Salesforce Admin Certification - Trailhead Practice Test Solution - No Dumps - Strategy to Solve

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hello friends welcome to litecoin island developers group so it's our 19th session today we are gonna talk about admin certification preparation and we'll deep dive into doing some question answer sessions we'll solve some questions together and see how we can quickly answer them what is the best practice is to eliminate some some answers there i am nishan singh power i am the community group leader for uh the laticana developers group and i'm also an architect developer and consultant you can reach out to me on twitter at nishantforce and you can follow my blog for all the updates and sessions which i post i have 13 certifications including the domain architect i'm a trailer ranger i love music and play guitar for an hobby if you are watching this on youtube please post your questions as comments and i'll try to answer them as soon as possible so this is the quick agenda so we'll talk something about the community then we'll talk into the admin certification we'll definitely see the overview syllabus for the people who are new joining today and then we'll solve the practice test and also we'll uh see some tips and resources and in the end we also have certification voucher for giveaway um forward looking statement i would be not definitely talking any uh forward looking things today will be mostly focusing on question answers from the trailer practice test but still this is just to remind you that if you are making any purchasing decisions you should not make based on any comments which i make and only on the generally available features available by salesforce okay about the community so today you are joining later kenny allen developers group you can see all our sessions on bit dot ly lks of devs and also join our chatter group which is lksf chatter there we'll be posting all the presentations recording links and everything and definitely we are also on social you can follow us on twitter facebook and show some love on youtube by subscribing to our channels and getting all the updates on the recordings then starting with the sales for certification so who is sales for certification this is a quick video which talks about um who is sales for certified administrator i'll quickly play for it just a one minute video what is a salesforce administrator salesforce admins go by many names they are productivity powerhouses crm rockstars and salesforce superheroes they are your trusted advisors on all things salesforce and a vital bridge between business and technology so what exactly do they do salesforce admins can work on their own or as part of a team they work alongside management to bring innovation to life streamline processes and keep the bottom line moving forward admins work hard to fight inefficiency and champion productivity they probe the depths of the salesforce ecosystem they learn all of salesforce's newest features and make sure every employee is up to speed salesforce admins are part advisor part artist they create awesome tools on any device like easy to use dashboards intelligent workflows and apps for any project and most importantly they are there whenever you need them to keep your users educated your problem solved and your projects moving forward a salesforce admin delivers creative solutions making your users happier and your business smarter so next time you ask what does a salesforce admin do maybe you should ask what don't they do learn more at so so far we have already covered all these four topics in our previous videos you can check those videos at admin videos and you can see them and definitely will be doing one more session on the last topic which is covering the remainder of the admin preparation session uh maybe soon next week or next month or in the next year okay so before we go and try to see some questions i want to bring your attention to a world which is very dangerous for salesforce certification area and it's dangerous for every trailblazer who aspire for certification and giving those certification is dumps there also sometime calls braindump or like a brain export or those kind of things but one and all everything is same it's cheating so irrespective of what is your intention why you are looking for those dumps those questions out from the examination so those are basically real questions and real answers in the certification exam and you are trying to get access or get hands to those resources that is called dumps and if you are trying to get it with any positive intention or whatever it is it's a cheating and you should say no to it and try to avoid it because uh it's like just like drugs it's like giving you short-term benefits that you would get those questions and answers and you would be able to pass the exam very quickly and you would get a increment in your current role or you can get easily a job interview you can correct something or maybe you get a position but this this creates a long level or the large term problems for you which is first is the knowledge gap so once you start giving any certification with dumps you would have a knowledge gap because for that particular certification you would not then have that justice which you should have done in the study part and attempted that exam so there is a knowledge gap for that certification and then when you try to give the second certification for let's say after this admin certification you are going for advanced admin certification so at that point you would feel that you are missing some knowledge and you would try to look for more dumps for the next certification as well and the things goes on so try to avoid even and one and never so big so that it it's not in your mind any point of time that you need them so you should not have a need of that to go for certification you should make up your mind in that way and sometimes people would be saying because they need to clear interview there's a situation that you are in a need of a job or something and you need to get certified to go for it so you take a plunge and take take dumps and get certified but that would create more problems that you would even able to crack the interview then you can not keep up to the duties which you need to perform there because there would be some knowledge gap you would skill your skill would be not that up to the level which are required to perform the duties so that would hamper your performance while working on that role which you have just achieved by cracking certification items so try to not do that and very huge impact is that salesforce if finds out that you are using any uh dumps or incorrect means for certification if you are doing any cheating it can take you out from the salesforce certification program which is a long term loss to your sales force career if you are starting now or even if you are let's say five certified now for the six certification if you try to do this and salesforce finds out then if it will take out remove all the certification which you have already achieved and you would be not able to attempt for any certification in future so that's a huge loss for your overall sales force career and last but not least which is very big one that you are hurting the value of certification so you get the certification but as long as people start using these dumps or the value of the certification goes down that what's the importance of the achieving that certification goes in vain so it's like kind of hurting every trailblazer so it's like if you are using dumps you are hurting the certification which i have achieved myself because then it creates the the value of that certification goes down because anybody and everybody is trying to crack it with those dumps so try to report if you find any such instance where somebody is trying to sell thems or give you questions even for free don't take it try to report that to salesforce and for that i have given a link so this link is the link for reporting any credentials or any violation which you find out so you just need to fill out a form and send it to the sales force that these are the link or this is the website which is selling anything even super badges super badges are also a credentials just like sales for certification so if somebody is giving you a solution for a super badge completely some some people are helping on the trail business community that's fine if they're helping you to clear the super badge that's fine but if somebody is giving you a straight away solution for super bad those are also considered as a violation for a certification program and if you want to read more about the certification program policies i have also given a information link on the trail head help you can go through that okay moving next i'll talk about what are the various ways to do legitimate practice tests so because we know that we want to see a sample questions we want to understand how the exam would come up with different questions how the questions are framed framed basically and then i can attempt them so for that there are some right choices which you can make first one i would recommend is trailhead practice test so on the trailer itself salesforce provides a practice test now it was not there for a while but till that time there were focus on force in salesforce and these are two mvps trailblazers who provide some sample questions randomly formed questions which tried to assess your knowledge on these various topics which are part of the salesforce admin certification and you have the practice test as well and additionally we also have a mock test which is almost like a real exam you can give for just twenty dollars and instead of taking dumps for twenty dollars try to give that money to web assessor mock test and take that exam it would give you the real feel for uh the complete exam with installing all the sanital and everything and you would get the real exam feel as well while you are giving this mock test but the best and easiest approach is tailored practice test so i would recommend everyone before giving the exam you go for this test it will also give you an understanding how well you are prepared so if you give this practice test it will give you result and you would understand how ready you are so today we are going to take this one practice test on trailhead and go through it and see how it goes so so i did this exam just three days or four days back i gave the whole exam and i recorded all my answers and that's what i'm gonna talk today so i'll be presenting the whole exam which i did i've taken screenshots from that exam and i'll be sharing what answers i got and how they were so i selected the untimed mode so you have two options to select you can either go for timed mode where you uh have a fix 30 minutes time to do those 30 questions so it's half the number of questions it's not exactly all the 60 questions but you would get a feel of all the different type of question areas okay so before i go to all the questions i would be first covering that um i gave this exam and so i i couldn't get all the 100 rights all the 30 questions right i was only able to get 26 so simply nobody's perfect you don't need to go for everything as a right answers you can't get everything right you can't learn everything to the edge even if you know sometimes you would do a mistake while giving the exam you would overthink and it can be wrong so you don't need to go for perfection just try to get focus on this person so how much percent you are able to get so if you are able to get anything above 80 85 percent i think we are good because what we need for the exam is 65 percent so if in the mock test all these practice tests if you are able to get at anything about 80 percent which is good because some 10 15 percent i can say uh there would be when you are giving the real exam there would be exam pressure as well which can bring this number a little bit down but if you are above 80 in the practice test you can definitely say you are good prepared for going and attempting this exam right so what we should whenever we do this exam focus on these things so how many questions we are getting right and which area we are getting wrong answer so we can see i got four incorrect answers and out of which two were from the salesforce fundamentals and two were from the service and support application so these are the areas for improvement which i should focus more on and then try to try to revise them or see why i got those answer wrong now when we give the real exam it doesn't gives you a output like this so you don't have ability to see how many questions you got right in one section it just give you these percentage sometimes these percentages are misleading because there are different weightage for different exam bullet points so try to find out this numbers using a score calculator so there is a score calculator available online on focus on force which i find really helpful if you uh want to try to evaluate if some i would recom a clears in the first attempt but if somebody doesn't and want to see how he performed in the certification so this is a tool uh it's just a straightforward tool uh built