Can I teach them how to drive a skid steer?

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how about you I'm Han welcome to hamiltonville farm a lot of you guys remember when you were kids and you were riding tractors with your grandpa and your dad and y'all were doing heavy equipment stuff farm tractor stuff well I never did that right uh but I I actually bought my first tractor when I was 47 years old I sat on my first bulldozzer when I was 50 years old and my first excavator when I was 50 years old so I don't have any experience in that kind of stuff I bought my first skid steer when I was 53 years old I'm currently 53 years old right so between a a bulldozer an excavator and a skid steer I've got about 50 hours between those three pieces and obviously the skid steer's got the most of it because I have it here at the house but I think it's important to pass those skill sets and that that that type of uh aptitude belong to the Next Generation or the younger generation so I'm going to teach my granddaughters how to operate this skid steer you guys come go with me hey I've got my 15-year-old twin granddaughters with me we got dub and z and I'm going to teach them how to operate a skid steer y'all excited yep so we're going to teach them some some Basics some overview stuff and they're going to get a chance to uh go one at a time so who's going to go first dub of course of course right so we're going to let dub go first but let's show them some of the some of the things that you need to do before you even get inside the skid steer so let's take a look at some of the things you need to check and then you can start operating your machine so anytime you want to get on machine you want to do like a walk around to make sure no parts are falling off stuff like that right and then when you open up any in and this goes for any type of equipment there's an engine oil and on that engine oil it has the oil level and this thing right here is making oil you know what I mean so you check the oil level and make sure that you have oil inside your machine all right cuz you don't want to run an engine without oil in it that's a minimum of what you want to uh that's a minimum of what you want to check in your compartment but you can check like battery connections you can check stuff like that all right so now that you got the oil checked and that's good then we can get in and we can actually try to start cranking the the machine and operating it so dub get in there and we will uh and turn your uh I'm going to call you uh on answer it on your headset and I'll be able to talk to you all right on the headset there all right so you can go ahead and close the door hold on let me put these things on and I'm going to walk you through it step by step okay and I'm going to try to go off memory now you got to listen now cuz you need to be paying attention to this kind of stuff all right I'm trying all right I got you all right dubs in dubs in all right let's make sure the door is closed all right so let me call Old du and put her on speaker phone here all right so answer hey can you hear me in your headset yep okay I can't hear you though can you talk yeah I'm talking okay it's just a little delayed all right so what you're going to do is on your on your right side up in the to up in the top right there's a switch all right turn it one one click done now look to your upper left and it says the word wait yep yep okay after that once the word weight goes off crank your crank your skid steer like just like you would a car up top okay before I I already missed the step pull reach above you and pull your seat bar down just pull it down in front of you there you go just like that all the way Perfect all right now crank up the skid steer all you got to do is turn the key all right let go all right there you go perfect hey we're in business you're in business you're in business all right so far you're back in a thousand right all right so now on your right side kind of halfway is the throttle you see the picture of the turtle and the and the rabbit yep okay so turn it toward the rabbit you hear the machine get louder yeah okay now so that's your throttle you also have a let's just call it a gas pedal on your lower right foot all right all right once your throttle's all the way up your throttle your foot pedal doesn't work but that's okay we'll just we'll just continue to use what you've got so you don't have to worry about your feet okay all right all right all right now what you're going to do on your right hand is your everything to do with your boom and your bucket all right so take your right joystick and pull towards you oh I'm sorry I've already missed the step man I'm not a very good instructor am I all right tell her to push the green circle push the green circle all right look in your upper lip see the green circle I see yeah I see a little green circle all right all right press just press and release is it all right it says Dr okay so that's good now take your right hand and pull back on your stick there we go look at you you're doing it all right so now push forward with the stick all right see it goes up goes down right y okay cool pull back a little bit more that's good now take your right hand and move it to the right and that dumps the bucket out move it to the left and that pulls the bucket in okay so let's stand over here right quick all right now take your left hand all right that's all you're driving so if you push it forward you go