What Chefs Don't Want You to Know

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[Music] hey so the science guys are back at it again we started to really get deep into existentialism and we started to recognize that we have these beautiful meals that we consume and they're great individually but what if you Blended them all together and baby food ified it would it still taste as good as it does like as a some of its parts it's really it's about efficiency oh hello why why eat many things when you can eat one thing yeah and get the same flavor hopefully the same flavor we'll see yeah so we're we're starting off [Music] with Chase put some Applause hey I go to International House of Pancakes you're about to go to the International House of Pulp I saw you walking slower than normal you really letting that one per hey thanks Chase thanks Chase so we've got oh that looks rany oh wow there's ham in it hash browns ham eggs sausage links and two pancakes oh and bacon and if you couldn't pick up from what Charlie was saying in the beginning we're going to put it all in there and blend it and see if it still tastes good yeah so we'll we'll try a little bit ahead time it's IHOP so it'll probably be mediocre y that's fine it was packed no they're potatoes could you grab us the little syrup packets sorry oh we going to syrup it yeah so that's all mediocre you want to start dumping it in yeah we can start dumping it in are you are you happy with what you've tried like you're good yeah I think it'll taste great when it's Blended there's it's they're runny egg yolks we might have enough liquid here I got them that way that's perfect think it's in oh oh yeah you ready ready we'll we'll try one I think we might want some syrup yeah oh there we go that's what we were missing yeah this this is what's going to bind all the flavor together into one beautiful this one doesn't really worry me um I think this will be mediocre yeah I think this one will taste similar to what we tried in before but there is some that really worry me here go that's probably good yeah you want a little butter too well I mean you got to have a little butter what what would you put on your pancakes all right we're going back in stop it let's take a peek oh that's pretty good that's like puree here you want me you want to take a scoop yeah I'll take a scoop yum oh it is it is steaming in here here yeah concrete all right cheers are you eating the whole thing no whoa probably just tastes like syrup this might be how I prefer my IHOP meals hey can you go put that in the blender this improved IHOP I did not think a single one would be better um it's almost the consistency of peanut butter yeah it's like very butter peanut buttery it really glues your mouth shut while you're eating it but so you get a lot of that's good the pancake there's bacon bits and then like the sausage flavor comes I thought the grease would like really ruin it but I don't even taste grease a baby would love that you guys want to try [Music] this what do we got next whoa I tell you what it's impossible this does it [ __ ] your taste butts there you boys The Impossible Whopper meal thanks Aaron it's just a normal wle right yeah let me try a little sip of this the whole meal they already know how we feel about Burger King yeah we've covered Burger King extensively get it on it this is the best thing to ever happened to Burger this a yeah I mean this is the best thing blending it yeah make sure you press that that burger down a bit in there yeah really get it in there J I think this will taste better it's hard to make it taste worse for yeah there's not really going down for Burger King yeah there's only up let's go Burger King here we go all done the blade is not spinning yeah it didn't move we need the other base yeah grab it all right ready wife cut we're back all right hey hey it's like we never left looks like thousand island dressing that wants to be Blended looks good this is a there a por she's wet is what saying come on I'm hungry Matt here you go son where's my dinner wait it was it was really liquidy in the spoon it's like that Oobleck yeah like non Newtonian oh it looks it looks delicious wait save some for me this might be the first video we bail on Midway wow that smells bad we need like a mercy rule that that's better than Burger C really I think everything might be improved by blending it why why is that not bad that's so much better you know what comes through stronger than a lot of the stuff it's the bread and the condiments bread yeah the bread and the condiments are [ __ ] taken over I mean I don't love it but it's better than just eating a Burger King I like it more than if we had just ate that Whopper I we have trash cans we were ready to puke I thought I would be vomiting that is a fire that is so much better wow all right hey Burger King exec if you're watching this is how you save your business yep become blender King yeah PIV oh they've got the stations for