Well This is Awkward! Only Took 2 Seconds! Sun Goddess Surrounded ( Bloons TD 6)

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impossible you say hard on apocalypse well this is weird normally kind of generally everything's normal except for the balloon speed but what round 163 what the heck are we gonna do here man wow i never see this thing pop up apocalypse dude yes let's go no no no let's not go why would they do that to me what are you why are you kidding me man what the heck am i supposed to do about that all right what do i got i gotta get a mortar i think all right what's the hotkey for mortar i don't know oh i don't have enough time for that all right sniper it is oh he's fighting against the green big plane loads more darts yes no all right big plane all right glue gunner go go go go go soak those balloons all right get some oh my god this is ridiculous man this is just absolutely ridiculous all right sun avatars they're working spam them yes yes yes we are unstoppable now my friends the sun avatar spam has worked for us all right 163 i don't have much money here left but the spam is real i actually started off with the legend of the night here for some reason i don't know if that's helping me out or like it stopped oh crap oh crap what no maybe maybe why is this round so ridiculous why does this exist legend of the night saved my life come on oh that doesn't help their camo balloons face palm pure face palm all right so we need to get this guy really freaking fast well uber fast let's get another avatar but then let's think about what else we want to get here let's go for a quick uh flying fortress here and let's get a nice mortar man i feel like this guy's gonna be clutch for us the biggest one baby let's get up a village though we need some camo detection on these puppies let's boom boom camo detect that crap and then um we got a hundred thousand dollars left let's get something for clean up here let's get the unpopped army and we got 70 grand left still what do we want how about just something to slow down the blues man just a nice little guy right here just in case some crap hits the fan or something like that and we'll re-villagify this guy for some camo detection as well and we're gonna hope that that is of course enough i'll get some primary expertise just to add some extra awesomeness on here and that's gotta be it it's gotta be man this was the most difficult difficultly stupid challenge that i've ever played in my entire life but it looks good i think let's speed it up yay we did it we made it pop the moabs with an underrated cross path hard on deflation okay so we've got crazy fast blooms bubs are a little slower crazy fast for ram or crazy strong ceramics moabs are really strong only around 71 but we only get 12 500 cash okay let's see what we can do here my first thought is just go for the sniper i mean my go-to is usually just going for a fully auto shrapnel shouting sniper and then yeah these ceramics oh okay so we have like a million lives here though oh so we have to pop the moabs so i guess we're gonna try him on strong and see if he can pop these mo ups uh i don't know how many we have to pop here i don't know how many oh we got popped one i don't know how many lies we have to try to save here but overall one down if that's all we need we're good uh no we need to pop a lot more than that probably all of them so this is a really unusual cross path a laser shocking hydra rocket pods i would i would almost never go for this guy but hey maybe it's just the weird enough answer here all right i mean i have to pop every single one of them right or at least most of them said pop all the moabs oh man that's not even close i mean like yeah we did some good damage here but now i don't think the hydro rock powder the dartling gun in general is probably the idea is this easy is that are we allowed on main moab with shrapnel shot put them on strong here let's see if this is gonna work i don't think it's gonna be the quick shot it's gotta be this shrapnel shot here but we have to do a significant amount of damage to make this work like a lot ah going very well so far though uh positioning manned mattering here because the shrapnel does spray through the balloons just keep that in mind so if you guys don't know this is a fantastic upgrade that a lot of people overlook uh as one of the better upgrades in the game i'm thinking that this is the answer positioning might be a thing but looks pretty good overall but uh strapping shot is actually a new change to the game main moab used to have a uh a major problem you only have one mob at a time but now it's trapped and shot you can hit what like six or even eight moabs and we do we survive with one life left every single mob needed to get popped there ridiculous ew 130 if you guys failed on this challenge oh my god oh just around 78. okay we could take it down 37k cash most things normal let's go so before i've played i've looked at all of the towers here and one thing i've noticed is the lack of camo detection there are towers that can pop camos but none of them are full of decamolizers the sub is deactivated or at least the submerged sub the uh shimmer is deactivated and there's a lot of random upgrades here like the village not allowed so we have to figure out how we're going to pop these camos not only the regular ceramics but also the camo ceramic so i'm going to go for a shrapnel shot i'm going to combine that with a with a fully auto rifle i'm also going to go for quite a few juggernauts and when i say quite a few i mean oh my god we're only allowed two towers so it looks like we have to get a robo monkey with ridiculously enough ultravision or maybe even a dark knight or maybe a robo oh with ultravision maybe kind of hopefully and then since we only get one other tower i'm gonna go high on our sniper here because we can get either a main mob or a fully auto rifle or even an elite sniper if we want to uh but no let's not do that let's go for a fully auto rifle with shrapnel shot and let's see what we're gonna do here now if we lose to the original around 78 ceramic rush we know that we cannot beat the end game of round 78 ceramic rush but this is looking pretty good overall not like a guarantee but yeah that looks pretty pretty good pretty pretty good oh crap all right this is a little weirder dark knight but with plasma blasts uh against these