Warlock Class Guide for Dungeons and Dragons 5e

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there's more to this world than one mind can fathom whispers from beyond speak of secrets and power beyond mortal reckoning it's all yours for the taking if you're willing to make a deal we're talking about the warlock in Dungeons and Dragons fifth edition [Music] greetings initiates my name is Monte Martin and I'm Kelley McLaughlin and we are the dungeon dudes today we're taking a look at the Warlock from dungeon dragons 5th edition we're gonna cover everything you need to know to create a warlock in your dungeon the Dragons campaign we're gonna show you how to create a pact with your patron pick your spell's and eldritch invocations select a race and choose your ability scores so that your warlock is prepared to seize the secrets that mortal minds were never meant to know and we're gonna help get you inspired by looking at famous warlocks from folklore and literature as well as some role-playing options to really get you going with that let's get rolling so why play a warlock well the warlock is the quintessential pact magician an arcane spell caster who makes an elder deal with an otherworldly patron in exchange for magical power and knowledge yeah and this is this is a lot different than a lot of the other spell casters who get their abilities from otherworldly beings these ones are much more interesting and to me very dark and mysterious yeah indeed the Warlock gets these great role-playing opportunities baked into the class because the eldritch patrons aren't like deities they're not nature they're demons they're fail Ords they are undead creatures they could almost be anything you imagine that isn't this kind of divine force but something that has a great amount of magical power and is willing to share it maybe unwillingly or just with the right deal yeah and that makes for a very interesting class also mechanically they're one of the most versatile and complex classes to play just because of all the choices you get to make the Warlock is so interesting to play because many of their and their unique spell-casting mechanic allows them to gain their abilities back on a short rest or even just use them at will so they feel very different in play than many of the other arcane spell casting classes like the sorcerer or the wizard at the same time with this benefit comes a huge amount of mechanical complexity so if you love getting into the ins and outs of building your character if you want to have a big choice to make every level if you want to see the impact of making choices from one level to the next the warlock is a great choice I also think warlocks are very interesting because they are a charisma based class that means that when it comes to role-playing and social interactions you get to kind of be the face of the party at times which i think is very interesting to mix with that dark brooding magic that you have the feeling of making these dark deals of this negotiation between your patron and your own power means that you get this great role-playing opportunity with the dungeon master to make up the terms of your contract it's so inspiring as well because there's so much occult lore in Dungeons & Dragons but also in the real world mythologies and religions that you can draw on for getting inspired with your character looking at the Warlock they're the closest to in my opinion Lovecraftian horror that you can get from a class in the D&D world and to me that's just like this this darkness that I think is very rooted in the world of D&D and I think if you if you look in the right places there is a lot of Lovecraft vibe so you can pull on and the Warlock is the best person to pull on those if you're elder to patron is going to be Cthulhu or one of the other great entities that HP Lovecraft and other writers within the genre were inspired by and writing about that is such a great opportunity to go with and if you want to start spouting out Cthulhu like language act like a real crazy cultist where a crazy mask for your character of course maybe not a table maybe just get into reading HP Lovecraft riri animator read the Call of Cthulhu go through the stuff those those books because not only are fantastically inspiring for Dungeons and Dragons you're gonna get lots of great ideas to inspire you for making a warlock there's a lot of folklore and literature out there that is also really in tune with this and I think of a lot of stuff to do with witches absolutely witches in essence are very much warlocks and who is the better example of the witch than the great Baba Yaga of Slavic and Russian folklore she is such a fantastic and enigmatic character that has reared her head many times in Dungeons & Dragons adventures and other inspiration and I think looking at the deals that she cuts with other adventures baba Yaga would herself be a fantastic warlock hatred what I think is really cool here is we don't have a lot of specific examples from film and television but really there are a lot of movies and TV shows that feature a witch like character mm-hmm and I'm thinking of so many scenes that I've seen we're like you have the witch who's there preparing to cast their ritual magic and they're like grabbing that Raven and like squeezing the blood out of it and like all of this horrific stuff and they're like sprinkling this and that into this potion and smokes rising and then they become possessed and like cast these spells and like there's the specific scene