What Can $10 Get in TURKEY? (i love this country)

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i'm drew binsky and i'm going to show you what 10 or 75 liras can get you in adana turkey [Music] beautiful thank you so much what's up everyone i'm super excited to be back in one of my favorite countries in the world for a seventh visit but this time i'm kicking off a four-week road trip around the perimeter of the country with my turkish friend anna man i'm extremely excited about it we are gonna do the maximum i hope you are ready until now i've only been to istanbul cappadocia and italia so i'm so excited to see life away from all the tourist traps adana is a city that you may have never heard of before but it's the fourth largest city in turkey located in the south central part just 124 miles from the syrian border last year at this time i spent 16 incredible days across that border i am the highest person right now overlooking damascus and i loved it so i'm bound to find some hidden specialties out here adana is considered to be one of the oldest continuously inhabited settlements in the world with a name that's been unchanged for over 4 000 years overall i'm finding the prices around town to be very affordable much more than istanbul so i can't wait to explore 10 is about 75 lira's it's time to hit the streets and see what we can get so the main reason i wanted to come to adana is because it is the home of the famous kebab adana so turkey in general is known for his kebab but here in this city is where it comes from adam kemp is originated in this city and this is the most famous kebab among like 200 different types of killers and why is it so famous i think it's the tastiest i love it most we asked a few locals to point us in the direction of the best kebab place in town and we finally made it to this one before rush hour it's looking and smelling really tasty behind me they got the open grill here that they're cooking in front of everyone sometimes you just know it's gonna be that good of a meal and i know it's gonna be that good of a meal fresh onions were chopped and then mixed into this amazing salad he made that in like 10 seconds and then finally the food was served this is adonai kebab [Music] i'm gonna say this is one of the most beautiful place i've ever seen in my life are you excited right now oh i'm gonna cry this is the real deal they serve these spears which are like two feet long i'm kind of freaking out right now this is a lot of food man i mean we are two people and there's like nine plates and each plate is really full with stuff wow he's not wasting any time go for it whoever comes here they will serve the same setup [Music] juicy tasty warm my vocabulary is not enough to explain this taste [Music] now i can understand why everybody loves adam kebab you can taste every flavor it's so fresh all the ingredients all the vegetables the meat cooked perfectly the pita bread the spices it is so freaking hot in the city like it's the hottest city in turkey we're running around everywhere just dying seriously [Music] because you know how to tip in turkey oh in my country you have to tip it's really important now we are going to get my favorite turkish sweet which is called baklava baklava is a lot of layers and walnuts in between it's the most famous turkish dessert i'm so excited right in front of us is a baklava place baklava is a sweet dessert pastry made from layers of thin unleavened dough filled with chopped nuts and held together with syrup or honey no two recipes are the same so it's best to try from as many shops as you can and believe me they're everywhere in turkey just the smell of it oh my god my friend so tell me about your shop is it the first one he is running this shop for 45 years and you are cooking everything yourself he is doing it with his sons and three more employees do you think you have the best back of our in adana but then you work they shot a dollar they're so nice they never say i'm the best but he's saying that okay there are some really good ones but i'm also good all right so we are now eating the famous baklava of adana he just gave us free water here just look at this for a second like it just looks so good so many different textures different layers crunchy soft sweet pistachios i could die right now a happy man but i just had this baklava so you've been eating here for all 45 years uncle was selling only one tray of water a day he was buying baklava from him so they know each other for 45 years one thing you'll notice about adana is it's hot i think it's the hottest city in turkey as he tells me exactly so they have this refreshing drink banana milk which we are going to try right in front of us let's go super famous place now you might be thinking what's so special about banana milk but this place has been doing it their way for decades i always try my best to find these hidden gems or hole in the walls and i think we have just hit the jackpot this looks amazing it's like banana ice cream it's cold there's chunks of ice in it so refreshing exactly at four o'clock p.m the prayers come on illuminate the city it's just a beautiful time even if you're not muslim even if you don't understand what they're saying it's just beautiful the way everybody kind of stops what they're doing at this time belly's full we proceeded to stroll around adana through the buzzing markets and inside the lovely ancient mosques something that caught my eye outside the main mosque was hundreds of pigeons and an old man selling bird food next to them my curiosity led the way drew now we are gonna buy some food for the pigeons because pigeons are holy animals in islam their belief that pigeons are protected are profit muhammad so this old uncle is selling pigeon food and we believe if you feed pigeon you will earn some save up one little one he's asking his father to buy one give it to him oh you're welcome go ahead throw it in the pigeon the scene quickly turned into a very special one after this kid became so happy feeding the birds it was amazing to witness i can't make a 10 video in turkey without having a cup of hot turkish tea of course so many countries in the region are tea drinkers but not on the same level as the turkish it's extremely common to see men and women all throughout the day drinking this special type of black tea that is known for its rich red color it's always served in the same little curvy cups where's it going i followed this tea delivery guy around who makes over 20 trips a day to men in the nearby shops i don't know where we're going about following him to