K10 Squarebody is TOAST! BAD NEWS!

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how about you I'm Hank welcome to hamiltonville farm I got dub and Z with me today listen the last video you guys saw that we actually got the truck home we got a little bit of work done found out that we needed to take the steering column out of it and all that good stuff y'all did good on that y'all did a good job taking that out hopefully it drives now hopefully it drives now so we've got just a little bit more we've only kind of tacked the steering column up in there so we're going to put the steering column together maybe try to hook the transmission linkage up to the the uh column shifter and then we're going to get the oil change get the rear deer fluid change so let's go ahead and uh let's get to it because I'm paying these girls by the hour or am I paying y'all with cheeseburgers what am I paying y'all with I'm fine with a cheeseburger I'm fine with both yeah right so we're going to get these these fluids changed let's get at it look underneath the the steering column there and there's two there's two bolts yeah you have to get up underneath there where it's look up here like right in here somewhere I can't see with your fing there's a bat right there I see one and then there's another one on the other side anyway we going to take those we got to take those nuts loose so we're going to be using our Michel protool ratchets and sockets today Michael protool is sponsoring this build or one of our partners with this build and uh you can save 15% with hf5 at gopro.com they got really good stuff so check them out let's see what size that is for that particular piece there let's try this this is a an 11/16 and look up underneath there but don't let it come don't let it come all the way out it's too big me make sure you're on the right he said it said it was too big make sure y the right here I right there all right right here where my finger is is that the one you was on yeah that was the one you was on yeah it's too big okay see so maybe it's a 5/8 there you go hey dub yeah look on that um look in that tray and look for it say 5 sl8 on the socket H things am I looking in the right place uh I mean there's a whole bunch of sockets yeah just keep you just have to Fumble your way through them to find them this I'll give you an easier way to do [Music] it look uh let's see let's try this one hand me that back all of it back and we'll go to a different this one actually has um the numbers beside it so oh yeah let's look for oh it might it was too big you said yeah all right so let's try this hold that okay Lefty Loosey righty tidy right so now it's got tension you hear it you hear that clicking yep that means it's not turning anything right so that's that's going clockwise or uh righty so that's going to the right so that's tightening all right but we want it to go now you hear how it's not clicking yeah all right that's to the left or counterclockwise that's Lefty Loosey all right so that's how you know when you got a ratchet and your you can flip the this black lever and now just tighten loosen flip it flip the black lever there you go all right so try that and see if that works does that fit it does doesn't it I think so I think it does it might still be a little big I think it's might still be a little big save it too big that might be a 9/16 see if we can spin that nut in there it's still too big it's like it kind of just Falls in there all right so we'll get a n that might be 9/16 yeah okay look here um I'm going to lower this down just a little watch your head there you go okay now what y'all are going to have to do is pull that out ever so slightly MH together this the important part okay okay see how the see how that steering wheel go straight across right there this part let's try to keep it that way all right so pull it out just ever so slightly and I'll try to get it lined up in here all right hold on just a second [Music] okay now can you push it back toward me a little more uh okay now we need to line up those holes that you just took of you have to look back under it mhm now we got to line we got to line these two this and this can you see that bolt right there where my finger's at yeah I can see it on that side and this side yeah so these have to go up in there and then these nuts have to go on can you see this one yeah all right so let's push that up probably going have to go down in there someh yeah no it's not I got to go about an inch more you push that mov a little yeah closer uh a little but not I need to keep it straight can turn I'm trying hold on we got a horn I don't know yet no um no we just got to we just got doing that a little bit y'all wiggling [Music] jiggling it's not helping it no all right so y'all do this side here I'll show you come up here and I'll show you oh it's supposed to hold it okay so grab this grab the column right there mhm and you just shake it back yeah just keep sh all right all right hold on dang oh that's just a collar so it needs to go down into that boot thing [Music] don't vent up the truck Papa ham push now oh I'm