What Can the 3Doodler Do? // 3D Printing Pen Review

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cool hey everyone how's it going it's devon here with make anything and I've had a few requests to play around with 3d printing pens so in the next few weeks I'm going to be looking at a few of the different pens on the market and today we're starting with the 3doodler create so 3doodler is the original 3d printing pen company they made the very first printing pen many years ago and this is their latest version the 3doodler create I personally have never used a 3d printing pen before so this is going to be my very first experience so if you're thinking about getting one hopefully my first experience will help you guys out alright so let's go ahead and open this thing up and see what's going on so 3d printing pens are obviously not 3d printers but it's kind of like taking the part of the 3d printer that mounts the plastic and feeds it through the hot end and instead of having that being controlled by a computer it's being controlled by your hands so luckily I think I've got pretty steady hands alright so here it is we've got the pen we've got cable to plug it in and a few little tools for dealing with whatever maintenance is necessary and then it also comes with some strands of filament to get started so it's got a little tool for taking off the hot and um I think they sell different size nozzles so this is the standard one that comes with it of course but if you want to print thicker lines you can go ahead and get a different nozzle and just switch it up we've also got a little screwdriver I guess that's for taking this apart if something gets jammed or you need to work on that and there's also this kind of just metal rod I think you use this to kind of clean out the channel if there's some plastic that gets stuck in there let's go ahead and start with pink might as well use a color I'm not that big of a fan of while I'm still learning how to use this thing so once you've got the pen plugged in you just turn it on right here there's two settings low for PLA plastic and high for abs or flexi and I'm using ABS so I'm gonna put it on high a red light will come on to let you know that pen is heating up and in about 60 seconds it'll turn blue to let you know it's ready then to feed the plastic through you just press either the fast or slow button depending on how fast you want to draw the plastic will keep coming out until you press one of the buttons again so for my first attempt I'm going to try to trace out this Eiffel Tower which comes in the back of the manual you can draw on the paper itself and there's actually a bunch of stencils like this online so you can print out different designs right from the beginning everything was pretty straightforward and simple it probably helps that I've already used the 3d printer a whole bunch so I know how the plastic behaves [Music] because the plastic wasn't sticking so well I ended up just holding the piece down while I finished my sketch I know PLA doesn't shrink as much as abs so using the PLA filament would probably stick better so once I've got all these flat pieces doodle out I can use the 3doodler kind of like a hot glue gun to weld the parts together all you have to do is place a small bead of plastic in the corners and hold everything in place for a few seconds until the plastic hardens [Music] so here is my completed eiffel tower and I want to say it took me about 2 hours from start to finish next I decided to try doodling on some blue painters tape because that's what I use on my 3d printer to make things stick so I doodled a quick guitar pick the next thing I want to try is doodling over this glass and I'm going to do that by applying some hairspray to the glass so hopefully it'll stick so I just started growing and I came up with this kind of geometric pattern it's really nice being able to just make something without having to think about it too much or design the part on my computer [Music] and of course you can also combine a bunch of different colors which isn't so easy on most affordable 3d printers after I'm happy with my design I just wiggle it around until it shakes loose and then it stands on its own you can do this on just about any glass item and it should work out really well next I thought it would be really cool to combine parts made on my 3d printer with things that I doodle and since the 3doodler is really good at making more organic looking things I decided to print some little putts and then I would doodle some cacti on top of those these were printed using timber fill from filament 1 which is a really cool filament that is infused with wood giving it a really nice natural feel and look so now that I've got my pots I can use my 3doodler and draw cactus I wanted to try some real 3d doodling and I found that building up a coil works really well all it takes is a steady hand [Music] once I have my first part I can just start drawing directly on that and adding on more and more slowly but surely my cactus started to take form [Music] by this point I had already doodled through all of the bright green filament so I had to switch colors but it ended up looking nice next to add some blossoms to my cactus I drew individual little flowers on my painters tape [Music] then just like with the Eiffel Tower I used a little dot of plastic to attach the flowers to the cacti and to finish it off I used some yellow filament to put a little dot in the center of every flower [Music] alright I've played with this for a while and I gotta say it's really addicting by the time I finished this cactus it was already dark and I couldn't film any more but I was having so much fun that I made another cactus so now we got a family it's pretty cool huh so let's go ahead and make one more just to complete the family the process for this cactus is pretty much the same as my first one I just made the coils a little thinner and longer [Music] [Music] also when sticking the flowers on the cactus I found myself wishing for more hands so I used some of this hoo sticky putty to hold things in place and that really helped [Music] to create these little strands of grass all you have to do is draw straight up at a constant pace and then hold everything there for a couple seconds and they'll stay in place [Music] so there we go the family is complete and just like real plants every single cactus you draw is going to be a little different which is super cool oh and one last thing I was testing how well this plastic sticks to different materials and I found it has a really cool effect on leather where it seems to pull off some of the color on top now that's something I don't think many people have tried all right friends well there you have it with just my first few hours with the 3doodler create I've already made some really fun stuff I'm really loving these little cacti I also got a cool pot you know what you didn't combine that boom and we got the Eiffel Tower of course no guitar pick and this leather test I feel like there's a lot of potential here I'm gonna have to make a whole new video just for that so now I hope you've got an idea of what the 3d printing Ben can and can't do it's kind of like the more artistic side of a 3d printer you know you've got a lot more finesse behind things even though I do a lot of two-dimensional doodling I'll be honest I was worried that this would be really unmanageable and difficult to draw in three dimensions but surprisingly it worked really well and I've got all this stuff that I actually like so that's super cool now there it is the 3doodler create if you're interested make sure to check out the link in the description that'll take you to the product page and make sure to subscribe because I've got more 3d printing pen reviews coming up and I'm sure I'll be doing some more stuff with the 3doodler as well alright friends this has been Meg anything I'm Devon stay inspired alright forgot those were cacti [Music]
Channel: Make Anything
Views: 1,501,861
Rating: 4.8835258 out of 5
Keywords: solidworks tutorial, 3d printing, 3D print, 3d printer, solidworks, tutorial, tutorials, make anything, 3doodler 2.0, 3d pen, 3d printing pen, 3doodler, 3doodler create
Id: DuLedV0SFqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 30 2016
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