which is really helpful in case if you are trying to find out how did you perform so if you enter this it will tell you out of 12 questions how much you got right and how much were wrong so this will help you that you need to really focus on this area because this is more percentage the weightage of this area is more and so on so if you calculate this you can see now uh this is the least scoring area in which you scored least and where you need more uh work to be done is configuration setup service support application so these are the where you have room for improvement this is your weakest area and it will also outline each and every number of questions which you did so this is very helpful so that it is telling me how many questions i got right so i'll just generalize or categorize various type of questions we get in exam and various answering techniques so first type of questions are generally scenario based so these are the most number of questions which will be scenario based so you need to find a solution given to a scenario which is more optimized and based on the declarative tools obviously that scenario would be looking for some declarative tools on the platform to be used for a solution there then uh some scenarios some questions which are directly knowledge based so you should know uh what is the right tool or what is the correct way to use a tool in salesforce and how you configure them what are the various settings for that particular tool what are the limits for a tool and those kind of things so this is kind of a knowledge base you should know some key terms of various tools which are there in salesforce so to answer these two different type of questions you have very first and important technique is elimination so whenever there is a chance to eliminate the incorrect answers you go for that try to eliminate those incorrect answers and then try to find the optimized or the right answer which is there and sometimes this correct matching is also very helpful that you would see some words definitely always there would be words or keywords in the question with which you can also match a answer which will have those words so it's kind of a match the columns kind of thing so you can directly match your question with the answer and you get the right answer that's it and there so you don't need to uh look for a lot more and then you can directly so mostly this will happen for the knowledge base questions you would have a correct match and for the scenario base you would have elimination and then you would have a best option to be choose so you have multiple right answers there but you need to choose the answer which is uh very appropriate or very optimized solution so for scenario based you try to apply these two techniques and for a knowledge base you directly try to apply a correct match kind of technique okay so let's begin with uh question number one so first question what we have is a universal container is using a custom object with product development team and product development team executive and system admin so there are three um agents or three personas we are talking about but product development executive and system administrator uh should be users who would have access to these records now what are the access they need product development needs read write and executive should only have the view so this is the security model related question uh now we try to find out the keywords in this question so so first keyword is only these users should have access nobody else should have any access and then we also find the keywords that product development persona should have read write and executives should have view access so now we easily capture what we required from this question and we need to find a correct design so what is the correct design for this and for this to answer this what i did was i quickly looked into the answer so i can see first option always is to set the owd to either private or publicly write so you can set owd to private or public read write and then you have even open up the permissions like in this private model you are giving default teams for the permissions in this you are giving profiles for the permission and in this you are doing using sharing rule and in the last one you are also using the profile by using the um credit permission so basically these are the cred control on the profile this one is for sharing rule control and this is a private right so right so as you said so we try to always keep the ow to do the restrictive so that that thing came into my mind i just quickly eliminated these two answers i thought let's keep the owd private and then open up the access so now to open up the access there were two options in front of me one was using the default team and then there was a modify also i didn't read in detail all this and just i quickly went with private and then i selected this answer and uh it turned out this answer was wrong so it happens so you you cannot be always right so this went out wrong now i try to understand why this answer went wrong so i'll try to explain you um from my point of view why this answer also went as wrong so some things which we should take a learning from him from here from me is that we should not rush so i quickly uh concluded on the owd as the conclusive point that it should be private and let's put it restrictive and then we would open up the access but sometimes if you read the all the details of the answer you would see even with this public read write the restrictions are being implemented with the credit access so this is the right answer because uh here we are giving public read write as owd but still the product development team has only read create edit and the executive only have the read only permission so on the credit level we are doing the restriction and not here but this could also be a solution right this could also be a right answer because this would also do the same thing right so this would be product development profile and modify all with giving the read edit and the view all will give the read access now let's see what was the problem so the problem here is uh here we can see the additional permission which it is giving is create so here we are extra what we are giving is create which is not asking question so this something stands out but the problem with modify all here is that you are giving even the delete permissions so modify all is a very superior permissions which can be uh challenging like you should not give always modify all permission modify all is very superior permission which should be tried to restrict it so if there was a way to do this uh with with some way where we could avoid using modify all this is high level permission so which we should not be able to give which we should not be able to control if you give it so the delete permission cannot be then taken off whereas because we are giving the edit permission i think create is still fine but if this was a profile read and edit only not create this would be the absolutely right answer but i just see one problem in this answer is the create but still if we see for the best or optimized solution yes this would be more optimized in that way because we are not giving a modify all in that modify all includes read write but it also include delete so modified gives read write plus delete as well so which we don't want to give so don't assume any details so like i quickly assumed that we should always pick private owd i didn't uh read all the details all the part of the answer so you should read all the details like each and every line and i think from the all the questions there would be only two or three questions which which would be this big like this big questions there won't be any more than two or three questions which will be this big so give your time uh don't rush on these questions if you feel like you are not in a mood in the beginning to attempt these kind of big questions you want to first get a speed of some giving some good answers in the beginning flag it and leave it for later and give some answers where you which boosts your confidence and you can come back and look into this question later but don't uh uh quickly just for giving an answer give the answer for such kind of big question generally these big questions would be very few two or three i would say and try to give them ample time like give them one or two minutes even if you want to more than two minutes you can give you have ample of time in the exam so don't rush so there's someone learning we can take from here okay moving to next question uh which set of salesforce record is exported by choosing export all option instead of export so now we are trying to look for difference between export all and export button in the data load so this is completely uh trying to find out what this export all means and you just need to match uh with the right option right so export all what does it do if you know it you can attempt it it's again like straight forward so now export all ties with recycle bin data so whenever export all is mentioned it means you try to extract the data also from the recycle bin otherwise normal export will only retrieve the data which is in the database not in the recycle bin so straightly you can select the d as an answer and go for it so simple as that coming to next question um universal container has inconsistent data um in its two thousand exis uh twenty thousand accessing accounts and uh to convert all this uh you need to convert all the standard country iso field so we need to update all the standard country fields on the iso code so we need to update the address related data now again this is we need to know what is the features available in salesforce for for doing the address updates so for address updates uh what we have in salesforce is mass address update so mass address update is a feature available in salesforce for doing all these things report exports again just exports the data clean gives you more insights about the company like their phone numbers email addresses people working on it all those things and then inline editing is just a tool to edit the data on the ui those kind of things so but this is the specific tool for managing the address so you go for it want to read more i have just given some links here as well on the ppt you can just click them and read more okay next question ursa major is using workflow field update right so workflow field update is a keyword here which two action can uh ums complete with this feature so we need to use two options out of four you need to choose two so any anywhere where there are these multi select options come you should go for elimination elimination is an easier way to at least remove one or two answers and then uh you would be left out by choosing uh selecting from only the remaining one so it would be easier for you to choose those two options so if i eliminate out of these four at least one i would be easily able to get my right answers right so first one choose a formula field for field update formula fields are always calculated on fly you cannot have or update those formula fields so this is completely eliminated so this is not a right answer right so you can eliminate this formula field from there now update the value of field on a child object so workflow rules updating child object again child object cannot be done from a workflow rule that's something we can only do with process builder so this also gets eliminated so now we are left with only two options so this way if you go for elimination approach uh whenever you get questions like multiple selects it's always easier to get to the right answers you can also once you have that you once you reach that kind of conclusion sometime you would be able to eliminate only one and then you need to choose from three two that is more easier than choosing two from four so but we were able to eliminate two straight away then we can pick the last two but we can also read back those things so apply a specific value to field that's what a field update means right you can update any field value then modify a record type record type is also a field value stored on the object so you can update the record record type record type is just a id of the record type stored on the record so every record has an id of the record type stored on it right so you can change that id of the record type on that record then it change the record type so anytime you want to update the record type of a record you can do a field update as well so it's always a standard field with api name record type id and you can update it so once you update it it will update the record type and this is very helpful when we do those kind of scenario when you want to make the record as read-only so what we do we create two record types one is a normal record type one is a record type which is read-only record type with page layout having all the fields only uh in the view mode they are not in the edit mode so you can just change the record type to the view view only record type read-only record type and then the user who tried to see that record will not be able to edit on the ui so it's very helpful for those kind of business scenarios