What Act Of Kindness Did You Instantly Regret?

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a few minutes ago and the McDonald's drive-through I offered to pay for the meal of the car behind me the girl at the window looked puzzled and then handed me a receipt to sign because their order was so large what random act of kindness have you instantly regretted ridet I work at Walmart and I was pushing in carts someone came out of Walmart asking if I can help them load up a TV in their car I walked with them to their car and helped load it up the TV only to find the TV box would not fit we took the TV out of the box and the TV fit just fine in the car it was a 52 anyways I told them I would throw the Box away in our dumpsters I put the box on a cart and wheeled it back to the store as the car drove off my manager and two security officers came running out and said to me good you got the TV back I looked confused and then they saw the Box opened I explained what I did and they told me the TV was stolen I just helped a criminal load up a TV that was stolen that happens quite a lot actually nobody bats an eye when someone just blatantly takes a large object from a store okay here's mine I was holding the door open for this girl and then comes another and then another and it became a whole line of people I was obligated to hold the door for as my party left me behind oblivious to my fate that's why you hold the door open while standing in the doorway the person following has to hold it open for themselves you move on what happens next is not your concern I was standing in line at a very busy grocery store with a cart full of groceries when a friendly looking old guy walks up behind me with one loaf of bread in his hands I turned around and said to him it's pretty busy in here way you can go ahead of me if you'd like he gets a huge grin on his face and yells at a lady who is standing at the til next house at the back of the line Anna get your butt over here there must have been $400 worth in her cart that man was a trick stood out you bag at the building I work at I jumped into the elevator on the ground floor as I saw this woman rushing towards the elevator the doors closed automatically but I reopened them for her she got in with no word of a thank you just awkward silence so then the elevator went up and the doors opened to what I thought was my floor but it was the floor below and they looked identical I turned around to get back into the lift and see the woman pushed the closed doors button as she stares at me elevator call button before they close override elevator to ground floor kick lady out if only there was a long line of people waiting to get their orders at Chipotle one person asked for an extra handful of steak on their burrito we really aren't supposed to add too much so we can kind off ration it's throughout the day but apparently everyone heard this guy's order and surprised everyone requested extra meat the manager was in that day and gave me a disapproving look while I looked back at him giving a desperate shrug I also ripped up a couple burrito shells because there was so much extra ingredients than I was used to this enraged the impatient line yet not such a good day I have no idea if this is cheating but this is a random act of kindness that was bestowed upon me and I regret not stopping it so I'm driving my sister's car one day because mine was being repaired her boyfriend is at the Naval Academy so she has a navy bumper sticker displayed very prominently on her rear window it's also double-sided so one can read it by looking straight back I have no idea why this exists but noticed it later I Drive through a chic-fil-a because I was hungry and it is delicious and I realized right after I order and call ahead in the drive-through that I don't have my goddamn wallet this is a huge thing because I've never ordered something in a drive-through and not being able to pay for it nor have I ever not had my wallet I wallet I wallet I wallet I wallet I wallet so I'm looking frantically around under her seat near her console etc it's not a very familiar car and it has a black interior unlike my car which has a grey interior my wallet is black I finally get to the window and still wallet less say I'm sorry this is so embarrassing but I think I lost my wallet she leans out a bit and looks at the car which is the midsize SUV the bumper Stryker is very prominent from just about any angle assuming that by some miracle they haven't seen it yet this place was not in a great area and there were cameras all over then she says one second and with drawers closing the window I twiddle my thumbs and she leans out a few seconds later and says it's alright sir it's on chic-fil-a the night I respond Wow thank you so much she replies very serious faced no sir we should be thanking you this is really puzzling but I'm still in crap driving without a license mode and stop the car to look further don't find it whatever I go home and the wallet is under the passenger's seat I made a hard stop was wearing gym shorts blah blah then I realize I have an extra chicken sandwich it's an amazing day only then did I realize that I was mistaken for a servicemen and given free extra food I just didn't realize this at the time because hey free food and hey no freaking license for money I picked up a 61 yo woman in my car after I saw carrying groceries down the side of the road in this heatwave I should have known it was bad news BC it was 103 and she was carrying milk so I take her down the street and we chat a bit I get there she gets out walks to the door no one knows who she is she lived here 25 years ago and now I had to call the cops and deal with the whole situation of finding this woman's family you may regret it but you may have in facts saved her life the elderly are already at high risk during heat waves so she could have easily had a fatal heatstroke good on you man four years ago freshman year I was selling my playstation to my friend wanted one for his cousin I offered to sell him mine but he had no money well being the idiot I am I'm like that's okay just pay me when you can needless to say I never got my money I've been in this situation and I have also repossessed in this situation as well I was in a busy clothes shop a few months back when a woman with her baby in a pram were coming towards me down the narrow aisle her baby