pushing oh I'm pushing um I think we just go have to manh handle is it like in there though is it just not going all the way yeah it's just it's is hard to do you know put some stuff on it to make it easier some slick them sure okay look before I do that let me get [Music] okay hold on hold on set all right pull out there it goes okay let me try to clean this actually let's do this come all the way off no that's a good thing I guess okay it's got to line up with that dang this thing got cruise control I I don't I think the knob does but I don't think we do uh can you pull this just pull this wire back out of the way so I don't cut it with this wheel far as it goes watch my finger try the other side [Music] thank you oh all right let me get some slicking thing we got to decide all right who's going to actually own the truck me who who so we got to figure this part out now you think it's you DH it's me yeah what about think it might be dub you said you ain't going to argue okay well I was thinking I was thinking maybe y'all was going to flip a coin or fight for it or going to have to Duke it out or what duke it out or something she's scared of me it's unlike sisters to argue and fight all the time so I'm not sure about that but what about uh I'm going to be the one having to drive her around what do you guys think leave a comment below who do you think should should actually own the truck when it gets done or do you think they could split it 50/50 how how possible is that going to be with you girls 5050 would probably cause some arguments yeah I would think so wouldn't it what about um so the girls tried out for their cheerleading squad this week and they made it so I'm proud of them for doing the cheerleading squad third you're on Varsity whoop whoop okay so let's take this and let me let me knock that down so that stuff smells funny smells good kind of I can't tell what I think about it why you breaking our truck why you breaking our truck y'all think we're going to get it good enough to put in the truck sh not any truck shows around here they're just a bunch of squatted tahos okay bring the uh push it forward as much as you can all right come on with it man that's beautiful is that is that better uh um I mean it looks good we're like a quarter of an inch away from being inside the plastic okay I wonder something ain't right I wonder if the column is the same length I wonder if that can go down some well I'm trying to does that doesn't look like it see how it's two pieces there oh yeah cuz it's where all right you push ready mhm go man oh my gosh I know all right hold on was it not fitting already I may have to see how it's see how it's the little piece goes into the big piece yeah well you think it goes in maybe it doesn't yeah true but I feel I feel like it does see that it's tapered right there oh yeah and so I feel like it travels up and down yeah so I think it needs to travel so okay pull it back out please is that good no oh my gosh hold on yeah that's that should be good that's my there it goes now let's see if I can okay I tell you what I'll figure this out let's push it uh just go ahead and push it back in push it back in now you're not going to make you're not going to connect with the steering column just push it in as far as it'll go I mean until it lines up and let me just see how much we got to do let's try to get oh let me give you these uh nuts you got the nuts um yeah I'm F farting with the AC thing all right TR so just run them on there just a little hand other one I'll get the other side here I got it just enough to keep it from falling down okay let's go out and take a look at how far off are we cuz that's where need like an inch oh yeah so I I think that has to go down it's like two in [Music] I'll figure that out okay so let's do this let's just go ahead and get the oil change actually you want to uh turn it over and Crank It Up see what happens that's what I'm talking about so at least is driving right so this thing has great yeah all right you cut it off okay so we're going to we're going to fix that I'll I'll I'll work on this steering column let's go ahead and get the oil changed and get the rear diff fluid change all right that's a little easier project and me and your dad me and your dad will you have to put some strength so that I'll probably have to heat this up and B beat and bang it and all that stuff but we'll get we'll get it done okay SPID web okay uh so here's here's our oil filter and dra plug all right so give me a 9/16 uh dve so we're going to take this off but listen we can't we got to have that drain plug in here I'm in a really bad spot cuz once we you take 16 don't I need to move the bucket over here uh yeah so that's called a drain pan all right good job you want it on this thing already I got to put it position so it's under here huh now let's put this this is a drain this is your old pan okay all right and this is called your drain plug okay so let's see if a 9/16 fits on that let's take this extension off so you can have a little more control over it I'll let you take the O filter off okay oh yay go okay