from Sleepy Hollow where they go to visit them yeah and I I just imagine warlocks when they're preparing their spells and and things like that that that is in essence what they are doing all those little horror stories any of the mythology around Halloween with witches these are all great things to get your creative juices flowing when you're thinking about the flavor and the lore of a warlock but of course the pact comes from medieval folklore and the no better example can be found in the tragic tale of Doctor Faustus and the wicked Natha stories you have to read this story or this play if you're gonna play a warlock there is no better example of why someone swears a pot to a demon or devil and how that results in their downfall then the story of dr. Faustus if you could read Marlowe's play it's fantastic but there are many different renditions of the tragedy of dr. Faustus and methyl ethyl safley is if you don't already love mephistopheles from Dungeons and Dragons lore you will love the character of mephistopheles once you check out these plays just gonna add back to my reading list yeah so we're gonna talk now about building your warlock and what a complex class they're really amazing but you need to be careful because there are intense decisions that you have to make it every single level from invocation spells abilities all sorts of things that make it a pretty heavy duty class to take on and what's more because each of these options often builds on the last the synergy between your spells invocations and other choices that you make as a warlock all work together and so if you're not planning your warlock out you might end up with less than satisfying character that makes them I would say one of the harder' classes for a beginner player but I won't agree and it's very deceptive because many people feel that due to the warlocks spell casting mechanic it makes them one of the more forgiving classes for a new player I disagree with this the warlock is much closer to its fourth edition roots that it's very been built on and it carries that mechanical weight with it so we get a d8 hit die for armored warlocks are proficient in light armor and for weapons we get all simple weapons warlocks get to choose any two from the following skills Arcana deception history intimidation investigation nature and religion and for saving throws you get wisdom and charisma now warlocks are considered a primary spell caster but they use the unique pack magic system for their spell casting which it makes them unlike every other spell casting class in fifth edition they are a per yzma based spell caster which means that you're gonna be using charisma to determine your spell safe DC and your spell attack modifier however unlike every other class in the game warlocks have an extraordinarily limited number of spell slots gaining only one spouse lot at first level then getting a second one right away at second and then from there you're gonna get your third and fourth spell slots not until your character is over tenth level what is cool about the warlock with their spell casting even though you have a limited number of spell slots they're of the same level and they level up with you so you get up to fifth level spell slots by ninth level yeah so all your spell slots once you're in ninth level character are fit level spell slots and what's more the icing on the cake is that they come back on a short rest instead of a long rest this means that your warlock is a wellspring of magical power being able to send out those spells in every combat encounter and then take a rest and bring them back this does mean though that a warlock can feel a little bit restrictive if they have to go through a lot of combat encounters before they get a short rest or even worse if you're only having one combat encounter in the adventuring day and then taking a long rest so we have another great warlock ability called the mystic Arcanum so when you look at it on paper it may seem like warlocks don't get to cast above fifth level spells but mystic Arcanum is what's gonna grant you six seventh eighth and ninth level spells yes the reason why warlocks have a separate system for these high-level spell slots is because they're not spell slots there are spells that they get to cast once and then they need to take a long rest to get that mist of mystic Arcanum spell back warlocks get to choose their first mystic Arcanum at eleventh level as a sixth level spell slot and then again at 13th for seventh level 15th for eighth level and seventeenth for a ninth level spell for me that's just a great balancing act because they're the only primary spell caster that can regain their spells lots on a short rest so giving them these high level spells being a long rest just makes sense based on this what ability scores are we gonna choose primary spell caster based on charisma charisma is gonna be your highest yeah we say this with every spell caster if well most small casters if it's your spell casting ability you want to choose that as probably primary what would your next one be probably for my warlock I would go with a good Constitution in dexterity score both because you are a spell caster you're gonna be wearing light armor probably there's exceptions so you want a good dexterity score to keep it safe and you want a good Constitution score again to boost up your hit points you only have a DEA hit die and as a warlock concentration spells are going to be the best bang for your buck with your limited number of spell