I Hunted the Rarest Boss in Tarkov Solo...

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welcome to a solo talk of Adventure and today we're stepping out of our comfort zone exploring a new side of talk of that I've never attempted before the cultists classed as a boss but more comparable to the Aimbot of labs Raiders these cultists have absolutely no footsteps and considering they only spawn between 10: p.m. and 700 a.m. no footsteps pit black and a man chasing you with a knife that poisons you is simply just classed as a horror game wait I have night visions I forgot bro I ran this whole way without even using them to be fair they don't even oh my oh my God never mind will not use night visions what the hell is that either way there are three maps that these cultists can spawn in customs Shoreline and woods in which we will attempt to hunt and kill them in each one of those Maps which lands us where we currently are in woods for Woods night time in the snow with a flashlight is so spooky it's actually creepy if I get shanked I'm going to scream I can tell you that if I get shanked oh I need an antidote the got I'm stim I do not like this when you get stabbed by the cultists you get infected by an unknown toxin this is a poison that removes 5 Health per second from your MC giving you only 88 seconds to live but the only way to remove this is to pop the xtg 12 antidote injector which unsurprisingly I forgot to bring but they're not there so we'll go to the next location which is on the complete opposite side of the map and then guess what since I have since I have outskirts I have to run all the way to the top then all the way back down but we're going to go either way it is what it is we got to go check there are three locations in woods that can spawn on the cultists so far I have checked two but found nothing as we headed up to the third I made a fatal floor that I failed to recognize one that would stick to me for not only this raid but a couple more to come man I don't want to have my flashlight on because I don't want to be a beacon like a light Beacon begging for people to like you know come kill me that it's basically just saying hey I'm over here come shoot me but then I also want it on because I hate this and this is scary and I feel like I'm about to get jumped at every second am I on the edge of the map where am I wait I'm here already this is where they can spawn in this area I get these buildings as you can see I had gone to the wrong location but with my lack of knowledge of the woods map I didn't notice this and just accepted that I was in the right place so I began searching for the cultists but since I was in the wrong location it was impossible for them to spawn here and it was pretty much just a waste of time the scope is just GG I use a different scope I don't think they're here it doesn't look like they are here I'll check the back here the dead SC what that it C this just a scav it might be already too early 5:00 a.m. I think is it 5 5 a.m. that they uh if they were in the rain do they just poof though you know if they if they did spawn in this rain since it was night time and then it hits like the time where they're not meant to be around do they just vanish it seems like it's over our first raid is unsuccessful yeah they're not here I checked everything according to the wiki they should just spawn like I pretty much checked the whole circle that they should spawn in and they would have like spotted me at least before I spotted them most likely so we'll just we'll just go we go outskirts all the way back down the way we came up lovely days but as we were making our way over to the outskirts extract we came across another problem gu we're not making it to the extract but since it was still before 700 a.m. in the morning I still had a little bit of time to squeeze in another raid wait so we still have time we got to go quick we got to go quick but this next raid wasn't any luck here with the first two spawn locations of the cultists being empty I headed to where I was last time the little town that was actually the wrong location but things turned out differently this time and honestly since I was heading to the wrong location anyways all it did was save me some time please don't where are you here there you are well the other spawn for it is to the left down the road here where the sniping is coming from I don't think it's there I would be able to so it was now past 7 in the morning meaning that the cultist can no longer spawn since there are two times in Talk of the other one is 7 at night but the cultists spawn at 10: to use this time up I thought it'd be a good idea to practice on some Raiders in D2 OB erve but in reality what happened is one of those memorable talk of moments that will stick with me forever damn actually not bad but I can get down from like here I think I'm going the right way just like Woods my knowledge of Reserve outside the D2 XR camping area is not specifically bad but very basic I'm literally the first one is that a Raider what I don't think that was a Raider oh my God it wasn't a level 41 holy crap that was fast well someone's down here lovely days there's a guy right next to me it's over oh it could be the Raiders that spawned in could also be a PMC I don't think a a PMC would uh a Raider would just like randomly ads no hello hi I have not killed the