now so when I get this thing off though do I need to catch the little yeah move over move over out of the way a little bit cuz I'm going to try to catch most of it here let's see which way you're going with uh you need to put it on there and then pull down pull down yeah pull back toward the back of the truck watch there you go now look here you can probably do it with your fingers now take it now be careful cuz it's going to it's going to come out it's get out real fast I'm kind of scared it's going to come out real fast if there's oil in it if there we checked it this thing's making oil there it goes okay now we just let it down here's the rule about drain pan plugs okay well I mean you crank that up I got all kind of dust in my mouth sorry about that one when you drain this out it um uh you every time you put the drain plug back in you need to tighten it we're going to need a new transmission pan gasket which is something that we'll have to take care that tire what's that what are those holes they so this will while this is draining we could go ahead and take the U um oil filter out all right so you want to let your sister in here and I'll show her how to take the old filter off here what do you want me to do with this uh I'll take care of it okay this is your filter right here uh now we're going to take this off and we're going to go this way with it right count Lefty Loosey all right so can see if you can get it with your hand first if not we'll get the tool cuz when we put this thing on we're not going to tighten it down so oh gosh okay that's okay um I don't think you can do that black handle this black handle with big curved Jaws on it I think it a hint of red that's it y That's a filter red so we let this drain all right grab back to your dub there you go okay so clamp onto that so put your handles like up and over so put your handles like this right here there you go let's see if you can clamp onto that can you get up in there might have to come from the other side all right I'm trying not to get all up in this oil dang that's the fun part what are you talking about oh I don't want oil all over me okay now we're going to come toward me with it okay I don't think I can do that o that's awesome welcome to being a mechanic you got that one now all right hold on a sec let me get some Rags that's great um awesome that's a lot of oil coming up out of that thing mhm yeah whoever put that one on there Hercules Hercules got to get it oh did I just put a hole in it um yes I'm going to see yeah back up do we have a new one of those yeah of course my goodness yeah you just dented the entire thing man they proud of that man uh oh they leaking oil yeah we broke it or he broke it I didn't yeah sometimes golly yeah I don't know who put that on there but it had to have been like the Hulk or something I don't even know okay here's what all right so the oil we'll put this back in here so grab the um socket the ratchet in the socket can see the one that you use to take it off with there you go that's it yeah all right flip your um flip your black lever to tighten it and let's tighten this down so you're going to come up toward the front of the truck all right hey that's good that's good all right now let me get on that side and get done I'll work on these might end up having to put a screwdriver to yeah that thing is on there [Music] way goodness [Music] Grazy let's go it's going to leak some W right M so what you're going to want to do not let it splash everywhere try to keep as clean as possible but I'll show you a trick oh I'm sorry let me get some more Rags here okay so here's our new oil filter and what you do when you get a a new oil filter right see how it's got this this is called an O-ring this black rubber gasket mhm it's called an O-ring who's going to put this back on I want to put it back on let see so here's what you do can I take the sticker off no sticker on okay now take your finger uhhuh true story take your finger uhhuh and dip it in this oil oh why did I just do this and then make a ring around your is that enough no it's not enough there you go that's it now trace it while you're doing it all you're doing is simply lubricating that ooh does it look like it's lubricated you need more no I think it's fine or you're just saying that cuz you don't want to dip your finger back in the hole too late now all right I think she I think it's fine you got a little bit on your knuckle there it's fine okay all right see this right here yeah that's where the that's where it goes and you're going to turn it start spinning it toward the back of the truck is it on there I can't tell oh I don't know if that's right oh I don't know if it's right let put it up against this one match it match it to see that it matches no uh ring to ring yeah yeah it's good okay good yeah all right I just don't think I'm get oh yeah there we go perfect now when you're putting on in an oil filter you ain't got to crank this thing down like like like we did I mean like they did all right okay so let me turn it just a little bit more I'm just going to kind of get it hand tight and that's