We're Going on a Garden Tour! | Gardening with Creekside

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Hello friends welcome to Gardening with Creekside  we are at a very fun beautiful yard for a special   garden tour before I get any further I mean dear  heavens is this rudbeckia not absolutely stunning   we are at not only a customer's house but a dear  sweet friend's house that we actually installed   this entire backyard in February of 2021.  Travis and Stephanie decided to put in a pool   in their backyard and in that process their entire  backyard was completely destroyed if you have ever   put a pool in your house you understand the ordeal  that ensues with all of those fun activities   so once the pool was starting to get wrapped up  they came to us and they said hey we want you to   completely redo our backyard and landscape it  because this is this space is an area where   their family just comes and relaxes they have  three kiddos they use this space all the time   and they just wanted to create a beautiful  backyard so that is what we did we're going   to take you on a tour to show you all of just  the beauty that is in this space we did install   it creekside nursery installed this february of  2021 travis has maintained the whole thing himself   since then for the last year almost what year and  a half he has maintained this space and has done a   fantastic job so without further ado we are going  to get rolling and do a fantastic garden tour   so literally their entire backyard was  destroyed this is the sidewalk that's   coming off of their driveway this was the main  thoroughfare where all the construction happened   so we just came in here put in a little bit of  a path because you know even though they have   the sidewalk that goes um to the house and the  back porch and the other areas you've always had   that space where you cut through and so i said  travis let's lay down some stone because you   know you're going to have kids and people just  you know traipsing through so let's let's do   that so we did that um one thing that you need to  know about their property is they get water from   everywhere they have a golf course behind them  so they're on the golf course they have to have   these massive drain pipes water drainage they have  i think like it was a crazy number i want to say   almost like 10 on their total property so they've  got one here there's one over there so they're   everywhere so water and erosion was a really big  concern for them so we had to work around that   you will notice this absolutely  gorgeous yard this is zenith excuse me   zenith zoysia we laid down the sod and it is  just is it not beautiful it is a fantastic   hot weather loving grass so here we are august  north carolina the heat and the humidity are just   out the roof and this zoysia is loving life the  reason that travis wanted to do the zenith zoysia   was because we could have it cut and installed  in february march in those cooler temperatures   other zoysias have to be installed when it's  hot and because this whole area was a big huge   mud pit we wanted to go ahead and get it  installed then and he has really loved it it has   just done a fantastic job it has a bit of a a  wider blade to it so for me it reminds me of   fescue which is a cool weather grass but it  is beautiful so the zoysia is doing fantastic   all coming up here between of course they  have neighbors on their left and their right   we landscape this with some fantastic hydrangeas  different shrubs and then up here underneath the   river birches we were putting in we put in two of  the chiffon roses of sharon this is i want to say   the pink yes so this is the pink rose of sharon  to give them some height in here so they are doing   very well we are here first thing in the  morning so the sun is just coming up so these   are fantastic and then some beautiful lace cap  hydrangeas that have um that are you know towards   the end of their bloom cycle really nice so this  will kind of over the years because it's only   been in here for one year so remember with your  shrubs it really takes about three years for you   to see them have their massive growth so imagine  that they have the two roses of sharon there   hydrangeas that'll fill in and they will get to be  about like a three feet by three feet really nice   clearly very happy and healthy because look at  that foliage on these they are nice beautiful   lovely foliage on it there's no you know leaf spot  or any kind of bacterial blight on them very happy   so for the first year in the ground and  it's august they are doing great and   then like travis was saying here the grass is a  little bit more sparse because of the limbs of   of the river birches so as these river birches  go on and they can come in here and limb them   up if they want to if they need to get more sun so  you just that's just one of those things when you   have trees mature trees in your yard there's that  little bit of maintenance every once in a while   you just kind of have to limb things up so travis  and stephanie wanted to have a really big area   for their kiddos to come here and play because  they are in those teenage years and of course you   have friends over and events and you know just  different gatherings right so you need to have   a space where kids can run and play or just come  and hang out so they have this beautiful area of   the lawn so this is the only area that has the  grass in the lawn and then just wrapping around   and it has done really great and really really  nice so we're going to start i think on on the   fence line and then we'll kind of wrap our way  around so they do have a course a fence