Raiders yet no what your level I'm level 24 uh yeah I I'm actually here just to kill Raiders P the power up I have you fight or you I mean we can team up that'd be kind of cool you're not going to shoot me oh that's not me yeah that's not me are those Raiders shooting you or yeah I can try get to you I'm not really that great at navigating D2 but then all of a sudden he went completely silent where are you hello friend are you alive hello what happened hello why is he gone [Music] silent hello hey oh I can hear you again I couldn't hear you come here come on all right I'm coming I'm coming this me oh is that you that's yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah they're down the end I'm not going to shoot you we can kill them no let push you don't pick him don't pick him okay okay Jesus he is ched that's all good I don't I don't need it what the hell we're going to get flanked I can hold the flank up here take this heyb down the end hey why you shooting that is not bad that is really nice actually actual rare moment in talk of where you make a friend insane I swear this really happens I killed him at the stairs you killed him Legend you a legend thank you thank you man I did something yeah baby let's go was there only two or yeah the guy basically the basically they're both solos dude so oh I see what level are you 45 Jesus Christ okay I see yeah like basically 12 tasks to Kaa dude oh my God so with our new friend and the player that we killed we went over to go loot the body yeah damn damn son you oh he is chunked yeah he has a complete meta M4 uh let me boom boom boom I cannot hold the K and got him play the game at the same time that is impossible bro has a got him teabag though what the hell I was here to just kill Raiders to practice uh for killing cultist cuz I'm trying to hunt them right now just for fun but uh yeah it wasn't night time on any other time so I was like I'll just come try kill Raiders for practice cuz I kind of the same sadly there were no Raiders left to be found in this raid but with two PMC kills I was pretty satisfied with the loot that I had on me so together me and my friend made our way over to the D2 extract learning a few things about each other along the way how many times have you been extract can't D to this wipe oh [ __ ] I like let's say out of 10 rat eight times really yeah that's insane dude so finally we both made it over safely to the D2 xtract and ended off the successful raid which also means that it's now turning night time and we'd have to return back to Woods to say that hunting these cultists would be any easy Adventure would just be straight up false because it felt like no matter how many times I went to their spawn locations they were never there but it's not like I could just give up this is not the right Village it's not because the car extracted here oh my my God wait I've been oh my God no I'm so dumb I'm so dumb I'm so dumb I've been searching the wrong Village it's not this one it's the one way along it's the got them the like absolutely destroyed wooden one that makes way more sense I mean it got to the point where I didn't even care about actually killing them but all I wanted was just to see them even if it ended up with me dying to them found it yep cool they're not here I'm dipping screw that so we kept going and going and going because surely we'd find them eventually right oh my God I forgot I have a Vaper Hunter I have 10 bullets there he goes bro I thought I had an SKS I forgot I forgot I had a pepper Hunter I was like yeah I got like got a bunch more bullets I can just Spam this and it clicked he's a Timmy though man I should have just left him I should have spared him I can't lie and next time we see a Timmy on Woods we're sparing him it doesn't seem like they're here though yeah it's right there they should just be like surrounding it not exactly on it but they should have aggroed on me by now oh my God bro those scabs had me thinking it was them I don't think they're here damn these are so hard to find and so naturally I started making my way over to the extract crap there's a laser oh it's over what is that is that them I think that's them no they they make footsteps those are pmc's are they hunting yeah man I just want to see them man I don't care if I die to them in this one I just want to see them I literally just want to see them with my eyes that's it with yet again another raid into Woods My Hope on finding these cultists was degrading extremely quickly oh bro and the amount of rubles my stash was tanking was starting to come into effect so far we're currently Down 2 million Rubles another problem we'd have to overcome in order to keep this cultist hunting Adventure sustainable are these things real do they exist is this is this just like a myth that cultists exist but just as I thought things were over on the fifth WTH of searching for the cultists this happened oh my [Music] god well boys I think we found them I think we found them holy crap they absolutely lasered me I killed one and I got executed instantly well the radius where they they can spawn is way bigger than I thought it was hey look that's a good sign so even though we died I at least confirmed that they did actually exist but as the sun started to rise we'd have to wait until the night to come again a perfect time to make some money to make up for the losses we've