LET THE BIBLE SPEAK - The Sinner's Prayer

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Announcer: Today on Let the Bible Speak - A sinner wants to be saved. Should he pray and ask God to forgive his sins and Christ to come into his heart? We'll let the Bible speak, next. From the churches of Christ Let the Bible Speakf Christ Let the Bible Speak with Kevin Presley ♪ Intro Music ♪ Thank you for joining us today for Let the Bible Speak. It's great to have you with us for another Bible study. Billy Sunday popularized the idea of the sinner's prayer a few generations ago. The idea that a person seeking salvation should ask the Lord to come into his heart and pray that God for Christ's sake will forgive him of his sins. This is often dubbed the sinner's prayer. And people yet today are encouraged if they want to be saved to simply bow wherever they are and to say such a prayer and supposedly God will save them. Multitudes of people believe that they were saved in just that way. What does the Bible teach about that? Is it right for a sinner to even pray to God and beyond that to pray for the forgiveness of his sins to pray for salvation? Can a person outside of Christ even pray to the Lord? Acts chapter nine beginning in verse 10 tells us that there was a certain disciple at Damascus named Ananias and to him said the Lord in a vision, Ananias. And he said behold, I am here Lord. And the Lord said unto him, arise and go into the street which is called straight and inquire in the house of Judas for one called Saul of Tarsus for behold he prayeth. Well here we have the case of a sinner named Saul praying to God. A lot of sinners pray from time to time. But what are they praying for? And is God listening? Namely does God hear what is often called the sinner's prayer? Is that how sinners receive the forgiveness of their sins? Well we'll see what the word of God says about it in a moment. - If you would like to dig deeper into the Word of God I'd like to provide you with a great opportunity to do that and it's free. Hope to hear from you today enrolling in our Bible Correspondence Course. You don't need to feel overwhelmed by the Bible. If you don't know how to study the Bible or where to begin in reading the Bible this course will help get you on track. It will answer some very, very important and fundamental questions about the Bible and what the overall message is about. When you enroll in the course we send out the first lesson. You take the time to read through it and answer the questions, you send it back to us, we'll check it and send it back along with the next lesson in the course. You do it in the privacy of your home at your own pace and again it is free. So let us hear from you today and we will enroll you in the Bible Correspondence Course. We should begin by defining what we mean by the word sinner. Aren't we all sinners in the sight of God? Well in one sense we certainly are. Paul said in Romans three in verse 23, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Romans three and verse 10 says, there's none righteous no not one. And John writing to Christians said that if we say that we have no sin then we deceive ourselves. So in the generic sense everyman is a sinner and has nothing to merit his coming into the presence of God. But the kind of sinner we're talking about today is an unforgiven sinner, an alien to the kingdom and outside of Christ Jesus. Someone who's lost in their sins. You see when a man obeys the gospel of Christ and becomes a child of God he is no longer a sinner in the fact that sin no longer has control of him or dwells in his heart. He no longer lives under the condemnation of sin. Paul said in Romans chapter six in verse 17 that God be thanked that you were the servants of sin but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine that was delivered you being then made free from sin ye became the servants of righteousness. Now does that mean a Christian never sins? Well no, but I no longer live in and serve sin. My relationships to God and my relationship to sin those relationships change when I become a Christian. So when I use the word sinner today I'm talking about a person who has never been baptized into Christ for the remission of his or her sins. Galatians chapter three verse 27, Acts two verse 38. Can such a sinner pray and what should he pray for? You know sinners are often encouraged to pray today. I hear on other religious television and radio programs all of the time the speaker telling sinners at home to bow their heads and pray with him. I've been to services where sinners were asked to come down to the front and kneel down at an altar and pray for salvation or for the infilling of the holy spirit and so on. And perhaps that's the practice of the church where you attend. In fact there's a very good possibility that's the case. But what does the Bible tell a sinner to pray for? And for that matter, does the Bible ever tell a sinner to pray at all? Well let's begin by noting some of the things that sinners are often encouraged to pray for by people today. You know first some are told that they should pray for a light from heaven. Or they should pray for knowledge, for enlightenment. But does the Bible teach that a sinner should pray for the revelation of God's will? Is that how faith in God is created within a person's heart? Well the apostle Paul answers that question powerfully and concisely in Romans chapter 10 in verse 17. He said faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Now get that, my friend, faith is created by hearing the word of God. The holy spirit doesn't zoom down from heaven and zap a person with faith. He doesn't circumvent the word of God and create supernaturally, mystically, a measure of faith in a person's heart. A person doesn't fall down on his knees without faith and get up with faith after some sort