where we implement okay now a fifth question what should a sales rep create in all day event in salesforce so the keyword here is all day event so we need to know how to create all day event in salesforce so this is also kind of a correct matching you should know how to do this in salesforce the events are standard out of the box feature so what you can do you can let's let's go through them all the answers use a task for an all day bound because there is no time fields needed tasks are totally different thing they are not events and you you can't repurpose them basically that's not the best practice then ask the system admin to check all the events in the activity settings no this is also not true because all day events are available out of the box for every event and it's scheduled for times within start to end so instead of yeah this can be an option you can do this way that you can select time from the beginning to the end so it will become kind of old event but you don't need to do this because there is check box called all day event on the event which you can select and that will make it right answer so you can do if you know this is something com knowledge so you would know that when you would have gone into the org and you would seen it you check a check box and it makes it all day so that's straightforward okay um sixth question um universal container has complex sales process with multiple record types each shared with all the profiles uh some user complain about the record type selection creating new opportunities uh which two action should system administrator take to allow these bypass choosing a record type so now uh what are the keywords we can see uh we are having a record type selection screen on the uh for the users and we want to bypass them so we don't want users to choose the record type and it should be automatically selected or it's easier for them if it is pre-filled or something like that they don't need to select it that's it so now we try to uh see how we can do it so basically this is something if you would have done or created record types in or you would have seen it how that screen comes up so if you can picture that in your mind this is something helps when you can picture it so now to find out uh we need to do the bypassing now if i say first option remove record types from the user profile right so yes we can uh remove the users from the record types profile so then they would not see the ones which are not assigned to him so on the profiles the record types which you assign they can select only those right so we can do that so what we can do is we can remove the record types from the user's profile so this is right answers right answer because here we can remove it from the record type and then they will not see so this is kind of a full bypass so now the user would not have access to those record types which are not assigned to him in the profile so eventually if on a profile you only give one record type you don't see the record type screen that's again you would know from the hands-on experience if you have done this you would know that when only one profile is assigned to one record tab is assigned to a profile when the user tried to create a record he would not see the record type selection and then by default it will uh select or it will choose the record type which is for that particular profile so this is a very easy and mostly used type of solution when we do this kind of solution in salesforce then this is uh asking for two options so we need to also give another option here so let's see what are the other options which we have so remove the record type from user sales process sales process are mostly to control the pick list values so you use sales process to control the pick list values um for a record type and what are the different stages for a record type so that's the help with sales process give so it's not for record type selection definitely no then remove the record tab field from user's page layout so again removing from page layout we are not going to that layout level at yet we are talking about the record type selection screen which comes when you click the new button as soon as you click the new button you see a screen which gives you three four record types which are available for that object so these are the five record types and you need to pick one so we are till at that level only we are not at the page layout level so this is kind of a no answer which we are not going to the page level yet and then last one is to default record type in my settings so every user can select a default record type so now if we would have not done the solution number one let's say there are five record types which are assigned to a profile when user clicks new button on the screen he would see five record types now if the user goes and select his own default record type for this object what will happen when the new screen comes automatically the one which he sets as default would be selected so there would be a radio buttons and the radio button would be selected to the value which you have selected as default so this is kind of a also right answer because it will not completely bypass but it would bypass the selection procedure so it would be just like pre-selections right so this would be pre-selection that you would be there so it's not bypassing completely but somewhere it is uh not asking them to select so kind of they don't need to select it so it's not completely bypass but the selection procedure is bypassed that it is already pre-selected so they don't need to select it so that's why these two are the right answer for this question this this question is also very tricky but this comes with only hands-on experience if you have done it you would know how the record type screen selection screen appears and how it can be controlled so this is something you can if you want you can go do some trail head and see creating a record type and try to do this and you would learn more about it okay next one is a seventh question so the support group at ursa major has following requirements agent needs to capture different information for product support and inquiry cases so you can see product support and enquiry cases are the two different types of cases and then there is a life cycle which is saying about different types of options available and then which one to choose and when so they're saying that there will be some less steps for this one and more steps for this one and so on and which three features should administrator use to meet this requirement so now you see there are various tool set available and you need to choose three of it so out of five you need to choose three but this is overall you should understand how to design these kind of solution these kind of approaches how to tackle them right so first thing we need we see is we need to give them different information so both the product support and query these two have different informations to be captured so different information means different fields which need to be captured so we can say different fields are required so if we ah can see anything which is related to fields and different fields assigned to particular record type right so that can be controlled with page layout so page layout are something which can be multiple page layouts and you can assign one page layout to one record type so what will happen whenever user goes to that type of record type he will see those information only and when he goes for enquiry case he would see that different questions so now uh second point is fewer steps so in the inquiry cases there are less number of steps than the product support product support maybe takes longer time and enquiry is like a quick one so it can be three or four stages to market complete so you have less stages so whenever we talk about stages that is the business process so stages are always business processes or the big list drop down values so for case this is the support process support process is the business process uh to be used for uh driving the pick list value the state case status pick less value so support process will be used to determine the steps now we selected both the things and we are overall good with the answer but it is asking for three options so if if this question was asking two options we would choose these two now it is asking for three options so we need to choose one more here which would make this overall correct so what we we need is record types and this is directly from the question itself right because it's asking about two product supported inquiry cases so you need to create two record types also right let's assume that when the question is saying the need to capture for product support and inquiry cases that they would be definitely creating two record types and then for those two record types you would have page layouts and support process created and assigned to it but because this question is asking for three options we need to also give the tool that is record type so you create record type which is product support and inquiry and then for those two different type of record types you have different page layouts and different support process so overall you answer this question but again if this question would have come with only two options you would not select record type record type is the right answer but you would not select it because this is in the question itself we we see that these are the two record types you can't select the answer from the question itself if it was asking for two options so because it's asking for three options i have selected record tab as well and overall this makes a whole solution for this problem okay so always try to make the solution as a whole with those options so whenever you have the three or four options three options mostly generally there are two or three you should choose the options in such a way that it makes a complete solution in itself okay eighth question universal container has a time based workflow rule so that sends up a follow-up email to the customer after one day after two day a case is closed now system admin wants to verify that workflow rule functions correctly so we need to verify a time-based workflow rule so what's the tool set or how can we monitor these pending workflow actions which are going out so we need to time based workflow and we need to monitor them so we should know what is the tool available to do this monitoring so that's again straightforward correct match you should know how to do this so what we have is time based workflow queues so these are the time place workflow queues which are there to do the find the find the actions which are sitting in queue and would be delivered at a future given point in time because they would not go immediately so you need to go in the queue and see if the action is queued to go after two days or not okay so this is again state match question number nine um system administrator enable case feed actions and feed items in the support setting with the prop appropriate profile permission uh enable what change user will see administrator enable case feed action so now we need to know when we enable the case feed actions what users will see the change so we are just basically enabling case feed actions uh in the settings and now you need to know what will happen in that particular scenario so now uh this again is kind of a tricky you might not know all the things maybe then what you can try is uh it's a basically you should know if you know you can directly do a correct matching but if you want you can do some elimination as well and then do the matching so now let's read through case feed will no longer be hidden on the standard page layouts so again hidden i don't know hidden by it's asking for hidden let's see second so all case button will be converted to actions in case field so automatic conversion so never action will be automatically converted you need to create new actions actions are different than buttons buttons and actions are totally uh two separate entities in salesforce which can be uh driven or created so we can eliminate this definitely now uh case will use feed layouts rather than standard page layout something related to feed layouts and feed so make some sense but yeah let's leave it for now all case fields will be added to chatter feed tracking again this is no because uh free tracking is something which you enable field by field so when you enable feed tracking so it's again it requires feed action that is right but for feed tracking you need to enable it and then you need to select the fields which are enabled so when you select some fields let's say status stage descriptions subject so when you enable those specific fields only those fields goes into the tracking not all the fields will be added automatically so definitely all fields will never be added to the feed tracking so we can kind of eliminate two here now we need to just focus on a and c and see which one makes more sense so this is again now this comes again knowledge so you should know what generally happens when this happens if you would be knowing this by default you would have answered it without doing the elimination but again