What AWS certification is right for you? AWS Architect, SysOps, or Developer ??

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2021 đź—«︎ replies
don't use certs to acquire knowledge use them to validate your knowledge and experience [Music] in the enterprise world certifications demonstrate a shared understanding of a platform a shared terminology and a certain level of cloud expertise that can speed up time to market for all kind of projects but when should you get certified and let me share with you my personal take on this i have all aws associates and professional certs and i often get asked whether i would be pursuing gcp or azure certifications and my answer has always been the same i will win a professional need arises meaning if one of my customers is keen on using a certain technology that's only offered by microsoft azure then that's a good enough reason for me to study for that search that addresses that specific problem if one of my customers needs help in a domain i'm not familiar with but is covered with especially certification then that's a good enough reason for me to study for that cert but i will not pursue a cert for academic purposes i will not pursue a certification just to have it here's a personal anecdote early 2021 my understanding of kubernetes was limited i understand how we worked as an orchestration system and i could talk about its main components and how they interacted with each other but that was it but then two of my clients shared with me their desire to migrate their workloads to eks and that was it that was all i needed in order to start my deep dive journey into the kubernetes eks world and in results became a certified kubernetes administrator by the linux foundation a few minutes later a few months later i didn't do it because i wanted to add yet another cert to my portfolio although it feels good um i did it because i had a professional need and i had to step up to the challenge side note i got asked whether i got reprimanded because i went for a google certification although i work for aws absolutely not if you watched my video about the hiring process you'd know how we love to hire people who bring a unique set of expertise to the team the whole team was actually delighted we now have this knowledge in-house within the team and they could focus on learning other skills that could fill other gaps all right back to the subject now there is no doubt preparing for a certification can help you strengthen your knowledge by clarifying key concepts and some people study for a certification as a way to expand their knowledge or hoping to land a job and that's a good enough reason as well that's actually a professional challenge your certification will most certainly help you stand out among the competition the thing is you don't want your certifications to be the only thing you can offer do you so let me say this don't use certs to acquire knowledge use them to validate your knowledge and experience so with that in mind what is the best way to get aws certified well here's what i believe the best plan to go about this the three steps plan to be aws certified or certified for any other technology for that matter and also become the subject matter experts in that field the first step in your journey should be to join a company that already uses the technology you're pursuing so if you want to be aws certified join a company that's already only ws this is the most important move you can make to get closer to your goal in my opinion of course because you will have first-hand experience building and deploying production workloads debugging and solving problems and all of this within the aws ecosystem besides you'll have support all around you to get your questions answered by people who will most probably have more knowledge and experience if you don't want to leave your current job but your employer is not on the cloud please make it a challenge of you to convince them to migrate to the cloud any cloud for that matter the benefits are just humongous step two now that you're in an environment that pushes you forward i want you to focus on expanding your knowledge not on acquiring the certification itself the certification will come as a byproduct right so for the first six months to one year i want you to continue to experiment with services with technologies with frameworks with patterns and i'll put some links in the description for helpful videos along these lines because regardless of the certification you choose all aws exam questions are based on real life situations and how you'd react to them the more workloads you have helped building and deploying the easier answering the exam questions will be it's as simple as that and finally now that you have been emerged in a cloud environment and you have first-hand experience it is time to prepare the certification you feel will validate your experience the most and we will touch on which certifications are best for which roles in a second but keep in mind that some companies offer training packages to their employees to help them get certified so be sure to ask about this in your interview if not a lot of companies still offer access to linkedin learning um skillshare udemy or many of these self-paced learning platforms if your company does not offer it already just ask for it 99 of the cases you will get access to one of these platforms and i don't believe any company that cares about the well-being of its employees will chip out on a few hundred dollars a year for such a good cause so now you've completed these three steps you're ready to pass the certification of choice but which one do you go for at the time of filming this aws offers 12 certifications one foundational certification three associate level certs two professional level and six specialty