forward if you pull it back you go back if you go to the left you go to the left you go to the right you go to the right okay so now if at any time if you get scared just let go all right that's going to that's going to be the break all right at anytime does not get scared I had du don't get scared that's what I'm talking about okay so take now that your bucket is is clear of any obstacles go ahead and push the left hand and you don't even have to mess with your right hand anymore there you go good job all right and now the more you push it the faster you go all right so push it forward as far as it can all right good job okay now take your left hand and pull it back so you can go backwards in Reverse it only does that when the big girls are backing up all right good all right now let go now go forward and then while you're going forward also take the joystick and go to the left and you can turn the machine to the left all right feel that now try now go forward and to the right all right now here's what I want you to do for fun okay all right take that joystick and go all the way hard to the left as fast as you can and just hold it [Applause] there you tear him you tearing my yard up that's all right though long as you're having fun okay that's good right there all right so that's how you make a circle all right so now now that you know how to drive it let's let Z get in it she's going to do the same thing and then we're going to go then we're going to go get some dirt and we're going to pick up some dirt load some dirt and all that good stuff okay all right so let's show you how to get out of the machine all right now on that door that door will not open unless the the Boom is down because it it hits the cylinders so go ahead and push the there you go just like that push it push the boom all the way down all right now take your seat bar raise it up oh let's go ahead and cut the machine off so so Z can go through the whole process all right go ahead and raise your seat bar and then turn the machine off all right good job now take the throttle and go ahead and put it back toward the turtle and you're good now before you get out if you get hot look down here at the bottom left you see the air conditioning yep okay cool so when you get if you get hot then you you'll be good to go on that so all right so let's uh let's let Z get in there there you go t look at her huh Grand exit we need some type of uh flare music to get in there so oh Lord I got to make sure they get the Z the the Snapchat you should at least get the machine in the back oh yeah go yeah duh oh I got to give you my mic too all right all right cool Ain't It Cool that you guys are learning how to drive a skid steer before you even got your driver's license yeah pretty awesome ain't it all right all right Z watch your shin all right jump up in there can you hear me and your ears you can okay so pull your door shut there you go just like that all right let's do a little let's do a little harder here there you go my bad okay now pull your seat bar over your head that's right all right right so far you're doing awesome okay so on your upper right you've got a switch it's got a turtle I mean you've got a a key switch on the top right so click it one time and then when you get through clicking it look over on your left and you'll see the word weight all right once that word weight goes off then you can crank up the skid steer just turn it just turn it like you do a car all right good all right now on the upper left you got a green circle push that green circle all right did it highlight green perfect it sure did okay cool now take your on your right hand about y about halfway up you've got the uh turtle and the rabbit so turn it toward the rabbit and that's your Thro okay now with your right hand that right joystick that right joystick is your is your bucket stuff so pull back on it to make it go up there you go keep going on up up up but all right now if you push forward you go it goes down so push it down good job now the faster you the more you push it forward and backward the faster it goes okay all right so pull it back some more okay now take your Jo the same hand and go to the left and right if you go to the left that's going to take the bucket and it's going to dump the dirt out okay so go to the to the left all right now go to the right there you go all right see how the bucket tilts up and down like that all right yep yep so now before you move the machine you want to make sure that the bucket's high enough that it's not going to hit any stumps or anything like that okay so go ahead and let go with your right hand because we're not going to need that right yet go to your left hand now if you push forward you let's go step out of the way just a little bit if you go forward if you push forward you go forward so push forward there you go and the the harder you push the faster you go now pull it back and you'll go in reverse all right now come now let's push forward and when you do that also go to the left and then come back to the right so come forward okay all right now take it and kind of pull it to the right or left your choice see this one she went straight for the donut didn't she he yeah he in action go forward and then move to and then go to the left there you go perfect all right so come forward some okay all right push it harder all the way and if you get scared Just Let It Go all right that's hard don't get scared all right so let's go forward and turn