this makes little bit a vague answer that things will get or no longer be hidden because anyway things not get hidden there are different type of layouts which gets created so whenever we make feed actions there would be new layouts gets created based on the standard layouts you have which are called feed layouts so these feed layouts gets set up in the system and you can use those feed layouts instead of the page layout so whenever somebody goes to a page a record page in salesforce when the feed actions are enabled they would be redirect to feed layouts and not to the standard page layout so this is the right answer you would be selecting and choosing so again when you are in such a situation where there are tricky questions try to eliminate some and then point down on the most right answer or which you feel close to the right answer sometimes so this will help you go close to the right answer and remove the probability of choosing the wrong answer straightforward okay question number 10 recently one of the ursa major solar's competitor lost critical data after a powerful hurricane due to multiple power outage now you you must need to ensure that salesforce data is backed up and protected for such events which two statements are correct so now we are talking about the data loss so there was a uh critical data loss and we want to see how the data can be backed up and this data loss for for a competitor say ursa major doesn't have that loss already now they need a strategy to keep it secure right so they want a strategy to keep it secure so again this is asking for two options so we can try to eliminate some incorrect answer and then go for the right answer so let's read through so you can download a app from app action yeah there are some apps from the app exchange for backup let's see that then you can use weekly or monthly backup service which is provided by zip file yes it also provides some backup services which is called data export wizard and you can use it to export the data then third option ums should contact sales for support for a free backup free backup no free backup nobody would provide a free backup it's very costly thing to store data even if you are using any data storage services they all charge for that so nobody provides a free data right then ums can use salesforce daily backup service which is provided by zip file now this comes to a point where we are trying to see this is giving daily backup service and this question is this option is saying weekly or monthly backup service now if you know which one salesforce provides out of the box you would know that daily backup service is something salesforce doesn't provide because it only go up to maximum weekly so you can have maximum weekly and not daily backup so this is wrong answer and then you are left with weekly backup service now this is the right answer you know from your knowledge and then because you need to choose two options you can definitely always go and select app action also because there are just definitely some app action providers which can give you some tools which to do the backup in their system and then upload back in salesforce so we got the two answers right so this is a way you can eliminate some wrong answers and easily get the right answer sometimes okay next question uh system administrator created a workflow rule that sends email alerts when case with high priority is created a new support engineer who works remotely at universal container complains about not receiving the email alerts so now somebody is not receiving the email you have created a workflow rule alert but somebody is not receiving you have workflow rule and somebody is not receiving so not receiving is the keyword which we are trying to solve for and that is only for one or a new support engineer who joined right so all the other users are receiving the email alert so this is also very important point in this question not to be missed so if we just straight away go by not receiving and try to answer this we will be ending up with incorrect answers so this is very important part in this question which we should not miss even while i was reading the question i didn't read this line but this is very important that all the other users can receive these email alerts so now we try to do this troubleshooting and try to do some elimination and see if we can get to the right answer in this one so check if the workflow evaluation criteria is correct so other peoples are receiving email it means the criteria and those things are right that's why other people are getting the email so this is wrong if this was wrong nobody would have received the email next question uh next option check the correct email template is used so template is for the data what you get in the email is driven by the email template so if there is an incorrect email template you would get incorrect data but it can't stop the email for for going so that's also incorrect now check if the virtual rule is active workflow rule is active if it is not active nobody would get the email all the other users are getting emails so i can eliminate this as well so you see with this elimination technique itself i was able to eliminate all the wrong answers and i reached the last point which is user's email address so yeah if the user's email address is incorrect definitely that particular user will not get email others can get the email so very simple okay next question universal container wants to allow potential customers to submit cases for technical inquiry so cases for technical inquiry so these are different type of cases that's how we are coming to they do not have resources to set up a call center and need to make support available through another means now what what the question is asking for support which is provided without a call center so now they need to handle cases or the inquiries basically without setting up a call center they don't want to talk to the end customers and provide the support so this is again correct design you need to find the right solution which can achieve these kind of things so what are the different tools they are saying so say implement a partner lightning community with knowledge so knowledge is something which gives you solutions knowledge is something where you can go look for existing questions and answers it will not allow them to submit the case what we want is system uh in our crm system we get a case created for that particular user so now we need to see how we can create case in salesforce so knowledge will not create case then adding a link for auto response rules for solution so auto response is something when case is created we sent an email saying we have received your email we have received your case and we are working on it so that is something autoresponse so we are not talking about auto response also we need the first point where the case is created then we see web to case html code right so web to case is an standard automation to create case you fill a form on the website and the case gets created then you have a link to specify routing address to email to case so you send an email to a particular email address and case gets created so these are the two web to case and email to case are the keywords which are standard automation which can be used to create case in salesforce so these are the various non-agent channel where you can get cases created in the salesforce system without without without doing anything like that you don't need to manually go and create the case otherwise the agent channel is basically somebody calls on a call center and tell that this is the problem i'm facing and then agent on behalf of that customer creates a case in our system they don't want to set up that call center they want automatic cases creation so these are the non-edu channels which can be used for creating of the case okay moving next universal container wants to wants the sales team to access information about closed one opportunities with a common competitor for all pending big deal alerts big deals uh which feature should the administrator implement so again uh in my mind somewhere the big deal alert was sitting and i just spoke it but it is not in the question so we are just want to know the information of the big deals which are the higher amount values and those things but we are not looking for any alerts here so again we need to know the closed opportunities and also for the uh competitors so we should know these are the common competitors and for them we are looking for a win type of opportunity so these are the criterias what we are looking for for a existing company competitor if you have already win opportunities try to replicate it and get it through so try to eliminate something so again the keyword which i spoke this is just big deals is for amount it's not for the big deal alerts big deal alerts are always for sending emails to the emails to the agent or the sales people who are working if the opportunity goes beyond the value so if it goes beyond the value and beyond the stage you send an email notification that this is a very good opportunity to work on those kind of alerts email alerts are big delays so we are not looking for that kind of thing right now we we can see is what we need is competitors and the uh win opportunities so here you can see there are combination of two words always so big deal alert sales team competitor similar opportunity sales team close one opportunities commonalities and one information so these are some words if you know any of these word is a tool available in salesforce so if these kind of settings tools or i would say any setting in the setup menu which is uh available for selection right so competitor is something available in salesforce you can define competitors uh with this you can uh set up various picklist values for competitors so you can define that these 10 companies are my competitors in the competitor and that would appear as a drop down uh in the in the system right so ah competitors can be used to define that pick list value so this makes a right answer because anywhere else you don't see creation of competitor right so straight away we can find out that this will help us create competitors and then i will come to the other options also uh other basically the other points so with competitors what we are saying similar opportunities so similar opportunities is also a tool available in salesforce so what it does when you enable similar opportunities it will create a related list of opportunities under opportunity so if opportunity has some criteria on the record like it has amount greater than 5000 and stage xyz then the similar opportunity will try to bring all the other opportunities which are having same kind of amount and same kind of maybe other field so what we can use is we can see same kind of competitor and same kind of amount so big deals so the amount is higher than this and competitor is this so it can list down all the existing opportunities in the similar opportunity related list and you can also uh see the competitors so for that you need to define them in the competitor section then the other options sales teams is a correct setting big deal alerts is a collect setting close one opportunity is nothing it's just a term so when the opportunities win it is called close win opportunity so there is no settings or something like this and then there is no nothing called commonality is also in salesforce which you can uh configure or set up and there is one information is just like it's a win or loss that's a stage value so you can define every stage if it is a win type of stage or it's a lost type of state so that is just a extra setting in the pick list that you can define if it is a what is the probability of that stage and if it is a win kind of closed win kind of or close lost type of opportunity so that's just in the setup again very specific to the pick list value so the right option what we have is competitors and the similar opportunities so similar opportunity will bring the related list of the similar opportunities and competitor would be helpful to define the competitors available for your company okay right moving to next administrator or some major needs to provide information for total sales force license okay and use license and the remaining license so we need to determine um how can we find these things so these are the keywords licenses so we need to find out where can we find these information right so this is the correct match you need to do so the correct match is company information where you can find all these details you can also find the information about the currency preferences languages your org id all those information are available in the company information so again straightforward next question um salesforce user at universal container complains that global search returns too many records so global search is returning too many records and system admin should do something to manage the search results so now what user what the system admin need to configure is need to design something in a way that now you get limited results you don't get so many results so you need to control the results in a way that it doesn't returns