What Are The Weirdest Unsolved Internet Mysteries?

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There’s nothing like a good unsolved mystery to get the mind going. When we think of such mysteries, the first things that often spring to mind revolve around the macabre. For instance, who was behind the identity of Jack the Ripper, the man that eviscerated women on the streets of London, sometimes with a surgeon’s precision? Or where did Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappear to? Was it shot down by the U.S. military, hacked by North Korea, or are its passengers currently residing on an alien spaceship? Who was behind the assassination of JFK? Who was the Zodiac Killer? Who was behind one of the biggest cyber-attacks in history, what became known as the WannaCry hack? Today we are going to focus on computer technology, in this episode of the Infographics Show, Weirdest Unsolved Internet Mysteries. Don’t forget to subscribe and click the bell button so that you can be part of our Notification Squad. Number 10. Internet Black Holes Yes, you heard that right, there is such a thing as internet black holes. It’s very much a real thing, and like a black hole in space, we only really know they are there because they swallow things up. They are easily explained, however. Tech people have simply described them as “places where packets vanish.” In 2008, Wired reported that hackers were busy creating these black holes, rerouting traffic towards them, and surreptitiously collecting valuable data. While we can’t say this is an unsolved mystery, we don’t exactly know how many black holes there are out there. 9. Oct282011.com This one is creepier. In 2011, a website appeared called Oct282011.com. On the site, there seemed to be some cryptic messages, as well as a picture of Schrodinger’s cat and pyramids. There was also a phone number. When the date of the site passed, the site stayed online, and that’s when things got strange. People called this number, reporting that what they heard was very creepy noises, muffled voices, or the sounds of what seemed like something heavy being dragged on the floor. Other said they got voicemail. You can of course check domain information for this site, and that takes you to a business called New Media Investments Inc. located in Kingstown, AL, although it seems Kingstown is in the British Virgin Islands. No such company seems to exist, though. 8. Who created Bitcoin Yes, Bitcoin might be booming – at time of writing anyway – but we still don’t know who created it. Why has this remained such a mystery? We do know that the cryptocurrency was created by an alias that goes by the name of Satoshi Nakamoto. He sounds Japanese right? But this person or persons writes only in flawless English and uses terms such as “bloody” something or other. That sounds quite British. British tabloids reported in January that indeed this person is a mystery, but whoever is behind the name could be one of the richest people on the planet. 7. Valor por Tamaulipas Reporting on Mexican drug cartels is no joke, and those that do could find themselves dead. So, if you are going to try and bring down the cartels and any kind of corruption supporting them, then there would be no better way to do it than doing it anonymously. This person or persons uses social media to expose the cartels, and the cartels are not happy. They even handed out fliers in Mexico offering an almost $50,000 reward for information on the group. Numerous threats were made while the group was active, with criminals actually kidnapping, torturing and killing someone who supported the group. Thankfully for Valor por Tamaulipas, no one ever found out who they are. 6. Snuff Videos We apologize here for discussing the extreme and sadistic nature of mankind at times, but the question has often been asked if Snuff films actually exist. A snuff film shows a real-life murder that can be purchased for entertainment. A few years ago, videos showing child rape and torture appeared on the Dark Web for sale, which became one of biggest and grisliest Internet mysteries ever known to man. We won’t state in graphic detail what these films contained, as it is unspeakable, but we can say that these films did exist, although they were considered for a time urban legend. No one was murdered on film, but murders did take place off film. An Australian man named Peter Scully was arrested for the crimes. While this was solved, we now must ask what horrible videos are out there in the dark web and which are real and which are fake? That’s a macabre mystery that shouldn’t belong in this world. 5. The Dark Web So, what is the Dark Web? Do we know what’s on it? It’s part of the world wide web, but to access it you will require special software and you’ll need to be given access by approval. This is a place where drugs are sold, or guns, hired killers, or even the aforementioned nasty videos. In fact, it’s been said that 96 percent of the web isn’t accessible via standard search engines. But as Wired magazine points out, there is a big difference from the Deep Web and these Darknet sites where criminality takes place. We don’t quite know exactly what is going on in the Dark web, so it still remains a bit of a mystery. 4. Mariana’s Web So, we have the deep web, and then harder to find than that is the dark web. What’s below that? The answer is Mariana’s web...if it exists. It’s named after Mariana’s Trench, the deepest part of all the world’s oceans in the western Pacific Ocean. Some say it’s a hoax, others are still trying to find it. 3. Markovian Parallax Denigrate This mystery goes back to the mid-90s when word puzzles appeared on Usenet. The word salads to some seemed like nonsense, and to others a great mystery with some meaning. This has even been called “The Internet’s oldest and weirdest mystery.” Why is that? Because in spite of numerous experts that attempted to decode the puzzles, they all couldn’t quite properly figure them out. Some people think the messages were left by the government, while others said journalist and CIA asset Susan Lindauer was behind them. It’s also been said that they are nothing but nonsense and whoever made them was one of the Internet’s first great trolls. 2. Unfavorable Semicircle This comes so high on the list because it has been hailed as YouTube’s greatest ever mystery. This is because in 2015 and 2016 thousands upon thousands of videos appeared on YouTube belonging to this channel, sometimes a new video every few minutes. They were often the thing of nightmares, weird, spooky, with strange sounds or strange voices. But the sheer volume of them had internet sleuths in a tizzy. They were all posted with the Sagittarius zodiac symbol and also a random six-digit number. No one has ever figured out what they mean, if anything, or who was behind them. YouTube eventually suspended the account for violating its terms of service. 1. Cicada 3301 This one is our favorite, and has rightly been called “the most elaborate and mysterious puzzle of the internet age.” It was basically a test for very clever codebreakers that first appeared in 2012. Somebody, or a group, started posting puzzles or games on the Internet as a way to recruit smart folks. They were so difficult that people have said the CIA or MI6 is behind them. Not only were the puzzles mathematical, but people also had to have a good knowledge of psychology, literature, philosophy, science and religion. A few people actually did solve the puzzles. Some of those that did said the organization asked them some questions, but nothing else happened. The end of the puzzle was in the dark web, but there appeared a post from the organization that stated they were disappointed people had only solved the puzzles in groups rather than individually. Government, cult, or some highly intelligent human, no one really knows who created these puzzles. So, can you add to this list, or tell us what you know about the ones we’ve listed? Let us know in the comments! Also, be sure to check out our other video called What Happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?! Thanks for watching, and, as always, don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe. See you next time!
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 3,613,007
Rating: 4.8264933 out of 5
Keywords: The Weirdest Unsolved Internet Mysteries, unsolved, mystery, mysterious, unexplained, creepy, strange, unsolved mysteries, top 10, unsolved mystery, unexplained mysteries, mysteries, dark web, black hole, internet black hole, Oct282011.com, Who created Bitcoin, Valor por Tamaulipas, Mariana’s Web, Markovian Parallax Denigrate, Unfavorable Semicircle, Cicada 3301, oct 28, oct 28 2011, 10 28 2011, theories, investigation
Id: JNWwVDkj24g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2018
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