Awesome River Metal Detecting Finds : Pusher Plate, Enfield Bayonet And More!

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check it out that my friend is a civil war bayonet all right we're on a little metal detecting Adventure today kind of early in the season but I thought we'd give it a shot I've been out here for oo about 2 hours and I have not found anything worth getting the camera out for until now I finally got a relic a civil war bullet woohoo I'm not skunked so I just dug this bad boy up in the bank right there down deep in the clay me show you what I found so far in the last couple hours besides our one bullet we have a bunch of well junk I'm looking for you know I'm digging all the iron because there's artillery shells in here there are camps all along the bank so we could find bayonets and guns and all kinds of stuff I think that's part of a bridge or something it would have had a Giant Bolt going through there it's like a huge washer I've seen them on old bridges uh mostly just some pieces of iron in here this is a uh a think a chain to a trap like an animal trap that's all rusted up wish I had done that this is a be this was a beautiful big signal right here this is aluminum some type of little pan I guess probably from people camping another nice big old chunk of iron do you know what that is can you figure it out well what it is is an axe head and the bit part of it is broken off you can see how that's broken right there uh so someone hit that pretty hard to smash it like that put a couple bolts in here don't know what that is for sure but it could have been a handle to something I suppose going to put you back away if we get some good signals we'll get you out if not that was the video right there so this is a weird little thing right here it gave kind of a good signal but I think it's iron and it's got some type of brassy coppery thing in the middle I don't think it's too old but looks almost like a wheel but I don't know how that would work if it was a little bit for you oh what do you think I have no idea what that is if you guys know if you have a clue even want to guess let me know that's a serpent the size of That Old Black Snake yeah I don't think I'll be uh looking up underneath those roots in that tree you see him on this look at the size of spider definitely not going near that tree he's up inside it I reckon that's enough of the wildlife for today what do you say all right I think I have another Relic finally it's been about probably 30 40 minutes since I last talked to you see I've added to the pile I got a uh this is a leg off of a stove probably like a pup belly stove or something like that and a lot of junk but I got a signal here and I kind of already dug it up because I've been finding lots of pieces of cans and whatnot but I'm pretty sure that's a mini ball you see it take a peek [Music] yes indeed that's a mini ball right there 58 caliber from the American Civil War and it's fired if you look it's kind of mushed up a little bit and right around the nose it's got that ring that's where they jammed it down the barrel with a ram rod we're double knot skunked let's get back at it let's find a whole bunch of dropped ones maybe a cannonball to go with it I mean we could find a cannonball out here I found quite a few of them over the years well I didn't get y for this signal but I kind of wish I did cuz it looks like we got a big old Mini Ball down there maybe a 69 caliber I'm only about 10 ft away from where I found that fired one let's go look at it together [Music] look at the size of that Mama Jama and that's a dropped one right there man absolutely 100% dropped so I tell you what if I get any more signals in this area I'll definitely get you out before I dig them that's a beauty let's compare it to one of the 50 58 caliber so you can see how much bigger this really is all right here we go look at that look up much bigger that 69 caliber is that's a whole lot more lead right there only problem with these things is that they're heavy when you're carrying a bunch of them like a a normal load is 40 rounds and going into a battle of skirmish you might have to carry a double botman so you might be carrying 80 of these nice drop on let's slow down in this area go back and forth if I get another good signal like that I'll definitely get you out before I dig it bibed here just a little bit uh I got to like really scratchy signal I thought it might be a nail cuz it's quite a few pieces of iron but it's starting to sound pretty good right in that little area um right up there I just stck at 69 so just blow it see that's reading that's reading pretty good on the meter so I'm an all metal by the way so that could very well be a bullet I'm going go ahead and put you under and we'll dig it together what do you say [Applause] sure enough this is a uh this is the base to a mini ball that a soldier used a knife or something really sharp when they cut it so we'd say this is a carved bullet what that tells us is that the soldiers were sitting right up here on this Bank uh somewhere up in here and they were probably goofing off at a campfire and they had their pocket knife out and they carve this bullet that's a really good sign so we got the carve piece there and the ho one right above it I's see if this is a 69 or a uh 58 if we can tell what do you think yeah I think that's the 69er right there so may it be kind of neat if we can find the rest of it you know the top part of it uh we'll give it a shot all right let's get back at it I'll get you out again if I get a decent signal well I'm just Mr fiber today as far as getting you guys out I got another signal it