a lot of responses back to you so if you quickly run through our eyes and we see the option number c has reduced the number of records displayed for each object so this is something which is already inclining towards reducing the number of records and can we do that yes so in the object setting you can define how much number of records should be displaced like 10 5 20 how much record should it display by default when the search result are returned so this is the first option we can straight away go and choose but we need to choose two options here right so let's see for other options what we can go for so enable sidebar search autocomplete in the object setting so this is again autocomplete is where you are helping them give some keywords but it is not going to reduce the number of results so again no and then specify the search field filter fields for the objects layout right and then you have specify the keywords and include them into the object search layout so if you say if you are giving some keywords so that's again help for the end user to choose those keywords but it will not limit the number of results or how much records it present results because whatever you enter in the keywords it will define or determine if that keyword exists on the record it will return the results now see see this option where specify the search filter field so if you specify that this keyword should be searched only in these two fields so in let's say name field and the description field so if the keyword matches into these two fields then only the result will be written but if this option is not selected and if you have like 10 or 15 fields selected so if this keyword exists even in the long description or a comment section then also that record will come up so you can to make the search more granular or better you can define what fields it should search into so the keyword what you enter in the search should be search only in those particular fields to return that result so this also makes sense that it would reduce the number of records which are coming out and this will turn out to be these two are the right answers okay question number 16 um support representative uc wants the same technical engineer group to be associated with each new case so now with each new case we want same group of people to be associated so what should system admin do to define this requirement so i seek a group and then for every case we need to have a group working on it so we need to design a correct solution so quickly in my mind i get group as a queues that's something we can use for assigning the right people so so again i see various options which i can try to eliminate or get to the right answer so workflow rule to add to the case team so all the options firstly in my mind i assume about queues initially when i was answering this question but then all the options were for case team so i tried to divert my mind into the case team and try to find what is possible solutions for a case team so uh to add to the case team uh using workflow rules workflow rules you know can do only four actions field update email alert outbound message and creating a task so there is nothing where it can add a team or case team so a workflow rule goes out of the queue so this is not the right answer then i just go through case rule to associate a case team so generally case assignment rules assigned to the queues that's something in my mind and then i say default case team on each account record this is totally out of the question and then the last option which i was left with d so i selected d as the option and turned out this was the wrong answer so um default team on each user record is a wrong answer and why i would also tell you again assumptions which i took here some of those assumptions which took me into the wrong direction first i was more in my mind cues from the beginning so when i was reading this answer i thought only about the queues but i missed the part that case assignment rules can be used to associate a case team as well so the right answer is this because with the case assignment team you can also assign with the assignment rule you can also assign it to a case team so it assigns to a queue to which we'll be working on plus you can also assign a case team so this is something i was missing i just overthink it i was thinking that it will only assign the queues and i miss this part that it will not assign the case theme and i didn't selected this answer which went out wrong so you should not assume again you should have the knowledge sometime you don't have it sometime i would have read it very long back i missed about it and then also the reason i inclined toward this answer was because for account teams you can do this kind of thing case team you can't do this but for account teams you can define a default account team on the user record so on the user record you can create a default account team which is possible and then whenever you create account record and they you have the option to add the default team on the account record which you have defined on the user setting so that is possible on the account team that is there on the user record so somewhere that was in my back of mind and i just overthought that for case team also similar would be there and i choose this answer but turned out for case team we don't have that kind of feature it's only therefore account team can be associated with a user record well case team can be assigned using assignment rules so assignment rules will first assign it to a queue and then the case theme is just kind of additional people who should also get access to this record to help them so this technical engineer group what we are talking is additional people so the representative support representative will work on the queue they would be part of a queue so let's say l1 support l2 support these are the queues who would be working on this case plus there would be some technical engineer group people so that's a fixed team which would be assigned to every case for helping them in case the l 1 l 2 representative are struggling to solve that particular problem okay i hope this clarifies wedge not overthink and again knowledge is something which is very important you should not assume any answer based on any other knowledge so this i assumed this answer based on the my knowledge of account team and i thought case team would also be having similar pattern that it would be assigned to the user record but doesn't work that way okay thanks next question recently restructure of sales department ursa major is having issues with records being omitted in the new opportunity report so now we see records being omitted is the key word that from the report we are having some data missing which people are not able to see now we need to troubleshoot and see what's the root cause for this particular problem and the problem is data visibility so now we need to understand uh what should have been uh problem what should have been the problem so again it's troubleshooting so and we need to choose three options so now you see there are five options and you need to choose three so there are a lot of right answer in this so if you are able to eliminate at least one or two we would be very close to selecting all the right answers so always go for scenarios where if there are three options and you have uh four or five then you should go for elimination where there are multiple answers try to go for elimination and then try to design the solution once you rule out the completely incorrect answers okay so here i would completely go with elimination and try to eliminate the wrong answer so first have the owners of the record being version so you are checking that if the owner is frozen or not so if the record if the owner is frozen still the owners exist in the system that's the very important part of salesforce that you cannot delete owners or the users you cannot delete the users why because they can own some record and the data visibility and sharing and everything is driven by that user so you are not allowed to delete users that's the reason you are not allowed to delete and only you can freeze them or deactivate them why because at the back end salesforce keeps the sharing and everything calculated based on those users who are the owner so that's the how the platform is designed so you freezing the user will never impact the visibility of records so this is a completely eliminated now second option did the sales manager start from a copy or clone of the existing report so now we are saying the manager copy or clone so if he copies it would result out something different and if we clone it would result out something different something like that so again copying or cloning will not impact the visibility visibility is always controlled by the security model and how the records are being shared with you so it reports doesn't control anything on the sharing what and how the record or the data is controlled is from the security model so this also goes wrong so you see now with this itself i am there that i can choose these three answers very confidently that these are the three right answers for me but let's again for sake of looking into it we can see what are the options we have so do owner of all records have roles and territory assignments so you see roles and territory assignments these are the two techniques for sharing records so definitely these can impact the data visibility and then also the right answers or not then uh also do the record sales manager expect to see matching filter criteria right so filter criteria can be the one which can be used to determine what is the what is the records which are coming in the in the report or not if the filter creator is not correct some records will be missed and will be omitted from the report so filter criteria is also the right option then the records are being shared with the sales manager or not so again sharing so this is again straightforward keyword you can see sharing with the sales manager so if you're not sharing the data you can't see it right and then filter criteria so now we can easily see these three techniques will definitely so two are based on sharing so if the sharing are missing data would be not there and then if the filter criteria is incorrect the data would be omitted based on the criteria so we get the three correct answers and that's it next question what are the two reasons reasons a user cannot be deactivated we need to choose two options so deactivation is prevented or blocked so again because there are multiple options i would go for elimination and then try to use right option so user of the owner of open opportunities okay i don't know maybe um user is recipient of workflow email alerts sounds really good right because workflow email alerts are something which would be going with that particular user if he is a recipient he might not get or then you have the custom commentary administrator so if the user is the administrator of a community so all the users who are newly created in that community they would be assigned to him as a manager in those kind of things so if he is deactivated how will that work and then the last one is user account is frozen frozen again so deactivation and frozen is kind of you know close to each other so when you can't deactivate what you do is you freeze them so you freeze them that they don't have access to the system but the license is still there and the those things which are preventing you to deactivate will not block you so you can freeze the user even in the scenarios if it is having any of the access or this email alert anything and then you can freeze them once you clean it up you assign it to other people in the support process default support process user all those things once you update you can deactivate so meanwhile you find the other person to replace them you keep them freeze so this is again a completely wrong answer which you would cancel out because that's the technique you do when you don't want to deactivate or you can't deactivate a user so you freeze them then out of these three if you have any time deactivated a user on the screen if you have tried it you would see when you deactivate a user it gives you a couple of options like it will ask you if you want to transfer all the open opportunities to other user if you want to transfer the tasks and those kind of things so this is something it gives you an option sales force to tackle it when you deactivate it so this is something you can do it when you deactivate so it will not prevent you from deactivation it will it is kind of a feature sales force gives you to tackle when you do the deactivation so this is also not a correct answer it will never block you so then we are left with these two options if it is a recipient of a workflow email alerts it will block and also if it is a community administrator so bnc is the right answer correct okay so next question ursa major is configuring the lead conversion process so we are talking about lead conversion and which two factors should ums consider before setting up the process and then there are two options to select again two options so we'll try to do some elimination