had today oh my God this is perfect bro when making money in Talk of the the two main things I look for is how much you can make per run and also your survival rate because sure I could make 2 million rubles in a single run playing streets but how consistent would I be at actually surviving which is the reason I am in interchange with Goan being able to spawn quite the amount of technical items whilst also being a fairly low traffic area this is obviously a caseby case thing as you may find Woods super easy to loot navigate and survive but absolutely despite is interchange but for me interchange is basically my home so this is where I chose to take a little break from hunting cultists and make a little bit of [Music] [Music] money [Music] so it has once again turned night and we are back into Woods hunting for yet again the cultists with how long it took me to find them last time I kind of had a rough estimate in how long it would take me to find them again but this time was different cuz no matter how many times I went back they were simply just never over there think you can kind of hear them they don't they don't make footsteps but you can hear them switch to their knife that's how I noticed it uh last time oh GG's to this raid no cultist again 10% is way too low man but I kept going back over and over and over again yeah no they aren't here I would have found them by now to be fair when they are here they aren't that hard to find GG's for cultist though okay now now gam night vision is actually useful how do people find them and like actually kill them and list their knives on the flea like what what kind of maniac are you to find cultists kill them and put them on flea GG's no cultists wow we made it back I guess we're just XP farming at this point it's like 2K XP per raid ah I need to find this one with my rubles actively decreasing I'm slowly starting to get more and more demotivated we are currently down to 4 million Rubles which is a lot Until you realize that I started at 8 what is that R got dropped oh GG's I swear it's always my left arm that gets taken well it's actually my right but yeah one of my arms I get taken first you are in the middle of the road that is begging to be killed oh hello damn is this guy C is hunting as well oh my God you want a bigger bag my guy a Grizzly which is better than mine thank you and the three out of 50 aquary man uh let me just get that out of my inventory oh crap we're here and I don't think there's ctist here for the billionth goddamn time bro no cultists just stab me honestly just stabbed me but even through all the losses I still came back using all that I had left in my stash but anytime I'd get shot at by a suppressor I'd automatically think that it was them what is that no that bro oh my God no no no no no screw you screw you oh my God my leg is gone and my arm is gone and my everything is gone it's over and so we went back one final time and taking off my night vision I could see that it was Day meaning that our time hunting the cultist tonight was over Yep looks like they're not here once again man GG's it's time to go and make some money so as we began our first Streets scav Run we hit the jackpot almost instantly okay so we're chunked is this the boss what does the boss wear oh my God you are kind of crazy with it and just as I thought things couldn't get any better we found the legendary Salty Dog beef sausage is that a salty dog beef sausage I will shoot a scab for the sausage extracting from this raid we finally completed the task the delicious sausage hello I'm a scav man what are you not a scav so heading into a PMC interchange rate this time we got pretty lucky with a kill on a PMC that pretty much had no chance against me so we waited to see if he had any friends but luckily he didn't so we headed over to the body to see what he had which wasn't anything crazy but nothing bad at the same time so once we looted that we headed into the back of Goan and things didn't go to plan but that's okay cuz our Scout was back up and with 35,000 rues to use we paid for a nice and safe trip over to the construction site upon arriving we looted everything that was possible and left through the sewer manhole x-r finally one successful scav raid hello my care package has arrived hello we can check uh the little room here in Concordia and then leave the Super Man Hall maybe get like a big coin please o yeah it's un loed cool get me out of this raid I'm very happy with that and this marks end to the money farming section of this adventure we made it just in time it just turned 10 as you can see we are no longer in woods and to be honest that's because I simply just gave up we got to go to Fortress honestly now that I like actually look at the map and realize how dark it is I kind of regret not bringing night visions it would be kind of nice I can't lie can I go through here no wait how do I is that really the only way through that's crazy it's a little bit dark I can't lie I'm going to get sniped if I go that way yeah I'd like night visions next what the Oh I thought it was a guy right next to me oh he fell hello free sniper oh never mind I got night visions I don't need to I don't need to go into a new raid to get night visions bro just kill the sniper scab since when do they run night visions that's so nice can I that a PM PMC H PMC right there's no way he wouldn't