was really kind of just like bouncing all around I thought it was probably a pull tab but it isn't it is a eagle button so this is a civil war button General it's called a general service Eagle button really bad shape you see it's got a hole in it it's going to probably fall apart on us if we not careful but that's an eagle right there got a plain Shield that tells us it's an enlisted man you know it's not an officer's button really really bad shape I wouldn't be surprised if that was actually had been in a fire before it ended up in the river uh cuz normally when you find them in the water they're in pretty decent shape so they could have had uh like I was saying they could have been sitting around a campfire carving bullets lost the button and it rolled down into the river during a flood I'm not going to promise you I'm going to get you out if I get another good signal but I probably will get you out probably all right so this is where I found the 69er and right above it there's another signal that could be a bullet I think is down a little ways but we'll go ahead and dig it together let me get my uh pinp pointer out I already lost sight of it all right hold your breath [Laughter] all right well looks like we might have found the bullet that was carved that's definitely been carved and it's smushed so either you got run over by a wagon or they hit it with something hard let's see it is I can't say 100% it's the same one but it could be cuz that's that's part of the base it might be another piece yet but you see where they carved it for sure that looks like rust so there's probably some iron in the hole when I dug it up well looks like we got another bullet of some sort it might be a round ball yep that's 100% a round musketball drop too all right we're doing good now that's where I found the 69er right there so we haven't gone very far yet this will be the same diameter as the 69 bullet right there that it's hard to tell but but it is some iron and just bouncing around yeah that's probably another bullet right there let's Wonder together okay hold your breath budy hold your breath boy I don't know about that one I think that's a modern one right there modern bullet kind of a small diameter it's definitely fired got that solid base like that and it's kind of too almost too long for anything I can think of as far as a Civil War era bullet is that weird all right oh I found another modern bullet today it's still in here definitely a lot smaller than 22 caliber I slow that down there with the other ones I have to go sit in the Sun for a few minutes it's getting a little chilly here in the shade we'll go up there and we'll just chill out maybe have some lunch all right so I had a giant iron signal here and I went ahead and I didn't have to really dig it up I think it might be a plow point I'm not sure I got a little squeaker up there which I kind of fan is going to be a bullet let's go ahead and look at both of them I don't even know if I can pick this I can't even really pick it up I'm going have to put you under yeah that's a uh that's a Sharps bullet from the Civil War and this dropped 100% all right uh let's throw that in here we'll just listen real quick and then we're going to go sit in a sh for a few minutes I think there's going to be some more in here so let's just work our way up R quickly moving kind of fast I don't normally like to move this fast but I want to get in the Sun for a few minutes oh yeah I can feel that sun that feels good here's what I'm going to do I'm going to sit down here for a few minutes kind of warm up a little bit in the Sun have some lunch and then we'll go back down there right in there and we'll see if we can find some more relics it's give me about 15 minutes oh this is a really cool bullet check it out this is another carved one a 58 caliber mini ball and it's like a little chest piece or something can't say a 100% it's a chest piece but it's carved like one kind of gave me a scratchy signal so that's why I didn't get you out but there's quite a few scratchy signals in here I thought they were like little pieces of fence wire or something or nails I didn't dig them but uh maybe we're going to start digging them if you look right there you can see where the knife marks are where he carved it that's pretty cool right there that's a good piece this definitely made the trip for me today well looks like we have another round ball down there well really surprising it sounded like um I mean it just sounded like there was more than just this down there cuz it's like couple little skips but this is just the one bullet I'll check it with the metal detector though so I have a couple signals in here I thought we'll go ahead and dig together um one one sounds pretty shallow so let's see yeah could be a bullet I don't see it from here but there's no signal over here that's kind of scratchy I might be able to see it I'm not sure but let's go ahead and get this one first the big one one that's probably a bullet [Music] oh that's 100% a mini ball with some like Rusty stuff on it so there might have been some iron next to it that is a giant modern Fish Hook wow that's a monster for in here all right let's put it in the boat all right so I have the signal uncovered and there's actually two things first looks like a shotgun shell right there and then one of those small bullets over there they came out of the same hole though all right hold your breath weird how they ended up in the same hole but they did again I think it's a modern bullet and shell 12 guge black cloud all right that's about it well looks like another mini ball down there I covered it with my foot I'm going