slots so you will usually be concentrating on a spell in combat and you want something to boost up that Constitution saving throw going as far as taking the resilient feet to get proficiency or caster you really want to boost that up I think strength is definitely the one that you're gonna ignore that's fine I think that you really are doing something out of the ordinary if you invest in your strength as a warlock down there so dexterity is always better and then we have wisdom and intelligence and I think that that's gonna be a role-playing decision I think that it's kind of thematically appropriate for a warlock to have a low wisdom score and a high intelligence score because I think of that archetype too of someone who's brilliant but makes very poor decisions yeah and that seems to need to be the one that that with a warlock like I think you got to be a little bit crazy a little bit foolish to sign a pact with a demon or Cthulhu so probably wisdom is gonna be your low score and in addition to strength strength so there's a lot of races that are really cool for the warlock and as with most charisma based classes what jumps to my mind immediately is tiefling seem very thematic and their celestial counterpart the azemar from all those gyda monsters both of them get a nice hefty charisma boost and you both have a patron that you can select to match up the fiend and celestial now so you can get a really thematic character out of that also half elves are really strong here with their charisma boost and their boost to other to other stats I think that half elf is probably the strongest option for any of the charisma based spell casting classes because again you get that trifecta of the big boost to your charisma score and the boost to the ability scores that you care about you get two of those X your skills dark vision the fan sestra trait it's the complete package almost any of the cool elf sub-races like Aladdin and drow are great a Dragonborn would be interesting there's no Taconic patron yet no we're long I'm really looking forward to that the Dragonborn they get a boost of Christmas yeah plus one but you know I'm not as strong as yeah the other options but still kind of cool yep what about Lightfoot halflings I think they'd be a great choice again you get dexterity bonus and a charisma bonus there's a few other races and bolos guides to monsters that have some cool charisma boosts that I think would make great warlocks I don't think they're a standout as perhaps the tiefling azemar and half elf but I think they're they're decent options as well and finally of course the human and the variant human to get that feet off the top I don't think the very human is as good as a half elf but it's still a great warlock so why don't we discuss some of the otherworldly patrons that we can choose for our warlock and this is a fun choice that you get to make a first level it's a fun one but an important one because it's gonna define the terms of your agreement so it's gonna be a huge part of how you role play your character and you got a design with your DN what your pact is and who your patron is so yeah when you're making this choice you have a number of patrons to choose from from The Player's Handbook you have pact of the arch Fay the fiend and the great old one and xanthus guide to everything introduced the pact of the hex blade and the pact of the celestial and we also find the pact of the undying in the Sword Coast adventurers guide you're gonna gain a special ability at first level sixth level that level and fourteenth level these get really really good also every otherworldly patron adds a selection of spells from first to fifth level that you can choose from that are exclusive to that patron fellow spell lists are really good like there's not a single one of them but I'd say it looks bad hey I read through all of them just you're gonna be tempted to take most of your picks from your patron yeah the thing that bear in mind is that unlike the cleric and the Paladin who all expanded spell list from their choice with the warlock you don't automatically know all of these spells they're added to the Warlock spell list for you to choose from when you can choose spells but you don't automatically get them all would be kind of too good if you did yeah yeah so let's start off with the pact of the arch PHA which which gives you a really cool spell list like you got things like fairy fire sleep dominate person greater invisibility seeming it's all really about illusion and mind control because the Fae are tricksters gotta watch out with these ones because I think that they basically want to tempt you into coming into the Fae wild and partying with them for the rest of time and you're probably gonna have all of your essence drained out of you in the process yeah but who doesn't want a party with a fewa myth fairy is awesome your patrons here are gonna be examples like Baba Yaga or arch Fay like Oberon or titania these great lords and ladies of the celia and uncie li courts in the Fae world uh the unique abilities are pretty interesting for this one you're gonna get abilities that two charm and frightened creatures that also put them out also into like a hallucinogenic state or let you teleport away to escape from harm why don't we look at pack to the fiend which is you know swearing an oath to the devil this is the classic pact and again so you're looking at demon princes and arch Devils like nasta Filiz Asmodeus orcas the demon Gorgon and more it's a great opportunity