certifications i know it can get overwhelming so let me help you navigate through them the aws certified cloud practitioner is designed specifically for folks looking to gain an understanding of the concepts of cloud computing without the technical detail so pursuing this certificate will provide you with knowledge about cloud computing from both a business perspective and a high level technical perspective as well so you'll be able to describe aws cloud value proposition you'll be able to recognize and explain basic aws cloud architecture principles you'll be able to learn about the basic security and compliance aspects of the aws platform like for example the shared security model among other things it is useful for individuals in technical managerial sales purchasing or financial roles who work with the aws cloud now if you are a developer looking to validate your building and deploying cloud workload skills the aws developer associate is an obvious one being developer associate certified typically means you're able to write code and design apps to run on ews cloud it also means you're proficient in key services in techniques and methodologies including ci cd serverless and decoupling of architecture to design implement and support optimized and resilient applications at scale there are some requirements though to take the aws developer associate certification exam you must have relevant hands-on experience and be familiar with messaging and q1 services you should also have an understanding of stateless loosely coupled distributed applications as well as relational and non-relational databases now if your job is to be involved before the development phase starts by either collecting technical and business requirements building plc's extend the feasibility of an idea you know designing a solution for security growth and scale and these are typically the responsibilities of a solutions system or enterprise architect then the aws solutions architect associate is the right certification to pursue its goal is to validate your knowledge across a number of different key areas demonstrating you're able to effectively show knowledge of how to architect and deploy secure and robust applications using aws by the way i talked about the role of a solutions architect in the interview video so make sure to check that out now the last certification on the associate level is the sysops administrator associate and this search demands that you demonstrate the ability to deploy solutions for different scenarios following best practices it also asks you to be able to troubleshoot workloads in case of a problem and to exhibit the ability to tweak environment for performance again try to go after desert as a way to validate your knowledge in deploying operating scalable highly available and fault tolerant systems so which certs are best in aws and you know this entirely depends on where you are and where you'd like to take your career say you enjoy working in networking and architectural space then the following route would be a good fit start by aws cloud practitioner get to aws solutions architect associate then the architect professional and after that you can get a specialty in networking however if you were a keen developer looking to move into application development and maybe work with alexa in the future then you might select a path that's similar to this start with the cloud practitioner then get the developer associate then developer professional and after that a specialty as an alexa skill builder plan ahead and execute on your plan it is far better in my opinion to have achieved these four certs in that order rather than going for 12 certs all of them one after the other just for the sake of having them to have followed one of these paths demonstrate again in my opinion that you're someone who's clinical who's who knows what they want and who's able to strategize and then just go for it all right let me recap the three certs i mentioned in this segment are all associate level and they can benefit your career in many ways by helping you lead your organization to further success but also by putting you in a stronger position when you apply in for aws positions the professional and specialty certs serve in my opinion an entirely other purpose but that's a subject for the next video in the end guys i want you to remember that certifications are a demonstration of your knowledge at a specific point in time they don't last forever they expire and need to be renewed after two years but don't wait until they do build good habits to stay current and obsessed with learning and i'll share with you links to resources i use personally to keep my skills up to date so make sure to check the description for those one last thing guys it is not easy to produce regular quality content while working a demanding job such as being an essay at aws but i'll keep doing my best to share with you guys and girls my experience things i learned along the way to help you get to where you want to be this being said every like and every sub show me that you enjoy my content and give me that extra motivation to work the extra hours every week so thank you in advance [Music] what's up
Channel: iLyas BK
Views: 8,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AWS Certification Path For Beginners, AWS Certifications Guide, aws certification, aws certification training, aws certified, aws solution architect certification, aws certification path, how to get certified, aws jobs, aws certification jobs entry level, a cloud guru, Amazon web services cloud practitioner, Aws certification path for begginers, aws certification path for beginners, aws certification path explained
Id: -eRfvkfCY0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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