have to hold my I'm going to have to hold my breath this one's going to be just this one's going to have to get my head wet to get this one all right you ready well that wasn't too bad I guess all right so that's another fired Mini Ball wo awesome so I had a nice little snooze in the sun I got kind of warmed back up again and uh what we're going to do I don't think I'm going to go up River any further um I've found stuff all the way up through there so I mean I'm sure it's it's good possibility but I think what we'll do is we're going to go back down to where I was finding the bullets which is just right around this little thing here that area and um get back in the shade again and see if we can find some more relics this is some of the stuff that I found just before I came up here and took a snooze there some pieces of iron I don't know what that thing is I might had a wheel on it and bunch of junk but we're got nice little po bullets going there so I'm happy with that got some planes flying over I just dug this big old uh brassy thing I have no idea what it is as you've seen we've been finding some stuff that's know post Civil War it's probably 1900 1920 or something like that um so that could be from that but boy that was a nice big old beautiful signal I don't know what it is though so I'm still in the same general area where I've been finding all the bullets and I just dug another one that's fired for sure all right here's what we're going to do I'm going to look around here just a couple more minutes and then we're going to work our way back toward the boat ramp uh taking a different path than we took on the way up it'll probably take us a couple hours to get there and that way the sun will be pretty low and it'll start to be uh it'll start to cool off by the time we get back there and uh maybe we can find some bullets and some belt buckles and cannonballs on a different path this is kind of a weird little hole right here it's like a cave goes back in there you can see where an animal has pushed the dirt out of it kind of digging it out I'm I'm assuming it's a muskrat that's probably his uh hole that he goes in underwater and for some reason dug that one out I'm not sure but you see there a series of holes right here so it's probably a big old muskrat Den up in there it's too small for a beaver water's a little too deep and Swift right here to get you out um kind of kind of hard to stay one spot when I go down under but I just found this piece of brass right here I think it's actually the outer jacket to a giant bullet you can see how it's got the cures going across right there which is the little hash marks and then this way it has has lines which I think is probably rifling so this is kind of neat where this uh tree is getting ready to fall into the river and see how the it's all cut out right here the current's cut it out so I'd say you know and some flood coming up pretty soon this whole thing's going to just tumble over and it's going to become one of these bad boys just stuck out there like that there's a lot of them down on this side is there well I'm almost back at the boat ramp and I just got a fantastic find I've been digging a lot of iron in here just mostly junk but I just dug a really nice piece of iron check it out that my friend is a civil war bayonet and it is in wonderful shape oh my God look at that thing [Applause] wow man I'm glad I didn't break it that's awesome that's a trip right there man that's a beauty down in this mud right here that's why it's in such good shape wow that is a beauty that made my month actually so if I don't find anything for the next 30 days I'm still happy nice so I just dug this and this is actually a shovel part of a shovel that could very easily be Civil War era in fact it probably is cuz there were big camps all up along this bank right here all right we're almost back at the boat ramp I'm going to give you a quick round up of what we found today and uh I'm going to hit the road I think you've seen most everything here we got the beautiful Bonet bunch of different kinds of bullets a few fishing sinkers this is probably uh this is really nice carve bullet right here that's a beauty I think this might be the inside of a certain type of artillery shell not 100% we'll have to look it up all right so we'll definitely be back at this spot later in the summer but we do have a lot of other places to head first so let's do that and uh we'll meet back here 6 8 weeks see you then she'll shake the coins from your pocket take your gold chain and your locket Mother Earth has no sympathy she'll take the ring from your hand and bury it in the sand and keep it for eternity Mother Earth she's got her Secrets she's promise to keep hidden in her dirt or deep in her Creek Mother Earth she ain't saying exactly what she's saving where it is or what it might be Mother Earth you are my lady my big round baby I'll rock you until I go to sleep she don't care if you're dying or if you're living or somewhere here
Channel: Aquachigger
Views: 38,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, family friendly, outdoor adventure, treasure hunting, things to do, fun videos, how to, metal finding, metal detecting today, crazy metal detecting find, aquachigger, aquachigger metal detecting, vlog, blog, things to do when bored, fun things to do, metal detector treasure hunting, celebrity, reality, best, best videos, goat, science and fun, family friendly yt, family friendly movies, exciting vlogs, exciting, cool vids, fun things to do with friends, rad, fun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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