Fish the Size of Volkswagens at the Dam

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have you ever wondered if there really are catfish as big as Volkswagens and today we're gonna find out today we're going over some fish and myths or are they miss you know what I'm saying it could be true but today we're gonna find out that's all I'm saying so I've got a few guests here that's going to ask me some questions and we're going to find out if they're missed or not if they are missed we're gonna bust some fishing myths number one I hear fish don't bite in the rain well Bubba that just ain't true and are you sure because I don't think peace like getting wet much yeah this myth is definitely false okay City Slicker if you're sure I guess you're smart enough you know what I'm saying to the contrary fish tend to bite better in the rain foreign when I grew up people thought it was because the rain washed stuff off the bank into the lake or river so it made the fish go into a feeding but actually what happens is all fish have air bladders when the bariatric pressure is really high it puts pressure on their air bladder and they don't feel hungry now when that bariatric pressure drops the fish start feeling hungry again and they start feeding but there is one time that I found that rain is bad for fishing I've made a bunch of videos making DIY green lights and I've made videos on how to use those green lights well the principle of the green light is to attract plaintiffs so the fish don't bite because of the light they bite because of the Plankton right after a rainstorm it seems like the Plankton is spread out all over the place so the Green Light fishing don't tend to work real well right after a rainstorm know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying fishing myth number two told me this catfish is big in Smoke swagging down at the name and it ever seen them so it had to be true well you see your grandpa was wrong you called my grandpa there because I'll weep you like him you need to calm down I'm not talking about your grandpa he was just wrong stupid City Slickers think they know everything this story is something that every single one of us have heard in America and there was actually a TV show called urban legends and they went around from town to town to town in America and they asked people about their story and every single one of them had heard it if I heard there was fish in the Ohio River big as a Pontiac Grand Am it's true you know the story about the divers diving in and fixing the dam and they've seen catfish as big as Volkswagens and some just took that 404 and just it was gone I've had that since 1985. so my cousin who works with Army Corps engineering so they went down there with their sonar and their radar and their scuba diving together said those catfish down after locking down as big as Volkswagens now Boys I Ain't Gonna fish where there's fish that big you get what on the bank what's going to happen actually I've never seen a catfish as big as a Volkswagen but I have seen the Volkswagen that looked like a catfish thank you know what I'm saying I'm just saying catfish size of cars we're gonna March over there to that Dam and we're going to demand answers but seriously this really is an urban legend and I'm not saying that there's not big catfish out there I mean the world record Blue now is over 140 pounds I'm pretty sure that there's some bigger than that that haven't been caught yet plus you have things like the whales catfish that can get up to 300 pounds now right there is a big freaking catfish you know you know but as big as a 300 pound catfish is it's still not the size of a Volkswagen so I'm saying so I'm saying but hey I like the story so I say we just keep on telling it you know what I'm saying go tell your grandkids I mean let's keep this thing going fishing myth number three actually that's false statement colors do matter in fishing so you're telling me to color your boat matters that face care what color your boat is that's stupid you never said nothing about no boat boy I was sweating hatefulness right out of you don't you get here for me cause I was it right at you you need to calm down like I was saying colors do matter in fishing how do I explain this one I'm not a scientist all the colors in the rainbow comes from the lot have you ever seen a prism and light shines through it and it shines on the wall and it looks like a rainbow that's because all the colors we have comes from light and what the right Shines on it's only that color because of the texture of it sort of you see every color that's absorbed into it you don't see but the color that it reflects is the color that you see anyway this is too dang scientific I ain't no scientist I done told you and since all color comes from light then when you drop a lure or your line or anything else that's colored in the water as it goes down through the water column there's a certain debt that there's not enough light to where you'll be able to see it and it disappears pretty much or it turns gray or something I don't know ain't a fish I actually did a hack one time and I was talking about red Hooks and how all these companies make red hooks because they say that red imitates blood well some of my subscribers which are pretty smart people pointed out that red is the first color to disappear in the water column and that's true and I never thought about it that way so basically if you get a Red Hook it's going to disappear faster does that make sense that right there is pretty smart I'm going to get me some red hooks but even though certain colors disappear under the water at different levels color still matters in fission if color that modern fishing then you could use any type of line that you want I usually bass fish with four carbon lines because it disappears in the water but if you've ever bass fished and you took a colored line put it on your rod reel and tried to catch a fish then you know it don't work because bass can see it and it matters they say that line color doesn't matter with crappy but I still can't use colored line crappy fishing I just can't do it but when it comes to catfishing y'all have seen my catfish rods I use colored lines so I can see it at night because with catfish colors or not that important catfish uses scent over everything so yeah colors matter and fishing that's all I'm saying well I mean I'm gonna go buy me some colored lowers can't work I'm coming back to slap you you just remember that fisherman number four dude listen new face go dormant in the winter and don't bite you can't catch any fish in the winter okay do fish eat all year long food you're tripping I can't catch fish in the winter Maybe but they eat all year long I used to hear that term a lot when I was young fish go dormant in the winter fish do not go dormant in the winter fish are not a bunch of bears that like eat a whole bunch and pack on fat and then hibernate all winter no they eat all winter fish have to eat to stay alive even though the fish aren't dormant in the winter they are more lethargic which is a big city slicker word that means they're a lot slower in the winter okay if fish didn't eat in the winter there'd be no such thing as ice fishing because ice fishing is done in some of the coldest environments in the United States and they catch fish I have learned this much in the winter you had to change your tactics like for instance if I'm catfishing in the summer I'll be anchoring and casting a lot but in the winter I'm trolling more that's why I got all them planer board DIYs because if you're trolling you're taking the bait to the fish instead of waiting for the fish to come to you hey some of my biggest fish have been caught the coldest months of the year now if you're bass fishing or crappy fishing you still need to change your tactics in winter like for instance if you're fishing points fish deeper points made for crappy and bass I like to Target dots a lot so you can still Target dogs but you're gonna have to Target docs that's out in deeper water and you'll do better you know what I'm saying I'm just saying so no fish don't go dormant in the winter this one's definitely false when the water gets colder fish just tend to be more lethargic that's all I'm saying myth number five now on this last one I'm gonna bust one of my own mess for years I've been saying fish can't smell you can't smell under the water okay and if you use common sense you can't smell under the water so it makes a lot of sense but it turns out I'm kind of wrong because fish can smell under the water and it's kind of like tasting and it's kind of like smelling but they still call it smelling because if you think about it stuff's in the air that we smell and it has to pass through our nostrils for us to pick up on it well fish aren't really that different stuff's in the water and it has to pass through their nostril I went on Google yes Google and I read some pretty interesting stuff or according to this article on sharks it says some sharks detect blood at one part per million of water and can smell blood up to a quarter of a mile away that's kind of crazy I told y'all ain't no scientist but that's not the crazy part this is the crazy part did you know catfish can detect certain particles one part per 10 billion what that means is Catfish can actually smell better than sharks and if a regular shark can smell something a quarter of a mile away how far can a catfish smell it you know what I'm saying but I said all that to say this if you see Fish on your sonar and you throw a big old bloody piece of bait down there and ain't biting it they ain't hungry that's all I'm saying you know what I'm saying they ain't hungry that's all I'm saying well that was pretty interesting wasn't it maybe but if you like crazy videos like this then you're probably going like this video because it's pretty crazy too I'm just saying and if you got any unanswered myths put them in the comment section and I'll get somebody smart to bust them for so go over and check that video out because this video is over [Music] foreign
Channel: Fishin N Stuff
Views: 106,420
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Id: RBQGfBw6H6o
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Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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