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today's video I invited six of my subscribers to compete in a basement build battle while they each gets 60 Minutes to build a basement a budget of $100,000 and they can only build within a 6x6 square and at the end you guys will get to come on and vote for the winner and the winner will receive 200 Robux but the only twist is each player will have to use an item from the new update that just came out so if you guys want to be in a future video like this make sure to subscribe to the channel and join my Discord server and with that being said let's meet today's contestants okay I can already see by an overview we have a very odd bunch of players right all right so starting with yellow I swear last bu battle we had like this exact person I will push you in this basement who is this Cupid core Alaska don't hit me with that thing you're holding I'll try not to and then over in the orange Square we have strawberry shortcake over here who is this Hearts llama llama llama okay and then in the Red Square we have like something from Scooby-Doo you want to fight okay I actually don't want to go anywhere near you who is this Matt Matt I'm terrified of you oh okay okay Matt Matt wants to square up I'm going to stay away from mat but anyway I don't want peace I want problems always and then over in the blue square we have hubby wa why is aever trying to kill me today calm down swing that sword at me one more time swing it at me one more time right that's it that's it yeah yeah you stay in there you think about what youve done next up we have the pink square with have Kate o mate if you how many closer I'll box in the face should weave okay that's me mocking you by the way oh my gosh I'm scared of today's contestants they're a bit aggressive all right next up we have purple maybe they're less aggressive nope okay in the purple Square we have Sun I'm still trapped in Alaska's basement she almost let me out she pushed me back in unbelievable don't listen to him okay they are today's contestants very very spooky group so I guess with all the contestants being introduce are you guys ready peeing myself okay that wasn't the question we got this pal build B B Starts Now who oh whose bike is that that's going to bother me the whole time whose bike is that I can't get rid of that can I that's not my bike great okay so pink was the first person to place down a wall Orange has a popcorn machine and a drink machine and very flush what's going on with orange what are you building a movie cinema in your basement like so the Only Rule with today's build battle is if you didn't know bloxburg just came out with a new update people are calling it The Homeless update because they have weird items such as a broken window broken door a bunch of weird broken Furniture like like a broken toilet so I did tell them they have to use at least one item from the new update so I'm kind of excited to see what's going on with all these basements I love how purple has a whole house so far no one in the basement why is there a pool there who added a pool what I feel like there's a lot of things you can do with a basement I feel like a lot of people are going with that haunted basement look if this is me I would kind of do like a trap basement like to trap people in or they going to go for the complete opposite and do like a preppy basement that everyone goes to to have sleepb see when I think of basement I just think of like this like scary spooky terrifying basement mm- no no no I don't know about like where you guys are from but in Australia we don't actually have basement well we do but not many people have basement it's very rare for someone to have a basement o red what's this is looking kind of spooky red actually reminded me with the new update came new materials so they've got dirt stains stained uneven Stripes broken tiles and then a few new plank options so yeah you know what developers done a good job I actually love the developers so much oh speaking of the Roblox developers guys guys they followed me on Tik Tok go look at their Tik Tok they followed me so like Tom hit me up I'm kidding I'm kidding okay what's going on with purple this doesn't look like a basement babes this looks like a house oh never mind we do have a basement this is such a weird view um I'm in the basement looking at everyone's builds this actually is kind of nice this is the first build battle I've done where you have to use the basement okay what's with blue blue what are you up to Why is there just an octagon on your basement floor there's so much going on who's a floating motorbike is that it's so annoying get out of here one of you guys drove in on your motorbike and just left your bike here now I just can't get rid of it so that's great you know what I would do if I was in this build battle you know the show you you know Joe's little B basement that's what I would do hubby just goes I am shaking your boots okay while I let the builders do their thing you know what I'm going to do I'm going to stalk their plots stop oh what is this starting with whoever's plot this is hubby did hubby just build like a full Super Mario race course um okay don't mind if I do yo how about we just like stop the build battle and we all go on this race course this seems so fun oh okay hobby you little professional damn who's at this house Matt oh Matt this is adorable little Suburban House o very