you understand we don't need that in order to Free Africa so the other things we Africans again is that we're the only people who have traitors in our Liberation movement now when we talk of our Liberation was also talk of the cost of our Liberation you know in China mouths are doing has to exterminate about 60 million people for China to be what it is how many uh no gooders do we need to get rid of whether exterminate them whether in jail them whether send them to Rehabilitation camps or whatever but we need to do something about the traitors of our race and these traitors of our Race come in different ways they come in the form of these pastors who are coming to con already the impoverished people the Camino form of the drug dealers who are spreading the street with drugs we have brilliant people on Yahoo there's another one was trending on Tick Tock for speaking a good English Bongos was going around and a wonderful lady went and picked him up try to rehabilitate him dress him up get a job for him take him to rehabi ran away from rehabi go to the street you realize that it's a trending hobo he's now trending everywhere people come to him you understand he's addicted to this but we never had this high level of addictions where wonderful South African girls and boys are now addicts of this and they're becoming counterproductive yet you say Africa will be free and yet we say Africa will be free so how are we going to Free Africa we need to change the mindset decolonization of the Mind what we said before we need to have these schools this institute like afro-savi healing Institute mushrooming in numbers we need to make sure that there are major curriculum is decolonization is Liberation philosophy and Liberation ideology that is practical we need to make sure that we write a lot we publish a lot we document a lot we say this uncomfortable truth this Inconvenient Truth a lot until they become our common truth we need to understand that we are in a mess and we need to clean up that mess for us before we liberate otherwise we are going to pour a new wine in an old bottle so it means that our Liberation is not going to be a walk in the park a lot of sacrifices need to be made a lot of struggling when I need to be made because now this is a second phase of our Liberation where we are now going to be battling with ourselves not with the white colonizers I always say that we are fighting for Liberation from our liberators in the context of Rastafari that we still go to jail we have about 235 prison in this country and all those prisons we get the rastafariable what are they arrested for for ganja from 2018 ganja is legal is decriminalized you have more white people who are into that space you have cannabis exposed that we see them is only exposition of whites you would be surprised the amount of white people who are into the darker space now uh I'm not surprised you see and they have their 420 cafes they have their Farms what they did is they just converted white privilege you know they had the Farms so these firms are normal farming Mesa farming Daka is a new thing now it is doing a whole lot because they have the land because issued in this country and only one is a black female and then the rest of 32 is white people who have those licenses now also the government those black people they give them land or Farms they don't subsidize them like apartheid government used to do this to subsidize Farmers so even if we complain about land we were given a land now they say fine we give you a thousand acres among yourself share it among 10 of years with no subsidy with no investment with no some Development Bank get coming in and out and some missionaries provided to do a farming and even training for farming like take people to agriculture schools and they be qualified Farmers because we still do indigenous farming which is largely dependent on rain but we need a family that is dependent on irrigation or rain and all of that irrigation that is commercial farming so we're not even with security we are not even capacitated as much as people will mock us and say I hear our fellow Zimbabwean patrons they will say a new South African Mandela left you with poems uh we Mugabe left us with lent but they're not telling you that they are giving back the land to the whites or they're selling the land back because they can't do anything with the land uh that land reposition does not go with subsidization and to make them viable commercial Farmers so some they're just sitting with the land and some they've left the land and coming to South Africa now to to to do all type of jobs that they are doing so what is the point there of having a land and not having the ability to develop it so we have a long way to go for us to be free but we are going to be free Africa will be free and Africa will be free Africa will be free um there's even a passage you need about my children I'll show it to you where he said but he's talking about about 5 000 years to come you know that the essence of evil which is our colonization and enslavement will be defeated and Africa will be free again a Zulu woman will give back by the name of nozzala will give birth to uluzi the word over then with lumuganda helped to liberate us it might sound like our Legends our fairy tales our mythology but it's a natural progression nothing remained permanent in the world nothing remained permanent our enslavement is not permanent our colonization is not permanent our brainwash our mental slavery is not permanent there was a time we were not colonized we were not enslaved we were not brainwashed so there will be a time when we will not be brainwashed we are living in the world that is cyclical those who are on top will be on the bottom and so forth there was a time where in the bottom and on top of the world we were once a superpower we had four about four golden age before we reach into this Dark Age that we are in before so we will be free but it will come with efforts Freedom doesn't come free so now we need to begin to count the the cost of that freedom what are the cost what will it take for us to be free now we haven't talked about the cost of it because we we fantasize about our Liberation that will be free just like it is clear that we South Africans before 1994 we fantasize about free South Africa we did not think about it even the ANC they did not have an idea that once