the milkshakes just throw everything else in it yeah what the [ __ ] that was like so much [Music] better y the guac is extra my job the GU is extra what a heater oh he's even plugging it in for us D this is Chipotle am I correct this is a Chipotle burrito with qu on the side I bet it's cold you know Chipotle it's been in the warmer oh yeah it would it was probably cold when it got here yeah the ninja will do the job so much better than I thought she did a great job of opening her up not going to do anything you know what Danny just prove wait put the in good you're feeling good about that yeah let's good it's not wet enough I wanted to pull it out and wrap it like a burrito again so we could open it up oh that would have been such a good idea yeah we can try it's not moving to both there that's enough to considered a mini burrito wrap it for me I don't understand why we're doing this that's just not going to work it's not like it's a tortilla and you wanted to be able to like eat it out the top or no no just I'll just eat it that's just not going to work like putting gum like a tissue there you go there's your burrito thanks I I already know this is going to taste good I can tell I can tell from the smell it's probably going to be the same as a burrito it's fine yeah it's a little worse I would definitely prefer burrito over that yeah you get a lot of the stuff I don't like coming through on that one yeah um I'm starting to like it less and less Yeah the more it sinks it's almost like a tuna consistency yeah yeah it is very tuna esque worse yep definitely worse I don't like that I I missed the burrito now cuz I it was a really good burrito that was a great burrito one a few times Chipotle doesn't serve it ice cold with the avocado pit in [Music] it yummy yummy good thing General General Xiao is not around to see what we're about to do to his damn chicken I thought it was orange chicken it is orange chicken I couldn't think of anything for orange chicken so I went with a good thing it's next door neighbor this one I think is going to be [ __ ] awful I'll tell you right now you think yeah I think she's going to taste like oranges you think so I going to be super CIT we we'll see all right you want to try a piece before it's really hot so it's really hot yeah I can tell just from the Steam on it it is that's hot yep yep that's hot I'm glad you tested my theory I'm assuming the Orange is going sou yeah and this too have one more piece before it gets ruined sacrifice it to the wonder God it's [ __ ] that's hot is there a Wanton in that yep that's huge no I think it's an orange is it an orange I can't see to yeah it's an orange an orange the RH in there too mhm it's orange chicken I'm so sorry yeah this was your idea Matt just remember that I'll miss you goodbye oh maybe the noodles are there we go we made a dough yeah wait it actually is like a dough oh yeah that that you think we can make orange chicken cookies if we bake it we're just a hive mind at this oh God it's steaming real bad I I'm really going to take a page out of DQ's book and I'm going to test something here that bad boy does not that's a blizzard it passes the check it smells really good so I'm I'm realizing what the blender was struggling with was the orange Rines yeah you can really mhm that just tastes like orange wow wow that's sticky that's that is sticky that's very sticky it's like I don't love it I don't hate it kind of it like peanut butter is peanut butter this is orange butter yeah it's just peanut butter consistency you could absolutely bake that I'll tell you right now that will 100% bake sure we have them toss it in the oven happens actually toss it in the oven and see if you can make cookies out of it here let me 350 I mean there's not like a rising agent in it but well it has the yeast from the noodles right yeah it's already cooked so true it'll bake but it won't like it'll it'll be like moah yeah it'll be like orange moah it's a Jewish cookie yeah from a Asian restaurant which is just like Christmas it's Christmas Jewish [Music] Christmas don't forget to bake the cookies yeah they gave us cookies these are orange chicken cookies oh 350 for what like 12 minutes oh yeah minutes here you go yeah eyb when it starts to R maybe like yeah closer to like8 minutes it's so it doesn't matter there's nothing to bake out it should just hopefully rise just make it hot it's not going to rise so what what's the verdict on that one like I said I think if you really need to blend it to get it quickly you'll be fine but it's probably better not Blended yeah I I I think there's no question it's better not Blended like it's not even a competition but if you let's you got your wisdom teeth taken out you can't eat solid foods and you really want orange chicken from Express yeah or Payway whatever it [Music] was what do we got here Chase uh well you see I decided that you guys deserved a break and you should get to make a gamer suban slushy oh get a zoom