to choose your favorite evil Lord and make a bad deal yeah and for your soul I mean like you get you get the spell list that's very fiery you get fireball you get wall of fire fireball flame strike burning hands lots of lots of good damage dealing stuff and that carries through the entire theme yeah um I love the high level where you drag your enemies through hell literally roll through how hurl through hell it's even a great name and you also get some cool resilience features with this too because you kill somebody you're gonna get some temporary hit points and you get dark one's own luck which is that extra d-10 that you can add to ability checks or attack rolls love everything about the fiend pack warlock I think the tiefling theme pack warlock is quintessential my personal favorite warlock now somatically I absolutely love this next one although I do agree that the abilities of the fiend one are like amazing the great old one being a huge fan of Lovecraft this just screams Lovecraftian horror to me it's it's so cool yeah getting telepathy right away at first level is an insanely awesome ability the Warlock that plays at my table is a pact of the great old one warlock and the amount of times that telepathy has come into play to really change the situation is it's just incredible it's such a useful ability and you gain it at first is a first level yes yeah and you get some great spells in there too like Eve ARDS black tentacles dissonant whispers dominate person Tosh's hideous laughter wonderful choices as well again the spell selection for all the packs is a plus I think especially in The Player's Handbook the pact of the hex blade has been a long awaited and slightly controversial pact I think because it's really not clear who your patron is with this pact I always thought it was the Raven Queen I didn't - I like that it is but I wish that they had have put more of that in there I also love the idea of use of a warlock sworn to a magic weapon but the Pat of the hex blade and the pact of the blade kind of yeah if you take one if you take the pact of the hex plane and don't take the the Pat Boone four blade I think you're missing out a lot yeah that like it almost doesn't make sense this is all about turning your warlock into a melee combat fighter particularly although you can do ranged combat with this as well you get medium armor and mark a weapon for proficiency right off the bat you get a nifty curse ability and the ability to use your charisma score in place of your dexterity or strength score when you making a melee or ranged weapon attack it's a great package right off the bat it's probably the most powerful package of the first level features and it just gets stronger from there as you go off and adding on more invocations on top of it the spell list is a little bit mediocre but I think that's fair because taking this option means that you're focusing less on spell casting and more on dealing damage in melee or ranged combat which is a fantastic kind of middle ground because you're using those limited spell slots probably for Elder smite going the opposite way of the pack of the fiend let's talk about the pact of the celestial a very interesting spell list with lots of cleric inspired spells uh and this will actually make sure we lock into a bit of a healer if your party's struggling for a healer and that you don't have anybody else like this is this is one option you can go with I think this is a cool theme attic pack for a player that doesn't necessarily want to embrace the evil side or the dark side that comes with the other packs because you do get to swear your pact with an angel or or another celestial entity like a unicorn or even maybe a servant of a deity but then you start to get into cleric territory I never even considered a unicorn I want to be pact of the unicorn although a unicorn might be a Fae they are technically Celestials in fifth edition but I could see a unicorn being your Fay pact as well the last one is the pact of the undying which is a great pact to swear if you want to be the thrall of a lich you get some cool necromantic abilities and some neat spells related to necromancy this is a cool one as well because it takes the flavor of kind of the grey necromancer in it as well so with the pact of the undying you kind of get the ability to go both as evil necromancer or kind of uh sure of the death a third level your patron is going to give you an extra pack boom you have the choice of the pack of the blade plaque pack of the chain or the pack of the tome we have the pact of the chain which gives you the fine familiar smell and lets you have your own little pet minion there's a lot of the cool options with this one with the pack of the blade your patron is going to send you a magical weapon that you are automatically proficient in and that you can summon to into your hand of course if you choose the hex blade patron it's due to greatly expand your options with the pact of the blade and the pack of the tome is for people who want to be a little bit more spell focused because you're going to get to choose additional can trips for any class list which is pretty awesome so we're going to talk now about one of the coolest things that the warlock has at their disposal and that is their Eldridge and vacations you get to choose these starting a second level and you roughly get one of every three levels or so you get eight total over the course of your character's career many eldritch invocations have additional prerequisites usually