and then find out the correct match so some again lead conversion is a standard out of the box feature you should know some features some tools and what are there in lead conversion you can pick them so again if i read them quickly so custom lead fields so there is a keyword custom lead fields which is really catching me so custom lead fields can be mapped to custom object fields so custom object never come in picture in the lead conversion so lead conversion is always all about account contact and opportunity custom objects cannot be brought up in the lead so lead can never convert into custom objects it will always convert into account contact and opportunity so with this i can definitely eliminate this answer custom lead fields can be mapped to custom object so this goes away then uh let's see the other fields so standard lead fields are automatically converted to account contact and opportunity yes standard fields there already because they exist there in all the platform for every user so yes salesforce has done that work for you so we can configure them custom lead fields because anybody can create their own fields they can be different and what you can do is you can map them to existing or the new custom fields you create on the account contact opportunity so this is something available after the box you can do that so right so these two we can see uh are the good options and then if we read through last roll up summary lead fields can be mapped to custom contact fields i was not aware of this but still i was able to eliminate this and i knew that these two are the right answers which i can see so i chose these two answers and it was right but again if you go through and read back in this lead conversion process you will find out that roll up summary fields cannot be mapped because roll up summaries can depend on the child objects and it can vary and change the values whenever the child object changes so that's why salesforce doesn't allow uh rollup summary fields to be mapped to any uh fields on the account contact or opportunity so roll up summary fields cannot be do used in the mapping so this you can read more as well so that's the right answer here a and b what should the system admin check when user are unable to find a custom report type so custom report type uh this is a keyword and it is something again you need to find the right match so um again if you have created a custom report type by itself when you do it you would know what are these options and which option generally comes when you create a report type so first one is add a button for report type to the report builder so there is i there is no setting like that add a button into the report type for the report builder so some there is no button like that then add the new report type to related objects again you add the objects in the report type and not the report type to the objects you define what objects are in the report type and that kind of thing and then make sure the user profile is included in report type there is no setting like this you can never add the profile or any permissions in the report type report type is generally available for everyone so last point is deployed so on when you create the report type there are two check boxes radio buttons in development and deployed so there are two buttons in development or deployed by default when you create a report type it would be selected to in development when you change this to deployed it will start appearing in the report builder so until the point you don't change that to deployed it will not appear into the report builder so this has nothing to do with the deployment it has to do with it appearing in the report builder or not yes and definitely if it is not set to deployed when you try to use chain set or any deployment tool and try to deploy this report type it will fail saying this cannot be deployed because you haven't checked that checkbox so when you try to deploy this to production environment or any higher environment it would give you error message as well so but it doesn't comes in the report builder also if it is set to in development in that checkbook so again this comes with hands-on experience uh if you know you would know that this deployed is a checkbox radio button available when you create a report type okay cool next one is are some major uses of validation rule fields so again simple straightforward we need to know what are the capabilities of validation rule and we need to choose two fields which are there on validation rule so if you know you can choose it very quickly so again trying to find right answers or trying to do some elimination so we see what all are there any such kind of fields on there so error condition formula yes you create validation rule formula you give error message also right owner field so do we have honor field no right we don't have any owner field what we have is like created by or modified by user on the validation rule that we can see who created this or modified it then active date right no we don't have any active date what we have is is active or not so we have a check box on validation rule which says if it is active or not so instead of this what we have is is active so what we are left with these two options so yes we have error message and there are condition formula so these are the two right answers for this question okay which two actions allow the system admin to limit chatter access during rollout to subset salesforce users so now we need to limit the chatter access so now we need to know how we give access so before we say limit we should know how do we give the chatter access to the people right so again we can eliminate some options if you know you can directly do matching so this is also possible so create an invitation email for subset of user right so again invitation is something to go to a group or something but it will not control or limit anything it's just an email invitation right so you can send an email to anybody if they have access they would see it they would access it if they don't they don't see it so again incorrect so this is not a right answer now edit a profile to enable chatter so enable chatter right this is the keyword enable chatter so we see enable chatter two places here so if we enable chatter if this is something right so this is the keyword so this is a permission which gives access to chatter right so if you enable the chatter for that subset of user so now for that subset of user you have enable chatter and here also you are enable chatter now what is the difference between these two options one is using profile one is using permission set right so subset can be a profile as well so from a whole org one profile you are enabling so they can see and one permissions that you are enabling then they can see so you if you know how to enable chatter this is a straightforward matching that if you give this enable permission to people they can see it and the last one is add the subset of user to company wide chatter group again you can add them to chatter group but they can access only if they have access to the chatter so this is this will not control or limit anything it's something after you enable the chatter what kind of groups they can be part of they can be part of a b c d what all groups you have and if you want to add them to them or not so that's the next level thing but first level is enable chatter so this is the right answer for this question okay moving next um which feature ursa major use if they want their support agents who are skilled in a particular product line to own cases directly after customer logged them from automated channel right so now we see we want to give ownership of the cases directly so we don't want to manually assign the cases to somebody so automated channels are like web to case email to case so case got created automatically in the system if somebody agent is creating manually right they can do it uh manually they can assign them as an owner or they can assign to queue but now what we are talking about is we need to automatic assignment so again i was very not sure so i try to do some elimination here so we can straight away eliminate some options so first one is escalation rule this comes into my mind assignment is something for assignment yeah make sense escalation is when you want to escalate to a next level so when if it is uh not responding or something you escalate it to next level so you uh escalate that to a higher authority or something right so you escalate it then also i saw a point where it was skilled so you see there is a keyword skill so i was more inclined toward this word as a skilled in particular product line so if somebody is very skilled on a particular line so what i thought was field update again field update will do nothing team routing so if there is a skill based team who can be used for so there is a feature in salesforce called omni channel skill based routing so which we can use to do this it's something came in my mind and then i selected this answer and turned out this was wrong because what i did was hear overthinking again so again i quickly uh derived on this part skilled and what i thought was the omni channel which is a salesforce feature which is used for skill based routing so if when the cases are created what omnichannel does is it finds out uh the agent who matches that particular skills which are tagged on the case and it will assign to those tagged agents one by one on their availability so if the agent is available and he has the particular skills it will assign to him that is a valid feature in salesforce but it is called omni-channel skill based routing it's not called case team routing right so this this word was incorrect and but still in my mind i chose this answer because uh skill based routing is something which can be used but here the words are case team routing and i overthinked it to be omni-channel but here we are not talking about omni channel omni channel is something which comes up when you are more on the service cloud service cloud consultant certification and you would read more those things in detail this is for an admin certification where we are just trying to focus on simple terms so again don't overthink don't try to assume uh this as something else so again don't think this term case team routing as omnichannel skill based routing this is something which was in my mind i selected this answer whereas the right answer is assignment rules so what you can do is assignment rules will assign to a queue so one queue can be part of a skill so basically you can say people who are technician so technician queue is something you can assign to right assignment rules are simple as that so if the queue come if the ticket comes up with a with a subject line or the product line technical then you can assign it to a technical queue if it comes as enquiry you can assign to enquiry queue they are skilled in that so you can do skill based routing even without omni channel so assignment rules are the state where straightforward simplest way to do that kind of routing that you can assign the cases to a queue and that queue can be tied to one particular skill so one skill equals to one queue if you have that kind of a model you can use assignment rules but when you have a very complex model when there are multiple agents having multiple skills one agent can work on five or six skills and then you need to also do availability based routing that if the agent is available on the check which is available and then assigned to that particular agent not to a queue in the omni channel what it does is it assigned to a directly to a particular person who is available and is having the skills so again that can be a possible solution for this kind of approach in a higher or a complex environment where that kind of requirement is there but again if this was an omni channel skill based routing written in this option definitely that would be the right answer but it is not because we are not currently focusing on the service cloud certification we are just on the admin certification and trying to solve it simple with the assignment rules okay is that clear okay i'll move to next um or some major customers are starting to request custom size solar panel which are currently unavailable in the standard inventory so now they need some custom size panel which are not in the inventory inventory is basically your product line and management has decided to add custom sizing as an add-on item in salesforce so we need some new item or new thing in salesforce for these custom sizing thing and administrator needs to allow user to add this as a total opportunity sale so now if you do this custom sizing it should also impact the price so on the sale it should impact the price and then you should have some feature to add these custom options right so how you can achieve this goal so again we are talking inventory we are talking item so something we can see or we can think of is we need some new product called custom sizing so if you enable that custom sizing as a product you can achieve that so you need a product called custom sizing and it should have some monetary value as well right it should have