of feeling or experience. But rather faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God, the Bible says. In fact the context surrounding that verse shows the necessity of a sinner hearing the preaching of the gospel before he can be saved. Notice what Paul said there. Beginning in verse 13, he says for who soever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. And we'll talk more about calling in the name of the Lord in a few minutes. He says, how then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher and how shall they preach except they be sent? As it is written how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things. But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah sayeth, Lord who hath believed our report? So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Well Paul you see, says a sinner could not be saved without hearing the gospel. If that's the case what good would it do for sinner to ask God for knowledge? God's plan necessitates that a sinner read or hear the gospel preached in order to obey it and be saved. And it's really as simple as that. Now there's a difference between the time that Paul is talking about and the time we're living in today. In Paul's day the gospel had not been written down and didn't have the New Testament record to read and study. And so by necessity a sincere sinner had to make contact with a person who was inspired by the holy spirit in order to learn how to be saved. And that's what happened before the nobleman of Ethiopia could be saved according to Acts chapter eight. Now I want you to follow this carefully. The nobleman had been to Jerusalem to worship God according to the law of Moses and was returning to his home by way chariot. He had a scroll of the prophesy of Isaiah with him. Perhaps he obtained it while in Jerusalem. He was reading the famous words of Isiah that comprise what we know as the 53rd chapter. And that passage foretells of Jesus' crucifixion and how he would be the sacrifice needed to take away our sins. The problem was this man didn't have the slightest idea who Isiah was talking about. This was merely a prophesy and he was unaware of it's fulfillment and so he was blindly groping through the Old Testament scriptures. But he wanted to learn what they were saying. Now if faith comes through a sinner praying, couldn't he have just asked God for it while he was riding along in his chariot and God sends some direct operation of the holy spirit upon his heart to cause him to understand what he was reading? Well that seems to be how some people think it happens today but that's not what happened. The Bible says that God sent Philip the evangelist over there to that Gaza road where this man was traveling and when Philip found him he asked him, do you understand what you're reading? And he said, how I can I unless some man should guide me? You see the fulfillment of Isiah's prophesy had not yet been written down in the New Testament. It was being preached by word of mouth while the apostles were being lead of the holy spirit to write the New Testament. And thus Paul said it in Romans 10, how shall they hear without a preacher? Now today I can read the gospel for myself and I can learn what I must do to be saved. A person who has never heard of Christ can pick up a copy of the scriptures and if he has an open heart he can learn all by himself what God wants him to know and what he must do to become a Christian and go to heaven. Because God can enlighten him through the word that God has revealed from heaven. Well that wasn't the case during the infant age of the church when the gospel had not been fully revealed and written down. But what has not changed is that faith comes from hearing the word of God. Whether that word had to be preached by someone 2000 years ago or whether I read it for myself now. In Psalm 119 verse 130 the Bible says the entrance of thy words giveth light. And the nobleman there that we read of in Acts chapter eight when he said how, when Philip asked him do you understand what you're reading and he said how can I, I don't. Philip didn't say well you need to pray for the holy spirit to come into your heart and explain all of this to you, enlighten you. He didn't say that. The Bible says Philip opened his mouth and began the same scripture and preached unto him Jesus. So we get knowledge of God's will for our lives through preaching through the word of God not through some supernatural experience. But then what about this, should a sinner pray for salvation? Now perhaps you've heard of the sinner's prayer. And that's the prayer that people are urged to pray in order to receive Christ into their hearts and to become a Christian. As I said, that was popularized by an evangelist named Billy Sunday many, many years ago. But does the Bible ever instruct any sinner to pray such a prayer? I want you to seriously think about that. We almost take it for granted that the Bible must say that because that is what is so commonly preached today. That's what sinners everywhere are encouraged to do in order to be saved. But where in the New Testament was any sinner instructed to pray to God for salvation. Was it on the day of Pentecost recorded in Acts chapter two in verse 38? Now those people heard the gospel and they were convicted of their sins. They wanted to be saved and they asked Peter what shall we do? Well now he could have said, well repent and come up here to the front or kneel down where you are and say this prayer. Repeat after me and invite Jesus into your heart. But that's not what Peter said. He said, repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the holy spirit. Notice that every single one of them was commanded to repent and be baptized for the remission of their sins. Not one word was said about saying any kind of prayer in order to be saved. Well do you suppose we might