What Are The Top Highest Paying Jobs in Tech for 2023

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did you know that Tech employees can make up to 85  percent more than employees in other Industries I   know when I first heard the stat I was pretty much  mind blown now let's back up a sec the stat also   is dependent on different locations so if you are  in you know middle of America versus if you are   in San Francisco this debt will vary and it will  change but I still think it's very interesting   to think about in this video we are going to be  speaking about some of the top highest paying   tech jobs for 2023 and I thought this was a  very interesting video to film and research   about because Tech right now no surprise to many  of us is in a very strange Place let's say strange   Place meaning there's a lot of hiring freezes  going on there's a lot of layoffs going on so   why would you even consider pursuing a career in  Tech a lot of people are asking and then there's   others who are already in Tech wondering is my  job is my role valuable enough to the company   that they will keep me and this got me thinking  what is the research saying what are the stats   saying regarding what are the highest demand  jobs or roles in Tech and does this align to for   me personally where I'm at and I'm sure if you're  watching this video you are curious as to digital   line with where you're at now I want to know I'm  going to go through the top in demand highest   paying jobs in tech for 2023 but there is still  some that I'm not going to list that of course   are still high in demand there's I mean this video  can only be so long but I just wanted to note that   foreign there is no surprise here this made  on the list which is data scientist in simple   terms what exactly does a data scientist do  a data scientist's job is to analyze data for   actionable insights so specific tasks that include  identifying data analytics problems that offer the   greatest opportunities to the organization now  the next question you might be asking is well   what are some skills and requirements to become a  data scientist first off I want to say for a lot   of these rules you don't need to go back to school  to get a degree to get a master's but rather a lot   of them can be through self-study through going to  different programs so I really wanted to highlight   that because I think it's one of the coolest  things about tech and what it has to offer is   there are so many ways to get into the industry so  some skills and requirements for a data scientist   often include the knowledge of R python or other  database programming languages you need to have   experience or an understanding at least in  statistical analysis and pattern recognition   so what are some primary duties well actually I  was speaking to a data scientist in my talk Tech   with Tiff series and one thing that I really love  she highlighted is that it's not just she said it   really well she's like I don't just sit there and  look at data or analyze data or code all day but   I actually have to talk to the stakeholders I have  to present this data to them as well so it's a job   that I think a lot of people would find surprising  to say it's not just you speaking to the computer   but you also are speaking to stakeholders as well  which I really like so it's kind of The Best of   Both Worlds you still get to work on your soft  skills and improve those while also working on   your technical skills so primary duties include  analyzing sorting and sanitizing data to yield   actionable actionable I can't speak today sorry  it's okay to you actionable or meaningful results   also find better ways of collecting data to get  meaningful information and create reports that   are human friendly and readable kind of going  back to presenting this to the stakeholders now   what let's get to the most important part how much  does a data scientist make now I just want to give   a little side note here these numbers this total  compensation that I am doing is just at its total   compensation so it's base it's Equity it's stock  Etc and I'm referencing them from levels FYI I'll   link it down below they have a ton of different  roles I'm on there right now and based from a   ton of different locations levels of your career  Etc so for data scientists the medium this means   if you're taking into account the Juniors as well  the very high seniors as well but on average it's   around 125 000. so you can see how as this  is the medium as you grow in your career it   will go quite higher than this and also too as  you're starting on your career you can still   expect a great salary to begin with now next  on the list is cloud architect and once again   I'm sure this is not surprising to many of you  a cloud architect puts an organization's cloud   computing strategy into action so they come up  with a strategy and then also to implement it   okay I'm on vacation as you know and it's getting  a little noisy outside let's go back inside okay   this is what happens when you go on vacation and  decide to continue to work you gotta get creative   especially when it comes to filming but anyways  next on the list as I was mentioning is cloud   architect a cloud architect designs optimizes  and analyzes Cloud networks the stats for cloud   and the jobs that are in demand for cloud  is skyrocketing let me actually check it out   because I'm not sure the exact