nice okay over here oh what about this whose house is this oh look at this beautiful love the walls and the structure in this house really outstanding okay an update with the builders they now only have 50 minutes left I want to ask orange a few questions first off where is your basement love how like guys this is a basement build battle orange really said pool don't care I don't know whose spiders these are but they are currently outside of plot zon you're eliminated I'm just kidding looks like purple has snagged one of my fridges for my inventory let's actually have a look at these basement so Pink's basement is looking very trash core oh these must be the new items okay what is this an old mattress oh yeah is that trash as well did box bre add trash pile of trash guys look it's me all right Pink's doing pretty well with their basement as for blue I still don't know what they're doing they have a bunch of computers here I'm very curious as to see where they're leading with this this meant to be like a underground security room maybe we then have red I really like what Red's doing here this looks like a haunted Farm like you go into the hatch that leads straight into the basement oh this is spooky got the bathroom here with the cracked ties you know considering Blox bed added a bunch of broken furniture they even added a broken stove considering this they didn't add a broken fridge is this a lonely light bulb oh that is terrifying I feel like this update has so much potential I'd love to build a haunted house or an escape room potentially let me know if you guys would want to see that sun just said I spent 7K on custom stairs okay well we have to check out these custom stairs oh okay you know what I think they're worth it look at those custom stairs they were all made out of cubes damn orange is finally adding a basement guys Round of Applause to Orange Kate's listening to Survivor by Destiny's Child and then Matt goes I'm listening to my breathing Matt is stressed out right now oh not to stress you out more Matt but 40 minutes left that was a quickest 20 minutes of my life what's going on with yellow we have a clothing line we have a clothing line wait is this new clothes line did I not say in one of my old videos I built a Custom Clothes Line and as I was building it I literally said what's the BET next update they're going to add a clothes line I'm telling yall that is super cool though I love the fact that they added a clothes line oh my gosh and you can even change the material of the clothes okay I don't know what's going on with yellow's upstairs area I think this is meant to be a house and then they have the basement however they haven't added much in the basement so I'm kind of scared for them and then orange I don't know why there's floating sticks in the air in the basement we have a single chair Red's basement is looking you know as terrifying as possible I don't know the bathroom could get any worse than it is but that is ghastly darling what is this oh they even added exposed wall pipings that's kind of cool okay Red's actually kind of eaten it up with their haunted basement Vibe and then over here we have blue I still don't know what they're doing I think Blue's preparing for the apocalypse over here because um there's a full rock climbing wall in the basement and then just just apples as for pink they still have their weird spiders at the front so I know they're planning something with those spiders however the basement's looking good as in good I mean bad but good you know what I mean pink told me they wanted to go for like the aftermath of a girl sleepover you know what I kind of see it we got like drinks on the table those red party cups you know what pink is doing a pretty good job lastly we got purple over here they have a house which they haven't really done much with I think it's just there for looks cuzz then as we go into the basement it's filled with Furniture this is kind of nice actually then you go all the way over to red and then we just got the creepiest basement in all box blue H blue is that what I think it is okay I think I know what Blue's going with what a fun exciting basement oh my golly gosh orange what are you doing I love it but plug on the wall but for the extra Touch of realism they added ropes that connect to the computer computer that is actually Super Creative okay as for their basement though how's their basement looking okay they've officially added things in their basement not much just a popcorn machine in the lounge but well I hope they're all going good with budget and time because now they only have 30 minutes left meaning they have another 30 minutes to finish up their basement 30 minutes left EXO EXO EXO um I don't think they are happy with this information I hate you Patrick okay update with yellow's basement they've officially added some stuff in here this is looking kind of cute I think they're going with a realistic basement do any of you like have your bedrooms in a basement I feel like that would drive me crazy cuz I'm super big on windows so the room I have in real life big windows so I feel like if my bedroom was in a basement and I had no windows I just feel depressed oh Matt just goes Alaska babe get your gardening level up please and thanks I'm trying this is why you guys hate building um on my plot because you can't use any of these trees did you have to be a high gardener and I think I'm only like level