all you need right there use my good eye I can't pull it back out girl there should be shouldn't be anything on it no I don't think so no we're good all right so all the holes out of it yeah I got that oh well thought I had it okay all right so when you use a funnel so a lot of times funnels are you know you just keep them they don't they don't get used very often so go ahead and clean out your funnel before you use it because that gets all like kind of the dirt and debris out of it a little bit so use that funnel way back here yep and just twist it off or pull it off or there you go we going to stick that down in there like so [Music] all right do you think you can pull that in there without spilling it everywhere if you hold the funnel all right I'll hold the funnel all right so what's going to happen is pour like 90 pour like 80% of it in there 2080 come on on I got you dog right [Music] here oh oh well that really work didn't it see not as well as I wanted it to work I pull that all the way off hold on hold on there you go all right okay I'll hold the phone try not to spill that everywhere okay see how it's gulping mhm okay so look here if you put the spout well you can do it that way but if you turn the spout up toward the top then it won't Gul like that cuz the air in it will be at the bottom or push his way out the top I don't know how it works but hold up it's filling up in [Music] there yeah it's just going to take a minute it's okay my legs are killing me is your face hurting that's killing me oh snap okay check out your dipstick and see it ain't we're not sh it should be red string but it ain't going to be full by no stretch of the imagination no not yet the rear diff is going to be fun too so these are called valve covers what we're bring what we're putting putting the oil into it's called valve the valves are under there mhm how much more do I need to do right right there yeah we need some it it may take off five quartz but we'll see so we're getting there oh give me a little come up a little oh aim aim more toward the big part you're doing a perfect job ho so if you get oil on your valve covers and stuff like this when you crank it up it'll like burn it it'll smell like burnt oil yeah cuz it'll get hot okay I mean it has to be almost full no not not quite yet so we're using what they call 10w30 and those numbers okay you're good there you're good there let's try that let's see how that is but anyway the 10 w30 is careful um those numbers mean like the weight of the oil and the viscosity of it and so different uh engines take different weights different temperatures take different weights I can't see yeah it's right there at the full line fo says right there and it's right there pretty dang close close pretty dang close okay oh something we didn't do that we should have done I've totally forgot when we put that fuel filter I mean when we put the oil filter on we should have filled that up first and I totally forgot so whenever you put your oil filter on fill it up because now that oil has to go through that filter into the engine where so the engine is turning yeah without fresh oil let's put just a little bit more in there just a little bit cuz we got to account for that that so we'll just go just a tick over yeah I forgot all about that my bad it's fine okay that's probably good look at y'all that's totally fine thank y'all for taking care of me grandma yeah all right so the engine's full all right so let's put that back on there all right just push hard there you go perfect we're going to be putting a new carburetor on it we're going to be putting new rocker panels on it we're going to be putting new um um what else did I order a lot I ordered a lot of stuff window things so oh yeah window cranks stuff like that so it's going to be good all right so the oil is changed so that's how you change the oil now we got to change the rear differential fluid because it's probably never been changed neither so so let's go ahead and get into that and that's that's U that's fun so let's go downstairs this is what they call a 10 bolt rear end all right so the reason it's 10 bolts is if you count 2 4 there's 10 yeah let's see 2 four 6 8 10 so this is a 12 bolt rear end oh right U because it's got 12 bolts in it so going to do when you're changing a rear diff M diff is short for differential yep and uh so we're going to take these off so let's get another 9/16 but let's use it we have impact and when when this thing comes off it's going to we we'll take this these bottom ones loose first uhhuh cuz and then the oil will drain from here and then we fill it from the back side there so you got to uh let me get the you need a little smaller are the/ inch I mean uh uh well I don't know it's catch but it's not really catching let me see so I don't know no it's smaller yeah I know what I'm talking about what you talking about girl Sho so what color do y'all think what color y'all think we're going to paint this blue light blue light blue okay here you go let's see give her the beans there you go all right Z I'mma hand you go ahead you got that one yeah I got