What’s The Best Accidental N*dity You’ve Ever Seen?

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what's the best accidental nudity you've ever seen when I was in college there was a super hot Korean girl that used to often ask me to help her out interpreting lecture notes because English wasn't her first language one day after reading through some material she said she needed to get her because her mother was visiting a few minutes after she left I noticed she'd forgotten her phone on the desk so I grabbed it and ran towards the car park to find her as I get there I could see her across far side of the car park standing between her car and the one next to it kind of ducking down a little behind her open car door as I got closer I realized that she was just looking in her handbag for her phone so I gave it to her and she was really appreciative then on my way back I accidentally saw a bust guy with his junk out it was the best damn mister act when I was about ten I was at my cousin's house for a sleepover I had to be the youngest one there my cousin was about sixteen and she had her friends over as well we were all in our PJs my male cousins decided to pick on me to impress the female friends there well they ended up making me cry and I must have been a pitiful sight because my cousin's friend took pity on me and attempted to console me she leans forward and wraps her arms around my head my forehead resting just under her chin remember we were all in PJs so I opened my eyes and get a perfect view down her top to see her sweet braless perky breasts it was the sweetest thing my prep your Basset eyes had ever seen I totally milked that moment as long as I could edit I mentioned that I had to be the youngest one there because it was mostly sixteen year olds and I was that annoying little brother that my parents forced on my bro and cousins whenever they went anywhere or did anything the day it was not so bad at all no one night in college I was walking through a dorm parking lot looked over and saw a girl taking her shirt off in front of the window great rack found out three years later that was my now wife two years before we even met edit I responded to a comment with the details adding them here as well I knew the other person who lived in that room one night whiffy and I were discussing old roommates and the mutual friend was brought up I started connecting the dots and said something like was that your whatever here stars aligned and we took it as a no man I was working a trans-siberian orchestra show and the blond violinist came backstage she took her dress off and put another on in an instant back on stage she went circa 20 speechless dude standing there in awe if you're involved in performances it's not unusual at all hell in high school plays we would just change backstage as fast as we could to get back out there for another scene we were a group of teenagers around five guys and four girls and we got pretty used to seeing each other in our underwear it was awkward at first and everyone would try to race to the bathroom but eventually you just get over it New York City apartment neighbor's bedroom window face mine and was about ten feet away she never turned her light off ever slept with her light on she must have had a mirror next to that window because she would frequently stand there naked looking at herself all of her self from what I could tell she was a grad student edit this also confirmed my long-held theory that women don't understand that windows remain transparent from the outside at night when the lights in the house are on went to a theme park before I was even in my teams and I noticed another gal wearing a tube top getting upset with a younger brother as he tried to grab something from her hands she wheeled in whatever it was she was holding close to her chest in the next thing I know her top dropped and some of the most glorious breasts my prep your best eyes had ever laid upon appeared mere feet away her brother had grabbed a bit more than the object he wished to retrieve and had accidentally pulled her top while she was quick to pull the top back up it seemed to last a lifetime last day of school a bunch of us went to the rich kids house for a pool party friend and I are tossing around a football in the shallow end when one of the hottest girls at the party surfaced so quickly from diving in the pool and her bikini top shifted enough to show both of her nipples as a pervy high school kid who wanted nothing more than to see her breasts before I died my wish was fulfilled so I assume you died not yet but I'll die happy whenever I do if you don't add new goals you'll end up like the guy talking about when he scored four touchdowns to win the big game in high school keep challenging yourself try to peep down the bank tellers blouse hang out in the produce section in case the huge Stoker leans across the wet lettuce and becomes her own one-woman wet t-shirt contest seek out shagging rooms with curtains rather than doors push yourself man and live your life to the fullest I was like 21 when my family decided to go to school it even huge water park in New Braunfels Texas we had been many times before but this specific time stuck out around the park they have a lazy river which is a river that goes around a small portion of the park and moves people on tubes via wave machine there was this chick probably around my age class or minus one year smoking hot who was having issues getting into her tube so I held it down for her while