What’s New with Building Products! 2023 Update

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all right my friends here we go another new product in new tools video I was at the Journal of light construction show not too long ago and I saw a couple really cool things that we have here today and I also had a few people send me some stuff that I was like this is neat we need to talk about this today's build show new products and new tools let's get going y'all before we get going on this toilet I actually want to back up a hair to make sure that you realize that believe it or not there's an entire organization that does nothing but drop fake poop in a toilets to see how well they flush and as I was getting ready for this video I I familiarized myself with this thing called map testing and I found a couple videos on their website that are both informative and hilarious let's check in with this real quick so first off this is where we came from if you're old enough to remember the big toilet tanks the ones back here that would hold multiple like four or five gallons they actually didn't always flush very well and let's check this video out the people having their homes currently with the certification media 20 sponges I love the background music drop randomly so this is the old style testing he's doing back then all they did is was sponges and a little bit of random paper and they would see what these toilets would flush this is an old video this is at least 10 years ago one little sponge left if you remember I said they're allowed to leave six so according to certification media that'll be a pretty successful toilet so he said earlier in the video that the old toilet testing like in the 90s toilets these big toilets with big tanks they had to flush a certain number of sponges and paper and as long as they flushed uh 22 out of the 28 I think it was pieces of uh sponge in the toilet it was a passing grade now of course if there's still junk in your toilet it's not considered a passing grade for you and I but this map testing which has been around for at least a decade now or more check out what they do realistic results you have to use a realistic media since we couldn't really get the real thing we decided to use this soybean paste each test specimen as we call it is 50 grams of soybean paste it's encased in a thin latex membrane that allows us to reuse it what else is made from a thin latex membrane that looks like that we use it over and over again and yet it adds no stability or structural support to the waste an average person will put out slightly less than three of these at each turn I love the laugh track 50 grams it's a minimum amount that a toilet has to pass to meet our certification we have what we call our really sophisticated drop guide over the toilet that's to simulate The Human Condition and make sure that the media is put into the bowl in the proper orientation so there's 250 grams this is the minimum this is a toilet that just simply excelled it passing the test media for the certification agencies now we'll see how it does [Music] still plugged oh man what a weird job yeah let's look at a different type of toilet this is an efficient six liter that we rated very high in our testing still the kind of getting on this today 1.50 grams this is what the minimum is to flush I'm going to put all of this 1 000 grams in this toilet four times let me pause for a second when you look at toilet data sheets in particular I really like uh when Niagara which is this toilet right here puts a data sheet out they say how many grams at map it puts out and this this one says map score 1000 grams this is what they're talking about is this guy right here and what he's putting on two pounds of fake poop that some of the media is not even that's legitimately gross and here we go not bad isn't that crazy flush the whole thing down the audience is like Okay so what's crazy is this map what is it map Dash testing.com they've been doing this for years they have all the manufacturers and all the specific toilets on there so don't just go to the showroom and pick a toilet out pick the toilet you think you might like and then go to this website and check it out and that's where this comes in which I think is really interesting I used a different version of a Niagara about 10 years ago my in-laws house they needed a basement toilet replaced and I had seen these guys talked about it all the Green Building seminars because they had what I thought was really cool as a high water spot now I didn't know how they got that high water spot in a low flush but I figured it out in this video right here let's see if I can get to it okay so check this video right here it's a pressure assist and it's kind of hard to understand but basically they've got a tube running from the trap up to the tank and it's this right here which I thought was genius somehow they figured out how to only flush with 0.8 gallons here but to have a higher water spot so the water spot meaning the the level of the toilet feels like a full-size you know 1.6 gallon toilet but it's only flushing 0.8 and if you look up Niagara as a brand and just look at all their toilets on that map Dash testing website every single one of these as far as I could tell flushes a thousand grams or better so pretty cool this happens to be the Niagara Shadow and I had a different Niagara in my in-laws house for over 10 years without a single problem so that I thought would be a good intro to to talk toilets okay next up let's go from uh Plumbing to Roofing let's talk about the Perma boot uh I had no idea this product existed and one of my Builder buddies told me about this this is a retrofit to fix an existing leak in a roof where you've got a roof Jack that the EPDM or the rubber collar has degraded in the sun you know PVC extremely durable you're never going to see PVC go bad from sun exposure but the rubber or whatever the gasket is on the top of your roof Jack as the sun's Rays hit that over the years that's going to go bad and has caused a lot of leaks in houses so check this out this is an easy solution that can be retrofitted you could even as a homeowner do this and this basically slides over and with some gravity uh you know with a good shingling action you can basically waterproof an old one an old roof Jack that's currently been leaking you the other cool thing about these is they come with everything you need to do multiple sizes so you might have a two inch a two and a half or a three inch vent pipe now you don't have to get the right size roof Jack to replace it