they take over what's going on yeah Oliver Tambo once said it is easy to fight a Liberation struggle to fight a Liberation War but it's difficult to govern every country and we are and and the 28 years of uh democracy or this experiment of the sunset Clause that we are dealing with now has proven that because we're having a government that has looted a lot of resources that must go towards our decolonization they know that at codessa at groote skill and Pretoria minute they did not negotiate a full Freedom now they should have taken a responsibility and said that the next phase is going to be the liberation of our mind so what are institutions they're going to put in place they didn't they become one of the biggest materialists the biggest material expression and and and and display of wealth we see it from our liberators is the comrades were wearing the most expensive belt they're drinking the most unexpensive alcohol you understand why their mothers are starving that is so true and also you said that um we were not always slaves we were not always colonized we were not always the way that we are now and also towards Africa being free I want to say that we were not always able to sit around the table and sit like this and speak about our situation we're not able to sit around and speak about freely about our spirituality there were acts around that yes so that is actually progression yes in the right direction but also having said that having said that you say again that it's going to take a lot of work it's going to take a lot of sacrifice it's uh going to take us going back and deciding that this is actually what we want I wanted to put it to us as South Africans or Africans in southern Africa that not only is it going to take a lot of work we need to already be preparing for it happening okay we are going to stand here and sit here and confidently say that South Africa or Africa will be free we need to prepare for that freedom we need to plan for how we're actually going to get there it should not be by crisis because just South Africa alone we are heading okay the rest of Africa of southern Africa is Crisis because we can actually we can see that South Africa crisis again as well we see in in in in in our roads we see in in in employment so already the system that was put in place is no longer working so it's there it's being supported by everything that the government has and because our government subscribes still to our colonizers so that becomes a problem but we can see that it's no longer working so we need to be preparing for the time where it all falls apart because it is falling apart slowly but surely falling apart so that now gives me the confidence that indeed Africa is going to be free at some point but in it being free again like you say that we even the ANC was not ready we're just dreaming about freedom from apartheid and it happened and they were not ready for it we then need to be reading ourselves for that time we need to before the falling apart when everything is falling apart we need to have structures in place to actually support us and make us make the fall not so hard yes yes something that will question us because the fall is happening it's already happening yeah that's why we speak of the unemployment rate that's why we speak of all of us we spoke about how our universities universities are turning out graduates but there's nowhere to place these graduates so we have that's why we have now people are near open that's why we actually even have more people submitting themselves to prostitution we have more people submitting themselves to crime and being employed by by Foreign drug laws and this is these are our people that are now being employed and selling for for for for the drug lords so we need we can see that it is falling apart so we need those structures like you say we need to be it should not just be only a spiritual basis thing it should also be not also not only also just political but it should be something that will pushing us that will cushion our children because we you and I are on our way out and what are we going to do you and I to prepare for that freedom when the freedom comes and it's a challenge not only for you and I it's a challenge that I'm placing with everybody that is actually listening to us especially leaders yes especially leaders leaders in in decolonizing because we're not going to speak about the leaders in government we're not those are busy making money those are busy having a good life we're speaking about they and and they are making money and they think that their children will be cushioned between with what they're going to be keeping in their coffers but when this thing falls apart even if they don't have it under their couch it's going to go with the system yes no definitely um like we talked about the Berlin Conference the process of our colonization that it took three months 15 days I always say that we need the African battling conference because usually our conferences of decolonization or pan-africanist or of any form of africanism even now if we can sit now and say Hey Google let's plan decolonization conference it will not last less than in more than seven days and if it does less go for seven days after four days people will be fatigued and want to do shopping you know the delegates want to see around what are they going to shop for their girlfriends and all of that after they leave people before chicken sleeping or even our method of discourse is still colonized we'll be bring about 100 speakers giving each one of them 15 minutes to speak and then after the fifth speaker finish speaking you forgotten what did the fourth speed the first Speaker said this is what our government is doing what is what our government doing that's why seeming us that's why they say South Africa we are over lectured over workshopped over seminar country we have seminars every week Workshop every week uh conference every week with ciao back at the bulk of our budget but what are the result they don't bring in the result so when I say we need to have our Berlin Conference I mean to say we need to sit and look at all activities of our social existence how do we liberate ourselves economically or decolonize economics to make them work for us that we are not a consumer race they say the Jews the money in the Jewish Community it circulates among them 10 times