dropped through one of its toys out the front of its pram so instead of the mother having to push round to the front of the pram to retrieve it I picked it up and gave it back to her baby she then proceeded to give me a look of total disgust and say oh thanks then shove past me to leave the store you should have followed her then stolen her baby and put it into a rubbish bin on the side or the street agreed to help one of my best buds dude who'd been a good friend since we were in elementary school with our class walk st. major at a local college that semester two days later he rushes for a frat and starts pretending like he doesn't know me except when we have class together we didn't speak for two solid years after that semester was over he saved you two years of fake friendship I'd say you were the winner here every time I decide to tidy up the living room while my mom is out so she isin't so stress all the time the instant she gets home you've forgot to put away the cereal this morning I had to put it away for you yeah thanks I just cleaned the whole living room for you bTW in case you had friends coming over or something why would I invite people over if the house is a mess you're right how silly of me to assume you had friends every dang time put away the cereal helped a lady out to her car with her groceries once as I was helping her put them in her car the lady in the vehicle next to hers didn't see me and slammed her hatchback off her van down onto the back of my head she opened her door sometime between trips to the car to put the groceries away I guess I don't remember much just mumbling that I was sorry and had to go and leaving the lady I was helping as I went back into the store to wait for my husband to pick me up because I wasn't fist to drive turns out I had a concussion and had to go to the ER and all sorts of other good stuff later I guess the rest of the story was that the lady just threw her Thanksgiving turkey into the back of her van and left as fast as she could when she realized what she did apparently she didn't even ask if I was ok just gave a look of horror and left as fast as she could happy Thanksgiving sucker I hope you rots in heck one year on the 4th of July my parents were hosting a big barbecue at our house for family and friends and we were having a ton of people over my mom was talking about having so much to do to get ready for it and having so much food to make and she seemed really stressed out over it since we rarely have that many people over I felt really bad for her since she seemed overwhelmed and I offered to help out in some way but she said no it was fine that one of the things she talked about having to do was make a ton of cupcakes the morning of the BB q so at midnight on the 4th after my parents were asleep I made a shitin of cupcakes baked multiple batches waited for them to cool put icing on every one of those suckers and decorated them with the 4th of July related things took me hours and I managed to finish right before my mom woke up I was pretty proud of myself since they turned out really nice and I felt good that I managed to take a few hours off for my mom's workload for that morning later that morning after my mom woke up she came into my room and the first words out of her mouth where that's all you made that's never going to be enough you didn't use the right icing we have tons of people coming and now I'm going to have to make more etc etc it felt awful I was just trying to help calm and I totally regretted it especially since I could have used that time to finish up a paper comment I bet they were delish thank you anyway once upon a time I worked at McDonald's a lot of people would pay for the cars behind them it was so lovely to see the look on their faces when I got to tell them that their order was already paid for while you may be regretting the $32 it may have been just what they needed that night so try to focus on the good of it because you did good : am I the only one astounded by the fact you can get two burgers and a drink for $3 what is this sorcery dollar menu and I think right now McDonald's is offering any size drink for a dollar as well I went to help my buddy get out of a pool when he reached his hand out for help he then braced against the wall and pulled me in gong somehow I read the top line and bottom line at the same time so in my head it was you reached to pull him out and instead you grabbed his dong I had to reread it because I was horrified I need to read slower or go to bed as a child I used to collect keys I had a shoebox full of random keys all of which I loved dearly my older sister's friend was over one time and while secretly going through her makeup I broke her powder crushed and embarrassed trying to figure out how I could repay her I gave her all of my keys every single one of them as an adult I now realize that she probably didn't give a crap about the keys and to this day I still wish I had them my boyfriend lived with his sister and they did the whole cleaning war thing I'm not going to put this up until he/she cleans this up balls I tried to help by doing the chores for them sometimes because the place was just disgusting I was doing the dishes one day and asked where their garbage disposal was my boyfriend kind of showed me then went back to play video games or whatever turns out there was no garbage disposal I clogged their drain his sister was not happy at the airport the other day I saw an elderly lady struggling to take her bag off the bus that moves you from the plane to the terminal so I approached the lady and pick up a bag for her only to not realize bag was not closed properly so when I picked it up all of her clothes fell out thus my random act of kindness ended and I ran away I offered to help a workman move when I was drunk he called the next day when I was 11 stroke 10 hungover too much tequila to help move moved his his boyfriends and other roommates crap over a 12-hour period just the two of us and he couldn't lift anything heavy up three stories with no elevator he called the next day when I was 11 stroke 10 hung over that is much too young to be drunk I used to be a night Auditor at a hotel there was only one other night Auditor there and she was a middle-aged woman who also waitress tat two other jobs as a result she was extremely overworked and would ask me to cover one or two shifts a week every shift