around and come back toward us okay okay all right there you go all right come there you go good job feel like I'm in a video game you're in a video game that's what it feels like all right so now let's push the take your right hand and let's put the bucket on the ground all right good now reach up and turn your Throttle Down to the to the turtle and now let's cut the machine off and I want to talk to you about a couple things Perfect all right you raise your bar perfect and then open the door okay so let's talk about here you can come out now and I want talk to you about a few things of of what what we did all right remember how remember how I said look up to the left and the word weight yep be up there all right so what's happening is when you turn it to the first the key to the first slot the it's a diesel engine and the diesel engine has glow plugs so fuel needs to be hot before it catches on fire to blow up in the engine and make make compression combustion I know I know that's way way way more than you like whatever papam but anyway nonetheless you've got to heat your engine up before you can crank it m and so what you're doing is you're you're you're heating your engine up before you crank it you're waiting for your engine to get hot all right once that's hot you're good you crank it up and the the the machine the machine has to have the computer to tell it to make the Hydraulics work M and so when you press that green circle that tells the computer hey we can start operating the Hydraulics to make this thing go up and down machine go forward and backwards and all that stuff so that's why you uh hit the green circle so that's that you guys ready to you think you can dig some dirt you think you can do that I think so I think you can too so um now we're going to go we're going to go dig some dirt who wants to drive it to the Clay Pit me you dub wants to all right so Dub's going to drive it all actually do you want to flip a coin I've got this new app on my phone yeah let's flip a coin okay let's flip a coin I got a coin flip like we're Twins or something it's crazy all right we got a coin I got this I don't know free off the app store right okay so I'm okay I'll be TOS all right ready here we go ready that's what I'm talking about all right so let's uh oops so let me go ahead so get back in there I'll walk you through it and then we'll meet you at the Clay Pit okay okay okay let me call you okay I going to drop the headphones I think you hit the button what maybe okay can you hear me hello no you hear me all right I got you okay I can hear you now okay cool all right okay so pull your arm pull your bar over your head there you go all the way okay upper right is your switch to so hit it one time upper right there you go good job okay all right look make sure the word weight is up there sure is all right when it goes off then you can crank it up all right good job all right now turn your throttle toward the rabbit I need to push the green button uh you can do that too yeah you can do that push the green button okay good job and now turn your throttle up good job take your right hand and pull it back all right that's that's probably good enough and let's go uh now take your left hand let's go to the FL pit got it going to be a long walk not for me I'm zooming it's a little bumpy in here a little bumpy don't hit the tree I'm watching it you already drive better than I do I know now the test will come when you get the dirt now this let me let me talk to the camera right quick so you guys let me know who do you think is going to be the better skid steer operator getting the dirt is it going to be dub or is it going to be Z you guys leave a comment below you do you do have that goal for you don't you hey papa ham how far you want me to go we're going to go into the Clay Pit so got take a left and look on the road here we're going to go hit the hit the dirt in there like I said anytime you feel uncomfortable just let go of the joystick okay okay oh there good now don't go so fast down the hill okay I'm just going to go right this way you want me to pull right in here I should have gave you I should have put you on my back D very carefully it's right here good yeah just wait on us there okay okay so so come forward okay come forward to about right here or so this area all right the pressure's on the pressure's on all right so when you get when you get to where you want to be as far as like scooping up the dirt or whatever take your right hand and lower your boom lower your bucket and get it on the ground you're fine right there that's good okay okay all right so take them put your bucket on the ground okay keep going all the way to the gr all right now take your take your hand and move to the right a little bit take your right hand and move to the right or it might be to the left go ahead and pull it you can do it hard it's okay yeah there you go to the right yeah keep going like now while you're doing that take your left hand and push that bucket into the ground like that there you go now as you get more dirt into the bucket take your hand take your right hand keep on coming yep you're good now take your right hand and curl to the left as you're moving as you're moving forward curl it to the left keep come keep turning to the left left left left left left there you go you can feel it good now right now pull it back towards you pull your right hand back to you okay as you okay all right keep pull it towards you okay now now back