find it in the conversion of the nobleman that we talked about there in Acts chapter eight? He wasn't instructed to pray for understanding. Philip preached to him to give him understanding. The word of God gave him understanding. So was he told to pray for salvation? Now here was a man who wanted to learn the truth and Philip was the man who taught it to him and the Bible says that Philip climbed up into his chariot and preached Christ unto him beginning with that prophesy of Isiah. Now you know they could have pulled over by the side of the road and Philip and this man had gotten down beside the chariot and prayed for the Lord to forgive this man of his sins but that's not what the record says happened. Do you know how the nobleman responded when Philip preached Christ unto him? How did he respond when Philip preached Christ to him? I'll show you how he responded he said see here is water. What doth hinder me to be baptized? So no sinner's prayer there either. Where do you suppose that idea comes from? Continue reading through the book of Acts. Acts chapter 10, Acts chapter 16 and time and again you'll read of men and women coming to faith in Christ upon hearing his word preached. And if you find one example of them being told to say the sinner's prayer I hope you'll write me and let me know. Someone might say, well now wasn't Saul commanded to call on the name of the Lord? And didn't Paul later tell people to call upon the name of Lord to be saved in Romans chapter 10 as we read a few moments ago? Well let's look at that. In fact that brings us back to where we really began our study in Acts the ninth chapter. Now Saul was a zealous Jew who was busy trying to destroy the church of Christ. He was persecuting Christians everywhere he could find them. But the Lord changed all of that in an unforgettable experience along the Damascus road. Jesus appeared to him and confronted Saul about the way he had been treating his church. And Saul came to understand that this Jesus who's name he had despised was indeed alive. He was resurrected and reigning in heaven. And Saul was trembling and he was astonished the Bible says and he asked the Lord, what whilt thou have me to do? Now here's a man who wanted to be saved as badly as any man ever wanted to be saved. He now knows that Jesus is the Christ and he has the opportunity, think on this, he has the opportunity to ask the Lord himself what to do about his condition. He's not asking a preacher. He's not asking a church leader. He's asking the Lord Jesus Christ what to do about his sinful condition. Acts chapter nine in verse six says the Lord said unto him, arise and go into the city and it shall be told thee what thou must do. Now Jesus said that someone would come and tell him what he had to do to be saved. Well the Bible tells us that a few days later Ananias was dispatched by the Lord to Damascus to deal with Saul. And the Lord told Ananias to go find Saul of Tarsus for behold he prayeth. Well there you have it, there it is. The Bible gives us an example of a praying sinner. If you're looking for an example in the New Testament after the great commission was given to go preach the gospel, if you wanna find an example of a praying sinner here's one right here in Acts chapter nine. But wait a minute, what do you suppose Saul was praying for? Well the Bible doesn't tell us. But if it was for the forgiveness of sins the Lord didn't hear his prayer. You see Saul was a religious man and it's not surprising that his reaction to the events of the Damascus road would cause him to want to pray. He's not new to religion. After all Saul has a lot of questions. Here he is struck blind. He's waiting in great suspense for three days for someone to come and explain all of this to him. I suppose I would be praying too. But Saul didn't pray through or Saul didn't pray himself into salvation. No rather the Bible says that Ananias came to him and restored his sight and he then told Saul to get up and go be baptized. Now in fact he could have knelt down with him at the side of the bed or in the room where Saul was at and prayed with him to be filled with the holy spirit. To receive salvation, to let Jesus come into his heart. However you wanna phrase it. And that's what would happen in many denominational churches today. Friend think about that. In the overwhelming majority of cases if a person walked in off the street and told a preacher that he had come to understand and believe that Jesus was indeed the son of God what do I need to do to be saved? Nine out of 10 or more preachers would say, well why don't we just kneel down right here and ask Jesus to save you. But that's not what happened in Damascus that day. That's not what happened to Saul of Tarsus. Acts 22 verse 16 says that Ananias told Saul now why tarriest thou, arise and be baptized washing away thy sins calling on the name of the Lord. Now that's your Bible. Do you see that my friends? Saul was told to call upon the name of the Lord to be saved. But how was he to do it? By being baptized in order for the blood of Jesus to wash away his sins. You see baptism puts one into a new relationship with Christ. Paul said in Galatians three in verse 27. For as many as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Now I didn't read that from a church of Christ creed book because the church of Christ has no creed books. The Bible is the creed of the Lord's church and the only creed of the Lord's church. Friends that's what your Bible says. As many as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. And being in Christ causes one to obtain a number of spiritual blessings he didn't enjoy before. One of those blessings is the ability to pray through Jesus Christ as a mediator onto God. I receive that privilege in Christ. But I don't have that right before I'm in Christ. I don't have that privilege before I'm