because   their yard the golf course is right here  and we came in here and wanted to do kind   of a mixed border right lots of interest in here  so we have got some butterfly bushes we've got   both miss violet and miss molly so that  you have the purple and the pink in here   very happy there is did we put irrigation on  this cherry no so this is not on irrigation   so you can see that and then we've got  the perennial the summerific hibiscus   and this is going to be i'm looking at it  i'm trying to remember now who this was   would this be candy crush i want to say this might  be candy crush um it's already been blooming a lot   but got that beautiful bloom on it um lots of  buds still left to go this is a very very happy   plant and she is doing quite nicely tons of buds  on her so we just kind of repeat that of course   then we have the sunshine ligustrums the perennial  grasses they did get a big downpour last night   so like the grasses right now because they're so  heavy once they fluff up and they dry out they'll   pop back up again that would be a patchy rose  so apache rose will get some nice height to them   we put them in groups of three and they are doing  just really nice once they dry out and then coming   on over here to this part of the yard one of the  big problems we talked about with the erosion   is because of the golf course and the golf course  is higher and has kind of you know that slope on   it it comes down and this spot is where tons  of water comes off of the golf course and so   what we did is basically put in a dry creek right  so we came in with the beautiful river rock the   decorative river rock we started here and we  just had to fill this area in because you can see   you know on the other side of the fence that  there's just there's no grass there it's just   the quote mud because of the water control  so it comes in and then because travis knew   how the water flowed we were able to come in  and take this dry creek bed all the way down   their side yard and then there is one of those one  more of those big drain pipes um grates at the end   of this at the base of this so it was really fun  you had a challenging situation of all the water   running through here but it's great because  you can create beds right so we said okay so   one side of the of the dry creek bed is going  to be a bed we're dancing with the sun here   it's going to be a bed and then we're  going to have you know the other bed   on the other side you can see the sun is  coming up it gets lots of sun right here and so   we've got a really fun assortment again here we  have limelights look at this they are doing great   again lots of water on them they are just slightly  downturned and that's okay just that little bit   is all right so you can shake it off they'll  pop back up and they'll be fine so we've got   three limelights dotted down through here we  did another rose of sharon but we did the white   rose of sharon this time the chiffon white we have  chiffon pink over there we have chiffon white here   so those are dotted kind of down there as  well look how big this one is my goodness   this is a happy plant look at that so we've got  those in there and then in the front because we   want to have some evergreens in here so we  did the laura pedulums and then these are   fire chiefs right jer yes so these are fire cheese  really i mean like look at that shrub so much fun   fire chiefs are a great evergreen plant you  can see how they had that perfectly nice   natural mound to them in the winter time they  will take on a much more of that bronzy copper   look even in the summer their little tips are that  color and then in the winter it's almost like a   comp complete copper bronze color so those are  really fun and then of course the lore petulums   down through here as well and then we did install  some of the um re-blooming azaleas so this was yes either it's either um we think it's autumn  fires either autumn fire autumn bonfire um so   they are putting on some blooms right now when  you have your azaleas sometimes it can be a little   hard to you know when they're first getting  established that's where your holly tone can   come in really helpful and just getting  that fertilizer in but when you can see   we have the when we were doing the dry creek bed  we came in kind of with that medium rock and then   we had some bigger pieces that we put in here as  well to try to kind of slow down the water so it   gives that also that kind of more of a natural  look because a creek bank doesn't have only one   size rock right it has multiple sizes so we kind  of put bigger pieces in here to kind of slow down   the water give it a little bit more of a natural  look and then it just comes on down right the   grate is like right where jerry is standing now  let's talk about this bed so while we're here   we'll start here and then we'll work our way back  around so this bed is a kind of a i say relatively   narrow bed because you've got of course the creek  bank creek bed and then you have the pool deck   i wanted to repeat a lot of those same colors so  here we have the rudbeckia we have it you know of   course at the gate you have it here and then we  have it in another section and right now i mean   this is just spectacular we came here and i told  you it's like i need more of this plant in my   life because it's the perfect plant for this time  of year because you know maybe other things are   looking a little sad they're looking a little  tired and then these babies come in and shine   this is goldstrom just gorgeous absolutely  stunning on the very end we do have also   repeated in the in the whole garden itself some  dianthus and