requiring you to either have a specific patron or a specific pack but there's many that have no prerequisites at all whatsoever except for your overall warlock level this is to me one of the coolest options that you get because you really get to fine-tune how you're going to execute the spells that you've chosen there's a lot to kind of help guide you but you need to be careful with these choices to make sure that they there's a lot of options to complement each other which is I think what we're going to talk about yeah I think one of the first things to mention with the elder change locations is that there are so many of them and there are so many great combinations of elders and locations that we do not have the time to cover them all so if you think we've missed something please let us know about it in the comments tell us how it works tell us what you think about it give us your favorite suggestions because we're definitely going to miss them we haven't gotten into the details of elders blast yet which is the iconic warlock tantric I I'd say the only reason that people don't take eldritch blast is because they're going you're gonna blade yeah or they hear that everybody else went eldritch blast because like 95% of people are playing warlock are gonna take out them and it's amazing for dealing damage the reason why this is is because of agonizing blasts which adds your charisma modifier to the damage role of each beam that your elders blast fires since warlocks are eventually going to be firing or beams with their elders blast to max out your charisma that's an extra 20 points of damage which is not nothing on top of this you can add other invocations like repelling blast which will push the target back 10 feet isn't there also one that was introduced in Zenith ours that pulls them towards or decreases their speed as well I love these options and I could see someone just choosing every single invocation that messes with your elders blast and having a great character there's also some invitations that give you some really cool spells as well yeah these can be tricky to choose because it's not clear if getting a new spell is worth an invocation by being able to take polymorphic sculptor of flesh he's really good yeah the other one that's fantastic is sign of ill omen for bestow curse and minion of chaos for conjure elemental all three of these are fantastic spells for a warlock the other ones it's iffy if you love the spell take it I think the one that I would say is really good for this is Armour of Shadows because it gives you major armor at will yeah which is which is awesome that just ups your AC that helps him a lot you also have masks of many faces which allows you to cast disguise self at will which is great for role-playing options and like stealthy warlocks there's even a high-level invocation that grants you invisibility at will amazing yeah right all worthy options if you are a pact of the blade warlock you've chosen that the hex blade as your patron you want to make that melee damage dealer before invocations that you want to keep your eye on our thirsting blade which is going to grant you extra attack life drinker which is going to add your charisma modifier to your damage rules of your attacks made with your pact weapon eldritch smite which will grant you the ability to use your spell slots to make a paladin like smite that also knocks the target prone that's awesome and finally improve pact weapon if you want to have a plus-one weapon baked in improved pact weapon you can take it or leave it another really cool option is devil sight if you combine that with the darkness spell uh uh it's it's insane devil site allows you to see in magical darkness which not many people can meaning that the darkness fell you're one of the only people so you can cast darkness run in this is a huge thing that people forget people can forget that you can't see in your own darkness spell unless you are a devil or have the devil sight invocation which grants you the ability to see in magical darkness casting darkness on yourself with devil sight means that targets can't see you which means that you always have advantage on attacks against them it's about as good as having improved invisibility if you're a pack of the Tom warlock you absolutely have to take book of ancient secrets so that you get the ritual casting capability warlocks are not ritual casters by default but having this allocation vocation means that you can learn any ritual spell in the game and you don't miss out if you have the pact of the chain either because you're voice of the chain master which lets you see and telepathically communicate with your familiar and at higher levels you get the amazing chains of Carcieri which lets you cast hold monster at will as long as you're targeting a fiend or elemental creature like we said earlier we're not going to be able to name them all some of them are absolutely incredible and really when you're designing your warlock take a look at the whole list they're available in both the players handbook and they added more in XANA thar's guide to everything I would make a hit list of the ones that you really like because remember you only get eight of them total so you do have to make some hard decisions and it is worthwhile going over all of them making a list of the ones that you think are really really good and then making your decisions based on that let's talk about these spells that the warlock has at their disposal and we're gonna start with can trips