What class should you play in D&D? | A Tutorial for all players

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Seems pretty good to me.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/NightmareWarden 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2017 🗫︎ replies
Dungeons and Dragons has a lot of options and it could be difficult for new players to choose what they want to play the classes can be a bit overwhelming if they're looking for an easy start well I'm here today to show you a basic idea of what the classes are and what to choose for your first time whether it's your first time or your 100th experience playing D&D D&D currently has 14 classes 12 in The Player's Handbook and 2 when unearthed Arcana mystic and artifice ER dr. Dungeon Master on whether or not he'll let you use unearthed Arcana there's still kind of in beta rules and in testing and they're completely optional but for the sake of simplicity and because I like them a lot I'm going to be talking about them in this video I like to divide the classes into four categories that aren't really defined in the books just to make things a little simple for players who don't really understand the game yet i think a great D&D party should have one per category and I've tested it before and it seems to work alright so I'd like your feedback as well anyways here are the four categories we've got offensive classes supports spell casters and utility offense classes are fighting types that do lots of damage and do very well in combat and typically don't use too much magic at least not a level one they are very simple and incredibly easy to play if you're a new player I really really suggest playing one of these classes they're super simple they'll get you really into the game real fast there's not a whole lot to manage you don't have to think about a whole lot and if you really just want a real simple experience for Dungeons and Dragons on your first time I highly suggest playing at least one of these classes all you got to do with these guys is get in there kill some dudes and don't die and of course each one has played a little bit differently our bearings are all about taking damage and also dishing it out you clip a heavy weapon put some points into your Constitution and tank the whole team you get a d12 in your hit dice meaning you'll have the most hit points you don't have to wear armor your Constitution acts as a bonus towards that and if you're raging you take less damage and you deal more damage so you're protecting the team by just being this big mutant two kills everything fighters they're more about tactics not as much health as a barbarian but they're good in almost every types of fighting style they can use a bow they can use two weapons they can use one weapon they can use a two-handed weapon they can use a weapon and shield they're pretty much skilled and almost every type of fighting so if you're looking for a more personalized fighter exactly what the name is try playing a fighter they're real easy they're real simple to use and they have a lot of versatility in the later on game all monks do are focused on their abilities and key in my opinion monk is the easiest class to play in Dungeons & Dragons out of all the classes all monks have to do is go in punch something and that's all they have to worry about you get some cool abilities with your key like stunning people or pulling them to the ground all you need to do is run in and punch you need to punch no worrying about equipment weapons or armor just your fists and your superpowers Rhodes stealth and stay in the shadows and attack when the time is right to stuffily assassinate their targets rogues don't really need to get into the mess of things they try their best to kind of stealth away stay in the back shoot from a distance or stab when nobody's watching them all you're trying to do as a rogue is get advantage on your attacks so you can do your sneak attack so you can do more damage these guys are like the thieves and tricksters of Dungeons and Dragons so if that's the type of play style that you're really looking for rogue might fit you really well I also think rogues are really easy to play in my opinion next a monk so give it a shot if you're a brand new player the offense classes allow a simple play style to be eventually worked into a more interesting character if you're really wanting to go into magic and you still are kind of new to Dungeons and Dragons don't worry fighter rogue monk and barbarian all get a path where they can all start casting spells I'll be it fighter and rogue get the better side to it if you're really looking for a spell and sword type of character just like in Skyrim go for a fighter Eldridge Knight there are a lot of fun and you can be casting fireballs also hitting people and doing tons of damage it's really fun and you should really check it out support classes these classes keep everyone alive can ultra battles with incredible abilities if you're looking to help the team rather than doing loads of damage these are the classes for you each support class is defined by their abilities and spells being tailored towards crowd control and healing each of these classes possess some way to heal or cast cure wounds most of the given spells are also made to help the offense classes kill a little bit easier whether you're holding down an enemy or making it easier for them to hit them or paralyzing someone or knocking them into a wall you're not really doing tons of damage as a support class here or more or less helping the team kill the other bad guys that you want to kill or incapacitate them if you're not about you know all that killing stuff I'm a pacifist character this will only work for about three levels and then I'll want to kill things you're more likely to be buffing your friends than shooting fireballs clerics the god sworn prophets they have many different ways they can be played they have lots of domains to choose from clerics can be protective they can be healers they can be damage boosters or they can be completely just knowledgeable these make your cleric very very customizable and how they choose to give their miracles to the world