What Are GPTs and How to Build your Own Custom GPT

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chat GPT has just introduced gpts which is a big leap in the world of AI and gpts are basically a custom version of chat GPT that you could build yourself without any technical knowledge any coding and you can train them with your own set of data and you could give it your own set of instructions and if you decide to share them you could share them publicly or you could just keep it private and use it privately to interact with your own data and these are meant to be very specific version of chat GPT with a very narrow Focus now just to show you a few different examples open AI when they released this they actually created a bunch of different gpts for us to test out so this one for example is called game time and it's very narrow purpose is just to teach you or explain board games and card games and it will do this for any type of board games and card games this other one is called tech support advisory basically helps you troubleshoot things like printers in a step-by-step format this is the one I've been training for the last couple days this is called AI guide and it's an AI expert with the latest AI insights and I gave it my own set of instructions I completely trained it with my own data and I'm going to show you exactly how to do this yourself with your chat GPT accounts so if you go to chat. open.com you're going to land on this page if you don't have the paid version of chat GPT unfortunately at this time you cannot do this so you have to upgrade to GPT 4 B basically GPT plus that's the paid version of GPT once you upgrade you will get this option right here so you could go to the explore tab on the left side and the explore tab looks like this so right here are the ones that I've built myself they're called my gpts and I've created these four different use cases these are the recently used and these are all the ones by open AI pretty soon there's going to be an entire open store so the GPT store is going to be like the app store if you have an iPhone or the Google Play Store if you have an Android people are going to be able to create these gpts put them out publicly and other people can use them and open AI the company behind all this is going to give you a revenue share so depending on how much is getting used they're going to share the revenue more information is going to become available once that rolls out so stay tuned for that right now let's press right here creates a GPT and I'll walk you quickly through how to do this is very very simple you have two tabs here on the left side create and configure configure is a bit more advaned but I will point that out for you as well create here we'll go through it first and then on the right side you'll see a live preview so things like names and logos as they get created they will show up on the right side so this time I'm going to say create a GPT to help people create YouTube thumbnails because this has the power of Dolly so you could actually create images from scratch over here too and it says thumbnailed wizard is that a name that you would like I'm going to say yes that's actually pretty good the second thing is going to do it's going to generate a profile profile picture for you so right over here it's going to add the name and it's going to add a profile picture if you want to add your own you could go to the configure Tab and press the plus sign and upload one too but right now it's going to use Dolly which is a text to image generation platform and it's going to go ahead and create it so as you can see there it is thumbnail wizard very great looking thumbnail actually I'm going to say I do like it and then it's going to create conversation starter so you see these four right here it's a great way for someone to just click one of these to get a conversation going you could go to the configure Tab and you could see the conversation starters here you could press X if you don't like one of them and you could type in your own if you like as well let's go back to create it says any tips any layout advice it's basically asking me for more customization options and then it's also asking me anything I should avoid and in this case I just said use text in your thumbnails because Dolly could actually create text and it does a pretty good job with the spelling for the most part three to four words if you see any of my thumbnails they usually have three or four words I said make them pop so this is something I would do with Photoshop now I'm going to have Dolly take care of that use vibrant colors and then it's going to say do you prefer formal tone or casual tone friendly approach so I need to describe the tone to it so I'm going to say friendly approach and I'm going to put inspiration always says do you want straightforward humorous you could give a lot of different type of tone here to get it act a very specific way if you want to type these in manually by the way you could go to the configure tab here and as you could see under instructions it's creating a set of instructions so you could add your own this is a big box here you have 8,000 character limit here to put ton of different custom instructions but in this beginner's guide I just want to walk you through creating it with just very plain language I'm just having a very natural conversation with it and it's taking care of all the things on the back end for me and I just said I'm ready to go that's all it really takes right now it's ready to go I just have to save it and then I get a link to share it or I could put it inside of the store but let me show you actually how I'm going to create a thumbnail here and I just gave it a prompt I said make the thumbnail about the introduction of gpts and let's see what it comes up with and there is our first thumbnail not too bad for its first attempt it put an extra ey here for AI so I will have to give it a revision to tell it to fix the spelling so spelling could be a problem but it did most of the things I want he used about five different words here so between the range that I gave it and it's really popping it's making the text Pop That was the custom instruction I give it I said make the text pop that's what it did it's using vibrant colors and I could just click download here obviously this one needs a little bit of revision to fix the spelling but not too bad for a very basic prompt now let's go ahead and save our GPT we could always come back I'm going to show you how to edit it in a second but if you come to save you have three options so the only me option basically makes this a private GPT just for you the one where you could share it with other people this one gives you you a link so you could share it with other people and public this is how you could get it into the store once that gets released that's the revenue share model so all that is through the public option so I'm going to leave it on public right now and if you press this pencil icon here it's going to bring up this thing called a profile Builder so this is what it looks like so you could go ahead and turn off or turn on your name over here and you could link a website to it so it's going to give you a little text you'll have to put that for your domain provider I've done that and I've linked it so it actually is going to show my website link a great way to get people to my website for example and this is what people are going to see publicly so thumbnail wizard is the name creative guide for YouTube thumbnails great and skill deep AI That's my website so if you click on it it's going to take me directly to the website which is awesome if you want to edit it if you press this right here this drop down so you can see the about that's going to bring this up right here so it's going to tell people that this is powered by GPT 4 the link to my website is right over here and if you want to edit it yourself if you go right here to edit gpts it's going to bring you back to the same page so you could again have a conversation with it let's say it's always making the same type of spelling make sure you give it that as something to avoid and you could come to the configure Tab and make all kinds of different configuration and right here it says knowledge so here you could upload all kinds of different files PDFs word docs and right now you could do 10 different files and each one make it as large as you can I tested this out I have one with almost 100,000 words in it and when you upload that data here I just show some pictures here but if you upload them it's going to basically see them like this and again as soon as you do that you have to come up here and update because you're making a change so it needs to be updated and if you come back to the homepage under my gpts you'll see the thumbnail Wizard and all the other ones that I'm custom building right now and just to show you an example of another one here if I edit this one you could see under my custom instructions I have about nine different files even a Excel sheet that's going to require code interpreter here to pull information from this is the AI guide I made this available in the public store as well so that is the way to custom train it not only with your own set of instructions that you could add over here or by creating it through the chat and your knowledge base over here and your conversation started these all take place on this page and I'm in the process of making a complete GPT course I think this is going to be the next big revolution in Ai and we will be adding this to skill leap AI our e-learning platform this platform currently has almost 15 different courses over 400 different tutorials and about 10,000 different prompts across the different courses that you could get access to and it's completely free to try as a free trial so you could jump in see if it's a good fit for you if it is you subscribe monthly and get access to everything you never have to buy an individual course and you cancel anytime so I'll link this below as well this is called Skil Le AI now stay tuned for more GPT Updates this is one of the biggest updates so far in AI I'm really excited to make more videos about it I hope you found this phone useful and I'll see you next time
Channel: Howfinity
Views: 25,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What Are GPTs and How to Build your Own Custom GPT, howfinity, how to, tutorial, Youtube, gpts tutorial, gpts openai, gpts demo, gpts use cases, gpts chatgpt, gpts store, gpts ideas, gpts review, custom gpts, chatgpt tutorial, gpt 4, chatgpt app, chatgpt 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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