WELL...We Found BIG Problems with Wrecked Ford Raptor

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my god guys this is the moment of truth this is like the big moment you've all been waiting for we're actually gonna try to set it down on the new frame now let me just say I have some bad news and I've got some good news good news is we are back to the Raptor finally though there has not been a video on the Raptor in a while and there's a good reason for that we have pulled off the impossible now if you did not know our Raptor is severely wrecked and I mean severely and there's a lot of damage on it but somehow we managed to find evening more damage how did we do that I can swear miracle workers don't but don't foot Dumbo dog you know we've got stuff straying everywhere over there and the cab is over there what could be so bad about this Raptor that you saying you found hidden damage did you finally see the crack in the frame well needless to say we saw that to begin with but we found a crack where a crack was not supposed to be does that sound wrong it does alright come here let me show you anybody I question we can already see the problem you're having here there's no track on this frame but that is not the problem we have now we also knew about our custom we bent frame there that that is very very bad now that is the front differential which if you did not know is not supposed to have a big-ass crack in the side of it Dom knows everything about big ass cracks but this one here has cracked a little more than we would normally like it means we can't reuse it we can't just put it over on that frame and put some eight RTV on and seal it up and call today trust me I was gonna try it but my brother said that that was not the correct way to do it you've been trying to find a front differential for this truck on top of all that this has a special option for for ten gears in it which makes a different front diff than regular Raptors in the regular f-150 so obviously for to shut down they are not selling parts right now because their factories are currently being used to make ventilators and Detroit so they're not selling this differential so I looked high i looked low I looked under every Rock I could find to find a front diff and I did it I pulled off the impossible and I found one now the problem is we just got to take everything out of that front differential and put into our new one all right let me see if I can find it I got it around here somewhere it's in a box a little more gentle hopefully it wasn't very fragile that one over there was just a little bit too fragile it couldn't handle trees and stuff hopefully this one here can handle Weston not much can handle Weston but hopefully this one can now here is a bright and shiny new front differential look at it and this one here has a really nice option that we really like and if you look at this side here you see there ain't no big ass crap inside of this one this one here is actually old one piece so all we've got to do is take all the gears seals bearings everything out of that front different so anyway all we got to do is take all of the parts out of that front differential there put it in this front differential and then we can put this front diff into that frame rail beyonce is calling me I gotta find my phone my new hat god damn it Bobby guys it's gonna be a little bit more work but you don't make me feel butters if you guys would smash that subscribe button or let me touch it I would really appreciate that now I think we're going to go ahead and start pulling off the rear axle and get it moved over to the new frame and then after we do that we'll go ahead and start on the front suspension and start pulling it apart and we'll get the front diff pulled out and then put all the gears into our new front death let's do it to it you're supposed to look at the rear end now look at me what are you doing so I know you've used one of these every night when you get your woman in bed how do I use this neck that [ __ ] I just pulled on that thing forever this shock keep hitting right here so I'm just gonna do this Weston you might set that down just a hair this thing only knows big hairs so hold on hold on this is like we're driving a horse a little bit more that is teamwork I've got my best friend Dominator to help me well that was a very anti-climatic but the back of the frame is officially setting on the rear suspension should we should we do it on earth should we test out the push stick got that is step [Music] that's different we did not have a problem it's just this is how this frame is supposed to be compared to get this jacked up for a look but to be fair when it Valley knocked the front def out so it's actually a win in my total only hurts a little bit alright now if she's on the side head be out there if you help out it gets Joey it just look like you had a big metal ball sack my name is John Wayne so what we're gonna go ahead and do is this is our old differe viously the one that has the giant ass crack in the side of it and this is the new one so we're gonna go ahead and take all the gears everything out of this one and start putting it into this one that way it's late it's dark right now but if we need any parts any seals anything like that we can get them order tomorrow or if Ford can get them to us we can at least try to find them other places so let's go ahead and get started and tearing this apart [Music] we did actually end up messing up one of these bearings and we had to pry on it a little bit more than I like to but this whole case was twisted from where it was cracked and we could not get the gear set out without prying on it a little so we need to get a new set of bearings for it while we're here we might as well reseal it and everything I guess we'll be back with you tomorrow and we're gonna go try to find some bearings and some seals in idle internet anyway I'll see you guys tomorrow right Dominator back out here working on our Ford Raptor now let me just say it has been a couple days since we've been here because we had to go pray to the Ford part gods so let me show you what I've got now first off we've got a cardboard box it's a very special one it says recycle on the bottom and it says forward on the side what is this that's a canister we don't need that right now then we got another four box look at that says forward on it as well and then we've got a box full of gears and spider bearings and all kinds of cool stuff to go in our front diff so let's get in here and open these boxes and see what we got now this here's the driver's side knuckle for our after because this hole that the top ball joint goes into was a little oval down what I mean by oval see how this one's round ours is round it gets like this it's not very it's not very round it's more over like so we had to get into one of these which this here was expensive and I know it hurt just saying it but anyway all of the stuff that we need to take and rebuild this front differential so this will pretty much be like a