What a BLIND REACTION TO ALL OF HOLLOW KNIGHT looks like! (kinda) | Hollow Knight

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Hollow Knight is a good game but you don't need to hear that from me just watch the hundreds of videos that have come out praising this game I needed to see those videos because back in 2017 I tried playing it and for my first Metroid Vania ever I didn't really like it I got lost and I wasn't all that good at it so I put it on the back burner and decided I'd play it later while avoiding all the spoilers I can and while you can't avoid everything the long time since I played made me forget everything that I played through and I could only really remember getting to the crystal Peaks and getting the crystallized heart so while this isn't technically a blind reaction I hope that you all stick around to see my entire playthrough of hollow [Music] Knight oh there he goes and we're in I [Applause] guess so button to jump oh he looks up with whenever I move the thing up okay uh attack I can attack in any direction can I like CR I can look down a game by team Cherry oh yeah I get a boost whenever I hit anything okay so what if I just do this okay yeah I expect to die a lot since I have no idea wait can do I jump higher when I hold I do okay oh I can move the camera like this oh it made a little Squatch sound I still really love the art style of this game I can't get over over it Beyond this point you enter the land of King and Creator step across this threshold and Obey our laws bear witness to the last and only civilization the Eternal Kingdom Hollow Nest he's walking slower now why is the sound bugging out my immersion forgotten Crossroads oh you just kind of can I hit you through the wall no I can't oh I can okay I'm assuming I'm I'm just going to have to leave you yeah I can't really do anything here that's a comeback later Metroid Vania thing wait I wonder yes oh is this the I think I remember now this is the Fast Travel guy right also why does he sound like that he's going to heal a full cuz there's definitely going to be a boss yep there is hello oh it just froze what the hell why did the game freeze hello hi there's the sound again whoo he's very angry oh he killed himself hi die there he goes little worm shiny City Crest oh I can still bounce on his body I don't know how he has such tiny hands how can he operate uh what you're alive what why is the mace alive ooh shiny he just dies consumed the vengeful Spirit what you just lock me in here now now we're awake I was wondering if You' do me a favor now it's your payment for my gift of course simply because we're now friends you're such a friend that you locked me behind the gate so yeah okay cool and it pierces through them okay so now I want to see the damage so it does more at least three hits if not more in terms of damage okay yeah so it's kind of obvious I had to fight you I don't have any more Soul can you spawn like a minion or something yeah thank you die thank you oh never mind I don't have a map for this area Green Path you know screw it I don't care about my future self and trying to edit through like 20 hours of gameplay I'll just take my time and explore as much as I want just breaking everything oh hello you have a video game about you you're the person whose people have been waiting for years to have a game about I can oh I don't get any money like I know a what a couple of bosses look like just because I've seen random ass spoiler thumbnails from random people online also I miss that I don't know what crazy amount anyway I just try not to click on it cuz I always thought to myself I want to beat the game on my own but I do know a couple of bosses because just thumbnail people spoil them that what you can do about it hello stop running let's be friends you're you're an [ __ ] hi this is the boss room come no closer ghost I've seen you creeping through the undergrowth stalking me you're looking at me what do you mean I know what you are I know what you try to do I can't allow it I don't even know what I'm doing oh yeah the game freezes whenever it's trying to show me the fight here we go Hornet hello okay I'm just going to read your mve set for a bit just dashing okay stay far away from you whenever you're done jumping you also do it on the floor and you do it on the ground okay does that string do damage to me I wonder yeah does this string do damage okay it doesn't on the way back you have like three moves I kind of feel bad oh God okay cool hello you chill okay bye mothwing cloak oh this is the the dash ability okay cool oh god what happened what would it seek to break the seals they cannot be undone they must be undone let us sleep little Shadow return to your Darkness allow us our peace what what the hell I don't remember that happening at all why is there so much like stuff around okay are you an enemy are you just kind of observing hey man okay I like his little animation of holding out the map look at him he just pulls it out of his little cloak damn it how do okay I just got hit three times by the same thing oh electric bugs can I kill