so this is paint the town fancy   and paint the town fancy is wonderful because  it is low right so you have this beautiful   evergreen mound and we put a good number of  them in here so go ahead and put them in here   over time and then they have spread these will  spread and make a carpet so this whole area   will be filled their main show of course is in  the spring they are you know putting on blooms   now but it's just a nice way to kind of transition  from a low up to a high with the rudbeckia right   here and the butterflies absolutely love this  garden so i'm looking at a butterfly she's on the   rosa sharon earlier she was on here and of course  the rudbeckia is great for your pollinators   it is wet it's early in the morning but they're  starting to wake up and we've got little   little bees all over these plants so just a  wonderful wonderful addition coming up here   we did the pugster amethyst so a nice  short butterfly bush they did lose one   that's to be expected when you put in a massive  landscape like this you're gonna have a plant   here or there that doesn't make it and that's okay  we just you know you course correct and you fix it   not a problem so coming on up here um can we just  talk about these grasses just for a hot second   are these not gorgeous this is desert plains and  holy cow they are some very very happy grasses   this is about some of the best desert plains  i have seen in a long time in the landscape   so they clearly love this spot so if you're  doing a landscape right even your landscape   and you find that maybe when you put something  in you're going to have areas especially when   it's like brand new that you think a plant is  going to do great maybe it doesn't do really   good for example let's say just pretend that  the butterfly bushes really don't do well here   but then you've got these grasses that do  so maybe just take the butterfly bushes out   move them somewhere else and put in more grasses  so you have to constantly be that student of your   garden and figure out what's going on this area  is an absolutely gorgeous spot i love this spot um   right beside where jerry is he's going  to show you in just a minute there is a   hot tub so travis and stephanie have a hot tub  and i don't know about you but if i'm relaxing   in a hot tub the last thing i want is to have my  sweet folks who are golfing to be looking down   straight into the hot tub and to see what's  going on a little privacy is a good thing   so we planned this spot to give them evergreen  privacy for the hot tub and we kept it really   simple sunshine lingustrums and a blue atlas  this is a horseman and it is a dwarf horseman   and that's all we did this is an again a very very  happy tree very happy spot for all of these plants   so we put the hortsman pretty much we you kind of  had to figure out what was the center of the bed   put it here and just filled in all the areas  with these sunshine ligustrums and they   are just spectacular because they get all  this sun they are that gorgeous chartreuse   yellow color and just make a huge pop against the  desert plains and the hortsmen and then coming   on down here again we needed to give a little  bit of privacy because the pool is right here   and so what we did is we kept it really simple we  came through with sprinter boxwoods notice that we   didn't do the sprinters in a straight line we kind  of offset them a little bit to give a little bit   of a staggered effect so we have the sprinter  box woods again very happy we put these in as   three gallons a year ago and they have more than  like doubled in size and then we did the denim   and lace russian sage and it is beautiful and very  happy yes it's a little whimsical rain last night   the wind will come through because we are kind  of down in a hole a little bit but travis is   just loving this i think it's a beautiful addition  it softens up the edge of the pool the pollinators   are all over it they love it but if you're  with pollinators and you understand pollinators   they don't care about you they're more  interested in the plant than they are you   so even though this is right on the edge of the  pool that does not bother them but these are just   gorgeous gorgeous plants color contrast between  that silvery blue green color of the russian sage   and the deep dark color of the sprinters was a  really really nice addition so i was really happy   to see how well they're doing and then stephanie's  popped in some bulbs that she had in here so   that's another great thing is you have this area  between the sprinters and the grass that's an open   an open bed so you have lots of freedom to come in  here stephanie has lots of freedom travis to come   in here and put something in here if they want  to if they don't want to then that's perfectly   fine because i imagine that the kids are you know  walking through here getting on the ledge jumping   off back and forth so maybe they will leave it  open not a problem and then coming back down   through here is more of those gorgeous rudbeckia  so this was definitely a huge problem concern   area during construction so when we were here  imagine everything you see was bare soil right   i mean it was north carolina's finest red clay  and if you'll notice right here we have the land   and then right here at the pool there is this  is where they come into the pool and right here   if you have any kind of water run off it's going  to come right here and go straight into the pool   so we do not want to fill up this gorgeous pool  full of red clay that's why we did the grass   nice thick zoysia grass coming in here with the  flower bed putting in these shrubs putting in the   