What 6 Months of Game Development Looks Like!

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six months ago I decided to make my first indie game today I'm going to walk you through the entire process and show you the first big step in my Indie Game Dev [Music] Journey 6 months ago I was planning on a normal career as a software developer while working on a project for a python course I had to run tests that took a long time while these tests were running I made a game called gun wizard I hadn't made a game in a while so I had forgotten how dang cool it is to make a video game from scratch I felt the urge to abandon my enterprise software development career in pursuit of game development but I was too scared a couple days later I suddenly saw myself as an old man who never even gave his dreams an honest chance I decided that even if I ultimately fail I'd at least be able to say that I tried so I decided to make a commercial game I had a burning need to just start making a game immediately but I decided to research indie game marketing first I found out that genre is super important for making a successful game for example steam users don't typically play Platformers but they love first-person shooters after I learned the importance of genre I decided to make a rogue like because that's a genre that both steam users and I love so I played several Rog likes including peglin peglin was an immensely successful game marketed as the Pachinko Rog like I I thought that was a cool idea so I decided to make a breakout or brick breaker Rog likee I worked on it for a week and then realized that well it just wasn't fun I tried to make it fun I tried for a whole another week but it just wouldn't work the idea was too unique and complicated for someone with my limited experience to design I had failed as soon as I [Music] began I needed to come up with another game idea I decided to make an FPS Rogue like I also decided that you should play as a wizard simply because well Wizards are cool come on looking back this was a bit ambitious but it somehow worked out I got going and made a quick Technical and visual prototype it was awesome exploring this tiny world I had just created had filled me with excitement over the endless possibilities it felt like I was playing Minecraft again for the first time anyways I came to the conclusion that I had to make this game and I had to make it a good one so I got to [Music] work I wanted to make sure I could actually finish this game so I made a list of things that I'd have to [Music] do now that's a long list so long in fact that I started to get scared that I'd bitten off more than I could chew I ignored the feeling and decided to push on I added a movement system started on the weapon system made a health and damage system and a couple other things that may sound like I was off to a good start but in reality these things took a lot longer to do than I had initially thought the weight of the list of things that I still had to do was becoming more parent but regardless I pushed on that is until I hit a brick wall the abyss after I had made some of the skeleton of an FPS game I decided to make some of the roguelike skeleton the level generation system basically the system randomly picks and places pre-made rooms throughout the level I started to code the basics of the system but I kept finding weird issues in bugs several days went by and it still wasn't improved I was really starting to wonder if I could make this game every time I tried to fix it it just got worse I started to go crazy then after a couple weeks the solution just came to me I don't know how or why but it did basically it was just a simple little logical error I was making that was causing all the trouble I was relieved that I had added level generation one of the more complicated pieces of the project but I was now more wary of what was to [Music] come I continued working on the game but I eventually decided that some things just had to be sacrificed so I got out the to-do list and started brutally cutting features and content I originally wanted there to be 21's but I cut it down to 12 I wanted there to be three levels before the boss fight but now there's only two it's still a good game but I was sad at the loss of scope with new found confidence I started programming a lot of stuff into the game game rather quickly I added more wands more enemies a shop with upgrades added looping to allow near infinite difficulty scaling expanded the shop and I did some polishing making so much progress felt amazing I was on fire I kept adding things until I entered I decided to go through and polish and tweak what I had already made this was a good idea up to a point I kept just polishing I kept on finding little imperfections and felt the need to fix them I got caught in an infinite Loop of finding and fixing things that may or may not actually have mattered a month went by and on the surface the game looked exactly the same it got on my nerves so I decided to make the rest of the content ASAP I started by making the rest of the enemies in props here's a cumulous enemy that I made but scrap in favor of the Gold Golem he lacked contrast and was looking kind of ugly so I touched him up a bit I also made this explosive Barrel improved it a bit made a gold deposit improved it made another wizard enemy created these living statue enemies added portals and a few more things I also added a boss fight and some weird lore stuff the game was complete or so I thought even though I had met made everything that I needed to I still needed to polish it I won't go into detail because polish is kind of boring to be honest but I didn't get trapped in Polish hell this time though because I was excited to finish the game now it's time to market the game so go wish this void wizard it comes out April 12th and it's only going to be $3 do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it will make your life better do it do it now and thanks for watching
Channel: Antique Gear Games
Views: 13,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game development, godot, game dev, indie game dev, indie game, indie games, indie dev, roguelike, roguelite, fps, voxel art, indie gaming, glaming, gaming
Id: vWFIllwRD60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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