which we've discussed we're gonna start and stop with elders blast yeah there's other kin trips to choose but why would you and elders blast is so good because it's force damage which is the least resisted damage type in the game but it combines really well with the main warlock damage dealing spell which is so the combination here is when your warlock has hex elvish blast and agonizing blast each beam of your elders blast does one d-10 damage plus an extra 1 d6 from hex and an extra points equal to your charisma modifier when you're not using hex for instance combining it with a theme pack warlock that knows wall of fire and knocking enemies into your wall of fire or knocking them off cliffs or knocking them into the area of hunger of Heydar you can get a lot more damage out of casting hunger of Heydar concentrating on it firing enemies back into the area of it using a repelling blast that you will out of a single fireball he's blowing my mind I didn't think of these things I think it's worthwhile note noting that the Warlock also gets synaptic static oh I love synaptics I'm phenomenal spell from Zenith arse guy to everything it's a great pick once your warlock gets higher levels hunger of Heydar obviously is a great battlefield control plus damage dealing spells also thematically if you read the description of that spell it just is so cool and soul of crafty and evil like with the slurping noises dragging your enemies into a vortex into an alternate dimension of space it's great we also mentioned before hex is probably a must take ax is also really cool because you get to dis impose disadvantage on ability checks too one ability score of your choice I'll just make a special note here there are a few comments in our in one of our prior videos that people thought that this was a disadvantage on saving throws it is not hex is disadvantage it on ability checks not saving throws that would be stupid good if it was the case but it's not how was rebuked a great spell T things know it and love it you get to cast it as a reaction when you take damage if anybody out there is a fan of Ghost Rider Ghost Rider has that ability where he looks into your eyes and makes you feel the torment of all of your sins that's what I picture a hellish rebuke being is you just like stare at them and they feel the hellish fun burn within them it's it's it's cool thunder step from Zenith arch guide to everything combining that damage dealing with the tactical teleportation is a phenomenal package for a warlock who has a very limited number of spell slots and spells known so being able to get a spell that's both gonna let you throw out damage as an AoE and escape it's super super useful it's been used at our table a lot and it's always the get the heck out of there spell but also dead damaging enemies it's a way better choice than say Dimension Door I think for a warlock all the dimension doors range is nothing to shake your finger at so let's talk about some of the battlefield control spells I have some favorites in here yeah like what do you like banishment great pick banishment where you basically get to point I had an enemy and if they fail their save when you level up and you get to pick to buy up casting it it's a really good choice but hypnotic pattern I've mentioned this before it's a ridiculously good battlefield control spell probably one of the best in the game and warlocks do get access to it so pick it if you can take it so if we look at utility spells warlocks have a great package here they got dispel magic they got dimension door to have invisibility if you want a social utility spell you can take suggestion you also have access to counter spell now you want to be careful with counter spell because the warlocks like we've mentioned earlier have a limited number of spell slots somebody who has more spell slots is more likely to make use out of burning those slots to cast counter spell counter spell can save your party so I probably think you still want to eventually pick it up but I would keep it as a last-ditch effort or if you know that you're gonna be able to take short rests you can be the good counter speller because you know that you're gonna get your spell slots back but it's a little bit of a catch-22 I think with counter spell in the Warlock yeah you also have some really cool summoning spells don't forget summon greater demon from xanthus guide to everything she's fun and Danse Macabre even though you don't get to cast animate dead as a warlock being able to have some undead minions i think is thematically appropriate yeah let's get on to mystic Arcanum these are the high level spells that warlocks will be able to cast you get one six seventh eighth and ninth level spells this is a very restrictive spell list but fortunately warlocks get some awesome choices my favorite picks for these are going to be mental prison from Zanna Thor's guide to everything for stage power words stun and psychic scream all of these are incredible battlefield control spells that will end high level combat I also want to mention I bite finger of death maddening darkness and foresight as another really powerful list of spells that you can take fear mystic Arcanum yeah this is a great combination and finger of death is such a fun spell I've been killed by it before so let's talk about role-playing your warlock there's a lot of really cool questions to take into consideration when you're thinking about this things like why are you choosing the patron why are you choosing your people