but in that sense they're a little bit hard to play and they can be a little bit daunting when you first open the book and you look at cleric and you're like hey this looks like a good idea and then you start reading the rest of the pages like oh I don't know what I'm doing can be a little confusing for new players just having just a cleric in the party can just completely change everything they're also very very spell heavy making them a little bit difficult to play as well reading through all those spells or managing all those cards can be a little hard sometimes if you're up for the challenge go for it but clerics are incredibly useful in Dungeons & Dragons at a tough time with this one because I thought druid would fit better on the spellcaster section however most of the Drude spells are crowd control and are healing or at least helping your party's sustaining sustaining them with good berry lots of support types of spells so I figured they'd fit better in the support category druids commune with nature to control the battlefield in the world around them druids have this awesome ability called wild shape where they can turn into animals and its really really awesome because when you transform to the animal you have a pool of hit points and if those hit points go out you just come back to your normal self with all of your hit points meaning they can just give themselves so much health so if you took a druid and a barbarian you put them together and oh you'd never die but like Clare extrudes are a bit spell heavy but I think they're a little bit easier to play than clerics druids have very minimal spells that can really choose from unlike clerics who just a ton of spells you can kind of pick and choose what you want for each day making them a little bit easier to play still a little bit difficult not the easiest class I still suggest if you're brand new go ahead and play an offense class unless you're really up to the challenge you really want to delve into D&D like right I'm playing a good go for it paladin's are earth driven they are about serving their God and any way possible in my opinion paladin's aren't difficult to play they're difficult to role play role playing a paladin can be difficult for new players since new players will likely want to explore all the possible encounters and ideas and what you can do in Dungeons and Dragons a paladin may limit their choices in that sense however paladin's are very helpful they can tank they can deal damage they can empower others in themselves they can cast smiting abilities on their weapons just to be like they can heal a lot too they have an ability called lay on hands where they have a pool of health each day that they can just heal people with elements can be very powerful if played correctly they're not too difficult to play I don't think they're more like a cleric that can fight and they get a set amount of spells it's just that role playing a paladin can be a little bit difficult for new people especially if you have to follow that oath that your god gives you and if you're not really familiar with all the D&D gods you know go do your research Bard's are the easiest support class to playing Dungeons & Dragons and they're also my favorite class and all of the India you play music to inspire your comrades you heal them during short rests and you can cast spells to do massive area effects that can hit lots of targets at once it's really great because your whole party has got swords and battle-axes and spells that can cast from their hands and their wands and you're in the back with the guitar going and people explode for some reason it's really great and bards can be very whimsical very fun to play and they're very easy you only have to pick a certain amount of spells you have a few abilities you really have to manage and they're really good at being just great at everything they can fight they can cast spells they can heal and they get an ability called jack-of-all-trades which gives them a bonus to all of their skill checks if you're looking for a support class and you're kind of new and you don't really want to play a fighter try out bard it's a lot of fun spellcasters these classes are designed to be a bit more detailed and a little bit more difficult to play however like I've said before if you're willing to go and learn everything go ahead be my guest check out the players handbook if you brain into the game you're like oh I don't really want to read this whole book I don't really recommend you play any of the spell casters but they are incredibly useful they're variety of abilities and magic and influence the game dramatically these classes tend to be the reasons many adventures succeed in their endeavors however spell casters can be tailored exactly to the type of experience of Dungeons and Dragons that you want to play they are incredibly incredibly customizable to the exact character that you want to play they require a bit of time to make so if you're if your campaigns about to start in about 10 minutes pick a rogue or a barbarian because it takes a little bit of time to make a spell caster in under stare caught a class that isn't fully finished but I've played tested it and checked it out and I have one thing to say about it it's really really powerful and really really detailed it's a 28 page PDF and it's insane mystics are incredibly powerful and they work a little bit different than other spell casters instead of having spell slots having one or two that you can cast per day they have a pool of sigh points and they can use these sight points per day and they can use as many as they want you could literally use all your sight points on one spell to do a ton of damage if you want it just for the day but then you'd be out of magic for the whole day all of the sub classes for mystic are also very very customizable there's ones that give you super powers some that make you more like a rogue and a fighter and you can pick which abilities you want specifically for each subclass meaning that you can have meaning that you can have specifically tailored mystic exactly to how you want to play them there are a lot of fun they're really interesting if you're