ceramics uh hopefully they just go through more layers and overall just ends up being more powerful but if you look at the pop count 2700 30 3100 i mean this guy's not exactly good and the ceramics will still oh my god so close so close i don't like that let me tell you that much i don't like that but oh one thing i got to keep in mind here is i do have this warp uh whether or not that is actually helpful i don't know let's see big ceramic rush i'm just gonna leave him here i think uh if i'm gonna warp him i'm gonna warp him right here let's see let's uh play it out and yeah there we go beautiful use your imagination all right got a lot of likes here 31 ratio okay let's try it out it runs 76 and 77 with a pretty significant significant amount of cash with moabs being extremely strong and balloon speed being kind of fast all right let's try it out okay got a really weird strategy for you guys i'm gonna try to decamolize these guys with my druid of the storm or d regrow if i excuse me and we're gonna try and freeze them all and just see if we can pop all these puppies really nice and easy uh it's going surprisingly interestingly well right now i don't know if i like this but it's kind of working a little bit maybe sort of yeah it takes forever but it's kind of working now the nice thing is we're actually getting cash here so i might even be able to afford my elite defender here uh or if i do i need to like not get metal freeze or something like that and that'll make me survive here but don't forget i've got this this upgrade right here let's see freeze them oh crap we gotta pop bfbs too this is looking more difficult than i thought so i'm trying something a bit more hardcore uh i don't think it's going to work as well because these regen blooms are freaking crazy but i had to give it a shot man well interestingly enough they gave me the balloon master alchemist uh is this gonna like magically somehow be the answer here uh they're all de-regenified by stuff to pop all the balloons so let's just kind of see if this can even take down all these camo balloons it can wow so that could be our solo tower for around 76 and then round 77 we just have to figure out how to pop these moabs that's a pretty good idea pirate lord you say i really don't think this is gonna be it but i mean you never freaking know man we gotta wait for three mobs to get on the screen one two and don't forget our ability goes back faster three oh yeah look at that cool down no way is this really the answer three more oh no oh crap that's not good oh no i guess the question is is spirit of the forest gonna be strong enough to pop all of the moabs that come out and if so how much ownage is gonna happen here spirit of the forest well we can insta kill a couple of these guys one and two while he grows his thorns it is looking pretty good we might be able to pop these moabs i might even be able to just reposition oh yeah oh this is going to be really tight though looks 200 all right let's get let's get double shot here we need to pop these mowers man spike storm you dirty dirty little tower i can't believe that you wanted to come out and play today that one regen balloon was trying to escape here all right so i've got a monkey pirates with double shot this time uh going very well here popping mobs pretty well uh i'm hoping that he can pop a lot of the bfbs otherwise we're probably screwed um you can't tell by the way just in case you were curious uh i can't get power lord with this strategy there we go pop up bfb we're gonna throw out some spike storms i'm not sure if that's a good idea because now we have to pop the bfb layers on all these guys i think i like the spike storm but i also hate the spike storm in so many ways oh my god we're just about losing here too we can only get two hundred dollars with this guy all right spike's warm i guess it's to kill one of these guys it's gonna be close here but again i think it's still gonna be too many moabs too little too late what if i tried two different snipers here um i still just i don't know that this guy's the answer but i just like him you know he's just a really fun tower spirit of the forest i've never got him to actually work on a real challenge here so now what we've got going on is we've got a sniper to hopefully help pop the moabs here at this main mob to slow them down and hopefully the combo is where it's all at we're gonna put both these guys on strong and see if that works out the moab should just automatically pop right now it's about the bfbs and getting those bfbs popped at the same time so all the mobs can kind of pop or i guess one at a time maybe i want him on first here after a second oh baby this will be wild if it works man freaking wild if it works ninja discipline let's get twin guns we're going to be making money here that's the main thing we're actually going to be making money throughout this one and we can pop the moabs oh sticky bombs so much better than those airport starts by a long show all right let's just see if we can first strike here uh i don't want it to hit the wrong thing though is my problem if i do it i want it to be on top of each other oh it doesn't do anything what was the point of the first strike man what was the point of that at all oh my god it's a tower that i never ever ever use maybe bomb blitz bro just like a solo tower here we could even alchemize him if we want and put a little little baby ice tower right here permafrost him okay let's see oh he owns the balloons i think oh he's rejetting them though oh crap oh what all right let's give it a shot de-regen them and then pop them with the blue crush uh blue blue trap maybe with an extra extra large trap drop uh okay that's so far going decently well surprisingly come on little engineer i know you want to suck them all up all right we made a bunch of money oh he's gonna throw it down again oh this is beautiful beautiful beautiful oh my god where am i where have i been living my entire life extra extra extra large trap is delicious thank you extra large trap thank you little engineer friend you are amazing my friend
Channel: Superjombombo
Views: 409,624
Rating: 4.9093924 out of 5
Keywords: bloons, tower, defense, sjb, superjombombo, aliensrock, isab, btd6, bloons td 6, bloons td battles, best strategy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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