them no I cannot do it again what is bro okay out of here so this game definitely rewards you for timing what is this oh okay I see just free resources where am I going I shall kill all the birds yeah this is definitely the way I was supposed to go ah ah I did it again yeah back to the Forgotten Crossroads worm I have a dash ability now I shall save you my thought's exactly good friend I hope to God him going somewhere mines oh is this that purple Crystal Zone I don't know why he's not attacking me though uh okay so I'm assuming this is the entrance to this area and I probably have to come back here later with something that's how metrov vanas work right okay well I guess I'll come back here later guess we go somewhere else for now though at least we discovered a new Zone we have to go to though I'm really interested in the more boss fights though cuz I'm liking the game's combat how it's basically just kind of a dance oh helloo Your Voice Sounds funnyin seems to think the very air is deadly down there in the caverns perhaps he should consider not breathing incredibly helpful for finding your bearings and unfamiliar locations okay I'm going to buy that that seems genuinely useful see if you want to update your map with new areas as you explore yes map updated oh it updates whenever I go to a bench okay so that's to Green Path over there so if I go straight down I'm going to yeah I'm going to go all the as far down as I can ah I know yeah I was going to say I know this song I have it saved fungal wastes I've used this in my videos before Le we're finally finding new areas though all I need to do was buy that map don't try to sneak past me I can smell you his name is leg eater the music stopped this is a Boss [Applause] Arena hi hi oh it's not a boss oh my Dash resets once I bounce okay wa does that mean whenever I hit an enemy with this I can reset my B Dash in the air I'll try that out yeah it does okay cool we learn tech oh hello how are you alive I beat your [ __ ] in last time get back here hello what I can't get over there guess I'll need an ability to go that way okay so I've been around everywhere here I just need to head deeper that's a special thing I suppose to cherish these sits even in their Decay so everything died in this city fog Canyon I don't have a map here this is a new zone I'm going back to the station I want to get the Fast Travel point and keep heading downwards as I the last stag is his name oh jeez as I visit more places I feel my my memories returning to me like the Stag stag ways of my mind are running once more continue to open the stations and you'll have my deepest gratitude I kind of feel bad now poor dude he's going scile too I kind of he said he's forgetting the stuff that happened what even am I though I'm playing as the hollow night right I'd assume so we just Hollow on the inside mantis Village so this is that was a mantis yeah taking the mantis's claw press a while sliding against a wall to jump again jumping from wall to wall to reach new areas okay so it's just a wall jump cool is it infinite it's a fast slide though okay yeah it's infinite wall jumps oh no now I remember it's coming back to me that I have to fight the Mantis Lords that's the boss fight oh maybe that lever did yeah this that that would make sense the giant hole that lever that shake the whole place opened a giant hole that I missed [ __ ] excuse me you did not just close that door on me sir I I'm coming back for you you're going to die what what if I go back in here what if I no what an [ __ ] actual prick oh this is the boss fight yeah I don't have a checkpoint what I wanted to go through here you now you are dying [ __ ] it let's go I know your theme cuz I know it's good let's go the music cutting out never mind it's not what's going on the music isn't working there we go now it's going just had to wait a moment what are your moves throw one dash cool okay you'll also do it above depending on your position and you'll also drop down [ __ ] okay well I don't need to upgrade my na let's [Music] go hey it's going smoothly now the music's going straight [Music] away okay when you're on the around you'll do it [Music] lower I love this theme so much yeah it's kind of easy once you get the hang of it yeah look at that now I fight two at once [Music] yep just the same fight of faster and multiple people at once as long as they doing the same moves that's helpful okay never mind what are the oh God okay just stand in the middle stand in the middle I have no time to heal I just can't get [Music] hit got one oh he's just using the original move set now okay cannot read chat now very concentrated there we go died Cool Sup all three at once now no okay that was a fun fight there is a lot of spikes here what the hell how many people have you killed I just realized there was a fourth there's a fourth thing here one of them died oh oh you're chill like that can I can I still kill you my fault I'm sorry bow to me unlock the door thank you my friend I really want to kill you for what you did though just for shutting the door on me earlier I had to