two or level four actually how do you check let's see I am level four in gardening at 0% and then athletic I'm level 24 I mean duh I mean yeah have you seen my pixels Kate just goes do you like mine and hubby goes no I love it and then Kate goes oh I was about to insult you really badly and then hobby goes you cannot do that with the camera's rolling blood and then Kate goes I can and I will and then I say 20 bucks in HBY and now Kate's like are you taking the pee out of me British people in their anger issues I'm telling I'm kidding I'm joking why am I stealing from work you're criminal why I okay update with blue there is so much going on with blue like they've now added a prison I don't know who they're planning on trapping but I'm scared the new item they decided to add is a wooden crate oh Pinkie Pie how are you going it's giving hoarders oh pink has nailed it with the whole aftermath of a sleepover they've got makeup on the floor balloons soccer balls nail polish this is so creative I love how they have a story going on like that's what I love when I see someone in a build battle doing like a story I'm like okay this is kind of cool that's for purple still adding some furniture in here I love the water falls behind the kitchen oh okay if this makes sense why they decide to add a custom staircase bookshelves okay they now have 20 minutes left Don't Kill the Messenger guys on a positive note their basements are looking really good okay I think I figured out what orange is doing orange is this a movie theater as your basement 100% okay that kind of makes sense why they stole the popcorn machine in the first 2 seconds and then as for red you know what red reminds me of a haunted house oh yeah it's so preppy in here what do you think it's so preppy in here 100% BFF in that oh yeah hate just goes can I restart hate I will kill you why the aggression I'm so confused pink is saying their basement looks bad but it looks realistic to me like you know how like American shows have like parties in the basement this is what it looks like after the party still don't understand the spiders but you know hate just goes oh my God I'm nearly out of money girl how did you already spend 100K that is insane oh yellow yellowmellow is that a bathtub I want a bathtub in the basement scratch that I don't want a basement have you guys seen the short film no hold on I need to show you guys this it's so scary I don't know what it's called though oh hey Panda short film basement wet guy e this one right here oh my God this thing called the other side of the Box this is the scariest short film I've ever seen in my life I can't even look at it cuz it's scaring me anyway it features this box and you can't steal at the box or like this thing will come out of it and um it features this basement at the end of the short film and it's terrifying yeah I I never wanton a basement after I've seen that short film I've made up my mind I never wanton a basement in my life scariest thing of my life okay all right Blue's officially covered up their basement 10 minutes left don't kill me so who is riding around in this little go-kart oh I told them they have 10 minutes left and uh Sun Goes 10 minutes are you sure actually you now have 8 minutes and 20 seconds smiley face let's just hope with the last remaining minutes they don't run out of a budget and they've added everything they needed so in the meantime I'm going to hop out of build mode and wait for them over here 5 minutes later all right we've got 5 minutes left so far only one person oh excuse you oh my gosh stop running me over anyway so far we have two builders that have finished their basement oh scratch that we have three Builders so now we're just waiting on three more people to finish their basement before we can have a look at the finished result okay so 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 and time so you now all get 5 minutes to change your decals good luck and before I even said that they all ran off okay dance while we wait for the roaches to change their deal okay I don't really know how to dance but I mean I'll dance on get your smelly breath out of my face t Okay 5 minutes later guys I think someone stuck in their basement help help me someone help the poor man what is okay so before we tore all of the basement to set the mood we're changing it to nighttime yeah really setting the mood all right I guess we're going to start with yellow so cupid core is the one who built the yellow basement so coming inside this looks very cute kind of looks like a a regular home and then down here we of course have the basement so I love this this is I feel like they definitely went with a realistic basement this is cute I like the fact that they have a hot tub Japanese moving in style oh okay so good job to Yellow I'm going to get out of here before any more fairies jump in the spa with me because I'm quite scared I do like the kitchen they added however very nice touch and the item they added from the new category was the clothing line now the next basement we have is orange the first thing I noticed about orange is it kind of reminds me of a cyber Punk theme and for the longest time I had no idea what they were planning until they started adding the basement and I think I can tell by all of the movie posters their basement they decided to make this a movie theater we got Spider-Man 2 over here you know what very creative idea for the