really wanting to read that 28 page PDF but I tell you to go for it the easiest magic class to play in my opinion sorcerers have abilities that empower their spells to make them stronger like mystic but a little bit toned down you get abilities that can make your spells faster you can make them do more damage you can make two of the same spell using sorcery points but the subclasses for source are really fun you can pick a draconic bloodline allowing you to grow scales on you increasing your armor class making you more of a battle sorcerer or you can go into the very fun and hilarious Wild Magic where every time you cast a spell you roll a d20 and if you roll a one something random happens there's a table in the players handbook that shows all the crazy things that can happen one time we were playing curse of straw and everybody turned into sheep yeah even straud it can make for really hilarious situations wizards a more technical knowledgeable magic class wizards focus on one type of magic to focus they can be necromancer's evoker zap jurors and chanters if you want to focus on buffing your team with shields do you want to focus on the magic of teleportation do you want to raise the dead as a necromancer but you know it could be for a good cause wizards are likely going to be the class for you you pick your favorite kind of magic and you go into it but you still get all of the spells in which you can cast from so don't be afraid if you pick one type of magic that doesn't mean you're limited to it you still have the option to cast all magics you just have to choose the one point and focus that you really want to go into warlocks are bit difficult for some to understand so I'll make it a little simple light clerics you have a deity that you follow and answer to however warlocks draw power from their patrons while clerics are given miracles by their gods warlocks are more driven by power and opposed to clerics and that is definitely seen in their class you get a very limited amount of spells but delving into the dark arts you unlock invocations that act like feats or perks to your Warlock meaning that they can be very very customizable you could be an eldred's blast sniper or an all seer who can read every language you can have a companion with you you can summon weapons to your hand they get not a whole lot of spells but they get lots of spell like abilities that make them very very unique and different in terms of the spell caster class they're pretty easy to play and pretty simple going out it's just the concept of them that seems to be a little bit difficult to understand but the book can explain it if you're willing to read it either way warlocks get lots of cool abilities utility so these two classes I threw into utility because I didn't really have much of a place for them in any other class Rangers can cast spells and they can heal and they can be great fighters artifice errs can also do the same so these classes can really help your party however they really want to help their party artifice errs also unearth Arcana are a specialist Alchemist who can use potions and brews or use a crafted Thunder cannon to fire enemies from a distance it's a gun you can have a gun in D&D you also gain the ability to craft a construct that follows you and helps you in battle you can have a gun and you can have a robot that follows you artifices are also very customizable and can gain magical items and their ability sets you can have a robot you can have a gun and you can have an alchemy jug that spills mayonnaise whenever you want they seem a bit clunky in production I've played tested a few of them and they seem a little strange I wish they had more of an upgradeable ability to the to the constructor to the gun or things like that I might come up with my own upgraded version of the artifice er just to make them a little bit more interesting but they can be a lot of fun if you make the most of it and they're definitely an interesting class to play [Music] it's Rangers are the love child of druid and fighter they have weapon expertise but they can commune with nature's for support like spells Rangers can also track an ability no other class can do very well if you're using under star Connor Ranger you should really be using honors Nakano Ranger in a variety of fun abilities and ways to customize your beast hunter you can be in under dark delvar you can have a companion a beast that follows you around or he could be a hunter in any way it's up to you well there's a basic breakdown of each class and I hope this helps you in some way to decide what character you should possibly make for your upcoming campaign Dungeon Master's I would highly suggest planning a session 0 for your new campaign a session 0 is getting everybody together just to make characters you're not playing all you're doing is making characters this allows everybody to kind of mingle with one another on what they want to make what they want to play it's never fun when you start the game two people show up and they're both playing tiefling bards and you're just like come on guys a little bit of communication can go a long way and you can even end for some really interesting character backstories of characters maybe wanting to be related or having ties to their backstory but if you're going to get them together to do a session 0 I would encourage you to show them this video have them come up with their party if they've got four have one for each category if you want to make a really kick butt party or you can all play mystics it's really up to you and that's what Dungeons & Dragons is all about I'm just hopefully here just to make everything a little bit easier for you and your new game but have fun out there adventurers peace
Channel: XP to Level 3
Views: 1,540,808
Rating: 4.909646 out of 5
Keywords: dungeons, and, dragons, d&d, dungeons and dragon, how to, roleplay, play, pick, class, classes, barbarian, bard, cleric, druid, fighter, monk, paladin, ranger, rogue, sorcerer, wizard, warlock, artificer, mystic, character, ideas, inspiration
Id: PoyVuHRB3Ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2017
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