deliver the teeth we made it up to a random shoemaking shop on the second floor up again man this is like some serious work this kind man is offering me a cup of tea on his own dime he is here all day working minimum wage in really hot conditions yet his sense of generosity can be seen from miles away oh i love turkish tea it always tastes so good this is such an amazing scene we made it upstairs somewhere in adonai with all these men making shoes we're like in a shoe factory and then they invited me to have tea with them so we're having tea why are you laughing so much they're so nice they're saying so nice things to you what are they saying translate welcome welcome you have a place in our head welcome do you need anything you want tea you want tea one please drink tea drink tea like keep repeating okay back to real life that was absolutely insane and so unexpected and so spontaneous and amazing they're so nice turkish people are just so fantastic they're wonderful they're just happy to have me here and the tea culture is so cool they all just they're working all day but they keep getting refills how many times a day do you think they drink tea maybe 20 cups 20 cups of tea in one day you gotta love it all right on to the next [Music] we're walking on one of the busy roads now and in front of me there's a guy selling a turkish flag i have a collection i haven't missed a country yet i have flags all over the world and we're gonna go buy one now i'm gonna ask how much is it okay let's go next stop the bazaar because almost every city in turkey has one it's a marketplace where goods and services have been exchanged or sold for thousands of years everything from food to electronics to handmade goods can be found and i immediately saw something i liked all these boxes here this is the box store i asked the price of this box because this is really famous in this area it's made out of uh walnut walnut tree walnut how much is it and i asked the price and he says give 15 turkish dera and take it if you don't give money still take it really no money i will happily give him 15 for that that's a good price if i buy this what should i put inside he still alternates silver money this is the gems box so whatever you want thank you oh thank you very much can you say anything in english no thank you very much as we were walking to our final stop of the day something caught anno's eye that he wanted me to try drew this is so adana this is tunip juice it's all red and super tasty really strong you wanna taste yeah let's do it i really don't know what this is but it looks good and if it's super adana i'm into it you want spicy or not yeah spicy of course it's gonna be hell spicy i want hell spicy i had no idea what to expect but i was really intrigued by this guy's shop on wheels that's the spicy wow it smells like strong tabasco sauce is what it smells like whoa what it looks like a liquor bottle it turns out that turnip juice originated right here in adena do you drink it every day how are you gonna choose the special turkish drink alcoholic drink and they drink it it's made of purple carrot pickles heavily salted and spiced with aromatic turnips before being fermented in giant barrels okay now for the taste test [Music] spicy that's like fire coming through my mouth all i taste is like vinegar and tabasco sauce so it's supposed to be that spicy no it's supposed to be more spicy it doesn't even make sense they're good oh they're good spicy but this is the good version i don't know how you find it refreshing it's literally spicy it's just spicy good ee how much is it one liter only one one turkish i'm gonna give him ten can i do that or it's weird he's fine okay i'll give him five your face keep it no no keep it keep it good no he's refusing no no i wanted to keep it he's refusing he's definitely gonna no no please because i'm filming you and i'm using your time i want you to have zaman he's so surprised so right now we are traveling in kobe 19 and we need to be washing our hands quite often and one thing i love about turkey is that they have this lemon like hand sanitizer what's it called it's called colonia and we are using that colonia for many years like hundreds of years it's really traditional and when i was in iran they have the same kind of thing with rose water so we're walking through a market now and we found a place behind us to go grab it let's do it [Music] this is it yeah this is the colonia and this is 80 alcohol all right now we are gonna put it to the test i'm gonna be using this thing religiously over the next four weeks [Music] it smells so good i want to eat it it's like it smells like candy in total i got an arana kebab a baklava a banana milk bird food turkish tea a turkey flag a box made from walnuts spicy turnip juice and lemon colonia for 9.88 and that's what ten dollars can get you in adana turkey thank you guys so much for watching this video if you want to see more amazing content all around turkey over the next four weeks then follow me on instagram drewbinski i'm posting live instagram stories every day and stay tuned for these videos guys they're going to be amazing i'm literally driving around the perimeter going to so many small towns and villages and places that you've probably never heard of before and i'm so excited to experience the true turkish life choke test and we can't wait to show you more of this amazing country many great stories are on the way it's true really yeah cool tirana no from dudes cool yeah didn't make it there where are you from i'm from the u.s where where's park virginia awesome where are you from how do you know no i'm shooting i'm shooting the drink i'm shooting the tea the chai are you chinese i [Applause] and if you like my travel videos please click subscribe and ring that little bell so you can get notified on all my upcoming videos as i take you to every single country in the world
Channel: Drew Binsky
Views: 1,626,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drew binsky, drew binsky vlog, drew binsky travel, travel, drew binsky turkey, turkey drew binsky, drew binsky $10, turkish food, adana, adana turkey, turkey vlog, adana vlog, turkey travel, adana kebab, baklava, turkish tea, turkish coffee, budget travel, things to do in turkey, istanbul, istanbul vlog, ankara vlog, ankara, europe, asia, turkish culture, turkish cuisine, doner kebab, markets, turkish people, hatay, middle east, arab, budgeting, travel on a budget, $10 series, yeah
Id: V9Q4dChFyRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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