stats Cloud across  just the industry itself because I was thinking   of specializing in the cloud at one point and I  kind of still am I think it's really interesting um cloud services is to is forecast to grow  20 in 2022 yeah the stats around it is just   crazy like it's continuing to grow and grow so  although I'm speaking about Cloud architect I   think any job within the cloud is such a  great way to go it's so interesting and   I always say that I always think to myself that  it would be either Cloud for me or web3 and maybe   you know those two intertwined but I think it's  interesting just to see those two industries   really growing okay back to Cloud architect as  we were saying some skills and requirements for   a cloud architect include extensive knowledge of  cloud infrastructure and Cloud architecture you   also have to be competent in programming knowing  python JavaScript and you also have to have   knowledge in Cloud infrastructures platforms and  applications also for this role in the architect   role you have to have soft skills in communication  people skills leadership skills because you will   be working with clients as well so some duties and  this can vary based on company include evaluating   an organization's Cloud network monitoring Cloud  security and privacy and proactively reacting to   potential threats and creating and maintaining  a comprehensive Cloud strategy now when I said   you might be working with clients because  sometimes especially in a Consulting world   you will be Consulting other businesses and their  Cloud strategy or their how their architecture   looks so it can go both ways as well okay let's  get to the good part the money part for this one   it's not on levels FYI so I actually just typed  it in and found from salary.com so it's a range   in the US from 143 000 to 165 000. so I think  that number definitely can go up especially when   you start talking about total compensation as  well because I believe this is just salary just   based salary yeah I believe this is base salary  uh but yeah so it does definitely go up when you   start talking about equity and stocks as well  next on the list is blockchain engineer and I'm   sure you've seen news articles on this or read  articles or blog posts online on just how well   paid these blockchain Engineers are and how in  demand they are now my next thing I get asked a   lot is well Tiff they're so high in demand how  do I become one and I had this question too as   a developer as an engineer how do you get into  the blockchain world and the good news is if   you're already a developer or software engineer  the path to becoming a blockchain engineer is   much more there's less hurdles you will have to  overcome versus if you are just starting out and   that is because you already know programming you  think like a programmer you are a programmer so in   order to learn uh to become a blockchain developer  you really just need to level up your skills focus   in on that area which I think is really exciting  uh because it's not something that you have to   go back to school for for another four years  or anything like that and even if you aren't   a developer already but you want to become one it  definitely is a great path that you can focus on   as well also as a side note if you are looking to  learn more about web3 and building web 3 I am this   isn't a sponsored anything but I am a huge fan  of buildspace.so and it just has I'll put up on   screen here because it has some amazing resources  to build different products and also too it has   a huge community so that is just a little side  tip from me do you okay let's talk about salary   for blockchain engineers this one is a tough one  because it still is pretty new that I find there   is so much when I was researching this there's  so much research out there that varies so when   I was speaking to some friends who are in the  industry who focus on blockchain engineering   they kind of helped me come up with an accurate or  more so accurate uh range so what I did was when I   was searching blockchain engineer initially I  came across this article on hired.com and the   salaries of candidates typically range from on the  low side 150 000 to on the high side 200 000. so   the medium would be around 180 000 and from what  I have spoken to in the industry this is pretty   accurate so that's a really high paying job if you  ask me and you get to build really cool Tech next   on the list is devops engineer devops engineer is  something a role that I feel like is often hidden   or within the company isn't spoke about as much  as it should be this is like the star of the show   in the back end and running so many things making  sure everything's functioning okay yet it doesn't   get the recognition in my opinion that it really  deserves so if you are a devops engineer you are   the star of the show in my opinion okay but what  exactly is a devops engineer for those of you who   might not be as familiar with it essentially a  devops engineer is kind of what I just summed   it up to be they are responsible to ensure smooth  operation for the company's I.T infrastructure so   they work with developers to deploy and manage  code changes operation staff to ensure systems   are up and running smoothly they work with a  few different departments but at the end of   the day their priority is to make everything  is smooth it's peaceful and to be successful   