brand new front diff going into the wrap [Music] dah last year we had Epstein didn't kill himself now what we have karabast [Music] Baskin Baskin Tyrell Baskin she ate her Tigers and she hated the lemon wait what happened to batgirl Baskin yep he whacked him all right guys it is official this front diff is officially put together and look at it no massive crack down the side of it everything is put together the RTV is drawing on right now so we haven't put no gear oil in it yet but we'll let that dry overnight before we begin it but that doesn't mean we can't put it in so we're gonna go ahead and do now is go ahead and slap this I have your puppy here into her new home all right dome are you ready Freddy oh you're not ready I guess I'll wait until DOM is ready then are you ready now now yep okay awesome let's do it [Music] daaamn it looks like you've got dirty sure hats it looks like I've got dirty - I've just got a dark blue shirt on so you can't tell as much but let me give you guys a little bit of an update on what we've got done so far now we've got the front dip into the frame I know look at it the upper control arms are bolted up and also look we've actually got a way to steer this magnificent beast now I guess we will pick you guys up tomorrow and get back to work on this you know the thing about it it's for them tomorrow is like two seconds for us it's a long time like two hours [Music] guys it has been a couple days since we've been working on there wrapped in let me tell you I have been back and forth though Riley's and the part stores so many times that the O'Reilly guys just decided to come help me so let me go show you what we've got done on the Raptor frame so far as you can tell we've actually got a suspension on this frame so let me show you we got our new Weston approved and Weston built or excuse me Weston and Dom built front end put in we got the steering put on we got the suspension on that side and that side surprisingly I know we put it on both sides to be fair it didn't drive that good when it was three-wheeled the last time so we figured we'd bob we better do it good and do it four wheels and now we can start by putting the engine and the transmission the transfer case back in and then it's almost done all we got to do is fuel tank other stuff and then take it over there and slide it underneath the frame excuse me slide it underneath the cab and get it back bolted together alright let's get it done this is the moment of truth we're finally gonna see if we can get this engine the transmission a transfer case back in this back of the frame this is the moment you've all been waiting for isn't that right except for I guess maybe putting the cab on or driving it yeah there's a lot of moments that's coming up but this is the first moment so this is the one that where it's really important I guess it's the second moment isn't because we the first moment said never mind alright this is a moment go ahead get the lift induction system walk now we now we move the chain since the last primal lift is it so hopefully nobody has to ride it like a bowl like we did last time I tried to avoid it but we all knew you want to see me ride this one last box [Music] first type the guys is in there and hold it [Music] are you ready guys let's go in here oh well that's all right we didn't mean to hit that [Music] so our hoist isn't quite long enough for us to set the EcoBoost all the way into the frame so what we're going to do now is we got this voice that's like 300 years old that's in the shop and hopefully it's strong enough and we don't pull the building down on top of this yeah Benjamin Franklin used this lift all the time anyway so what we're gonna do is we're going to wrap that chain back around hook up the big hook of Destiny and then start lifting and then once we get a lift it up we'll just roll the frame forward I set it in there right as you might not believe it but it is true the EcoBoost is officially expertly catalogued itself into the Raptor frame the motor mounts lined up and let me just say after a couple minor adjustments and us just gently persuading this engine in we finally got to sit in there and it's sitting there absolutely perfect the transmissions lined up both the motor mounts are lined up and all we got to do is start bolting it down now the first thing we need to do is this frame right here we need to get this out of here because once we get all this done we need to get this frame over there and this one's in the way so that means we've got to go get my favorite tool ever that I've ever had getting ready get pretty wild here in Kansas but uh you know we are severely low on lawn chairs to watch the tornados so we're kind of in a bad situation at the moment by this direction so big because when you are trying to drive things as awesome as for Raptors you don't want some puny shaft breaking on you how many my shot Dom I won ten diesel chefs today you got to figure out and go this way and then we got to sign it this way don't we push it in [Music] question what were you doing I'm taking my fuel tank for a walk what's it look like I'm doing [Music] boonies weight-training I've got gas tank training now I'm holding this side up hey you got take this off for you to actually see me I hope you know that everything is officially in this frame for it to go underneath the cab including Weston Weston is in it yeah I mean this thing is good Abraham Lincoln himself would want to drive this he would drive this through the Battle of Gettysburg show everybody who's boss and he would you know rapture it all up anyway I guess I got to figure out how I'm gonna get out of here and then we're gonna push it over there underneath the cab and you might not even believe me but we're gonna try to put the cab back on I know we're probably gonna end up dropping it but we're gonna try [Laughter] without the gear on bottom look at it I might walk the hell out my [ __ ] sweats don't you think that was empty you look here okay it's like in straight lines with on the cross [Music] my god guys this is the moment of truth this is like the big moment you've all been waiting for we're actually gonna try to set it down on the new frame [Music] the cab is officially down on the rapture all we got left to do is hook it up and fix the front end and put the bolts in anyway I don't worry about that today but if you guys have hit that subscribe button the notifications on I really appreciate it unless you already have an if so thank you and follow me over on Instagram Westin GW on Instagram and you know what I'll see you guys next time bye bye say bye Oh
Channel: Westen Champlin
Views: 975,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raptor, ford raptor, wrecked raptor rebuild, wrecked ford raptor, ford, eco boost, boost, 3.6l v6 straight pipe, westen, westen champlin, offroading, jumping a ford raptor, raptor jump gone bad, raptors jump view
Id: EDcalrdrrTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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