and there's really not a whole lot to it very very simple process the Perma boot next up let me talk to you about this product I got a chance to go out to California uh and meet these guys I did a video for them I don't know a year or more ago at my house uh this is Eric's manufacturing and this is their Titan outlet and I put these on my house and apparently that video just blew things up for them they got crazy busy and so they brought me out not too long ago to check out their manufacturing operation by the way family owned company the dad actually invented the Titan outlet unfortunately dad's passed away now but the the boys and Mom are still running a great family run operation but this is a pretty cool Innovation now they've got a two-piece version of their Titan outlet so this could be used in a retrofit situation I use the new construction one piece of my house this is a game changer I am really impressed by this product they of course also make a PVC boot for your line set to keep your insulation from going bad over time from the sun's rays but with this two-piece model that you put together on site on an existing HVAC line set and then screw it together man that is really really nice that is impressive now they've gotten busy with this model as well but my understanding is they've ramped up stock I'll put a link in the description below I think every new construction house should have one of these and if you're retrofitting or doing anything to your house on an existing home now you've got a solution from them as well that looks nice is going to seal really well with this gasket and is going to keep your insulation on your Freon lines from degrading over time okay next on on the tool side you saw that my little uh Milwaukee uh screw gun here has a light on it we've been doing that for a long long time but check this out I've never seen this before DeWalt now has a tape measure with a light on it what a genius idea it's got a little USB port right here to charge it internal battery I would hope that battery is going to last for a while but what a great idea how many times have you been in uh dark spots in a closet for measuring base somewhere you can't see super well and now you've got a light to see what that tape measure actually says I can't imagine this is very expensive I don't know the retail price but I do know that these DeWalt tapes have a good reputation for toughness I looked at some reviews online for the non-led version and people absolutely flip for this I've not owned one before but I'm excited to put this in my truck and make this my two my newest tape measure and while we're on tools Crescent sent me a brand new nut driver set called the bolt biter if you've not seen these before these are pretty cool because they have kind of a half moon shaped design so that you can not only use these on a brand new volts But A Worn bolt or a bolt that maybe has been slightly stripped this will still bite on it that is pretty cool I think this is a great addition to your tool chest and my assumption is these will be on the Shelf very very soon this is the Crescent bolt biter I've got an impact nut driver and extractor set on both a shorty and a long version I personally would put the long versions in my tool case but this one's nice because it's got a bunch of different sizes okay next up from DMF lighting I'm a big fan of DMF they gave us a presentation in our office about a year ago and I've got my very first project that I'm going now this is brand new from them they've got some real nice modern looking pendants out there but if you're not familiar with the brand I actually was out on the job site with the rep two weeks ago and let's actually cut to the video of the DMF rep talking us through their line hey guys Matt rysinger from the build show I've got Nathan on one of my jobs and and we just installed this H series recessed can system from DMF lighting Nathan I wanted to have you give us a quick rundown between h-series M series and your new X Series can you help us understand the differences h-series is really our value line of recess downlights easy to rough in one-handed install and it's got a lot of features so first thing you might notice it's very minuscule but you've got some of these laser leveling notches here that's nice so this comes into play when you want to get all these things super lined up the other thing you've got is versatility so you've got the bar hanger system then the other version that you've got we've actually got our three inch housing here you've got these little legs that can align on the side of the joist you've got two of those and then installed with the screw so you've got a screw version and a bar hanger this is our screw hanger right here that worked out real nice pretty nice for a value oriented line now talk to me about the modules and the trims that come with that line the first thing you'll notice is you've got a field selectable Lumen switch here okay so you've got 350 lumens 750 lumens and a thousand lumens wow you can see here we've got it set to our thousand Lumen setting and when we dim this module down to about 50 percent you can see the warm dimming curve kick in dims flawlessly down to five percent and the low end Kelvin temperature is 2200 oh wow all right now next up is the M series which definitely looks like there's been some engineering done here you can tell that your founder was an electrician or an installer because look your screws are pre-drilled in here there's no grabbing something out of your pouch you can see in here there are two Wing nuts pre-installed is ready and it gives you over an inch of vertical play that's pretty cool either way we can move this housing later so for your LED modules that we've got here right what you just picked up right now is the adjustable module so if you want a an adjustable module that comes available in the you know in the M Series right and then if you want a fixed module you've also got that as well that's neat so then the only other thing to talk about on M series is the trims so you can see here there it becomes in square and round you've got pinhole options you've got wall wash options you've got lots of different colors you've got clear diffuse warm diffuse this is your X Series correct that's correct so a little bit bigger of a housing but in fact a little bit smaller of a fixture right the smaller you go in the aperture in terms of what the homeowner actually sees the larger housing you have right this is still a single person install we want all of our fixtures to be able to serve be