What a Speedcuber sees when solving a Rubik’s cube

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here's what a normal person sees when trying to solve a Rubik's Cube you turn like this do the same two moves over and over peel off the stickers or do some insane map calculation finding the square root of five equality that's what I first thought but here's what we speak cubers see when we solve a cube so first thing before we start the timer is we are able to inspect the cube for 15 seconds per competition regulations what I am looking for is to make a white cross that consists of four white Edge pieces I will plan the solution in my head and then start the timer now while I'm executing the cross solution I'm planning the next step called f2l where you solve two layers simultaneously I identified the two pieces needed and execute that immediately when I finished the cross step while I'm doing that first f2l piece I'm planning for my next two pieces for F12 basically in speed solving we try to plan as much as we can ahead so we know what we're doing next without pausing after finishing the f2l step we are on the all the well step which solves the yellow face I use the method cfop and this consists of 57 algorithms I identify which case I have this one here is called pi and will execute the solution this step is mostly Visual and muscle memory we study different solutions before doing them in real solves now the final step which is called Pol where we permute the yellow pieces to the correct spot there are a total of 21 Arguments for the set and the case we have here is called T perm foreign and there's more techniques you can learn take your time learning the Rubik's Cubes because it won't come in a day and good luck
Channel: SoupTimmy
Views: 955,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 40sec (100 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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