in on that guy look at him oh look at him he's having he's having such a good time is it oh good old Joe Joe and he ain't sleepy today sir here why don't you help us out with this one get some ice in there okay yeah yeah and Chase was just telling me I'll wait for the ice to drop it no go ahead it's the perfect ratio uh do you want some more no that's great Charlie give me some of those water bottles all right so Chase was telling me when I walked in that he was able to get this for such a good price yeah because he used code moist at gamersupps.gg I just inhaled that and it was delicious probably probably the best breath I've taken in my life now you definitely need more ice fire better Blended I don't know if it's better perfect both ways you can't go wrong either way I've made a huge mess with this but it's [Music] delicious it's a here we go let's set this back oh we made a clo with tape yeah little clo for you little clo for Comfort why are you covering your nose Reon where why is it it's so stinky it's very spaghetti to meet y'all there's no meatballs where's the meatball I don't know what happened they're in the freezer I I just trusted Caleb to cook meatballs I'm sorry I didn't he put the clo over and I was like that's ready to go okay is it meat sauce meat sauce yeah yeah wait what happened no that's right go red sauce what happened under the plate why is there I don't know what's happened why is there under the ples I think it's just the grease that's the Chicago way to make oh yeah yeah the grease is just we got Chicago style spaghetti this is the worst presentation I've ever seen well don't blame him I'm not I'm not BL he's the server leave him alone it was a great joke take your yeah take your issue to on the jokes close for comfort and then spaghetti the meat yall wish there was no meatball [Music] all right oh Lord look at that look look at that Danny oh it looks like they actually made spaghetti and meatball this yeah this one's much more beautiful I don't want to play this game any you've already spetti that guy but this is his he's bit a little different this time I have a joke planned I already gave you one double up what is in the middle it's mozzarella oh it's like the little mozzarella pearls it's [ __ ] pretty good have you tried it could you hand me a fork I missed like everything and just grabbed noodles I'm doing the same the meat is for the blender that is substantially better yeah that's go spaghetti meatballs we also took the crazy step of salting it too so that is wild that is outrageous you can barely stand this is going to be so good too and it's going to make me mad all right neither of you guys have any life behind your eyes like when that first started you were both just like thousand yards St it's glued shut is it unlike the sword from the stone here I got it it's like Thor's hammer here I'll hold to good job all right here got come it was keeping all the flavor that's what you want to see it kind of smells like spaghetti that's so good look like Chef or something that is so good really good cut up noodles like you do for a child no it mixed all the meatballs in too [ __ ] that is the best we've had all day it's probably just like making a meat sauce like it really is no I can't stop wow and my stomach hurt that's killing it this is like one of the best things I think if you dropped a little parm on top there woo you could serve up an incredible dish with that better Blended that kills it the last week and a half of starting my my cut went out the window today in one day one day I've consumed more calories than I ever should in my [Music] life all right I'm rolling all right real Patriots dinner right here this out guys did you say chick this out yeah I had to really call an audible no good work Aaron thanks we holding down the fort here I'm going to try a little bite just so you know you're telling me a chick filed this say okay you can go downstairs now wait no you stay that was good you've earned your place in the the headquarters really Crank That sauce in there oh yeah M this is going to be like actually [Applause] good you want to get a whip yeah let me take a little sniff that smells really good do it yeah is it Blended enough oh my God it smells so [ __ ] good it actually does it's going to be so hard to beat Chick-fil-A non- Blended though yeah you're not wrong that's the thing is this one has a leg up on the other Blended foods but that's not what we're here for that's right we're trying to figure out if it's better after that's why scientists are so important to this world we're saving people time mhm should I blend my Chick-fil-A I don't need yes really that's good good that's that's great that's just trickily sauce baby that is is good that yes oh you get a you get a tiny bit of pickle in there too yeah you just got a a tinge of pickle just enough to say hello it just stopped in to say keep it with the good work yep that's good stuff serving size of this is 2 