this I'mma hand you these don't lose them okay cuz I got to go back in here let's go oh all right come on so we have to clean these up this this rubber stuff on there is called RTV and we're going to put new RTV on it okay all right there you go I can't see those I'll get this you want me get this one over here yeah let me we're going to leave the we're going to leave the we're going to leave the two on top up top okay just loosen the but try not to try not to take them all the way out just kind of there you go now that's good perfect actually oh okay that's perfect actually we just leave the top one now yeah here yeah be careful I'm like oh gosh we fixing we fixing lay into it right now here I'll try this yeah I can't get that you're doing good might have to do the might have to do the old uh tap tap tap on it let me get a hammer there's like a rubber lip is it supposed to be in front or behind the in between it I don't want to might need a smaller pry bar work work some good here gosh almost like they didn't want this thing to leak oh you better watch out yeah I know I'm about to get taken out by the oil bucket I can see it [Music] moving golly M off I can see it man this thing does not want to go bro let me try think it's working I don't think it's doing much anything we just got to keep on working it that's all once we get the bottom of it down we we'll do in good shape M oh look at all the water that is not good that's what remember he said he was investigating the knocking noise and the it obviously has a back tire off the rim but he told me that he was investigating a knocking noise in the rear end uh-huh how did water get in there that's a good question that was my eyeball oh gross oh my gosh wow that's dog hunting for you look at that oh you think that needed to be changed oh what that mail what that M that maell oh oh gross good Lord oh look at that oh my gosh o yeah I would say that needed to be changed uhhuh oh big surprises in the C10 oh look at that e come here girl gross okay is this a C10 or a K10 I mean KTN yeah my bad okay so let's move these out of the way that is so nasty smells not good okay what I'm going to have to do is uh we hand me a blue paper T Blue Rag right you going need more than a Blue Rag oops are we putting that same diff cover thing back on it uh yeah for now okay but look at the water still just in there yeah it's not a good sign is it you can just BR out that whole box out here if you don't want all right we're just going to clean this up a little bit wow look at all that that's a slug straight up slud mhm getting the San on yeah that so nasty I mean just so much sludge wow what's up with me getting every time I break open something I see water and sluds and oil and all right I think she I need um this this I wonder we'll check you know obviously leak for a reason but hopefully when we get this new gasket and stuff put on it it won't leak so I'm got to this is the fun part right so take this is called a gasket scraper it looks like a screwdriver but it's not and let's take that rubber piece off there is that ASMR ASMR see if you can pull [Music] it there you go you can't like rip it uh-uh I'm getting there 4 days later yeah oh my gosh ow here you go let me grab some of that let me get some of this action come on well CU we got to get it all off or it won't make a good seal this is called RTV and we're going to put high temp RTV on there to re replace this old stuff we're taking off it's the color of it this is black I think they make different colors for different temperatures but we're going to go with a high temperature cuz cuz that's what it we're supposed to do how often do you have to change these things uh we have change the oil in them about every 60,000 miles I'm going to hit it with some brake cleaner after we're done this will keep a lot of it there uh try not to try not to get the uh paper towel it'll get wrapped up in that it'll get wrapped up in there I can dry all right all right see if you can get some of that off there careful with your let me get you some safety glasss we're pretty close to that yeah you don't have to Ang you don't have to angle it you know the paper cow trick might not work okay just so just keep it kind of i Fishing ow oh that hurts so bad what' you did just stabbed myself and yeah like that see any more little pieces of rubber like that not [Music] really right there okay with your [Laughter] fingers there's one more up here [Laughter] I'll put I'll put some more Bak cleaner in it think it's done all right my paper towel trip didn't work as good as I thought it was going to but it's just paper it ain't like it's metal shaving you know what I mean yeah all right I'm going spray it down with some brake cleaner I got some more somewhere it's up there so close oh there you go or eyes I got safety goggles on I'm chilling okay um Z go into that room and on the table as soon as you walk in the door on the left there's this stuff right here okay you tell me to take that long black candy okay so now the fun part we get to um draw actually take this and dry uh dry the um ring off you know