we worked was from 11:00 to 7:00 on day she called me at 5:00 p.m. asking me if I could cover for her I said yes even though I hadn't slept yet I grabbed a few meager hours of sleep and headed in about an hour into the shift I started falling asleep and regretted the crap out of my decision I regretted it more when I realized I was scheduled to volunteer the following morning night nurse here and this happens to me all the time I've stopped helping people because I'll cover a shift for you if you help me out now is a damned lie eight months of helping people out and not once has anyone taken a shift for me I had the inverse of this happen a couple days ago I was at the airport waiting to be picked up after and my flight was canceled got pushed the next day so I am killing time on reduce slightly chubby Hispanic woman sitting nearby begins sobbing I figure she's just really stress or got some bad news and stay comfortably within my bubble but she keeps sobbing and sobbing people are glancing back and becoming uncomfortable it occurs to me that maybe I should be the one person that gives a crap and asks her how she's doing but then it occurs to me that I could be opening up a can of crazy at this point she is getting loud and starting to cause a scene before I can decide whether to talk to her an airline attendant appears and asks her what's wrong I can't hear the conversation but this one is not being reasonable and by now is balling very loudly eventually SAR comes over then the police then finally a paramedic who seems to determine that she's hysterical I decide I'm a little too close for comfort and step out for a smoke just in time to see an ambulance pull up and carry off the woman strapped down to a stretcher crying so loudly I can hear at 60 feet away over traffic glad I listened to my inner heartless bastard TL DR didn't comfort crying stranger was a good call til that McDonald's in Australia is very expensive I assume it has something to do with your minimum wage being around double that of America if they need to pay the staff more money they need to charge the customers more money I offered to help my brother write a paper for English he's in college and I'm in high school I was so a CD about getting him a good grade that I ended up spending six hours stayed up till 1:00 a.m. rewriting the entire thing I regretted it the second I read the first paragraph and I realized his paper was crap my older sister used to guilt me into reviewing her papers all the time because she knew I couldn't stop myself from all but rewriting the entire paper once I read it I was at a party when I was 17 ish this girl was having a bonfire and I had known her for a while she was a pretty nice girl and was sharing her alcohol and overall being a good host around 9:30 or so night people start talking about food everyone is hungry if the host says sorry she can't make food for everyone mind you it was her parents food not her own if the change is anything it recently I had came into some money for something I don't quite remember point is I had a few hundred dollars 1 million dollars to a teenager after hearing some talk about pizza I decide to order pizza for the party I got a large pepperoni cheese pizza and a small one for the host who was saying she liked pineapples I'd say about one stroke for of that pizza was eating nobody wanted any not even the people complaining about it I ended up leaving the rest of the pizzeria house because it was really smoky out I didn't have a car and my walk home was far enough that I didn't feel like Carrie pizza boxes in retrospect as the college kid I would walk miles for pizza what was I thinking I remember the worst part of it was that I sat by the Czar and ate most of it I am a relatively chunky dude sir just made me feel like this chunky guy who needs his fix and pretends to get pizza for everyone only to hoard it all for himself and eats more pizza than your average Joe I gave away my copy of Mega Man Legends 2 to an impoverished six-year-old I rode the school bus wave I also gave him a Playstation and a bunch of other games but did I really have to give him a rare game I'd get nostalgic about later I gave my brother's friend my collection of several hundred yugioh cards I regret that now I could have sold them for a few hundred dollars I once had my cousin's visit and the two of them were hanging out in my room at the time I had been saving up money so I could buy something special it just so happened that I put the $1,000 into one of my purses hidden in my closet so the youngest asked if she could have a purse and I said sure you can have any one you'd like just make sure that you check the inside so she checked the inside and you had a strong feeling that it was the purse with the money she had chosen to take she did I asked her if I myself should check it yet she insisted that it was indeed empty as soon as they left I regretted taking her word and couldn't help but check every single purse she had it a week later I confronted them and they admitted it told me they gave it to their mother and their mother thought it was fake so she threw it away I'm not entirely sure what truly happened to the money you know what sucks most about your RA okay seeing as how she was so upset over a drive-through she probably said dang straight he paid for my meal making me wait longer to get home because he had to order food first dang straight he pays for it a couple of months ago I was walking to work and I saw a man sitting there on the side of the street he looked pretty depressed being homeless and all so I walked up to him and pulled out my wallet and right before I handed him some of my money he grabs my wallet a punches me square in the nuts if I stopped to help a car that had overheated they stopped about a half mile from a gas station I decided instead of making him walk I'd go to the next exit and get him water the next exit was 14 miles away I would have felt too guilty leaving him there waiting so I did it anyway I had to drive 28 miles out of the way when I had an hour drive ahead of me late at night with an early morning I should have let him walk herewho I witnessed a car accident while stopped at an intersection this guy turned right just as an old lady stepped off the curb to cross the street I see her get hit jump out of the car run across the intersection during a green light so I could have