Witney Police & Fire Station

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yo hi everybody this is a.b i'm here today in whitney not too far from blenheim palace where the well winston winston churchill was born yeah i'm here outside a fire station as you can see it's pretty cool isn't it so it's uh what time is it now it's about half eight in the evening so i'd like to be anybody in there there's also a police station here i'm just gonna gonna come around the fire department first oh look at that i'm hoping the year we're actually using these for training i guess looks really bad if you can film through there you can't see much to be honest just when you film in the fire department uh i feel kind of comfortable doing that i'm sure if anybody else comes if anybody comes out i'm sure they're not gonna mind but when i film these guys you kind of you start to feel stressed out [Music] and then who are you i'm an officer a police officer yeah who are you oh just present yourself here i didn't just present yourself what do you mean just resent myself can you please officer present yourself okay what are you doing going up to the gate just looking forward looking are you you're not going to present yourself excuse me i need your shoulder number hello you need to present yourself officer might be rude yes it just comes to me i am an officer just i'm supposed to just guess who she is and what she's doing anyway so hello whoa relax people yeah are we happy yeah you can yeah could you give me that lady's shoulder number please sorry could you give me that short lady shoulder number this the officer stood outside what would you like her shoulder number four because she she made contact and i've asked for it she okay sorry go with me go ahead that's him i'm trying to think of it off top of my head i can't remember another beard thank you very much have you got short one under there as well i got a short one so take a couple of steps back take pull down the mask at it see that again about say take a couple steps back how does it look under the mask how does it look my one yeah it's not as big as yours how long do you take it together oh it's taken i'm trying to think um i've been growing it on and off since i was at university so probably slowly over the past three odd years but if i didn't sort of trim it keep it neat probably get this about six months uh yeah it's been a long time recording um just just record your fire station over there okay and then uh just came to record the police station i do like the way she approached with that lady over there but the lady originally yeah yeah sure uh i'll ask her to tell me who she was should i present so if you could get me a shoulder number that'd be amazing okay um i'm not impressed with that flag you're wearing you shouldn't be defending the british flag what's your name that's it's yeah did i ask you can you give me a shoulder number yeah are you involved in a case with her or what uh she she saw me there she approached me she asked me something i said who are you she said i'm an officer i said can i cut here very well she approached me she had contact then i asked her you please have said she said yes yeah i required the shoulder number she just walked away okay what what do you need a shoulder number four to complain about her attitude right okay all right i don't know my shoulder number off the top of my head yeah okay but i'll pass your details off the off camera um as long as you stop recording that's the shoulder number that's what i need yeah and i'll give you ideas i don't need that date of birth or name or anything like that just for something all right that's fine do you vaccinate against the swine flu or something oh no the vaccine is not there is it no can i suppose there's stupid questions that's what we can help you with no no nothing nothing okay all right no that's fine apart from that number yeah i'll follow you to get it i think no i don't know i'm sorry i was thinking of somebody else oh well what are you thinking she's on the team that doesn't work with her she just wants to another one of my colleagues okay yeah you're a person in the street you said you're an officer just give it straight away thank you on request thank you guys yeah have a nice uh evening yeah not bad about it hey there's quite a few of you in there yeah you guys are having a good life man that's the attitude yeah not obviously from here yeah oh i thought you yeah yeah sorry sir i thought you know you had a break and you just had a barbecue then you were going back to work i know i was just about to join the force you expecting a busy night tonight or i think sunday is going to be probably busy sunday yeah yeah yeah are you working sorry you working on sunday unfortunately yeah you're not gonna watch the match um no probably not i mean we're gonna probably go around to the pubs tonight aren't we yeah she looks like she's in for a busy night so you look like you drink yeah need it sometimes until midnight yeah all right all right cool guys thank you generation carry on take care okay there's a rudy over there yeah so that's a whitney police station i don't know something they came out quite heavy and then let me kind of relax a little bit so that's good i wish the fire brigade i can speak to one of them see look at guys look see what heroes look like never never never cry never wins yeah with just seven pictures with a smile maybe out
Channel: Auditing Britain
Views: 165,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Y4GibRjNyAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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