the where we're going to put the nuts and bolts dry that off real good that's going to keep leaking there so just dry the rest of it off we'll let that sit or you can stick a towel in there for now all right let me show youall what do next come on okay so this is high temp red type 650 RTV silicone so basically you can make your own gasket with that okay so what you're going to do I wonder is that bent or is that the way it's contoured um I'm pretty sure it was like that you think it was I think so okay so see these see this right here uhhuh see that's designed so that you can take it and poke a hole in it like that right and then we'll cut the tip of it off here and now what we're going to do is we're going to take we're going to screw that on there and we're going to trace the outside of this all the way mhm like that and then around each I want to do this part okay you can do half and half yeah well we're going to do the bottom too oh well then you can do that part cuz you already down there go ahead and do this one why you're already down there or half and half I doesn't matter yeah we'll do half and half like you're icing a gingerbread house like you're icing a gingerbread house lay on yeah I ain't saying she's a lot thicker but have you seen the way she eats the Snickers cuz remember this is what's going to this is what's going to seal this is what's going to keep all the gear oil from coming out of it why ain't it coming out ow oh it smell bad no it smells like vinegar yeah it does well you have a little bit more I stand like right there it don't really matter does it yeah 50/50 T you're fired dude this is hard to come out dude I'm not kidding I have no idea what you just said said it's hard for it to come out okay is it not going to dry uh-uh oh just hurt my fingers how do you put oil in the weirdness uh there's a bolt we haven't take out yet haven't taken out yet so there more oil going to come out uh-uh no it's on the top the the fuel plugs on the top they're not fun this ain't fun you got the rest have fun to a breath out of me took the breath took my breath out try to put as much as you can get on there isn't it hard I told you it does stink don't it yeah it smells like vinegar little thin there it's hard isn't it [Music] are yall going to name this truck eventually we already had a name for it oh you did what was it yeah what was it cuz I don't know it was a sticker I wanted to get made for it salt life no you know the owner of salt life killed somebody what what yeah Britney was telling me and Taylor yesterday let me see something right quick no remember the sticker the to sticker but I didn't know if that was going to be is that like is that like inappropriate salt life no Twin Towers oh I didn't hear I wasn't listening to y'all uh no it ain't inappropriate y'all are the twin towers ain't you yeah but no man we I don't know if that's like a touchy subject yeah that's I'm like I don't know if that's like a no only only crazy people think it's not a s i mean that's part of our history that was not a good day in it was not a good day in our history you know that's why your papa ham went to war a lot were you in the Air Force when that happened I was at Robin's Air Force Base and as soon as that happened I went to the Middle East for a long time dang that one was a lot we don't want it to leak definitely ain't going to be leaking on my side maybe C especially to be to be fair I did make the hole bigger yeah but I was doing a good job before you did that yeah this is true now we're going to need to start these bolts so someone's oh we we really need to it's okay it goes over just a little it's not too bad you put some more gray here can see yeah it need definitely need some right there so next time your dad comes over we'll get that steering column put together okay and get the uh shifter transmission shifter on this one right here here this a little bit it's it going to like burn me no all right let's go figure out the uh let's go do the other one there [Music] do I have to go around the holes on this one too no here I'll get I get see [Music] all right let's try that here you go girl where was the uh no that's wrong cuz is there like a bolt thing right there it like this it yeah well is that just a hole right there uh yeah oh I think I put it go like that like that yep go down no it was that was the right all your bolts are completely wrong not right there cuz I did not pull that off well now you're moving it pop a hammer firing you too no kidding I'm not exactly a look on the other side and see how it looks goes like that like that that's it okay um oh here they are that red stuff is everywhere no I'm sliding D give me a little push oh gosh you D okay so this I hate Whoever has to do this next time yeah going to be y a yeah no I'll take it I'll just bring it to you [Music] okay well does this one go on that thing up top I mean it can if you want it to okay so it doesn't matter they say Okay arm workout [Music] uh dub you can get us the impact wrench the yellow and black um where uh I don't know where it's at I don't know where I put it there's