Brixton Police Station

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yo hi everybody this is AB yeah just uh arrived here at uh Mary B station says today is where uh I go and collect my uh seized equipment wow two phones and can't remember a battery pack and a a charger I think oh and a camera as well [Music] the next SE is [Music] yeah it's B agressive yeah so yeah my appointment is at 3:00 I just need to find our police station and then yeah see you SEC right so here we are at the brickton police station uh the building looks absolutely awful uh I think I'm uh I'm an hour early I can't remember what time they booked me in was it 2:00 or 3:00 I don't know either way what we going to do I'm just going to order it the place I might as well they bought me here yeah why not Cas you won't be a away of my time it's a little bit windy I am using a a little microphone today yeah so I know I've seen this uh somebody did order this place before it's not the first time I see this [Music] on and yeah what you been eating man car just filthy I'm just going to film inside with when this car goes in yeah so so many people say you should go to Brixton you'll see what's going to happen over there what's got to happen nothing what are you doing hello how are you yeah just filming the can I ask you not to record the back of the police station hey don't do that don't do that no I'm just put my hand up yeah that's just rud you shouldn't be doing that why are you recording the back of the police station because I'm just making a video you shouldn't do that you shouldn't put your hands like that up again no I I don't don't want you you you're restricting me from doing what I'm doing why are you filming an obra it's called asking you a question why why you ask why are you filming the back of the police station to make the video what's the video for just matters of public interest it's what sorry matters of public interest matters of public interest in what sense sorry in what sense he what sense what sense like uh the public like to watch these videos making a video for them okay but why why would they want to see the back of the police station can you see why that might be a security risk for for US security risk are you insecure well if you're going to film the back of our police station if everybody filmed the back of the police station then yeah we could it could pose possible security risks so do you feel insecure or something no I'm asking you I'm I'm telling you that that's why I don't like you yeah I'm asking you are you insecure in general that's nothing to do with this I'm saying it would make the station insecure the station looks very secure to me yes but you filming it and posting it all over online yeah it poses a security risk how because they can see everything inside it if you go to Google you can see everything Google B you can see everything I think you just want an argument I think you just want an argument why don't you just car on ask you to stop filming the back of the police station and I will answer to that no done next time do not approach me in that manner yeah are you recording yeah of course I need to show the number there 3048 thank you are you recording are you recording are you recording officer are you recording I am yes Ma I need to show the number it's 2419 thank you are you recording I'm going to out here are you recording yes you the number 1176 1176 thank you are we done here yeah I'm not being detained or anything no you would T in the first place just asking I know I'm just asking okay but next time try not to abstract me like that again I'm not abstracting you you did you put your hands like that yeah cuz I don't want you to film back Poli station why not I've already explained this we circles now aren we we are going to run Circle anyway uh where was I so yeah I was filming the back of the free station I was going to carry on around see you uh yeah so I'm just gonna got in around there I saw this uh painting on the wall I thought it's quite cool yeah I haven't even picked up my phone yet I'm going to get this one seized imagine that they would seize this one and then I collect the other one that would be funny ow so yeah I'm not sure why they were on a double yellow like this the biking is just terrible now it's really windy this is how I'm going to test this microphone is it working on that that's a little bit worse than the look at that blocking a drive and that one is on a dou terrible is this AB yes my friend are you okay all right how did you know huh how did you know how did I know what how did you know I this is a because I watch it amazing hey your daughter looks beautiful wow how did you know uh yeah so many people say like go to Brixton see what's going to happen people are lovely around here well when I say people I mean people not uh not them uh copies uh yeah so almost there I got about uh I don't know maybe half an hour to kill and go in I get my phon my property back uh you never know they might charge me with something think who knows he wind them up when you when you fil inside like this I don't know why lot of traffic going on here look unhappy look at him they made me unhappy for the day Sunday afternoon here waiting for my phone what the what is that hang on it's just some kind of t-shirt drama what what did you say on that t-shirt no you're not sure were they like protesters or something you don't know sure your face looks familiar my friend you just talking earlier no no I know but still earlier I wanted to say that but you know it looks very familiar hello sir hello how are you yeah what's up SP to don't give me advice yet um I wouldn't take advice no no just explaining huh you're allowed to do that by the way yeah did you hear what he said yeah yeah absolutely I want to take advice sir no you look like 19 years old you're not going to give me advice okay okay no disrespect you know stand to give me advice oh my God hang on a second that will be an obstruction so please don't front of the gate it needs to be something abstracted before you talk about obstruction okay okay but you're more than free to stand and film if I don't need your advice and I don't need you to to approve it you understand so you need to move please don't stand in front of the gate any offic am I speaking in English or Chinese OBU I don't need your advice but you can stand here I don't need your advice and I don't need your approval my God what does he have to approve it like this yeah but surely I look old enough to realize that you know yeah yeah so where he he's like he looks like 19 and he's giving me advice the gate that's it it's like don't stand in front of this car when I'm moving well don't come on man no he just wants to show his authority which he that he doesn't have and he's not going to have it anyway I'm getting bored I know you look familiar your face must have been on YouTube before Ian I'm not that old you do he do look familiar I don't know anyway take care I thought I've seen that guy somewhere before anyway is it time to get my phone back yeah I think it's about [Music] time my stuff every there is fiddling with I think it is yeah that's all my stuff I think you saw me here here's the right PC as well you looking at still doesn't know here here's my [Music] camera you're still looking at it as if he ear this [Music] stuff no it's time to knock on the window he's G that stuff on the desk is mine I'm here to collect it can I just confirm your surname I never gave my surname okay I can confirm that's the PC that took it yeah that's perfect that's why you came in earlier and just explain you yeah can I speak to [Music] him where is he where is he I just saw him a minute ago oh he's gone home now he literally came in just to hand the property and he's just going he didn't have the balls to show his face I want to know what did he do with my stuff that's all sorry no he's literally just had to go home but I just wanted to ask him did he actually fiddle around with my pictures and probably playing with himself what do you think can you call him then can you call him can you call him sorry I just saw him don't lie to me I literally just saw him I saw him just now are you going to call him can you call him please I just saw him a second ago you guys are pathetic not even an apology you even have the ball to sh he's hiding behind that wall sorry guys I wanted to see his face liar so yeah while I'm here I might as well keep filming these idiots don't know if he's deleted any stuff what's going on here look at that rude that bit rude wasn't it Love To See Me That PC again he's leged it I'm a little bit annoyed sorry guys sorry sorry sorry I need to stop that I need to bring it back to so anyway I got my stuff back hello everybody hello what's happening I'm good huh yeah give you what do you want it for all right that's all my stuff uh yeah I guess you all want to see what's in here I need to power it on and boom wo look at all the messages and goodness let's see if he deleted my uh if he deleted anything or not you all dying to watch the video so am I Who coming up next guys coming up next
Channel: Auditing Britain
Views: 219,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: British Police, UK Audits, Auditing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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