decorative stone around here to kind of slow any  water nice thick mulch again absorbs water slows   it down and then we have more of the river rock  that comes in and you'll notice last night they   got good rain there's nothing here there is no  soil soil there is no red clay so that stopped   any of the wash coming down into the pool so we've  got the landscape and then we brought in more of   the decorative river rock right here i believe  there is a french drain here right there jerry   i i think there is i think when they were putting  in i may be wrong on that but i do want to say   that when they were doing the construction  that they put in a french drain right here   and there is yet another uh drain box down here  but just look at this is this not spectacular   so in three locations in this backyard they  have massive sections of this rudbeckia pick   any plant you want right but when you  have the same plant repeated in multiple   areas of the garden that's huge pops of color  it just ties it all in this is stunning so don't   be surprised if jenny creates more areas in her  yard with some rudbeckia because it is gorgeous   when travis and stephanie put in their pool they  were very smart and they also had a pergola a   sitting area put in right here so we're standing  underneath the pergola but i just wanted to show   you their view when they are sitting here they've  got great chairs and couches and a wonderful table   so they can come and eat and this is what they see  and is that just not beautiful not only because   when travis and i were planning this together you  know you talk about it and you figure out you know   what what do you like what do you not like what's  the look you're going for so you go back and forth   and you're figuring out which plants to use but  it's one thing for us to install the plants right   it's another thing for the homeowner to maintain  it over a year later this is his work he has done   this and it is just an absolutely beautiful view  i mean who would not want this in their backyard   is this is your little oasis that you can come  hang out with your family and your friends it is just gorgeous it is spectacular i love all  the colors and the different textures so nice i   see hummingbirds back there so there's  hummingbirds there's butterflies such a   wonderful little spot they also have an outdoor  kitchen right here so they use this area a ton   so they've got a grill they've got fridge they've  got everything out here and then up against the   house we didn't do a whole lot of landscaping  up against the house because they already had   existing landscaping up there what we did was just  kind of help them i think because originally maybe   this was maybe was grass back in here and it was  kind of a weird spot if i'm remembering correctly   so we decided that this is all going to be mulch  um just keep it natural that way that as the   years go on they want to add more plants in they  can do that and then there's yet another drain   down here below the the chairs and so we  decided to go ahead and fill this area in   with that same river rock because it was just such  a problem so in this environment in this backyard   erosion full hot sun were there two biggest  challenges and so knowing that and you have to   kind of problem solve we always talk about problem  solving with you know in your landscape right   so be problem solved what are plants that love  it hot and dry russian sage does great sunshine   ligustrum gorgeous color how are we going to deal  with the water well let's not fight it you're not   going to stop the water so let's direct it tell  it where to go and make it really pretty and add   that kind of that hardscape architectural interest  to their yard and it's just a beautiful addition   so we're going to try to do a little bit more  of these garden tours on different aspects right   we did ronnie and amber where they're brand  new gardeners and they took just really push   themselves and went out there and did a whole  you know the front of their yard the front of   their house and did a great job and now we  come to travis and stephanie's house where   it's been in for over a year  they've maintained it it is gorgeous   so it's just so much fun to get out there visit  other gardens um talk to your friends go on   garden tours lots of fun botanical gardens you  name it just get out there you will be inspired   you will find some wonderful plants and if not  the specific plant the look right that you want   to incorporate into your yard so a huge thank  you to travis and stephanie for letting us come   kind of come into their backyard first thing  in the morning stay tuned because we're going   to have some fantastic drone shots jerry's  going to get the drone out to show it to   you in the big picture big perspective of how  everything looks as always thanks so much for   gardening with creekside you all have a great  day and we'll see in the next video bye friends you
Channel: Gardening with Creekside
Views: 35,921
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Keywords: gardening with creekside, creekside nursery, pollinator garden, garden tour, plant nursery business, Plant Nursery, gardening 101, Nursery Tour, horticulture, charlotte nc, hardscape, proven winners plants, garden answer, plant shopping, plant haul, southern living plant collection, zone 7b gardening, little lime hydrangea, proven winners, zone 7b, houseplants in winter, gardening, houseplant shopping, houseplant haul, plant shopping vlog, shrubs, sempervivum, chick charms
Id: 3g0Jjrfmejg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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