she climbed on top while we were near where the wave machine was so naturally we'd be hit with the full force of the wave as I'm holding her tube down and she's climbing on top the wave machine sends on at us just as she's getting on top of the tube she sort of leans forward to get her balance and the wave hits us she gets flipped over as soon as the waves passed I looked around for her but just as I'm about to get off my tube she rises up from the water without a top it was at that moment that I flashed back to three hours earlier when I bought the glasses fasteners that would make them float if you lost them she probably couldn't see them through my sunglasses but her breasts are burned into my mind best pair I've ever seen live it took her a moment to realize that she had lost her top but she quickly dipped back into the water before she found it and put it back on fast-forward five years later and she's my wife lal JK I'm 26 alone and neither job haven't seen her since said this before but still holds true when I was five I was sneaking around the house with my Power Rangers weapons decked out to the maximum so I'm sneaking down the hallway about two straight murder some bad guys when suddenly I noticed the shower is on steam is escaping from the slightly cracked bathroom door and apparently this triggered my super stealth ability to walk completely undetected I sneak up on the door with honest intentions and what do you know completely bare nude is Amy my 16 year old sisters hot friend breasts bum and this weird patch of Heather in that glorious moment of seeing someone nude you're not related to I was awestruck apparently being awestruck also makes me lose my super stealth because Amy then realizes she's been checking herself out in the mirror with me watching I figured I'd be in big trouble but she just smiled and got in the shower and that was the moment I realized I wasn't gay I go to my friend's cabin every summer for fourth of July with his family whole friend's family is blessed with good genetics and his older sister is a bombshell well after going to Bing for a while the girls are on the back of the boat hanging themselves with the back of the bikinis undone tan lines am i right I'm talking to my friend's sister as she has laid down on her stomach with her eyes closed during this conversation a spider must have walked right in front of her face sure enough as soon as she opened her eyes she pushed her face and upper body away from the spider leaving her bikini top behind dead eye contact for a full two seconds and then straight down to her chest we both started laughing as she lay back down really fast as everyone else on the boat was confused because they hadn't witnessed what had went on since that day I have never killed a spider I always pick them up and move them outside in hopes that one day I will have paid back that spider for being the best bro I have ever had when I was in sixth grade I went to camp for a week with a couple hundred other kids the boys and girls had different shower times boys first when the girls were showering they left the door propped open with a barrel trash can we weren't supposed to leave our cabins but her buddy and I snuck out every night to a spot where we had a perfect view through the door I saw dozens of naked girls that week I'm not sure you know what the word accidental means but Bravo nonetheless when I was 17 I was in a sister cities programs that had students come to the u.s. from several other countries during their visit we all had a trip to California set up to go to Disneyland and the beach well it's me and a guy from France just hanging out on the beach watching things and since he barely knew any English so we weren't doing much talking one of the girls I was crushing on got hit by a pretty big wave that knocked her bikini top down to revealed her perfect 17 year old breasts she didn't notice for a solid 30 seconds but both me and the French dude both noticed and stared after she got done fixing the top French dude looked at me and said I love American breasts what a way to bring the world together when I was a teenager I was at a waterpark standing in line for the river rapids ride a couple of teenaged girls we're in line just in front of me for some reason one of them all of the sudden called the top down on the other swimsuit unless that I'm horribly nearsighted and didn't have my glasses with me I could make out just enough to know what had happened but not enough to enjoy what had happened that made it worse that if it hadn't happened at all I've got one for this grew up in South Texas and the big water park in the area was split about in the sixth grade we got to go on a special tag field trip at the end of the year so it was only around 20 to 25 students total have a boogie boarding attraction imagine high pressure water blasted into a wave area to mimic surfing and every single girl in the class that tried it lost their top if you ate it on the board and fell into the path of the blast you were topless like five or six of them all were in the latter stages of puberty and actually had filled out breasts to show it was ducking heaven at a sixth-grade boy [Music]
Channel: Reddit Buddy
Views: 1,072,608
Rating: 4.9389296 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, reddit, r/, r/askreddit, askreddit top posts, reddit compilation, people share, top reddit, accident, accidental
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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