serviced below the ceiling even after finish so there is an aircraft cable that we have you know mechanically engineered into the housing so in order to access that splice box you just pull that aircraft cable and then you've got access into the housing after the drywall gets laid flat this collar just pushes flush against the drywall and then you've got this dust cap and you know small adjuster that you screw flush to the drywall you know the groove teeth eats into it and seats it very nicely then you've got a dust cap to secure the housing for when they come through and paint but after you are finished with rough and you're ready to finish you fish out that quick connect you install the trim see if I can install look at that I could have been a piece of cake then you install your quick connect here and then the entire driver and trim assembly gets fished and pushed through the collar that's pretty cool talk to me about this so at DMF we do have a line of cylinders now the light module is actually the same module that's used in the M series okay you've got both a down light and an up light you can see here on the chassis on the top it's got three little stems here now the way these are engineered if you actually hold that up against the surface up here there's no shadow so this comes in a chord configuration a stem Mount configuration you've got different links I like that and look how easy it is to pop those out change that so you can probably get all kinds of different configurations configurations or looks out of that same fixture and these are available in different colors too that sort of thing absolutely different different colors different finishes Nathan thank you so much for coming out to the job site my pleasure you can learn more about any of this stuff on the website which is dmflighting.com easy enough we'll see you next time next up let me talk about trust core Lydia drywall shorty introduced this to me at the international Builder show I think two years ago and I actually got a chance to use it in my shed just recently if you're not familiar this is a drywall alternative it actually goes up a lot like vinyl siding but they offered in smooth in two different colors they also offered an inversion that turns your wall into a slat wall and I use it in my shed and I gotta say it is a really quick and easy way to get a finished wall that also by the way is going to be waterproof you could even hose it down reminds me a little of agriculture several kind of horse barn horse stall type material that's real rugged we'll take a beating never needs to be painted and goes on really really easily so I got a chance to use that my shell the in my shed the only downside though is it's not an inexpensive product you know it's up there on the cost per square foot range but the beauty of it is install it you're totally done there's no painting there's no fuss and I think it's going to be a really durable product I think it'd be a great choice for a garage especially a garage retrofit or renovation project where you had an old you know 30 40 year old garage that looks crappy it'd be super easy to put this up on a weekend and a relatively uh smart Carpenter could really do this project in a super fast basis there's nothing to it very impressive little product okay next up deck to wall spacers I saw these guys at the jlc show and what a genius product in the past I've used all kinds of things for spacing my deck ledgers off the wall but if you're not familiar uh the reason why we always want to space Our Deck ledgers off is because often when we find in older houses where that deck Ledger is up against the wall if water came down to that deck Ledger we're going to rot the rim board off the house and I've even seen some pictures online of decks that have had failures because of rot in that section so in the past I've used the Stacked pair of washers I'm trying to think what other options I've done in the past but this is glass filled probably propylene totally Crush resistant you're going to put this in the back side of your Ledger they've got some nice little pre-placed screw holes so you can screw these on and then you're going to drill them so that you can actually put your lags or or whatever structural anchors you're going to put on to Anchor that and now you've got that space for both draining and drying remember David nikasher I've talked about this quote a million times if you can't dry it's going to die really important to have that space on the back side of the house I saw these online available for something like two dollars ish a piece and you can buy them in 50 hundred packs I think you might even be able to buy these individually on some places online but that is some really cheap insurance and what a genius little product deck2wall.com is the website for these guys next up another product that I saw at the jlc show uh Jim who is the owner of doorstud if you've not seen this product it looks like a little uh rollerblade carriage for doors and he actually came out to the job site at my house under construction and showed this product to me I don't know two three years ago when I was hanging doors and I gotta say when I was there with Patrick and Jorge and a couple other my Carpenters they immediately said man this would make life so much easier it's basically a little carriage that fits underneath and into your door so that the weight of the door is carried by this door stud tool I guess for lack of a better term you can roll that door around you can micro adjust it for height and you know whether you're doing new construction or let's say you're taking a door slab and fitting that into an existing hole oh my gosh what a change not very expensive total back saver whether you're young Carpenter or an old carpenter I can see you absolutely loving these and having a pair in two they have two different sizes they have a size that'll fit kind of all the kind of standard doors and they have a bigger size that's really made for more commercial and thicker doors and by the way they will make a custom one if you need it I actually have a lot of hidden doors on my jobs that tend to be pretty thick you know inch and three quarter doors that get clad again with a three-quarter material so some of my doors could be two and a half to three and a quarter thick they actually made me a custom uh one of these as well so really good people again family owned business by a smart Carpenter who found a solution for a problem he was having out in the field okay next up on new products Aqua you've seen me use their hose