in a devops career you not only need to have  a strong understanding of development but also   to operational processes some of the skills for  devops engineer they need coding they also need   to be able to write scripts and knowing how  to set up and run a network git and Jenkins   now the average yearly salary we have this on  levels FYI let's look it up for devops okay so   devops can make a lot of money I have one here  after eight years in the industry at instacart   apparently this is according to levels fii  that the total comp is 250 000 U.S which that's um okay so more accurately though actually that  is accurate but what I mean is the medium would   be closer to let's see here for a median salary  not total compensation for devops it's around 140   000 us per year last but definitely not least  on the list is cyber security and this I'm going   to speak about a cyber security engineer but I  really want to highlight cyber security as a whole   it needs so much more people in the industry  so even if you are not an engineer this in part   this uh niche in the industry of cyber security  is so in demand it's continuing to grow there's   no it's not going to slow down and you don't need  to be an engineer to work in cyber security they   need product managers they need everything that  everyone else does in the tech industry they need   but you just need to have a strong understanding  of what cyber security is and the good thing is   that's all available online that you can take  courses you can read up on it but it's a very   growing industry now let's get back to cyber  security engineer cyber security Engineers are   in charge of security functions that can include  designing developing and implementing High   securely Network Solutions this also sometimes  can include good hacking which essentially is you   are hacking into your own company's applications  to see where the vulnerabilities lie it's a very   interesting career and I had a good friend  of mine who is a cyber security engineer and   getting to hear her stories not only about  the the apps she was testing at work too   but external ones and what's kind of going on  behind the scenes it was really exciting but   it also is very terrifying just how vulnerable  I think a lot of applications are some other   responsibilities for cyber security Engineers  can include penetration testing so this means   evaluating an organization's computer networks  applications and data systems for vulnerability   so pretty much what I just said also to network  maintenance so you might need to install test and   configure some networks and I.T system security  so spending time defining protocols and installing   and configuring security devices okay that's a  lot so you can see it's a very diverse job in   the sense that you get to work on a lot of very  interesting problems now what is with such an   important uh job what is the salary for this okay  for this I went on ZipRecruiter and I can see here   they say for salary not total compensation and I  always really highlight those differences because   it's easy to get the two uh mixed up when you  were speaking to people or speaking to friends   or whoever you're speaking to and I want to  really highlight this because a lot of times if   someone says oh I make 250 000 a year you need  to clarify okay that's great but is that total   comp or is that base salary because that's a big  difference so that's why I always try and do that   in these videos is ensure I am clarifying what  I'm speaking to so this is for base salary and   the average national average is around 120 000 U.S  so this definitely can go up extremely as you grow   in your cyber security career but also too you are  starting with a very not 120 000 typically but you   are starting with a very good salary as well okay  those are some of the top in-demand jobs or fields   in the tech industry that are going to continue to  really grow in 2023 and I'm really excited to see   where they go because a lot of these industries  or Fields I guess you could say within the tech   industry are just at the tip just starting out  when you think about cyber security when you think   about blockchain these fields yes they've been  around for a while but they have so much potential   and they're going to unlock so many other things  that being a part of that is really exciting I'm   curious to know what specific field in Tech are  you working in or are you passionate about or   want to get in leave down in the comments okay  the sun is calling me I can see it from behind   you I need to go relax on a chair now thank you  all for watching make sure to hit that subscribe   button for more Tech coding and career related  content and I'll see you all soon bye everyone
Channel: Tiff In Tech
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Keywords: Highest Paying Jobs, Highest Paying Jobs in Tech for 2023, tiff in tech, tiffintech, jobs in tech, tech jobs, most in demand it jobs 2022, Highest Paying Jobs in Tech, what are the highest paying jobs in tech, what are the highest paying jobs in technology, top 5 highest paying jobs in tech, the highest paying tech jobs without coding, highest paying it jobs, tech jobs without coding, highest paying tech jobs, highest salary in tech, Top 7 highest paid jobs in tech
Id: s-Fz79on7A0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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