Everything Wrong with $10,000 Wrecked 2017 Mustang GT

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in today's episode I wrestle around with a bumper and we find out some really bad news there need stream to pull well that is not good hey guys welcome back to the channel my name is West and how are you guys doing today through the garage we go I got two guys I got to do it I can't walk past this truck without a we start at once it's awesome donut I just can't help myself that's not what today's video is about we have more foeman's content coming in the future but today we are gonna work on our Mustang active on Instagram lately so any of you guys want more recent updates make sure you follow me over there I post videos and funny stuff whatever I find throughout the rest of the day yeah and vanilla are big vanilla bull he's on Instagram too he's he's happy about it he's he's excited about the situation here we are my garage with my Mustang you know what's more valuable than this Mustang knowledge the knowledge that you probably shouldn't buy this car so here we are back working on our custom Mustang and you might be wondering what's custom about it it's custom ly dented is what it is but we're gonna fix that today maybe we'll uncover some bad things but I hopefully I'm just hoping to find a big old pile of gold underneath all this junk we're gonna take pull off all the parts that are broken figure out what kind of parts we need to put this thing back together and get to ordering let's get started this is where we're going to uncover if our radiators toast of our AC condensers toast any of that stuff now I do know we do have a couple problems up here radiator supports bent things like that but let's pull it off and see if I like the presidential turkey or if I'm gonna get slaughtered I want to be presidential turkey I'm hoping for that do you how likely it is to be a presidential turkey how many turkeys are there there's like three million slaughtered on more than that I imagine there's one presidential turkey so you're telling me there's a chance yeah there's a chance let's get to it how about okay let's just let's get to this let's get to do it so it was mentioned in the comments last time that people was worried about is the engine knocking no the engines not knocking when we got it off the trailer I guess the body twisted or something and the main crank boy is hit in the bottom of the radiator so that's what that noise was if yous hearing that there's nothing wrong with the engine just one of the boys is hitting the radiator support so we're good there's nothing wrong with the engine we're good hopefully maybe I shouldn't speak to something but I hope it's just a pulley head in the radiator support all right a presidential Turkey thanks for the camera you all I need to go grab a big tool so when do we start doing our timeline I'm still here I fit now super speed engaged and then it goes to time up I think I'll just leave that part in so you look silly and then I'll engage it dammit is running photo today what got super slow-motion lessons like I've got a very particular set of skills and a very particular set of tools I promise you I will find you I will see you and I will unclip you [Laughter] [Music] hey be careful that headlights expensive I guess you've got a point I'm an expert at messing things up it never ends Oh victory I think there's more to do damn we're gonna make a big mess melons like orange juice I don't know if I contain most of it or not in this radiator might not be junk it is kind of twisted up but hey maybe we can straighten that back out and use it how will this by anywhere did it it ain't that bad let's see what we got here Wow a transmission cooler that they're in each Street nipple well that is not good what's that so we got all the front pulled off this car and we revealed something kind of ugly Oh know exactly why it's doing it yet but some of you that talked about this car making a weird noise I noticed it too and I was just hoping that one of the boys was hitting the radiator support now it's hitting the frame of the car right there with a sway bar mounts up so I don't know that's not good at all I guess we need to jack up the car look the hopefully it's just the motor mounts broke and that the motors sitting down because I do notice them this side the motor is down a little bit further hopefully it's off from the frame being bent or that cradle being Brett or broke or something hopefully just a motor mount so I guess let's try to put a jack under and see what we can see this is it's the next day today we're gonna see what we need to do to get this Mustang fit now my director told me to make an entrance so I made a hell of one I think I hurt my toe I hurt my foot but it's not as hurt as bad as this Mustang is today we need to figure out exactly what we need to get ordered to fix this car and exactly what this damage is down here we do have a couple more things to pull off but I really don't need to pull the air and take off right now but I will pull that off we might as well pull the hood off so don't hit me and give me a bruise on my forearm again it's just some other small stuff but I've got pretty much everything I need to get pulled off pulled off just to see what I need as far as parts wise goes so we're just evaluating the damage on this car and trying to make a list on the parts we need now obviously before we start putting this thing back together we're gonna have to straighten out that pillar where the stretched our mounts up we are gonna fix that don't worry about that we did find a little bit of unexpected damage last night and to be truthful I pulled the jack out and I was so tired and I wouldn't even really feel like messing with it so I just went home took a mat today we're going to take and try to Jack the car up get anything see what's wrong