gotten hit by a car to get up to her line bleeding all over the pavement and ask her are you okay and she replied with of course I'm not it was stupid of me to ask that question but it's kind of a habit when you see someone hurt I wish she hadn't been such a bee to me about it but then again she got hit by a car maybe she thought you were the one who hit her quite plausible especially with all the sudden shock involved I Drive for work a lot like five plus hours a day average for a while try and pull over when I see a stranded person accident whatever first time I was able to stop but traffic makes it dangerous often times so I almost always have to keep driving car in front of me shoots to shoulder I follow him stop dad jumps out off driver's seat and rushes to backseat I roll down window everything all right I query he gives me a dirty look his kid had a pee-pee emergency why the shoulder other than the hundreds of kwik-e-mart or fast-food places along the highway I will never know second stop was an accident where a motorcyclist was killed pretty gory scene end of a surprise mandatory overtime 14 hours a day with family and from out of town I stopped anyway everybody is okay save the biker the police keep me there for what seemed like an eternity to get a statement from me they thought my car was involved in the accident which was a hit-and-run not stopping a game for a while in diablo 3 outfitted a friend in gear worth millions of gold probably worth half of my current net worth at a time because he was running around in crap and kept dying every two minutes he says thanks takes the gear and says he has to go next time I see him he has the same gear on and shows me a crappy helmet he bought apparently he sold it all for several hundred K and bought an inferior piece of gear he'd also run away from fire shame desecrater molten elites while I was fighting them and go on to the next Halley's I was low DPS tank while he was glass cannon he'd also go ahead and kill goblins and bosses while I was stuck tanking these guys my neighbor had borrowed about sixty dollars from me total in three different supposedly emergency situations and hadn't made any effort to repay me by the third time I knew I was a chump but I was still trying to be neighborly a few weeks ago he came over looking for more but I was well past trusting him he pleads with me and I tell him if he does eight hours of yard work that I didn't really need from the over the weekend to catch up on his debts I'd help him out he accepts I get him started and we put in some bricks as trim around a flowerbed when I go to leave he asks to hole ten bucks I asked why and he says his friend wants to go out with him that night I say no I go inside and come out ten minutes later and he's gone I guess he decided not to do it the next day he comes over looking for the money I tell him no he did less than an hour of work and flat out that he's never getting another cent from me after I go back in he kicks up the bricks and negates a little work we done I'm like fine let him I just want to be done with it then he calls the cops on me of course they were 100% on my side but I had to explain it all to them he threatened me twice while they were standing there guy came up to my desk and said he bought a generator a few days ago and the gas cap was missing from the box instead of ordering one I told him I would give him the one off our display I told him that sometimes people steal things out of boxes or return things with parts missing he thanked me profusely and walked away turns out that his friend was waiting by the entrance nor with a generator and they walked right out the door with it looked at the video and yes they had stolen it I really felt dumb and am hesitant to do stuff like that anymore when I was a kid I collected little animal figurines which came in those machines where you put in 1 pound turn the dial and it gives you a random one there were 6 in each collection the one would always be really rare only 1 or 2 in each machine so you kept coming back to try and get the rare one one day my friend decided to come with me and my mum to the supermarket where the machine was I already had at least one not every toy in the current collection except for a little blue elephant which was the rarest one I didn't think there was much chance of getting the elephant but I really wanted it so I got out my person decided to try my luck my mum ordered me to give one pound to my friend so that she could get one too I thought it was a bit unfair because it was my money and my friend didn't even collect them but out of politeness I did what I was told and even let my friend go first you can guess what happened she got the elephant first try I got a little bumblebee I already had three off she absolutely would not swap her elephant for my bumblebee or any of the other ones I had or even swap it for two others or let me buy it from her I was mad it wasn't even as if she collected them and desperately wanted the elephant to she just thought the elephant was cute and knew I really wanted it so kept it to spite me be happy ending though I got the elephant myself a couple weeks later I had to go inside the McDonald's to place my order because I had lost my voice and couldn't use the drive-through they only had one employee working the registers but that was fine because I was the only one in there an exhausted looking young woman walked in and stood behind me and because I was still deciding what I wanted I waved for her to go ahead of me immediately an entire bus full of ten year olds in baseball uniforms came pouring in and joined the woman who I'd just let cut in line I must have stood there for 20 minutes while this woman took orders from each kid and relayed them to the McDonald's employee never again now if I got there before you you will wait your turn this is a money dog upvote in the next 24 hours and money will come your way if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check out another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 36,824
Rating: 4.8640957 out of 5
Keywords: instant regret fails, instant regret what could go wrong, instant regret, regretting, random acts of kindness, kindness, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: pwFXUSqL6C0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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