some price which if applied increase the total opportunity sale so in the sale it should count for that particular add-on item you are doing so if the size if you are modifying from xyz centimeter to something else for custom behavior it adds up some price to you so that's something you can do so now let's see how we can design this whole solution uh what we can see what two words we talked about is product and price book right so we we talked about it and if you see for all these options so this is asking for custom object and creating custom sizing so you can create object let's say why find we created object but then how it will drive the sale right it would not impact the price now add custom sizing as a new product in an order we are currently uh not going to the order we are talking about opportunity so again this is out of the way going to order level which we are not currently considering right um then add a new field on the opportunity label as custom sizing right yeah you can add a field um on the opportunity say this is a different type of opportunity it requires custom sizing and you can give some dimension also this is this is the dimension yeah it makes sense definitely you can handle this requirement with this but again it will not add up the price so price will not add now the last option is add this custom sizing as a new product right so if you add as a product so this is something satisfies this first point add an item so new product and in a price book so now in the price book also we define the price of this item so you define that it will cost twenty dollars or thirty dollars so when you add that item into the opportunity it will also impact the overall total opportunity sale so the right answer is d and you go for it okay next question so which two levels of access should be sent set when sharing a document folder with user so again document folder sharing so this is again very uh something you should know it's it's again you would know only by the knowledge so if you know how or what are the different sharing things available for a document folder type what are the different access basically you can give it's straightforward you would know so read write create read write create delete read only read write so only the options which are there is c and d read only and read write so this is something you give on the document folder so if you on the folder if you have read write it means you can create documents inside it and if you have read only it means you can only access or read the folders or read the documents which are inside the folder that's it so you don't need the create and delete permission specifically given so when you have that you can access them and do that particular it's kind of a manager permission when you have read write you can manage that folder basically and if you have read only you just have the read access so these are the two right options available for document shell reforming if you want to read more about this it's just a very like small help article uh 10 to 15 lines of it just read through it i have just given a link for this this these are something kind of productivity and collaboration points so there would be some uh topics around this but if you just read through this help article i think that should be more than enough for covering any questions which come from this so it's just 5 or 10 minutes read 26 question number we are almost there at the end uh universal container wants to create a field to store credit card numbers so now we are talking about credit card numbers make sure it is protected so information should be protected and enhanced security for this field right so we need to protect the information for a specific field which is in the question which is storing the credit card right so now what how we can do it so uh first one create encrypted text field right so yeah makes sense right we can encrypt the data encryption brings more uh security and then field level security this is also for security we can uh create restrict the visibility so if somebody can see or not see if they can see can they edit or not edit so we can control all this so we can see that these two keywords already match with the question um then we see configuring different page layout for user right so you can configure different page layout for users so on the user can see them or not see them makes sense but this generic it's not specific for a field again it's for overall for the page how many fields are there how many fields you make them visible those kind of things but still these uh fields which you don't expose on the ui can be accessed by data loader or the api so at the back end um these data which you make or restrict on the page layout still accessible via api so you can you cannot be always hundred percent sure that the user can't access the data which is not shown on the page out they can access it right and then come last is the record type so record type is again to control these page layouts yeah so it makes sense but again this is not specific for a field not specific work so these are not these two options are not specific to a field and they are just a generic settings which are there in salesforce but these two are the more specific field level security which we can define so these are the two right answer for this question okay right a and b so a and b is the right answer uh moving next ursa major solar placed a time dependent action in the workflow queue when the record was created what are the two situation that will cause this action to be removed from the queue i think this questions this kind of question will be definitely there that's my guess because this is very common and very important question i think on this in the last session which we did from the process automation we talked about also we saw in detail how does this time dependent queue works and how things get removed from the queue how they come in the queue and those kind of thing so this is the very straight question again we need to try to do some elimination we can find the right match if you know so again two options so we'll try to eliminate something so this is record triggered workflow rule again workflow rule criteria rule criteria so all these are related to workflow rules three three options last option we can see is validation rule is triggered for the record so validation rule is something you can directly rule out right validation rule has nothing to do with the workflow rule and the queues which are there in place right if you are matching the rule it is meeting the criteria in the workflow it will go right so let's see now the options if another record triggers the same workflow rule so now from our knowledge we know that every record has an independent item in the queue so workflow rule is one but for a record it will create a item in the queue so for every record it will create a queue so one record cannot impact another record they are independent and they work or work independently so this is not a right answer in that way then we are left with these two options let's uh go through them if the action is deleted from the queue right so if you go in the queue itself and manually delete it definitely it will be removed right and if the record no longer meets the matches the rule criteria again that's also right so if the criteria is dissatisfied before that action is to be executed yes it will be removed from the queue so these two are the right answer so b and c is the right answer for this question okay 28th sales operation team notice an increase in opportunity without products so there is opportunities getting created without adding the products how can we handle that so uh what options we have set the owd for price book to use products to read only no right so we okay let's highlight the keyword so operation without product and we need to make some configuration changes to give them remember to add so now we want to remind the users to add it right so we need to do the again correct matching we need to know that uh how to remember how to tell the user that they need to add the products right so this is something again for this question what i did was again uh there was answer in the question itself so you need to find a way to remember tell the user that you need to add the products right so you need some notification you need to send some nudge or alert to them right so if we try to look for that kind of thing you can definitely see that in the option number d there is a keyword called prompt the user so you can prompt the users by something that they get a nudge so this is something you can relate from sometime in the question also in the question itself there would be answer but again if we go through read everything so owd of the price book and the products so www would have nothing to do with adding the people adding the products and price book it's something users should know and should do if they have access to yes definitely if they don't have access they can't do that's a different story altogether but if they have access and they're not adding that's something they are not doing it or missing it then you create a workflow rule to add default products um right on the virtual rule you cannot do anything on the child object definitely that's uh no even if you were able to do this is automation we don't want to do automation we want to remind the people to do it so no and then create related list to enable the user to view the products again related list is there we can add it so they can see it that it is missing but again to add is something user should do so what we can do is enable the opportunity setting to prompt user so there is a setting on the opportunity setting if you go called prompt user to add opportunity so whenever we enable this checkbox when the opportunity is saved it will give a prompt on the screen just to remember to add the products to the opportunity something like that user can close it and go back also maybe user don't want to add even with the prompt so you can't control that that's something user has to take a decision and work on so that's fine so the right answer is d okay so again the other answer is wrong because we don't want to do automation user should do it so we can automate it that's not in the question asked next question universal container has sales team focus on renewals they will use many of the same opportunity fields uh as other teams but different stage values right so renewals is a different type of uh opportunity right and then they are using the same fields so different type of opportunity again in my mind record types different fields and different uh stage values right so now how to uh implement this so we i think similar question came before also with the case now this is with the opportunity so we need record types to control all these things now in this we only need to select one answer there we had three answers so we selected uh record type page layout and support process right so we selected three answer there so always remember in in the previous questions you have answered there would be answer to the question which is upcoming or sometime you would see the answer of a question in the previous question somewhere so that will also help you so try to remember if you don't have any answer at this moment go forward you would maybe find answer in the other upcoming question already so what should administrator do now again first option page layout to include the correct field select the stage values in the sales process user profile and then select field pick list in the record type record tabs is the keyword right i i can directly rely on something record type is something i want to do which we also see but then we see stage field pick list so on the opportunity there is a stage field pick list but you cannot directly control it in the record type that's something you should know because for uh opportunity case and some of the objects you have business processes so what we have is sales process sales process is something for opportunity and there you can define the stage values in the process and then that sales process should be assigned to a record type also so record type is right record type is the correct answer in there but with record type you can't use the stage field pick list directly so you need to use the stage selected or the pick list values via a sales process which is business process so you should know when record type can directly access the list values so for all the custom object wherever there is no business process you can define the pick list values in the record type directly and use the record type that works fine but for some of the object where there is business process involved you need to select the business process and then go with the record type so that's why the right answer for this is b and what are those business processes i'll quickly highlight so for lead the business process is called the lead process so you can create a lead process and define the pick list values for lead status the different stages of the lead you can define in the lead process okay then for opportunity it is called sales process and then for case we saw in