We're Moving

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hey everyone so we have a few updates we've been super super busy as you can see behind us we have some updates also thank you so much for all of the kind wishes thank you so much with the last video I kind of left you on a cliffhanger but just a couple days afterwards Michael got a ok yes so basically she took the second test and basically she passed so we don't yes she doesn't have to worry about diabetes and then we actually found a house we found an apartment that we're gonna be moving into and today was kind of a moving day we'll actually party day packing day tomorrow is gonna be the actual moving day and then yeah we'll be in our new apartment will show you everything I'll show a video of this place like to be doing an entire video dedicated to the move on the on the main channel so definitely check that out when it comes out but yeah I actually wanted to first of all before we talk about the new house and everything that's going on I kind of wanted to show you some video of some of the places that we did see some of the cool views just because it's such a waste I took like some cool boys you know I took some cool views and I wanted to show you guys so here it is so the first apartment I want to show you is in NACA Megiddo one of our prime target spots because of all the restaurants and shops and the convenience also super close to Shibuya still this spot set out to us because it's right in front of Meguro River which is lined with cherry blossom trees this was actually filmed on February 2nd and you can see we're already wearing masks because of the coronavirus so this apartment was actually two floors with its own private rooftop overlooking my go to river perfect for Hana me and get-togethers just love the view and here's a 360 degree panorama at the end of the day though there was a few things on how the partner was configured but we didn't think it was suitable for raising a baby so we decided to pass on the next apartment was in osaki not a prime spot but five minutes from the station and had an insane 29th floor balcony view it wrapped around the corner of the building and was right above a sucky station right next to Shinagawa station so you can see the Shinkansen trains are passed by the main issue though is you can hear the trains passing frequently and the building was so high and close enough to Haneda Airport where you could hear the rumblings of the planes flying by yeah so on those were the places we saw and but we finally chose this one I'm so happy yeah so I so like a lot of people gave us like gave it especially my cousin static about you know being wanting to move somewhere that's close to the station but like we like Michael stuck to our guns and we're happy we're like we're within five minutes to the station which is great so we'll get into that a little bit later or probably the next video we mentioned that we were doing a baby shower and we actually listed that on Amazon and we've actually got several people that are actually pretty awesome so I think the plan is we'll get all the stuff and we'll do a dedicated video for all the people that have donated to us open everything up and give you thanks to all the people that have been super generous and kind it's like it's pretty cool I actually didn't expect that many people to like you know contribute so helpful yeah there's a lot of stuff that we need to get for the baby you I didn't even know I recently did a research like just before the baby shower I had to like register stuff I didn't even know what yeah so we just been just super busy like the last I guess a couple of weeks with everything trying to get videos out trying to move we like finally got you know got approved you're kind of like sketchy but now we're busy because we are moving we have this like a week or two like really open yeah and so that's how we have to like work really hard to make the video for these two weeks like so working hard and yeah yeah and then just the whole thing with a situation all around the world [Music] I thought Japan was really bad I feel like the world is finally taking it seriously yeah catching him I think in Japan people have taken it seriously since you know January the beginning yeah it is getting worse but like the it's not like nothing to look down or anything but like around the world it is great yeah okay yeah we hope everyone's okay yeah in Japan still like it hasn't been shut down like everyone is still kind of business as not usual but the kind of at a reduced level less people are gonna work working at home still working in shifts yeah we're trying not to go out so much yeah it was it's been interesting you'll see probably in like some videos coming up everyone's wearing masks because we do film some of our videos like maybe couple weeks in advance if not more sometimes so you'll see in like coming videos people are a mess any questions do you saw do you wanna shoot the new babies me a photo oh yes so basically we went to the clinic just yesterday yeah let me show I actually put it up on my Instagram so some of you already saw it but it has this little huge lips yeah it's so weird and a little big nose that's crazy you should make that face no the other way [Laughter] so everything aside from what's going on in the world we're kind of moving forward finally in terms of the house itself it's everything we wanted like I said it's within five minutes to the station it's a two ldk it is close it's more than 70 square meters and we got our island kitchen yeah yeah so we're super excited I'll do like I don't know what do you guys think should we do a video before we move in or should we just wait until Kai can't want to show everyone like the finished product yeah but like so like we ordered some furnitures but like it's arriving at the different timings so you're gonna have like a certain point where like we have like random stuff you ordered a new sofa like for the living room and that's not gonna come until June but I think might be too long to wait for you to wait to show you guys the place it's let's show when everything else is ready except that so fun was so fast the latest that's the main piece though I designed it around the sofas yeah so before all of this like Michael was actually vmd she worked for companies like Tommy Hilfiger it's paid well I do like I do VMV but I also do like furniture so I'm like a little you know like design Tokina so it's actually what I'm fascinated about Oh also don't worry even though we did find an apartment we will still be looking for a house so you want to purchase it you want to renovate it so we want to take you through all of that so after we get moved in settled have the baby then we're gonna continue all the house-hunting stuff so don't worry that doesn't stop we'll show you some more properties but just gonna get the baby make sure I might go safe settled places like good and yeah then we'll continue the house Sunday there wasn't a lot of questions in the last video basically there was just a lot of people concerned about you a lot of people actually just said that you know they're like they have actually experienced it I'm surprised a lot of people yeah and they said that you know don't worry you just need to stop beating combini food well I learned that like you're supposed to work out like after you eat to like lower your sugar or something yeah right so I think I know what to do to like keep it healthier than am eating healthier yeah well I'm a huge be healthy some more moving videos to come show you what this place looks like cuz finally I'm moving out um and then I'll show you a new place and hopefully by then baby should be coming out and then we'll do a baby shower do we do baby showers before I think before they you need to work out we actually haven't worked out how to get this stuff delivered yet we're not yeah we know you're a little bit confused because it said like some purchase I said like already purchased and we're like but then it didn't seem like anyone paid for it or like contributed to it so we were like confused how that works we just appreciate all of the support and yeah it's really cool and we're excited to do a video on that anything else you wanna say about his move I mean look look at all of these boxes this is like all from 35 square meters like this you know the person who was packing our stuff today was telling us how like this is way too much for our space like this this shouldn't be like a comfortable space if you have this much and like it should be like perfect for long ltk a big one ldk so like she was like also like if you guys are moving to tell DK you should be fine you should have my plenty of room alright so that's the update I'll try I will try to get another video out sooner than later thank you guys so much for all the support leave some questions we'll try to answer that in the next video helps with the channel check out the Tokyo merch if you guys want to see more videos like this what's going on in their lives all the move stuff that baby stuff all of that hit that subscribe button and the Bell button and we'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Tokyo Zebra
Views: 186,369
Rating: 4.9529653 out of 5
Keywords: paolo, paolo fromtokyo, tokyo, japan, japan life, living in japan, tokyo life, living in tokyo, japan vlog, tokyo vlog, paolo from tokyo, maiko, paolo & maiko, moving in tokyo, moving, tokyo apartment, annoucement, moving to tokyo, moving to japan, pregnancy update, baby update
Id: Hc3XlqntJPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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