Western States 100 | The Window Seat 008

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[Music] [Applause] you [Music] you know this is one of my favorite weekend of the year without a doubt always feels like a big reunion the main reason I'm going up to LA Valley right now is that I was invited by Craig currently the race director what some states to do a screening of life in a day line film about the watch to fix 100 last year KP Magda and Devin will be there along with John Tran to help me moderate I am NOT however making an official what state film outside of this because you know it's been three years I'll still do some filming here there but not an igneous rock heathered reported ahead I can't tell you how much I love this view always reminds me of that first drive past the tunnel and Yosemite here we are well valley people hey why you PT o do you start something good to see mankind or play ha ha ha I do it oh yes Kelly GoPro it sold out mmm oh my god Callen yeah I see magnet Devin if you would mind coming up and join us up front here [Applause] [Music] super amazing the number one in small valley I was originally supposed to crash in my truck but I ran into Christopher DiMucci and Jenny and they invited me to stay at their big rental so couldn't pass that up screening went really well I just can't wait for the entire day of pre-race festivities tomorrow Amy and I are a little bit lost it's all the snow coverage look at that but we're following people I know it's up there somewhere how much you know oh yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so we're suspending immigrant past the high point of the western states course in the back country there's definitely some snow back here just came off a big ol hunk of snow patch now lots no no guys it's a big part of the backcountry right now Amy and I was like slippin slidin trying to stay upright running through all this whoo we're not saying support team that's for sure but how are you ah oh my god they've got some fight in you Larry no where are we patty on the moon I think tough the past days I think she looks like this you got gravity over there we got 12 feet over here you might drop off we come off the Palisades here and send it [Music] Bobby had to mommy yeah okay son really woof she runs done if he solved very very snowy it's pretty messy in the high country you guys are in for a treat as talented as guys like Walmsley is I just don't see how a course record can happen okay so I am back in the village gonna grab a quick bite and head over to the annual meeting at Olympic Village Vettori both deals here and Dave fell among we're catching up man look crazy great runner his brother will miss two years ago with perhaps the most exciting moment in the history of this race and you have to love a sport where the most exciting moment in the history of race is the last place immature he penetrated as the oldest woman finisher ever with six seconds to spare his back is here to try to explain that was poking Valley Washington I'm here with Matt trap here right look at him get up and look at me haha special project falling soon mom please look at me not working come on feeling not working thank God Angelica what do we get you on camera I'm here I'm trying to keep up with Jim long wait but have you know Jimbo I we both were in Montana about maybe a three or so years ago I was an athlete manager at a like an endurance horse company and all the sunless just like random guy started winning races around Montana and you know everybody in Montana and certain things yeah but he just moved to town and we just started communicating online and then I think we went to we did a road trip to speak thank you I'm tasting Jim from course syllabus River gearing up for that that's the big thing on the day after that'll be for them as much as I can there's no but hey Billy you ready to rock and roll oh yeah yeah come again yeah awesome pirate every day yeah that we barbers no matter what I mean whether the shootin at me or I'm shooting them all I don't know predictions predictions first to first to Robinson j-dub first to Robinson Camille Herron first of course till j-dub first to Forest Hill hey does I know when do we start calling out j-dog look you come from you - thank you look today tomorrow awesome am ready yeah get to sleep hot time oh yeah did looking forward to it's really fun woman whoo there's a there's a bet going that he might drop its first pacer from hey who would that new Mario you're looking at my seven-page before for the 351 in the morning to be precise and it's your space this morning lesson say it's 100 go time yeah good morning good morning I'd be famous everyone [Music] I'm actually feeling pretty good last night was a decent night's sleep night before was terrible but I think all the pieces are in order and should your stable with press go and I shouldn't have to do anything except run so lots of great people lots of great volunteers ready to do job [Applause] satting Sunday I think I think the snow will flow Walmsley down a bit and the ladies of course super competitive field and we have fun day long day but a fun day all right guys I'm here at a Robinson flat justic shuttles up and actually my first time here has a non runner so excited to check out this look big the first big a patient at mile 30 right now it's a little after 8 o'clock course record pace is 9:30 I'm assuming Jim's going to come through any point between now and then be expecting anything doesn't happen without them the 8th station people so 51 some camera time yet predictions it's going to be really hot in the canyons that is my prediction they really were steps and and you ate a Warren Michigan Bluff is going to be a masher I was looking for some pot take now what are you going to tell me next though people plots are going to be for the breeze 121 never again coupe has never gone on camera ever again you're here for Kiki I have our marriage interpretation what is the latest update okay I think her and Magda are running together in second and third place right at Mile 20 for her for my buddy Jason from Portland at the first hunter miler and paid them last four days yes right exactly so this is just like Portland this is just like Portland right here we got everything nice coolers so we get nice underneath you do a knife bandana for the next section to bottle he's going to climb a bottle and then I've got gels and powder inside the pack [Applause] [Music] where [Music] [Music] [Applause] right are you good yeah you can go all right yeah all right guys thank you dr. Harrell I have a dog at it I got a trap thank you yes thank you [Applause] [Applause] call it I forgive you fun someday but I gotta learn heat first my cold waters an eye there you go this one's water that one's rocking or where's the rocking tornado has it okay let's go hot spotting yep I'm Nessa I bet you're rocking [Applause] so you know both Magda and yo just left and they're all family see everybody's doing a little row yeah what you look okay what yeah when I saw