the grinder oh it's right here oh uh but I need the well I was expecting it to I need the uh extension and the nine the extension and the or was it a/ inch um I think these were half inches the half is missing so where did it oh okay here you put them on sure not a fan of all this silicone [Music] on I have that give herid the beans we going clean that up so we don't want this to leak right so we're going here all right there hold on you hear that did you hear the different noise I mean the different sound all right let me see there's a torch there's a torque spect all right cool all right so now let's look on the to roll back in there you'll see some all right let me see let me see what size that is uh see if that see if that fits in it just see if it fits in it don't don't twist it [Applause] yet no too big too big okay see okay so take the uh take where's that socket at that I just took off of it z uh dub um it's on that that silver socket that I just yeah it's got an it's got an adapter on the end of it yeah all right see if this fits in here oops I'm sorry see if that fits in there yeah not really but not really okay let me go get some Square it might I just don't think I'm strong enough to push it in there it probably does watch your watch your watch your eyeballs here you stay where you're at oops wrong way press that black button up my thumb no no yes all right go ahead okay all right that's called the FI plug there all right so here's what we're going to do we're going to fill that full of oil until it comes out until it starts leaking out very slowly okay so let me go get the oil for you this this is going to be this is difficult I'm not lie okay I mean you literally just have to put that in there be careful not spilling on you okay uh yeah now squeeze the bot botle until the bottle's empty or until it starts filling up on and when it starts pour when it starts overflowing that means it's full good advice but we're going to need more than that but that's okay I got more what else do we got to do today that's it we're going to be done after this so this is a 73 axle I feel like you need to cut the little top more let me go get the gear oil while she's doing that feel like you're about to get empty no really really oh I don't know if that's that might have just been here let me get you a rag cuz if it's I I think it takes more than that I mean I would assume so it may not so let's try that off and see if it continues to Z qu what' you have Mexican last night okay let me give you some more I wish would have been so good here you go let me give you some more El there you go I only got this one bottle so we got to transfer the fluids I was about to say how do you expect me to pour that oh is it over a phone I think it's about done yeah it's still dripping okay you sure I'm pretty sure look how WIP it clean I can't even see it that good I'll go ahead and put more in there hold on is that right what's the bottle say on it 32 oz 32 yeah so it should take both those bottles and then a little bit I am hungry yeah we're going to go eat lunch here in a minute still leak what's that still leaking yeah what you do with that flashlight that you had that was a good idea thank you that actually I think that's it right there go now dab the front of it there you go now take your your plug is just above your hand there there you go perfect good job now run it in not so not so tight with this but just enough to kind of I can keep hand tightening it did you already flip it yeah no I'm sorry I didn't I lied okay just to take more there you go that's probably good all right take your um Rag and see if you can wipe it off a all right cool Perfect all right hey we got the oil change got the diff fluid change uh there's a lot there's a few little things left to do before we get sent off to the paint booth so we got some videos coming up on that dub and Z will be here helping us along the way uh their dad and I will take care of that steering column issue and uh but what do you think I think it's it's going pretty good yeah yeah I think so too we got to figure out a name for this truck though oh yeah what do you like we were thinking Twin Towers cuz you know we're twins we're actually triples we live ugly one at home but let me know what y'all think and make sure y'all like And subscribe obviously yeah and you guys we got a playlist of this truck that's uh that I'll link below make sure you guys go check out Michael Pro Tools gopro.com hf5 we get you 15% off those tools and we appreciate them helping us with this project you guys take care God bless we'll talk to you later
Channel: Hamiltonville Farm
Views: 85,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heavy equipment, will it start, tractors, diesel, will it run, will it crank, old heavy equipment, abandoned vehicle, chevy, chevy squarebody, square body, project truck, truck, pick up truck, twins, twin girls, granddaughters
Id: EbZSv8XkPqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 33sec (4053 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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