tablespoons you put in 40 yep so if this alone there's probably 2K calories in there yeah I just had let me get one more bite that is fantastic it the heart part though it's not better Blended that's what I was going to say is this smacks everything else we Blended it's not even close but this is in a teer list so is it better Blended no but it's delicious it's still very good I took another bite I got to stop I got to stop I know me too but it's hard to resist [Music] now is this like your own recipe yeah yeah this one's been passed down for Generations hot dog oh oh okay wow I actually haven't had a hot dog in so long can you guys bring the ketchup like you got it that's hot that's hot I am worried so you have a base something to mix it with hot dog water oh a nice cocktail ew oh my God that's one of that's the best joke you've ever made that's one of the most revolting things I've seen in a long time hot dog water from all the hot dogss collec I've always wanted hot dog broth take a SI of it before yeah you got to try it before go here we got to try everything go right ahead bud oh yeah here we go it smells like fishing bait does it it might be a little hot it's it's a little hot it was boiling water so be careful yeah it was it was hot well it's not nearly as bad as I thought it would be just hot dog right yeah this is greasy hot dog it is yeah hot dog grease cocktail I'd never drink that again but same it's oh you're about to you want a you want a bite of a hot dog yeah some of these like better than others man I haven't had a hot dog in so long how was it tastes good which one should we end up buying there this it's the three meat ones it's chicken beef and turkey I think in each one chicken beef and pork Oh was a pork in each hot dog was the cheapest hot dog we could possibly find at the store mystery we picked up the nice ones and then we went with the cheap ones how many I feel like one more and we're good yeah yeah oh looks good to me smells not bad kind of looks like spam a little bit yeah actually you know it smells like hot hot dogs I it smells like ketchup nothing's drinkable nowadays problem with the world woke liberals took away our drinkable hot dog hot dogs got to use a spoon for them now most tastes like a bun yeah it's really not bad would I rather eat anything else in the world probably but if I had to I could do it yep if you can't chew and you really want a hot dog this is for you if you can't shoot your hot dog you can blend them I [Music] guess I want to have your cake and blend it too and this I brought up this Miss butter wordss because our chocolate syrup was out of date by 6 months is our milk still good our milk is out of date by just under a week so this does look good man my [ __ ] tummy what in the world I'm shocked your stomach doesn't feel good tastes like hot dog did you use your hot dog I did I did will use this piece yeah well we should have just used the piece that had the hot dog do it run it he's already ping it yeah oh good work oh wow oh W that's actually I think this one will kind of turn out milkshake ass wait I want one more butter this cake I'm so glad that I've been doing so well on my diet [Music] lately so that's a moist cake cake I think this will taste still I remember it was the spaghetti and we didn't blend it yeah it was just terrible it was just bad spaghetti you know you think it's not bad because it's just all the same stuff it just happens to be coagulated it's good cake batter that is actually just cake batter if you need to we've just reversed the [Music] cake this is this is perfect as I said before this is why scientists are needed people are sitting there like what happens if you blend a cake no it's cake batter eat cake batter because of the raw eggs true so it's safe cake batter yeah we should do this what's the price on this I'm whipping I think it was like it was like8 bucks or something $629 we take that some water we package this bottles sell it for 10 bucks that's just profit you're on to something genius that's healthy no one else is doing that right now no healthy cake batter no one no one selling water yeah that's good actually might better I legitimately think it's better I actually really like the consistency this yeah me too this one is such a pleasant consistency so good you could easily take in 45,000 g of sugar if you just did your cake like this and never know this one's good wait we got more sweets for you yeah yeah you got I hope you save room for a second dessert it's your orange chicken it's your I'm going to open this puppy back up for a chaser yeah you got you got frosting now maybe it looks like a lka it looks exactly like a Locka it kind of cooked oh it's got a good consistency too oh my God smell it smells good that smells really good all right that's fire wow that's good so you know Douro did the half Pizza half cookie box yeah half orange chicken cookies and then the other side of our cake batter slush this is fire this is