Well that is a mind bender find at a colonial site and its awesome !

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how different it looks in the springtime you see that I'm going to a colonial home site on the other side of that small Mountain I've only ever been out here in the summer months and now that you know you can't see the Horizon when it's all grown in and now that I look at it from here it's like whoa well the challenge is it's terrible out here so I have to come off this hill down into a valley before I creep around the side of that thing and there's only two ways in the other way has a pass unaccessible completely washed up mud muck couldn't even attempt it and then this way bushwacking no Trails nothing just a direction oh yeah this is going to be rough woof I don't even know if I'm in the right line but the site I'm going out to I don't even expect to find much it's just a remarkable Place buried on the backside of this mountain crazy think somebody was out here a couple hundred years ago attempting to uh make a go of it [Applause] right here we go with a replay of this stuff like in the last video it's not even the same area just the same vegetation oh man I hope I can find a game [Applause] Trail oh my God see you pop out of that stuff there are the signs we're nowhere close believe me just wanted to show you that it's out here in the jungles still woof oh my God yeah it's bad I did find a game Trail if you can believe it and I found it by looking at the tops that's the only way but if you look down below you can definitely see it's an old the trail that has not seen any traffic in a long time but you can see that little channel right there this is extremely slow goinging little break at least the trail is predominant in the open spots so at the least I know I'm still on the trail good thing it's going in the required southwesterly Direction wow I got through to an open space so what I do is when I'm doing something like this you got to keep turning around and looking back so I know hopefully if I come back through this way I think I'm only halfway there so there's a chance said I could be off on the return but Brook and there's some down trees up there straight on through to the somewhat of a path through the brush so always every 5 minutes or so look back so you can see what it looks like people who don't have Compass brain and get lost always say the same thing they turned around and it nothing looked familiar it's cuz you didn't hike in that way and it can kind of all look the same all right I think we're getting close because I thought I just saw a stitch of wall to my right and which now I don't see it's all right we're still going the right direction oh there it is oh we're here guess we were closer than I thought okay so as you know as I said this place is out here let's see what that was 55 5 minutes and a mile and a quar that's a long mile and a quarter so it's a very old small place it's good to see it with no leaves on the trees I don't know we'll see if we can find something but there's our Mountain that's where we just came across all right let's see what happens oh there's one to start with oh dirt right in the eye thank you roots and it is mission accomplished it's a button and it's a pewer button so to be expected out here very old 1700s and so the cell hole is right over there it's a little wall and then this is the one part of the Old Farm that looks like it was somewhat clear there's still rocks and stuff but there's little walls out on the edges other than that it's Mountain on that side water on that side and this in the middle that's an odd signal out here [Music] chunk of iron there we go yeah we're definitely getting towards an hour of swinging I did that little side spot for a while and you one button one chunk of iron and made my way back over here towards the cellar and it is half a button wow looks like a lead button oh sorry peer that was snipped but we do have the shank side nice well at least we're up two buttons one of those places that just don't think these people were here very long because even you know in the past strips there was not a lot of stuff but the signals were easy so you know nobody else had detected here and I mean you know your remote when you're not even finding modernday ammo trash it's just quiet or you hear something all right let's hope the next one doesn't take an hour iron of rocks oh man that's in there and I think it's under this rock probably a shoe yep there we go ox and shoe way down in the Rocks we'll take it it's old [Applause] oh man let's hope on this one so I'm no more than 50 60 ft away from where the house was but I'm trying to work you know in this stuff because I'm pretty sure I didn't before and in this stuff where are you sorry hold on there we go that's a really good signal I didn't miss maybe it's deeper oh I see it it feels like coin it's small oh boy wow so that would be the first coin found here in you know several trips over several years all right let me dry that out a bit nothing yet I can't imagine it's a two-cent piece I don't think anybody was out here that late you know 1860s could be some type of Half Penny or a half cent oh wait a minute amazing when you just let it dry and sit for a few and you know get the dust off I'm starting to see the um you know the Royal lady on the back holding the cattle fren the stock of carrots whatever it is I'll just sit here for a few more keep getting the dust off see what [Music] happens may have to chip away at it a little bit with some wood no still looks like the surface of the Moon I don't think it's a US half scent it would have rang up a bit higher more pure in Copper still pretty awesome fun we know it's an old coin but that took uh about 2 hours so I'm just going to work this section A little bit more because again it took me almost an hour to get in here and I have to go back awesome hey whoa hey I guess I'm going to have to take back potentially what I was saying about the timeline because that's an eagle button come on focus and I think it's an infantry button if it was a two-piece it's crumbling there's the uh shank holy crap well that's interesting yeah that is looking Civil War era uh Eagles facing to the right so our left sure does look like it wow I did not expect to find something of this era out here ever it's definitely not on the 1858 map it's not on any Maps so that is really interesting and two pewer buttons today and in the past it's been pretty much all Tom back or peer then again you never know what happened after abandonment somebody could have been living here somebody could have been just out here but what a great unexpected find I mean it wouldn't be the first time we have found things out of place of the timeline out at seller holes we've actually found like World War 1 era buttons out places like this jeez and realistically now that I think about that's that's the only 1800s predominantly 1800s thing I've seen I'm still convinced the coin is far older well I made my way to the back where I came in there is a strip of wall right behind me that's about 20 ft long that I thought I saw off in the distance coming in but being that I have quite the hellacious hike back through that stuff I'm going to go so that was about 2 and 1/2 hours and I dug two buttons an oxin shoe a piece of iron a coin and that eagle button that's it there was no other junk signal but was to be expected this place is just wild again for where we are and hopefully from where I am I can find that little Corridor I came into and find that Brook find the game Trail and find my way home all right everybody thanks for watching
Channel: Not Thursday
Views: 10,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: not thursday, new hampshire, metal detecting, Fisher metal detectors, Fisher F19 metal detector, New England history, cellar holes, colonial metal detceting, finding old coins metal detector, civil war relics, US eagle buttons, infantry buttons, relic hunting, landscape history, exploring, bad hikes, digging up buried relics, crazy adventure, old places, deserted places, abandoned places, Well that is a mind bender find at a colonial site and its awesome !, think about it
Id: 3Sid0ry3bGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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