with it now what's happening is our ultimate employee is hitting our sway bar mount and also our engines kind of tilted it a little bit to the driver's side so what I'm hoping is the motor mounts and the cradle in this car designed to break on an impact that way the motor goes underneath the car and a motor mount band broke not that big a deal but if the cradles broke we got to take the whole engine out of the car and then it's just a bunch of work now we can fix it but I'm hoping it's just a motor mount cross my fingers and hope for all so let's Jack it up grab a creeper and get underneath there now before we get it underneath the car and see exactly what's going on there let's explain to you the rest of the things this car needs now it's pretty self-explanatory needs a front bumper it needs a hood and needs a fender underneath that we need to pull this support back out a little bit it's off by about an inch and a half two inches so it's kind of got crinkled up back there but we'll straighten that out I got a buddy with a frame machine we can get that done we also need an upper radiator support we're going to put a radiator in it along with an AC condenser I believe this is our transmission whoo and it's completely fine there's nothing wrong with it I didn't unhook it because I don't wanna put transmission foot everywhere so I'm just gonna leave that the way it is yeah we also got to get all of our air bags in there which I need to see how much the things are gonna be I don't think they'll be too bad and I'm looking about ordering this bracket that's tacked welded to the frame right here this is what the headlight bolts to and the front bumper and stuff and also our horns bolt to so I'm gonna have to get a new bracket it's supposed to look like that one over there and it kind of looks like this one over here so we'll get a new good straight one on there and this here I'm not really too worried about this is in front of everything it's still got good structure to it will probably straighten this back out try to pull this bar out a little bit but the main beam along this car than me frame rail is completely straight which is great because the rest of this stuff beside fur right here is just unbolting and bolting on new parts I like doing that a lot better and I do welding and cutting and all that good does so you have enough in cradles broken it's it's not it's not frame damaged it's just we take the motor out unbolt the cradle from the bottom the motor put a new cradle on it and bolt it back in it's just all bolts okay well before we start to jackin this up mister presidential turkey what do you think its motor mounts still kind of a pain but I really don't think it matters we can fix it regardless but I'm hoping it's a motor mount because that's a lot less work than putting a new cradle okay get to jacket you're good at that and you know what everybody said to my other turkeys my other jack sound like two turkeys maybe oh one other thing we gotta do is we gotta get a wheel unless you wanted to stay with the Grandpa bill will be grandpa fied actually our brake calipers not on there either so I don't think that's gonna work all right let's get her in here and see what's wrong with it can't really see much my need flashlights all right well how about good news only the motor mounts broke I think the cradle is fine but this driver-side motor mount is snapped in half which is good because we can put a motor mount on it pretty easily I was going to try to show you guys but it's dark down there and we do have to order a motor mount as well need to get a wheel like we said just some of the front-end parts then we're gonna see if we get this thing on frame machine get this pulled back out straight get this car back together and go to burning rubber we're gonna take it to a professional or we're gonna let Bob work on it well we're going to Bob work on it obviously I mean everybody in the comment section wants to see Bob straighten the frame on this don't they well we could have Bob straighten and then we could take it and see if it straighten yeah alright here's what we'll do guys me and Bob will try to straighten this frame and we'll see how close we get it after we take it to a frame machine see if we got it close enough for it to drive you're anything about it as they don't know if you're serious or not yeah you'll see they don't know if I'm serious or not they don't know if I will really take Bob at straighten this up you guys will see won't you but you know what I see this as an opportunity it's not broken not all this stuff is missing I'm just making more room for turbos and in my book that's a win one last thing before I let you guys go leave a like on this video because that tells YouTube that we're good guys that we make good content and I would really appreciate it you guys are new here obviously you need to hit that subscribe button because we don't want you missing out on the Mustang and we're trying to do a more regular upload schedule so I'm gonna try to get more regular content out but we are working on a another project and we're probably going to release it like in a big 25 or 30 minute episode so I can't tease that to you but I can't tell you we are working on some and it's gonna be neat and we're gonna have that out eventually I'm tired I need a nap and a shower so I'll see you guys tomorrow
Channel: Westen Champlin
Views: 514,221
Rating: 4.9452276 out of 5
Keywords: rebuilding, mustang, mustang gt, rebuilding a wrecked 2017 mustang gt, mustang gt build, rebuilding a mustang, rebuilding a wrecked car, 2017 mustang gt, wrecked, ford, ford mustang, westen, coyote motor, hidden mods, i bought a mustang gt, 500 hp mustang, 5.0 coyote, everything wrong, wrecked mustang
Id: Md8jDHmiA5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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