before it leaves the community money in our community circulate once and gone and I can tell you even with my own Keys when I reach there one of them like say papa in parent Papa immediately after you give it to him he's going to my friend's shop yes you need to buy no concept of saving I understand but this is a dilemma of all of us most of us we get money the next thing is getting out of the community I'm not sitting here and thinking okay I need an uncle let me go to Google and buy an ankh from and Google will go and buy the Beats from him again exactly we don't work like that so we need to work our economic plan we need to work our education plan that we come up with an education system that make us first be comfortable in our own skin second be Innovative an education that is going to create jobs creators than job Seekers therefore we don't find ourselves that as woke as conscious as we are we still producing children who are going to seek employment from Babylon system and then we wonder why they behave like Nebuchadnezzar because that is where they spend most of their time at so we need to work on our spiritual system we need to be very comfortable with our own spirituality from you are a um find out from the the ways of um find our end of resonation with that we don't have to do even our African spirituality look we're getting out of our band to immediate Bantu here we're running to comment you're living the same thing that gave Essence to come and chemet come from here the the biologic system it comes from the abandoners and they say so the ancient chem Egyptian them so they say we come from the beginning of the Nile we come from the mountains of the moon now the beginning of the night is in the heart of Africa in central Africa but we are also now Russian to understand Kermit without understanding our immediate spirituality that we that actually built a chemicals that actually built chemit uh people they go ashay which is akan you know West African right but we have ashay in speed that's going to say that you know we have ashay in in stronger is but what Papa penny is saying when you say I hear is what the work are saying when they say you know and why do we say kamaku you understand it's the same so we need to understand that I can still say kamako and it's the same as the one who say hotep I can see it is the same as one who's saying what up because somehow you're trying to move away from saying amen because it's been vulgarized by the Christian but amen is still African it was a schemat so now we need to decolonize even our spiritual Outlook and our spiritual expressions they are still very much colonized so so we are actually reproducing the same thing we're trying to run away from we were trying to institutionalize spirituality and once you institutionalize spirituality to create a religion religions are institutionalization of spirituality you start to develop routine dogmas and Doctrine and then you're going to develop cult leaders of that particular expression so we need to develop a spiritual approach that says we are all gods we are all Spirits if you come into this space you are not less than we must always be on that thing that is driven by Ubuntu that I am because you are I am because you are all the time therefore we are so that we need now we need to decolonize our concept of entertainment because these are all areas that were colonized the nine areas of social of our social activities our approach to love and sex it needs to be decolonized you know sometimes I say to people you know we are so colonized that we even have having sex like white people and then the first thing is like how do we have sex like black people and say well you'll find out for yourself but the point here is that all areas of our social existence is being colonized and therefore all areas of our social existence need to be decolonized that is what we need to do and and therefore that began to establish a blueprint that me and you and a template that me and you we need to leave behind because we we are not going to be here when that day when Africa is free but we are going to be here because our children are going to give birth to us again our immortality is in our Offspring The more we give birth and they give birth this is a reproduction this is this genetic cloning you know so you give birth to yourself you understand which you will reproduce herself in another and so forth and so this is where the concept of the answers I come in this is where we say in the person of the person there are many person this is why when we greet you we greet you in plural because we are greeting them in you you are 33 your mother did it represent your father did it represent yourself so in the 33 of your mother is your grandmother and your grandmother and maybe 33 of your father in you is her father and mother and so forth and so forth so when you sit here you are the totality of all that was which you are the actual representation of that and then when you give birth you're passing yourself into the next that is that is our only way of immortality we can't sit here for two thousand years but we will sit here by reproducing ourselves so that is why in our African wisdom they say if you we name our children by someone in the family and when you call the name of the Dead you make them live again so when we name someone uh after Uncle we're bringing back and we begin to see certain similarities and characteristics so yeah what do we have fun so Europe we reproduce now we need to understand that white people understand they call it genetics and the genomes and the DNA system so we need to understand genetics and genetic passing from one generation to the other in a decolonized space and in a liberatory space that giving birth in a liberatory space passing of genes in a laboratory space now we need to cover all areas of our social existence there are no shortcuts we must take the stairs whenever I take any innovators
Views: 67,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ancestors, african spirituality, Africanism, amadlozi, idlozi, african history, sangoma, ubungoma, rastafari, khemu, thau thau haramanuba, kemetic spirituality, kemet, ubuntu, isintu
Id: An0Uzf5fbDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 11sec (6071 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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