What Are The Secrets To A Long Life?

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it's a part of China that is aged well with scenery that could have been lifted straight from an ancient Chinese painting deep amid these limestone mountains lie a small group of valleys said to hold the secrets to longevity where people still work in the fields at a hundred years old and beyond the people here are mostly from the yao ethnic minority and many are living extraordinarily long lives simple I'm even fool now I'm over now long day one Martian claims to be a hundred and six the village over for a convertible it would hold a gun boil and hold man now remember what food in particular is good for you she attributes part of her longevity to Chairman Mao who came to power when Wong was in her 40s so for no Honecker never here ladies and I know including a drooler but one's not afraid to confront her own mortality it's her own coffin waiting in the corner of her room but it doesn't seem to trouble her they locked it physically and then you feel like Joel they don't know joking you a tradition dictates that if a close friend or relative dies first the coffin goes to them and a replacement is provided Oh get up I lose you right away in a local population of less than 250,000 there are more than 70 centenarians and over 200 people in their 90's that's one of the highest per capita concentrations of old-timers in the world seven of the oldest live here in what is known simply as the longevity village locals insist Wang Shu ping is a former Edgard mr. Huang fought the Nationalists as well as the Japanese on the wall the same obligatory Chairman Mao picture and argument you know how or jive house him in your arms back our good Oh Margie girl ever confront ahead of me running around him doesn't matter hey Omega got a life expectancy in China has risen slowly to 74 years but a remarkable number of these folk are living decades beyond the national average also above average this year with the raids in what is already one of the wettest regions of China which threatened the next stage of my venture well we're here in this beautiful setting because we're looking for a village called bommai we've been told there's a woman living there who is a hundred and twenty five years old if it's true she'd be China's oldest woman the problem is we are lost eventually we came across the sign we'd been searching for bar my village strolling towards this secluded Hamlet felt like stepping back in time the villagers knew instinctively who I'd come to see and led the way she's taking eventually Lu Mao Shan makes an appearance but doesn't appreciate the wake-up call I'm sorry she was born she says in 1885 and turns 126 this year her adopted grandson remembers what she no longer can war and famine in my young we made fun of my size another booth down doesn't sound too much if Dan annoyed can't even answer that a lot I think you relate a little to target her memory faded long ago but her feisty spirit has not she's outlived her own five children and a husband proof proper age though is impossible to verify birth certificates only began to be kept in this area after the 1949 communist takeover this faded copy of her identity card is the only evidence that Lu is the age she says she is eating habits influenced by scarcity would appear to have contributed to lose long life local vegetables cooked in oil derived from Kemp form the core of her diet by now though she was fed up with the pesky cameraman I left her to eat her rice and greens in peace yoga sessions on de desert Ivana then to that I took a composition from kissing him to the patient via to yahoo the reservoir mangling has come to honor his ancestors at a local burial ground as part of yo New Year Meng is the government official charged with promoting the benefits that the shangri-la to China and beyond hi or whatever again Malcolm is you gather to go see some food I mean forgive you so in your view is less sex the key to a long and healthy life what a quandary and I can't to the ocean water contract to go to a yard Indian yoga converge on Janie Agora the simple life has survived here because this region has long been neglected by the central government but that is now changing the local government has expansive ambitions for Varma County to become a world center for health tourism with its centenarians the principal drawcard hotels are already under construction and potential investors are sniffing about I meet naturalized American Jang hink why interested in setting up a retirement village what do you think about the fact that so many people here live to a very long age the sign levy astounds the lifestyles everything yeah everything and I'm used to being the food lady I've seen a team in the water retreat there's no contamination tourists are already beginning to flock here at the local longevity museum I find busloads hoping to discover the source of bombers Fountain of Youth would you like to live to more than a hundred these tourists have come from chien hundreds of kilometers away general mashoala and the general part those are taught to eat decently Jenga - Antonia you are but Susur it's not so funny so yeah that hostage negotiator so yes the Tubman children cheering are you one come to share just Ryoga ha yes yes another point here there you are usually your Havas in their milk or the hintondean what she want ha well she won you can go after the museum the next stop the longevity village on Sundays one Martian is swamped by up to 200 visitors and seems decidedly unexcited about today's arrivals they all want to know her secret to a long life well-lived a photo with mr. Wong now comes at a price neighbour Huang zu ping is now also a fixture on the longevity tours but seems to relish the attention that comes with his remarkable a Bhama will soon be firmly on the tourist map and mingling welcomes the mass in flux na du/dt team by millions not filtering y'all one that's only what I do with you but all this development might threaten the peaceful and stress-free life that has contributed to their longevity the tourists might inadvertently be draining the Fountain of Youth they've so eagerly come to see you
Channel: Journeyman Pictures
Views: 82,160
Rating: 4.7539344 out of 5
Keywords: journeyman pictures, news, current affairs, world news, documentary, Immortality, Ageing, China, Bama County, Oldest Person In The World, elderly
Id: HlmV-zJ1_z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 02 2016
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