basement I decided to do a basement build battle it never even crossed my mind the fact that someone would do a movie theater so I thought this was really cool now next up we have red I'm I'm very concerned with red beware I don't know if I want to go down there you go first ladies first am M you go excuse me let's see what we're working with down here okay a lot of bananas uh this is ew who put a spider there that is disgusting okay it looks like they went with a haunted basement feel we got the bedroom over here very tight squeeze for the bedroom considering they went with like a haunted basement I think they actually done a pretty good job we have a hallway leading over here to what I'm assuming is the bathroom okay very interesting bathroom the bathroom doesn't work clearly okay now coming back upstairs oh wao how do I how do I get out of here okay now I'm actually getting scared someone let me out let me out please gosh okay next basement next up we have the blue basement oh yeah this doesn't look suspicious at all let's say okay great yep and just as I expected it was a trap no showering aloud okay what even is this is the weirdest basement I think I've ever seen I'm calling the police hello rock climbing wall bunch of apples # don't free Aman and then we have someone in a jail S I don't have any words for this basement just I'm scared and I want to go home okay next basement is the pink basement I'm pretty sure this was made by Kate slumber party downstairs oh see I was right they went for like a slumber party theme in the basement you know what spot on and with everyone down here it really adds to the whole theme like tell me this doesn't look exactly like a little slumber party in a basement I would be very shocked if this doesn't get a lot of votes and then lastly we have the purple basement and I'm pretty sure from what I can remember from the purple basement it kind of just went with a traditional house this color palette oh my God I was just thinking that Alaska look here okay what is it oh this is cute oh I love it so much okay this basement is actually adorable so now that all the basements are tored I think it's now time to invite you guys onto the server to vote for the winner I'm going to hide behind this tree so no one can see me literally has not even been 2 seconds and look who's already on look who's already on oh what is that get off my server what is that is that a pimple I love how it's definitely not obvious where I am right now maybe if you can actually hide behind the tree they won't find you don't be suspicious don't be suspicious all right we got a few other people joining of the big heads and these what okay Alaska F did someone just say Alaska F so so it looks like everyone has started to look through the basements let's see what people think about red I want to see if anyone gets jump scared from this [Music] spider they they went in they're like nope and they went back out this is my new favorite thing just seeing people get jump scared by this spider what I love is that each basement has its own different theme like we've got orange over here full movie theater the yellow basement's more of like a traditional Vibe love how we just have a few people chilling in the hot tub I want to follow the little gorilla where is he going to go I'm going to follow him oh okay he's looked through yellow now he now he's looking through purple okay oh he he's making his way into the basement had a little little gazer back out oh now he's making his way to Pink and now he's back out blue as well super unique a weird vibe but um it's definitely something so yeah I'm just going to let everyone vote and do their thing and we shall see who has the most votes so I guess we can start off with yellow so for the yellow basem we have 1 2 3 4 5 six and seven votes so yellow with a total of seven votes next up we have orange a total of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 any more downstairs oh we do 14 and 15 so orange with 15 votes and then we have red with a total of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight votes and then next up we have blue oh gosh blue has a lot of votes all right blue with a total of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 17 votes for blue which so far puts them in first place the next up we have pink with a total of 1 2 three don't tell me pink only has three votes what Okay pink with only three votes which is kind of stupid because I thought pink was very good you know what I vote for pink four votes and then lastly we have purple 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 so 13 votes for purple which means the winner of today's basement build battle is blue with 17 votes okay so now it's time to announce the winners so congratulations to Blue for winning today's build battle they all done such a good job though so congratulations to all of the builders so or the Builder of blue where are you oh gosh so congratulations to Hubby for winning today's build battle and because they are on my Roblox group I get to give them 200 Robo for winning today's build battle so I hope you guys enjoyed today's video and I'll see you in the next one someone just goes outro cor how did they know bye
Channel: Alaska Violet
Views: 514,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n5fqYe5MZ1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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