up some but go slow with your left hand go backwards got to go slow can't lose my dirt that's right now take as you're coming back take your right hand to go forward a little bit and I'll tell you why you're going to do take your right hand and go forward there you go see how you're perfect all right that's good right there all right now bring the dirt over here and and I'll show you and I'll show you how to dump it out that's a pretty decent that's a pretty decent bucket full of dirt I'm not going to lie there you go now just dump it right here and I'll show you how to do that all right yeah come toward me now as your cover yeah as you're coming forward take your right hand and pull it back some keep as your you're doing both both at the same time come forward now raise your right hand all right that's good right there take your take your right hand and pull back on the joystick there you go and at the same time go to the uh go to the left as you pull back and to the left okay oh I'm sorry back to the right my bad okay now you see how you're going to dump it out like that keep there you go all in one motion good good job per that's perfect keep going keep going to the right a little Shake yeah so take your right hand and move it left or right real quick that shakes the bucket left right left right left right left right keep there you go keep you on that move it now take it to your right some more you still got some dirt in your bucket all the way to the right all the way okay now hold right there come back to your left a little okay now come forward and smooth out back drag that pile of dirt you just did so come toward there you go now take your right hand and go toward uh forward there you go good job all right and then back her up try to spread that dirt out a little bit you're going to have to look now there you go now take your right take your right hand and mo go forward with it as you back up there you go that's what I'm talking about driver all right what he think that look good yeah there you go man I think I'm going to hire her I don't know do she got some pressure now got some pressure yeah I'm coming for you okay so so uh pull up on the right hand yep okay now level your bucket out that's good level your bucket out let's see to the right I guess it would be yeah or whatever what is okay to the left all right all right and go ahead and set your bucket down on the ground all the way and make sure that's a cylinder okay let's go back to the left keep going keep going keep going keep going keep okay that's good now press forward okay now turn your throttle down to your rabbit I mean I'm sorry your turtle okay now turn your machine off raise your raise your arm this your seat bar all right good job that's not bad all right that is all right I'mma hang up look how good that dirt looks huh I think you're I think you're pretty much a professional at this point you going to hire I'm I'm not going to lie when I say that you're better than Papa ham a thanks no I'm being serious if anyone needs me to come smooth dirt you know who to call that's right so now we're going to let dub do it and see now she got I'm not kidding she got a big load of dirt if you don't do it yeah it's going to be on like Donkey Kong you know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying all right cool all right here you go I'm going to call you here in a sec all right and we're going to start all over we're going to give you a big scoop of dirt and uh is that M your Michael Jackson your best Michael Jackson impression yeah you don't know nothing about that I don't know nothing about that all right we maked up all right so let me ow I hit my head all right now I'm going to I'm going to let you try to crank it without telling you what to do and see if you get it okay okay all right you going to have to shut the door a little harder than that open it and close it yeah there you go good job all right that good what's your first step you're going to click the key one time oh put your seat belt on yeah put your seat belt on all right okay all right safy first yeah all right you're going to click it once yep let it simmer so far so good and then we're going to put the rabbit or put it on rabbit we're going to turn it on first oh yeah we're going to crank it first all right so it's turn it on you're doing good you're doing great all right all right do we click the green button that's fine yeah you can do that all right now put it on rabbit that's right all right let's see if I got this all turn it there you go good raise it up so it doesn't hit anything so far so good look at their Naturals we're going to straighten her out all right come back up so we can find a now you now you do have a mirror that you can look out of just in case yep but you're fine go ahead we're going to turn this way a little bit so we can get some good dirt right here think she's going to what do you think what do you think are standing in front of my good dirt all right come on all so take your right hand and push forward and now Al now turn to the right so the blade of your bucket will get into the dirt there you go keep doing that all right come on with me so far so good there you go now when it starts getting heavy like that curl start to curl to the to the left as you come up there you go you can pull up some and curl there you go oh I don't know Z I think yours I think yours was a little bigger scen probably was I thought you was I can hear you that's me oh you can