good it's a good consistency so this might be better than just ordering the orange chicken meal so get we order it blend it and bake it and bake it it's easy that is really good Payway if you're watching if we find this on the menu your ass is cooked doing you we're coming for you wow that's [Music] good it's time for a little appetizer some something easier something before the main course oh God how good A2 Brutus I don't know if you could read what it is so I'm going toite it's a it's a Caesar get me out of here make sure you pull out the dressing packet before you just dump it it's a little surprise whoa they give a ton of stuff you work on the par the pepper I'll work on the Caesar and the bread crumbs or the croutons well hard bread damn it I actually think this is just going to taste better blend this one just going to taste like dressing I know you want getting like Delirious we do like halfway through every little at the top of let me find sealed every lizard brain instinct is going off to keep you from being do not consume I think it's right here no let's get it God damn it I already know it's going to taste good [ __ ] everything here tastes good it's going to be better Blended that Monique what's the green sauce that you get with Indian food I don't know all right you're so helpful yeah thanks for nothing who else would like a glass well now you spoiled it what if it's yummy oh not better Blended oh look look at it I hated that that's the worst one so far that's ranched yeah that's [ __ ] ranky dank oh and it's still like somehow crunchy liquid right want give you one more chance that's the worst consistency the aftertaste I see while you went back in the aftertaste starts improving it kind of makes you think you ate a Caesar salad after [Music] E I can tell the guys are really excited for their last one there's so much energy in this room here I come cinnamon it's electric boogie boogie woie boie I feel bad about this one he went into his NPC voice to say that I want to make a disclaimer no mats were harmed in the blending of this this Sushi what kind of sushi spicy tuna roll is it from it's from Publix do they do sushi well they do I've never done their Sushi I usually like sushi they do sushi Wednesday where it's like $5 for a roll so usually on Wednesday's Linds go and get get some it's good we should probably wait until next Wednesday then the whole thing just no no no you got to try one because you see if it's better bunded or not oh you're right you're right actually here go ahead you try one I'll take this bite okay and you take the other bite wait but that's take the take the other bite I don't want that bite I don't want that bite what I don't want it you eat that if you're going to make me when you eat that give me this can do it that a boy chew pretend you're eating something else your nose it's it's spaghetti and meatballs just plug your nose it'll help with them yeah yeah don't worry it'll be better Blended oh the Wasabi yeah put all the Wasabi in there too well it's got to be the whole meal yeah that was not a very good roll sorry that had to be the one for you Mt I'm so close do it you got it this is your gordian not to cut big guy come on bubba you do it that's my boy a boy that's myig boy that's my big boy I'm so proud I have like my eyes are tearing up this is a big moment for us that's as good as that's going to get I want to go home I hope you like Wasabi oh oh wow I can smell that bad boy pour one out for the boys the second half got better I I swallowed the tuna hole did you I kept trying trying to get my teeth through it I couldn't this is the last thing and then you're done yeah well see the other thing is one I hate seafood and two Sushi makes me sick from the [ __ ] and the spicy mayo it's literally my My Kryptonite and look what you look at how strong I am in cold sweats currently we wait till you try to Mush that better yeah you both are fine that better pretty [ __ ] good actually that's actually much better that's pretty so now when you order if you want to get fish at a restaurant just ask them to blend it first yeah can you throw that in the the super cooker or what is this the ninja that was so much better I could just eat it yeah that was good I just did I did okay any any sign off words no I just feel bad like physically your energy is I feel [ __ ] hor that last I like gagged enough that I got the tears in my eyes and the cold sweats because my body thought I was about to puke that I I have a terrible headache just like out his workplace harassment H man what a what a journey okay a day that was fun enjoy your blended food everybody have fun you're welcome bye bye everybody
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,288,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zP88vvDeS-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 48sec (2028 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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