take revenge let's insert the city Crest sure oh that's what we got from killing the someone I think oh I might look it up what are you you a bad oh my God cool city of Tears it'll make the blade far more deadly sure yeah it's only 250 trying to show pass your time oh okay yeah sharpened nail the a traditional weapon of hollow Nest restored to lethal form oh look how cool this looks dude I love this game's art [Music] [Applause] [Music] style hello again are these statues like crying Memorial to the hollow night in The Black Vault far above it sacrificed Hollow Knight stands Eternal oh I'm not the hollow Knight I like this game I'm definitely going to play it fully now now that I'm actually liking okay never mind this door is blocked I'm I hate this game absolutely despise it oh so all the knights we like we're fighting are dead so I guess they're being kept Alive by the orange stuff oh my God this this little walkway with the music panning in it feels so cool what soul sanctum I think there was a a boss here expect okay oh my God what the hell damn it I died the orgon solo is peeking okay never mind it just stopped all together yeah know this is definitely where the boss is there's no way they wouldn't just stop it yeah this is definitely a Boss look at all the soul it's giving me there's no I don't why is there something down there okay hello oh hello there's a guy in the background what are you doing is he like coming into frame oh hello Soul Master hi okay you have ground slams ow Jesus okay let's go learn your moose set do one shot one shot oh you bait it you bait me by doing it twice okay and then you do that I can just jump like this okay all right I think I got his move set down now ah ah I should have jumped going to get one heal off no I'm not oh thank God he baited if he didn't try and do a fake out I would have got hit all right nice [Applause] all that was kind of fun I like [Music] that okay that dude died so much all right well that was kind of a fun boss fight I like that suck so what I'm assuming we're going to wait what the hell what okay so he's alive it was a bait hello the music got more intense I'm sorry he's only doing ground sles but doesn't have any like wait what is he okay he summons them from the air now okay that's the final face okay now you're dead right desolate dive tap b while holding down to strike the Earth with the burst of power spells will deplete Soul oh yes this is how like this is the ground slam ability wait hold on yes that's how I do the that's how I do that ability that's how I break all the glass and whatnot and everything are you are you just chilling there okay no he killed himself he couldn't deal with it anymore I'll go find out what's in that purple Zone uh grother what it's dead already I guess I was supposed to come here oh god oh wait is it it yeah it's nasty it's going to burst out okay so oh that's where these guys come from that was kind of gross and very easy the fight lasted like 10 seconds Shaman Stone also boosts how big the Spells are oh let me see this oh my goodness yeah I think I might use this Stone I'll just find something that oh hello what is this a tram a door with an open slot well it would be nice if I could open it can I hit them in the air I can hold on I want to kill him with it die yes get sniped loser where am I going I can't see [ __ ] oh please give me a lantern rancid egg oh I have one hit until I die I just died to a [ __ ] pickaxe cuz I'm trying to Parry it back at them for fun I completely deserve that no my money purchase a map no no I don't have the money okay let's fight come on crystal Guardian oh I guess he's spawning these lasers in no I died to this guy damn it oh I is when he's injured look at him he like gets all tired this guy could I realistically just walk by him I can he's chill like that hey there sir sorry for waking you up but time to die okay Jesus wait hold on okay he just left thank God dear God man okay thank you okay how do I get up here is there like some oh wait maybe I could use this wait hold on hold on hold on hold on no way I'm trying this no way I can do that yeah that's yes that's where the skios talking about earlier if if it's a skip I'm not going to do it but I definitely could so many can I kill them I can it's quiet oh there a heartbeat oh there it's just straight up a giant robot okay what if I walk away then I walk away come back I'm I'm easily impressed oh okay oh Crystal consumed the Crystal Heart oh wow okay that's cool so can I like okay whoa hold LT to Super Dash oh oh no no no oh my God this is so cool I can just start zooming I cannot start zoom in yes all right I I I'll go back I'm not I'm not supposed to be here I want to take the game as straightforward as possible worm friend hello yes why you're not a friend you are not a friend what the hell you are not a friend what was that why would you imitate my friend you horrid Beast I shall fill up this entire Place how many are in the game look at how many freaking spots are there after we sell here I'm going to go to deep nest and then go find that little spot that