hear us I'm sorry all right now good you're good back up you go faster than that all right all right so as she's backing up we're going to do a couple things when they're done right we're going to talk about like center of gravity and things like that so we'll let I'll show her how to dump this and then we'll talk about some stuff when when uh she gets done with that all right so come on you can put it how about right right here all right now something come on come on forward so something you have to think about all right that's good something you have to think about is here's the edge of your bucket right yep and and so this is the distance of your bu the depth of your bucket so if you were to dump that now the tip of your bucket would hit the ground and may not you may not be able to dump all your your your dirt out so you need to raise it up so that you have plenty of clearance to dump your dirt there you go all right now as you're raising it up go to the uh was it to the right or to the left I can't what the other way dump it out yeah that way what what way is that right all right all right so raise it up and dump it out there you go perfect all right look at we ain't got no dirt you ain't got no dirt girl all right so now now come forward let's spread the let's spread that little pile of sand out that you did hey all right okay so you want the tip of your B the blade of your bucket to be on the on the other side of that pile so there you go perfect all right let's drop her down there you go good job wrong way yeah go take yeah there you go okay there you go that's what I'm talking about look at that almost like you know what you're doing I do know what I'm doing all right okay so now raise your uh level your bucket out by going to the right and set your bucket all the way down and so so that your door has clearance on the cylinders there you go good job all right keep going there you go perfect okie dokie you're good there I might say uh Z looks a little better all right so let's turn it to to Turtle turn the machine off and raise your seat bar and let's talk about it how did you get yours to look so good I'm a professional listen I'm not you know I don't play favorites cuz I love my granddaughters equally but I don't I don't know though I would say that there's more I would say that there's more volume of spoils on this side than they are on that side this looks pretty flat if you ask me and but I will say this your defense Clay is harder to spread Than Dirt Than Dirt so that's that's that's your defense but all right so something you have to remember center of gravity okay center of gravity is the higher this goes with a lot of weight the more you have to the possibility of you tipping it over yeah all right especi now you know if you're going to go up this little uh slope or anything like that what you don't want to happen is um you don't want to have a uh your load really really high and then you fall over backwards so just be careful about that kind of stuff when you're operating with heavy heavy loads what would happen if you tipped over it would hurt well that's what you that was that what that's why you put your seat belt on that's why you put your seat belt on right so you should wear your seat belt there is a seat belt in there but the seat bar is down the seat belt's on and uh but what you need to really be concerned about is your and this is something that um you'll get overtime as you as you um as operate as you operate it more is is your surroundings right so you know that that's the edge of your bucket there so when you turn you know if someone's standing beside you or if there's a vehicle there or if you're loading a dump truck you hit the side of the dump truck all that good stuff so those are things that you have to think about but that all that stuff comes with with practice and time and stuff like that so uh so now that we've got kind of the understanding of the basics of this stuff you need to be here at 6:00 in the morning because we're doing some dirt work I don't know about all that now that's a little early for me you don't want to come in here at 6:00 in the morning so no I'm I'm not going to be up at 6:00 in the morning Nei so anyway Hey listen uh you know the these are my granddaughters dubb and z and we're going to actually do a project truck together we're buying an old square body Chevy so if you like that kind of content make sure you got your notification Bell turned on make sure you subscribe to the channel because uh they you know they was like hey papa ham we they call me Papa ham by the way you know y'all call me Hank there I'm Papa ham but they're going to get their hands dirty with this old square body Chevy and we're going to see if we can't get that thing running and uh I think it's going to be a fun project and I think you guys should tag along with us what you think yeah it'll be super exciting yeah so anyway we appreciate you guys watching take care God bless how about you he
Channel: Hamiltonville Farm
Views: 42,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heavy equipment, will it start, tractors, diesel, will it run, will it crank, old heavy equipment, abandoned vehicle, twins, skid steer, compact track loader, granddaughter, grandparent, teaching how to drive skidsteer, twin girls
Id: TVTig4Sw6vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 37sec (2137 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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