bibs these are those really slick hose bibs here's the website right here that when the flap is down you really have no idea it's a hose bib but the actual mechanism that turns the hose on is attached to your hose it's like an attachment basically so that not only does it look Sleek but it's going to turn the water on inside the wall and be frost free the thing I also like about these is that they're made from stainless steel so they conduct very little heat to the inside compared to let's say a brass silcock but here's what's new from these guys which I really like they have all kinds of mounting block options now if you go to their website we're going to hit Mounting Solutions check this out you can get them in wood and I want to say this might even be teak let's see here yeah teak I mean come on so cool okay so besides the teak though they've got them in stainless steel just bare stainless or a matte black stainless but what I wanted to show you was this right here they've got these mounting boxes both in black and stainless so for instance if you're doing a brick project you want to be able to mount that box to the front of the brick and in the past you might have had to make one out of let's say a press treated block or something but now you can actually buy these stainless ones from them and you're going to match the Box depth to the cladding depth so if you've got a three inch three inch brick let's say with a one inch air gap that means that that thing needs to be four inches off the face of your sheathing or if you're using uh you know let's say a hearty plank siding you could also use these you just use the thinner version and then you could just butt your siding to that and you have this really cool stainless mounting plate which by the way you can see on the photo here has Precision machined holes already tapped so the screws will just Mount right in there how cool is that now they're not inexpensive it's what is 65 bucks let's say but 65 bucks for a mounting plate made out of stainless steel that's pre-machined not bad I mean if you were going to make a mounting block out of uh Cedar let's say you might spend 30 minutes making each mounting block and what's your time worth and you got to go Source the seeder that sort of thing so you can see these aren't inexpensive but man they would be really really slick on a custom home and again when that flap is down on these uh awkwards you really have no idea what this is your your friends walking up don't realize immediately that that's a hose bib so they can be in very public places and look really nice on the house okay last thing I want to mention this is not necessarily a new product but I did a three drywall tips video and I got a bunch of comments from people about uh that saying that they wanted to know what other profiles I've used in the past from trimtex and I wanted to mention that this sample box which I showed I think briefly in the video this is available for you as a builder or a modeler or an architect so that you could actually pull these samples out and go all right need a j bead for my house to do a inexpensive regular detail let's say to separate my steel windows from my drywall or whatever these guys will ship this to you I'll put a link in the description to trimtex they'll give you your catalog they're going to send this in a box they're going to give you all their corner bead options really really good people and they have reps all over the U.S so they can actually meet you out on the job site they met me in my drywall contractor out there the day we got started on my actual house and they're just really really easy to work with so anyways all the stuff we talked about today I'll have a link in the description I'm realizing I forgot one item at the front of the table I totally forgot this I shot a video with the pro fisherman recently where we got a chance to look at his house and one of the things I noticed on his house I feel like I'm noticing a lot and that's this piece right here a missing kick out flashing now I ran across these guys at the jlc show is on my very last day literally in my last few minutes and this is called americanflashings.com they make all these kick out flashings and right hand and left hand in vinyl so they'll be resistant to the sun's Rays they make them in all these colors so you could use this with really a variety of sidings a variety of roofing materials but how cool is that this is the left hand or the right hand model all pre-formed and ready to go and the idea is water running down that wall you know above this is going to be your step flashing water running down that wall is going to hit this this pre-formed kick out Flash and look how far it's kicking out from the wall it's kicking it out three or four inches kicking it right into the gutter I'm not sure if they stock these uh locally for you I suspect they probably have these at the roofing supply house but you can find out more in americanflashings.com with that being said another episode down of new products and new tools if I'm missing something are there something that you guys think I should know about that's a new product or a new tool I'll have our email address that you can email that to us or of course if you got something cool send it to my uh to my office here's our office address as well guys big thanks to you for all your support it was super fun at jlc to run across so many of you that have supported the channel and of course supported our website buildshownetwork.com we've got if you don't know already we've got 12 new videos a week publishing over on buildshownetwork.com I'll have a link in the description for our email newsletter that you can sign up for and my team will send you an email every Tuesday and every Friday because a lot of the stuff that I talked about today you're going to see our contributors using doing teaching on a regular basis we've got civil trades people we've got Builders remodelers we even have one architect shooting videos from The Architects desk this is a really really cool group of people and you should definitely be watching those videos but in the meantime hit that subscribe button below we've got new content here every Tuesday and every Friday follow me on Tick Tock or Instagram otherwise we'll see you next time the build show [Music]
Channel: Matt Risinger
Views: 83,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Matt Risinger, Build Show Network, The Build Show, Build
Id: ahyL8C8BZak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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