I missed earlier can I slam this no I can't do I have a key no I don't Vel me AR Vel me arred hello stag bring me back up to dirt mouth I'm buying a lantern Lantern stop stop stop okay ah wor friend you better not be a fake don't lie to me okay sorry for ever doubting you warm friend why is I feel like whenever I take damage in this game it feels like I'm dying on the like the brink of death man where where the hell am I there's just spider webs everywhere I'm going to fight a spider it's just kind of a given I like how his little he has like a little Lantern the night that we're playing as look at him when you stand still he pulls that little Lantern light is life bring pure brilliant to that can you shut up now we shall head to the depths of deep Nest that'd be pretty funny actually oh some um hi I swear to God that's going to be the next boss it's going to have the exact same goddamn move set as me oh this was a cracked one okay there's so many hidden walls where in God's name am I going hi we chill like that you're just kind of staring there watching me another wall we can break we're supposed to be following this guy I don't think we're like supposed to oh hello I can do that too I can copy you he gives you a pale or oh now I got to say hi to him hey buddy we can be friends hey come back here there's so many corpses piled up this is obviously a trap five closed doors look at you go daring today aren't we why are there bodies hanging from the ceiling he's literally me oh yes the mighty standoff I have a map that makes me better than you how does that feel how does that make you feel buddy I have more possessions than you hi what you why are you roaring what the oh God what the [ __ ] remember when I said we're fighting a spider boss you are not literally me what the hell is this lur this is not begin to describe whatever the hell you are this music is very like crazy I thought it was just going to be like a clone fight get your ass out of the ceiling he's not hard he just kind of feels weird constantly I it feels random and and I died just don't L how did you what what the hell why did you respawn you came back as like a living creature let's actually Beat the Boss this time though oh God this it just started the fight immediately God damn it I missed my Dash I'm going to die why there let me get my ghost first or not okay [ __ ] this guy no no no no no oh God damn it I hate his acid spray that's the only thing there we go nice he's dead please don't come back alive just die oh you are thank you please boom okay he's definitely dead dead pale ore I can upgrade my nail again I think I know what the game wants me to do here and I don't like it this this is cool I like this the bosses are progressively getting harder though that is a good thing the body of a fallen Warrior is he going to he's going to come to life no what I F like I fully expected him to come to life and kill me oh is this the tram key tram pass it is cool I guess I can use the tram once I get back to the original Zone do I hear that one Warrior guy again I kind of don't want to save you you an ass last time all fine hello this guy's an ass I hate him can I literally just go above him and Skip him I can they just enable that a that's a bad why is that there oh no way Weaver's dead what the hell stag station distant Village I think I once I get the Stag St uh that seems like a boss I'm going to go get the bench at the Stag station first oh God hold on um this is a problem right I'm not supposed to be down here you wait is this the Stag station it's a bench um um um um um um um um um it's a trap it's a trap bench uh you [ __ ] get me out of here break out these sick [ __ ] BEAST's Den those rat bastards I want to get the Stag station at least I know those guys suck now nope I thought so I literally guessed it what the hell is this inspect a sleeping figure lays at top the stone plinth how do I get out of here is this the exit it's a chair but this is not the exit oh wait it is they all they all died and the bench was fake these rat bastards oh yeah I did get the uh pass didn't I yeah [ __ ] pass oh wait no no no I'm going to go I'm going to go to the city of tears and upgrade my nail first 800 don't don't have a come see me when you do what a ripoff insert [ __ ] pass yes I will like music oh it's the it's the main theme press the glowing button yes I will there's just no music it's just pure silence what is this place man oh hello oh I can't leave they trapped me Mom on Manon monomon the teacher I i' like had a stroke reading that through their devotion Hollow nest lasts Eternal dreamer locations added to the map oh hello go no further little Shadow our duty holds it shall be done these spiders are really like lessening the tension here oh hello wait didn't I see one of you was sleeping that spider Den earlier the guy on the right I can still hear the spiders will you take the weapon before you and cut your way out of this sad forgotten dream inspect what is this taken the dream nail hold wide a charge and slash with the nail cut through the veil between dreams and waking