the previous question as well it is called support process solution it is called solution process so i think for solution and lead it's just same to the name lead process solution process but for case and opportunity it's little bit tricky it's called sales process and support process just remember these four business processes which are there in salesforce and they are used to control the pick list value of status or stage so stage pick list value can be controlled by these four different business process for these four objects other than that you can directly put the pick list value in the record type so you can control the pick list values in the record type option number d works fine for all of them okay now last question question number 30 um ursa major accounts you utilize accounts in sales process however not all users have access to them new user require read access to account additionally four new users require edit access so some user need again keywords not all you have this and some read access to account and other requires edit access to the account so again we can design the solution we need to find the correct design and then configure this so i'm trying to some eliminate some options here so i'm seeing some sharing rule which can be used then we have permission set to grant access and then but i can also see that modify the standard user profile so again straight no you can never modify permissions on the standard profile so standard profile can never be modified you can only give access or modify the access on the custom profile standard profiles will be set to what they are you can't change them then you see configure profile to grant account edit access and permission set to restrict the access right so permission set always opens up the access they never restrict the access so this also makes this a wrong answer and we don't go for it and then so what we are left with profile to grant view access and permission set to grant edit access makes some sense yeah we can give profile view access edit access and then here i see sharing rule for view access and another sharing rule for edit access so this one is talking more about record level access this is talking more about object level access so i went ahead and chose this option which is the record level axis right so a is the i chose this answer and eventually what happened i was wrong so i got this answer is wrong and then i understand let's understand why this was wrong and why we should go for this option again don't assume anything so some assumptions are there in our mind which we forget sometime when we are answering these kind of questions these are some tricky questions so uh because we are talking about record access right so this sharing rule is something which controls record access so uh whenever we are going for a record access on the sharing rule you need some criteria right so with if the criteria is this they should get this access if the owner is this they should get this access but what here question is asking is new user require read access and four new user required edit access so i was like in very hurry to finish this last question i didn't read all this in detail i just see okay read access edit access okay sharing rule giving view access edit access i went for it but i missed the part that there is no criteria or there is no information provided to which i can use because both the answers were right as we when when we were selecting this also we felt both the answers are right because this is also doing the same thing a profile also can be used to drive the access permissions on the object level and based on that uh the data level things will be driven so again always from the that perspective also when you're giving any this exam profile is always the most important it's on the topmost level of the permissions right then comes the owd and the sharing so if it's if you look in that point also this option goes little below the hierarchy of selection of the right answer so we should always go for the first and the top level uh configuration which is profile so profile should be selected view access and the permission set for the new people for the edit access so this makes this a right answer okay is this clear right security questions are sometimes very tricky if you don't give proper attention if you try to solve them very quickly you would miss those very small minor things see i also missed it so definitely anybody can miss it if you are in hurry so you should give ample time to these kind of big questions so you don't try to rush them so again i tried to rush that and solve this in maybe 10 minutes or 15 minutes all these questions so that was again i was trying to take screenshot my focus was to take screenshot and quickly answer them and i got these some questions as wrong so now again i want to talk about one more thing so permission set i said uh to restrict the access never you can only open up the access and never restrict but there are something called muting permissions just for a knowledge you can create a permission set and give some permissions which you can restrict or mute but that works with the permission set group so you create a permission set group and inside that you define a muting permission which is uh in the group these permissions will be muted or restricted so that kind of feature is also available but definitely here the the question or in the administrator exam we are never trying to look for that kind of detail or going in that thing so never overthink of those kind of things also this could be i was when i was giving this answer i thought in back of my mind so that's why i wanted to put it here but don't put that thought that muting permissions or something that level when you are doing uh admin certification directly but if you find something specifically the word muting permission somewhere yes they exist and they are not fake answer okay okay just one bonus question when i've tried to finish it i attempted one more question it was for process automation i really like this question i wanted to just present this one more bonus question to everyone because it's from that part where all the answers are right so in this question universal container has asked the administrator to automatically set some fields when lead is created so when lead is created you want to pre-fill or set some fields into it and you see all the answers are right so you can use process builder that launches a flow and then with the flow you can do this you can use record trigger flow before save you can create workflow rules to do the field update yes you can create screen flows and you can default the field values in the screen flow yes that's also works fine so all they are there but see the question is asking the best way so sometimes question itself is asking but even if the question is not asking you need to choose the best way whenever choosing the solution so always go for the best solution and choose that so the best solution here is record triggered flow that runs before save so now we in salesforce we have record triggered flows so they get invoked whenever a dml happen dml is the whenever you modify a record data manipulation language that's called dml when you update create insert so you can trigger the flows on dml of a record and in the before save part you can update any field values and that would get committed to the database so this can be this is the best approach now why these are not the best approach let's see them this is a poor design because if you say one workflow rule per field you would end up creating a lot of fields a lot of workflow rules for every field you want to update so this is a poor design right you can do with screen flows but it will require a lot of high efforts you need to design the ui you need to put all the fields other than the ones you are setting default as well which user will enter so you need to design the whole ui and everything then use a process builder that launches a flow it was an option until the record triggered flows were in picture so we had only this option because process builders were triggered when the dml happen and then we can call a flow to do this kind of some logic implementation so this is a sub optimal approach it's not very optimal but we can definitely go for this if this kind of solution was not available but yes we have this this is the optimal and the current solution to be used okay any questions okay some exam tips so again as i say always try to for the multiple answers choose the right combination pick those options which makes overall a sense together and try to use the review flag very uh genuinely put them whenever we you are in a hurry you don't want to answer that in a hurry put it in the review flag go later and then revise it and see it when you have more time plenty of time give it ample time right and then read all the details of the question and answer this is very very important you should always read each and every word in the question and answer not just question all the answer every word and try to see what does it make sense what is the question trying to ask you what is the mind frame of the examiner why this question has come in this examination what is they trying to understand from you and then try to answer don't overthink any option don't put any assumptions which you have in your mind in the answer that like how you saw that omnichannel thing that was an assumption in my mind which i assumed that ksteam routing is equivalent of omni-channel routing in my mind so in my mind i have assumed that answer to be omni-channel routing right but it was not it was case stream routing how can i assume that level of detail in my mind and answer a question so never assume anything in your mind whatever is written that's the truth and go with that and then try to select the right answer if something is wrong in the answer some words are missing then it's they're genuinely missing nobody has forgotten or by mistake written that answer it's very very specifically written in a way to test you okay so nobody is like miss or sometimes they have maybe by mistake they would have not written this word i should assume and then answer this as a question don't do that way and then you have 95 seconds per question but you would be able to answer some questions let's say in 20 seconds or 30 seconds so you have a lot of time left out for some big questions and definitely you can give them 120 seconds or something like easily you can give some questions two minutes three minutes if you want because some questions you would crack them in 20 30 seconds itself you would not need that big time because they are easy to read less words so you can crack them easily so try to give the ample time and don't rush and then last hands on practice again very important so the knowledge is key you need to have all the knowledge in the system you do some hands-on so you know that this is how the screen looks likes like the record type selection screen so if you have never done it you don't know what record type selection screen is then you cannot answer that question so you should know some of those kind of some kind of things which are not somewhere in the setup or in the trail head those are just there because they exist and when you do hands-on you would see them okay now some additional information you need to register on the web assessor for giving your certification exam go to that web assessor link um then you have to relate real mixes to study and prepare for it i have given all the curated trail mix which i have created in this blog you can read that blog and also this blog contains all these links so it has a link to the chatter uh trailhead live videos it has linked to certif register for this webinar this is a five hour webinar which happens for most of the certifications generally the starting ones so you can register for that exam and it will give you a good overview of overall in 5r and then you can do this practice test which i gave the link in the beginning in the first slide and then you can join the chatter groups help from the television community just everyone is helpful everyone will help you and then lastly but not least you have some videos which we did process automation data management security go check them on the youtube and study them if you are watching this on youtube please post your questions as comments and i'll try to answer them as soon as possible thank you very much for watching this video if you like the content please 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Channel: Letterkenny Salesforce Sessions
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Keywords: Salesforce, salesforce training, salesforce tutorial, latest dumps, Trailblazer, admin dumps, crash course, question answer, sample exam, practice question, admin question, salesforce administrator question, test question, practice exam, latest release question, release, winter, summer, spring, brain dump, salesforce crm
Id: 9qytnUqe0IA
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Length: 108min 17sec (6497 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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