them back there I get out the cloud my god oh my god interfaces Nagin jr. yes solid new all solid here yeah but but her face like I know you play well issues call me I'm Vera house Magda doing also pretty well I mind it was my team yeah okay leaving Robinson flat mile 30 you know WOM Z's crushing it as expected but the woman's race is really excited Andreea accuser from Switzerland is leading and then about six plus minutes back we have we had Magda we a tal like second and third and then we had Stephanie and Casey a couple minutes after that so it's shaping up to be a really tight in close race it's probably going to be a lot more carnage than last year they took a lot longer this year than they did last year to get through that point and somebody like Casey didn't look nearly as good yeah [Applause] I had to bring these pills with everybody know what I really don't like Asian oh sure not going in the fire hey man so that's the aid station down there it's a long stretch before you hit the Cal Street at Mile 62 there should be quite a bit a media following him I would imagine what did this madness here's Jim look at this non-tourage so there you go Jim left Michigan Bluff about an hour ago and he's leaving for still about an hour later wombly did not look too hot coming through here this year compared to last year last year he was flying and putting on a show that you're apparently he threw up as soon as he got to the crew [Applause] [Music] [Applause] goodbye Marco I guess back is back on baby race man we're in here Chinese got four yards [Applause] kikuchi just rolled in here right after Christmas Christmas balance both want they may be killing it but the middle of the m10 real exciting [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right yeah just like that really fast okay that's like right in there watch that girl be like okay thank you something while we're talking it's unlikely that he owes like right behind creepy [Music] so right there cat yeah deal yeah all right return to the Cal treat holy crap uh hold on oh yeah whoo you guys seeing this how are you good good to see ya it's hard to read with somebody lucky yo cuz I've seen a race before and she's just like has her game face on cat obvious ideas and great spirits she closed I mean I think yo had like six least six minutes on if we got Michigan bluffin cat made up a lot of ground like she literally pulled up right after yo [Music] [Applause] go get her forget that sir pay for Fernando he's going to take Magda all the way the race has officially begun go get a girl that made me feel happy right now after her here last year like I regardless the plate man I just want her to have a good day she seemed happy and that made me happy a JW Eric trans talked about the day what's going on boys the story today is I think the high country took a huge toll on agree.i I think this red stardom start to read star ridge was just rough and brutal and it wasn't just smell it was a shrapnel on the trail and all and indicating and and and people having to just time out at Red Star Ridge yeah I mean look poor guys the red star didn't even have trucks to take people out right so I think that's that's a huge story that the carnage in the high country the worst it doesn't times are going to be flow or Deena I'm going to say it's going to be 60% ministers rate at this and they're going to say plenty of money on silver buckles but another story is Casey hasn't arrived here yet and that's sad but you know she may be regrouping [Applause] what can come into a while [Applause] hi staff I love that I love that you're winning right now girl sorry for the lack of updates on this camera but I've been mostly live streaming me the woman's raise and loulou's intent yo Lankan sir for still and first cat rally pulls up like a minute and a half later leaves first and the neo catches back up to her Magna comes through few minutes later Katie's nowhere to be found and then we wait and we wait and we wait and she finally comes I mean it was just like a bedlam of activity and now I am trying to find drivers slide she go down to the river so let me focus on that what an incredible day I heard like Ryan sands took over the lead now from Jim Walmsley just as we're raisi we got I need to rehydrate and focus on where I'm going archives come on the rocky Chucky flood and long fees dropped I think keeps walking back with the crew stomach myself you're alive alright alright you're gonna stay down today did what you could yeah Jericho yeah give it a go hello ah there's fun until 11:00 yeah yeah hey Jim can I get you to know are we here for metaphors here he had a good stretch to the third like five miles after Forest Hill we yeah like going to get rhythm he was feeling good again I was getting stuck in my next vacation thanks Roland out there [Applause] hypoxemic yeah waterfall live yep l agree that that bullfighter in my head I had lots of good know [Music] [Applause] hold on for here Ronnie the great yeah hey man yeah good news for him by that man that's gross yeah thank you sir you guys are awesome [Applause] oh yeah 31 half yes sir I think I know Jessie you're Pro okay this is my life right now my 97 weapon stage movie people do start dancing to Carlos Santana on no interest [Music] [Applause] yeah super proud of you Magda way to battle out there enjoy the finish thank you I will I'm going to make it this here yeah you're Argentum so proud of you Bobby Dilley go girl finally here plots are high can't tell you how incredibly stoked I am for Magda after the year she had last year to be able to round this track in second place is going to be amazing great job Magda and great job cat see you guys soon ask one and after every one dad [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so proud of her [Music] so cool great job Tyga [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] run a very smart race get out I tried hard sometimes one wasn't finish what yeah they told me it's up to you to bring this quantitation from that one to the next one we were I mean watch the data but I'm pretty sure we're in low service you're really running right take tonight with any time yeah so that was very impressive I am cyclical animal yes I'm gonna round up them he awesome all right that is a wrap for me at the western states 100 I am going to find someplace to sleep and then I'm going to make the long drive back home thank you guys for watching I'm tired but it's been a hell of a weekend congratulations to all the finishers I wish I could cheer each and every one of you on the Gaza from Lhasa hein [Music]
Channel: Billy Yang
Views: 219,531
Rating: 4.8836026 out of 5
Keywords: western states 100, magda boulet, cat bradley, jim walmsley, ws100, ultramarathon, ultrarunning, marathon, running, ryan sandes, hoka one one, gu energy, yiou wang, kaci lickteig, the window seat, squaw valley
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 42sec (2022 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2017
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