collect a 100 Essence and return it to me I will teach you more so cool this thing is shiny please for the love of God remove Soul catcher I like it leave me alone what would happen if I hit you you're dead so dark that's kind of creepy everything in the game has like thoughts I can steal from that's weird what is the chest thinking about nothing sadly worth a shot what what are you doing what what dude you need help I just want to try hitting this guy you want my Geo yes I do come back oh okay no [ __ ] I I noticed the danger and I di it and then I ran back immediately into it now it's just going silent and there's nothing but like scary noises I just want to find a stag station then go back up from wherever I am yeah this is a completely different area as well this is like the deepest of the deep I assume and now we're making it further down we are still going further so ancient Basin Basin I need some kind of extended jump or a double jump in order to get to some of these areas I feel so I'll probably get it later but like not knowing it's kind of annoying can't catch me from too fast okay he can [ __ ] you oh hi uh I'll come back to you later he's just like me for real oh my God damn it I'm not removing Soul catcher I like it he's just going to like Roar and come to life the second I go touch him oh oh God his brain is being filled broken vessel oh the music's working out hold on okay here we go okay it's going to stop in a second hello okay now the music is playing okay so your moves are like that you have a oh yeah you're literally exactly like me you have my weapon you're just infected and his and his theme is like the main theme it sounds like but distorted what do you what is that okay he jumps in the air to predict me that's cool what is he doing okay he's giving me time to heal I guess oh God I'm in danger damn it okay that sucks that really does suck so I'm he's a version of us that like isn't working I mean his name is literally broken vessel so we're a vessel man why does he go there that was a nice Parry timing oh he's dead just like that boom he's not going to come back to life right oh wait did he just look up did he just like come back to life to look at us the hell Monarch Wings is this just a double jump yes we can also change the height of the double jump look I slightly tap it and then I hold it much higher oh yep he's dream nailable now okay oh okay hello an infection here oh hello lost kin oh God I didn't it's him but harder okay this is one of the easier dream bosses nah we go again you know what I'm not fighting you I don't have anything to fight you right now cool fight but I'm going elsewhere higher beings these words are for you alone are pure vessel has ascended Beyond lies only the refuse and regret of its creation we shall enter that place no longer so here you're not entering what if I dream nail it no okay well I'll come back here later I guess so now I'm going even somewhere farther cuz to the left goes deep Nest so what's right so it's this a new place I really like it here this place has got some good music the enemies though I don't know [Music] uh okay I'm he sounds like he's enjoying that I'm going to leave him be are there dead bodies falling from the there are what the hell I'm going to head to the city store rooms I'll probably upgrade my nail sell all my stuff explore that new area a little bit smack smack o shiny new nail just a simple key yeah here we go so where am I now Royal waterways wet hi fluk W okay I died to this damn it the part where he yells Dom do what do you I don't understand you guys are having inside jokes that I don't know I think this works just as fine okay thank Jesus that thing is gross also you can just launch yourself on the dead body now I can hear I listen to that oh God you're disgusting inspecton change with a simple lock I don't have a key what was the point of this place a simple key oh look in the back I can see the uh fungus area that's kind of cool I need a map oh what is this okay now I definitely hear things you guys are just saying Doma in the chat okay what what is bro talking about over here all right where is he oh God hello excuse me hi dong Defender fun music oh my God what the hell is this music is so funny stop throw he's just throwing [ __ ] at me I can hit him when he's in the air okay he's roaring is second phase okay okay he's doing it multiple times okay you just slapped me in the face okay well not not if I die like that wow that was easy he was cool though that was a fun fight boom well what does this unlock oh probably that door up on the top right oh no that's just feel up oh does that drain the acid yeah I'm going to go to the lower sewers yeah that just makes sense anything but crystals what the oh my God there's so many places to go here this is not one of them okay isma's Grove where am I bro what is this isma te here acid shall be repelled swim in acidic Waters without coming to any harm oh yeah this definitely helps look at this guy I'm just going to go up top to the surface and purchase stuff it makes sense what why is it why is it orange