choose you did they choose you yeah what's your relationship with them okay you're my little minion and we're buds or is it more of a darker like you've given up something to gain this power it's a lot of interesting questions one of the things that you have to wrestle with as a warlock and that you get to work on with your DM is what is your characters agenda and what is your patrons agenda what does your patron want from you do you have to report to them do you talk to them every night do you whisper prayers and devotions to them do they demand your devotion and worship because they're trying to become a god or does your patron just not care about you and maybe not even realize I can see if you're a great old one patron and you are a patron of a great old one like Cthulhu they may not even know you exist I I can imagine a warlock who's who's created this pact and is like gaining these powers in it in an attempt to please the the entity that they've made this pact with in an attempt to get them to notice them your rolek wasn't born with magical powers like a sorcerer they don't get it from a God from their devotion they didn't learn it like a wizard they basically stole it he got to be a little bit desperate to make this kind of deal yeah when I think of warlocks the way in which they cast spells is very different from any of the other classes yeah a lot of the a lot of the classes I see is like the the energy within them coming out whereas warlocks I mentioned before with looking at witches and and Wiccan culture and all of that I I like to roleplay the idea of having like all of these ingredients all of these things your your arranging sticks and rocks in a certain pattern you're doing these weird things cutting your hand and draining blood to cast your spell's it's very much more like blood and natural magic which is kind of more messed up but I I see that as a really cool thing to look at for role-playing is is how are your spells cast because the night might not just be an internal energy your rocks gotta be creepy right I imagine that your warlock probably keeps all these weird knickknacks with them as well one of the other cool things about that notion of your warlock being desperate he's it plays into your character's motivation what was your warlock so desperate for that they swore power to an eldritch possibly evil and definitely insane entity what does it take to make someone do that search for power search for knowledge I think you got to want more than just power well I leave it like for a warlock it's not about power it's about power now I know that uh one thing that the player at my table and me had talked about was this this search for knowledge more so than other people had like the secrets ancient secrets ancient lore that would allow them to unlock things that other people did not have access to yeah and I think for that as well as a DM when you have a warlock in your party you have a responsibility to role play that patron and I don't think that the DM should always be doing this because the warlock is not like a cleric or a paladin that has a God whose rules they have to uphold necessarily the Warlock is given this power they've made a deal and that patron might not necessarily be able to take that power away now but the patron might be saying hey I'm gonna cut you another deal here as a charisma based class and yeah they are kind of dark brooding and scary so having them be this like social center point is kind of strange but you also have to remember that intimidation is part of charisma and I see that no matter what room they're in a warlock kind of draws the attention you're just like there's this creepy person in the room and I'm uncomfortable but the warlock is very seductive because power and knowledge bring that seductive capability and maybe your warlock is out there to make deals with other people too maybe they're gonna tent people on behalf of their patron there's so many great role-playing opportunities with cutting these deals exploring that forbidden knowledge and lore and really messing with the secrets that no one was ever supposed to find out so this has been our guide to the Warlock in Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition and we hope that you fetch a high price for your soul and of course the Warlock was such a complex class so many combinations of invocations and spells there was definitely something we missed in this episode and we'd love to hear your favorite combinations in the comments below of course the warlock is a primary spell caster so if you want to check out our video on spells and spell casting you can find that right over here and if you're not quite ready to cut the deal you can check out our other class guides right up over here please subscribe to our channel so that you never miss an episode thank you so much for watching and we'll see you next time in the dungeon
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Views: 515,977
Rating: 4.9137101 out of 5
Keywords: dungeons, dragons, tabletop, gaming, roleplaying, games, accessories, rules, rule, gameplay, play, game, rpg, d20, player, character, D&D, 5e, DM, PC, tips, advice, guide, guides, review, dice, books, book, warlock, eldritch, eldritch blast, otherworldly patron, the great old one, the fey, the fiend, tiefling, half elf
Id: oH-4Lkx8xsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 58sec (2338 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 16 2018
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