a child of God. I must call upon the Lord's name or avail myself of the authority in that name by being baptized for the forgiveness of my sins and when that happens I'm then in a new relationship with Christ that includes the right of access to the throne of God in prayer. From that day forward when I sin as a Christian then I may go to the Lord's throne in prayer and ask for pardon from that sin. However that is not a privilege of the alien sinner. The sinner outside of Jesus. That sinner must first become a child of God by reason of the new birth. And that takes place when one in faith and repentance is baptized into Christ for the remission or forgiveness of his sins and not until then. You see the concept of a sinner's prayer is not taught in the Bible. Despite it's popularity in the world today. It is instead a 20th century phenomenon spread by evangelists and revivalists such as I said, Billy Sunday. Later Billy Graham. They called hundreds at a time to the edge of a platform to recite a prayer for salvation. But my dear friend you don't need one word. You don't read one word of that in one single account of conversion recorded in the book of Acts. We need to be telling sinners what Jesus said they must do to be saved. Jesus told his disciples in Mark 16:15, go into all the world and preach the good news. Preach the gospel to every creature. What did he say to preach? Verse 16, he the believeth and is baptized should be saved. And then you see the one who in faith and repentance is baptized into Christ can enjoy the wonderful privilege of prayer. Now first Peter three in verse 12 says, that the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous and his ears are open onto their prayers but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil. That doesn't mean that a person must be perfect in order to pray but it does mean they need to be in a relationship with God through Christ Jesus covered by Christ's blood. That's the only way we can access the throne of God in prayer. The blind man whom Jesus healed long ago was challenged by others about what had happened to him. And the man said he didn't exactly know what to make of Jesus power except that he did know this one thing. He said, for we know that God hearth not sinners but if any man be a worshiper of God and doeth his will, him he hearth. John chapter nine and verse 31. You see the blind man understood an important truth that many today simply don't see. They're spiritually blind to this truth. This man understood that God's ears are open to the prayers of those who are in a spiritual relationship with him. And not those who are estranged from him. It was evidence that Jesus was indeed pleasing to God. In a right relationship with God that he would be able to have such a relationship with God that he could have his prayers answered. So can a sinner pray? What can he pray for? All of the spiritual blessings that are appointed in Christ are obtained by entering into a relationship with Christ and that only takes place when a sinner hears the word of God. Believes it with all his heart. Repents of all of his past sins. Confesses his faith in Christ and is buried with Christ in baptism for the remission of his sins. - The Psalmist said, "Through Thy precepts, "I get understanding." The Bible is the revelation of God to man and you simply can't live for God until you know something about the Word of God and you may say, "Well, I want to read "and study the Bible, but I don't know where to begin. "I feel overwhelmed" or "I don't understand the Bible." I want to offer you a wonderful way to get acquainted with the scriptures. You'll learn about some of the most basic and foundational teachings of God's Word and you'll get a better handle on how to read and approach and study the Bible as a whole. Won't you get in touch with us today and ask to be enrolled in the Bible Correspondence Course. It won't cost you a penny and we'll mail the lessons to your home and you take your time to read and study through the lessons, I think you'll be surprised how much you'll learn. Perhaps someone along the way told you to be saved simply invite Jesus into your heart and say the sinner's prayer. But I hope you can see from our study of the scriptures that's not the Bible answer to the question what must I do to be saved. If you would like to obey the gospel of Jesus Christ. If you believe that Jesus is the son of God and you're ready to repent of your sins it would be our joy to assist you in being baptized into Christ for the remission of your sins. And I hope that you will get in touch with us and let us know that's your desire. If you would like a free transcript of today's study so you can go back and dig a little deeper we'll be happy to send it to you, again it is free of charge. Just ask for the lesson, The Sinner's Prayer and we'll have it on it's way. Don't forget we're online. LettheBibleSpeak.tv you can also subscribe to our YouTube channel where you can go back and look at past broadcasts of Let the Bible Speak and see some our Let the Bible Speak classics broadcasts all the way from 1965 up until 2008. Thank you so much for joining us today for Let the Bible Speak. I hope you'll tell someone else about our program in the week to come and make your plans to join me back here next time for another study if the Lord wills. Until then have a great week and may the Lord bless you.
Channel: Let The Bible Speak TV
Views: 6,658
Rating: 4.8285713 out of 5
Keywords: preaching, bible, study, Let, the, Bible, Speak, Church, of, Christ, Gospel, Churches, acapella, singing, gospel, music, Sinner's Prayer, Salvation, Saved, evangelist, sermons, sermon, Saul, Paul, baptism, prayer, Billy Sunday, Billy Graham, bible study
Id: _iK-uJKi4v8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 09 2018
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