why is there orange why is the Forgotten Crossroads all orangey infected Crossroads is this because I broke that vessel down there the broken vessel don't worry about it what do you mean don't worry about it oh God everything's bigger and deadlier what the hell what do you do you're just like charging at me really fast and then you explode is this like a brood mother boss I can see stone statues of like the thing we fought before yeah this is yeah I can see it damn it man I hate this thing rooting M okay you're slashing at me really assho [ __ ] oh he died to my he died to the fart he died to the fart juice gu I feel like it's ashes oh yeah I needed isma tier to get through here yeah I have guaranteed I have acid resistance now that's fun man how do you always manage to hit me damn it uh okay hi do I get to have a rematch against you so you'd pursue the deeper truth it isn't one the weak could bear uh-huh oh wow wow look at you all the wind and the environment prove yourself ready to face it I'll not hold back my needle is lethal and I'd feel no sadness in a weaklings demise show me you can accept this Kingdom's past and claim responsibility for its Future Okay Okay Hornet rematch I'm just going to read your mve set for a bit okay you can you parry was that a Parry man okay well worth a try all part of the experience I have to walk all the way over there learn the nail Master's art man I'm not I don't have money I can bounce off it that's fun there's no time to heal in this fight just going to live long enough during the fight do that Parry okay yeah that is a Parry what what is that okay I okay I see so you can walk in those if I can't yep starting to place your little Nets oh it's randomized too damn I suck I suck wait can I can break them oh my God I didn't know I can break them that changes quite a lot that will make this fight a little bit easier I'll be enlightened I want to learn the Master's nail art sure Master the dash slash oh I bow back there you go whoa no I felt like we were so close yes nice then do it ghost of H Hollow Nest head onward burn that Mark upon your shell and claim yourself as king okay bye have a nice day inspect whoa marked by King's brand Hollow Nest shall recognize a new ruler I think it's a yes oh yes it's a it's a it's a yes to leave okay never mind I got crushed hello oh oh hi thank you bye-bye that was nice of her oh my God they put a bench right next to the boss fight and I didn't see it are you kidding me I found this after the boss fight you predicted me stop that it's so nice this game is just nice I'm sorry I can't get over it it just feels so nice to play it the music's so nice the feeling of everything this is definitely one of my best played games so far and I'm not even done with it this is a Boss Arena I am going the opposite way to find a chair oh okay so I'm going to have to fight 1 2 3 four five bosses at once six bosses at once it's obviously going to revive them from the dead like yeah here we go unless I have to fight every single thing in the background watch your Knight ooh this music sounds nice oh God he's rolling I can't hit him like that okay okay they attacked twice Dash underneath them there's yeah so the second one at the same time these guys actually seem like they'll be very deadly if there's three please don't spawn in three oh God okay no damn that is hard okay oh I'm sorry calm down very big damage right now no more respawns for you buddy yes haha they all died in like the exact same spot so I'm assuming I dream nail her or him or it it's a bug I don't know the gender hello beat the [ __ ] out of it remain remain beat the [ __ ] out of them oh my God okay take his Essence absorb him oh oh that that's the black egg Temple right there's screaming behind the door so we have to head to the fungal waste and deep Nest I'm pretty sure in deep Nest we already like made it on the inside of it they're called dreamers on the map that's what they're called okay now we know there's multiple things I have to go and do though I think I entered this very long ago and I did not do anything past that oh God okay Bush creatures Queen's Garden it did oh my God too long spent together we become as one love key uh oh no oh god oh [Music] tree let me try that again oh tree okay let me try that again oh tree but enough talk it's grubbing time what there was another one right here on I just didn't even notice he was hiding behind the money man there is so many places to go here the Queen's Gardens is so big sure let's go to the Stag Nest why the hell not this guy's been helping me a lot I'll go there with them dude there's so many bodies of the Stags Jesus inspect oh is it an egg an empty eggshell oh man howling Cliffs higher beings these words are for you alone these blasted Plaines stretch never ending there is no world Beyond yeah there's just dust I can't enter it's just winds oh wait I just realized how sad that is for the Stag man he thinks his people are still out there but there's literally nothing okay we heated it up oh my God what the hell okay I'm going to ignore this Cyclone slash I bow back my friend so cool isn't this that DLC stuff I'll leave that till after I beat the game is this the place yeah it is oh I can hit there hold on juggle I can juggle their skulls I didn't know what this was at the time but now I do for her for her die despite all the ills of this world I'm thankful for the life she granted me oh oh no uh my fault howling wraiths tap bead while holding up to unleash the wraiths oh cool it's like a shotgun taking the Hunter's Journal that thing tracks like a [ __ ] I'd thought it my lust for discovery that led me here but now there's seems nothing else this building beckons me teaches archives oh yeah there's definitely going to be a boss they wouldn't give you a bench if not this is a boss come on they just can't it's yep of course it is there it is hello it's a big jellyfish o is he Invincible do I have to hit you with soul abilities no you're just completely Invincible oh Coral what are you doing here buddy yo my boy why is he hitting me wow okay I died but whatever ow dude stop the ah it's hitting me through the walls nice she called me here now to reserve that protection all in Aid of view oh oh wait he has the mask of that oh so this one wants the seals to break actually she's she I'm assuming it's a she she's different from the other ones all right well good luck on your journey Coral oh my God it's very Orange Temple of the black egg the door oh it's cracked open now something's just roaring on the inside checking the inventory I have one half of a mask Shard oneir of a vessel 157 Essence that I haven't even touched really three Soul abilities two dream two nail arts the channel nail okay final boss time this is ominous if this entire place is the Boss Arena this thing must be massive rest oh gives me a checkpoint oh God how am I only 59% of the way done with this game why did I see your piano oh God strings the door closed uh-oh hi you're shielded there's a giant nail on the ground right here wait are you looking at me you are you're following me you're awake oh no that's one that's two hey man I'll free you and it'll be chill all right music is ramping up I have no idea what the final boss's theme is either so all right let's [Music] go hi buddy oh my God hi the hollow Knight I like this te already okay I was trying to learn your moose at first but ooh you like Dash and you teleport dude the music he just any he parries like Hornet though is it going to have like a second phase where he's actually hard considering how much I'm like he's just roaring okay now he's actually doing damage okay all right now he's throwing stuff at me I probably shouldn't have like said anything oh my God whoa okay I deserve that uh n I'll just go with straight damage I'll just learn the fight and get better at it that'll be more fun it'll just he'll just drop immediately right yeah the piano Rift coming in okay I always get hit by that projectile every single acid spray ability in this entire game always hits me I don't know what it is I can't Dodge those I suck hello friend I don't know why I find it funny just the music going off the second you go next to him one single step and he goes bra oh my Lord use Quick slash you Creon oh yeah I do have that I completely forgot I have those Dash moves oh final face oh oh God wait the is he killing himself what dude are you okay the music got all sad oh God he's like being destroyed by himself he's only using like infected attacks now oh God bro is really struggling he's just stabbing himself he doesn't want to fight me this is the only enemy in the game seen do [Music] this dude I don't feel good anymore oh the music no it's really sad I don't feel good about this whatsoever I feel horrible he's I can just hear him stabbing himself in the background he really is just killing himself oh wait there's another face after this oh God the background's getting more infected and everything he's only using infected moves now he's only stabbing himself oh [Music] dude he's only he's not even doing a full combo I don't feel good doing this he's limping no he's limping towards me I don't want to kill this man he's struggling I'm sorry I'm sorry it has to be done to focus it yeah I do oh wait the chains are breaking off he just exploded P black oh it's a cut scene oh we took all the infection his eyes are orange new chains are being created oh do we just like take it [Music] out oh [ __ ] uh that seal has no openings now we permanently closed it that's the end and we showed up and I think like his he couldn't hold back the infection anymore but now we like in the video it like the cut scene it showed us like like the weird black void stuff inside of us it showed it like covering the infection what a good goddamn game game completion percentage 59% 14 hours 33 minutes and 51 [Music] [Music] seconds oh
Channel: Knuckles77
Views: 54,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gameplay, playthrough
Id: N15uh6yEatk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 0sec (2880 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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