have heard me yeah I hear shots towards Fortress I feel like my my kills are being stolen here I think the competition we're going to have to actually kill uh kill these cultists in customs it's going to be way higher than Woods there's a guy like right here ooh and what was that what that light on my gun is tripping me I can't lie why are there so many people around this area I didn't bring the antidote again I keep taking it out when I do other stuff and then I just never put it back in there's people in Fortress I don't know I feel like they're here the cultists there's way too many shots in Fortress like it just makes sense why do I still have my BCP FMJ for my RFB I could have brought more bullets actually griefing bro what is that Fortress is so bright I'm gonna shoot out the lights to make it easier for me otherwise that is absolutely blinding we go in there's so many people I think it's a Duo maybe a trio they're really quiet they are not moving at all and that was a very unique scav voice line one that I've never heard before making me realize that this might not be any normal scav wait is it cultists no but why would they shoot like a scav do ctist shoot scavs but the only way to find out would be to go and check what is that yeah that's definitely not a regular scav okay there nades that's pmc's here now he's running outside crap I'm in a bad position he's looting but as we waited and waited and waited the sounds of the pmc's movements eventually went quiet until it was completely silent with just me left alone in Fortress with a bunch of dead [Music] bodies that's not a godamn uh that's not a cultist it's a rashala guard is this a rashala guard I'm so confused yeah no wait I think wait rala was here no this looks like rashala stuff like rashala guard stuff oh the dead body of Shala confirming that the cultists weren't here damn bro so that's why he was here he was on this side looting Ral the whole time I should have just pushed it that's that's what that was all the shots as well he would have never pushed towards me that makes way more sense I mean oh this is a PMC didn't even notice well we found a dead PMC died to rashala probably I can check he died too killed by is that one of the guards I don't know I'll take your gun I'll take your headphones and I'll take your rig honestly I can just take everything what holy Jesus I'm no longer going to use night vision that is horrible the green is too green use this though m80s Dam so with no cultist to be found at Fortress we made our way over to the roadblock extract heading out with all that remained from the pmc's who fought rashala and hoping that we wouldn't have to go through the same suffering as we just did in woods O So this thing has recoil so far from this raid I can already tell that Customs is definitely going to be a lot more PVP heavy than woods but honestly I'd rather have a little bit of action than just running around for 10 minutes and having absolutely nothing happen even if that action ended up to my death so as the death rolled in I started to get a feeling that this would just end up like Woods did but luckily that didn't happen oh my God bro oh my God my HP oh my God he literally turned me into a nugget I'm nothing but a thorax a thorax a head and an arm what need get my stomach back quickly before I start I'm losing all my food I need to move from here though wait a minute there's a guy I'm screwed oh my God he threw a nade did he he did wait oh my God I didn't bring the one time I didn't bring a godamn serve 12 kit or the CMS oh my God it's over I need to leave with no way of healing my blacked legs stomach or arm I went over to loot the body to hope that he had a CMS kit on him because without being able to heal my stomach we would starve to death but with no CMS kit found on him the only thing we could do was Run for the extract which luckily wasn't a very easy and straightforward process so we headed back into another raid and this time we made it to Fortress but the only question was were the cultists here [Music] look aty so this would be the time we finally find and kill the cultists after struggling in woods for days upon days we gave up and moved onto customs and with a few raids being pretty unlucky it would just be natural to finally see them soon but as much as I wanted that to happen for the sake of this adventure and storyline finding them just never happened see I ran Customs over and over and over again but in all the runs I did I never once came AC across the cultists I also looked further into it online to find their exact spawn location which was actually in and beside a small garage next to Fortress this however didn't change anything as I checked that more than 10 times and still found nothing so this is the current state I'm in having to consistently run scav runs to be able to fund the kits needed to continue the hunt or just simply give up but with some things such as this I'm I'm already too deep into it to back out it's like the whole story is placed down already and I'm just edging to complete the story cuz all I'd need to do is have one single raid just to fight them so as the grind continues all I could hope is for things to get better or at least to simply just see the cultist searching for these cultists on Customs was going to be far more tedious than I had initially imagined see even with the 10% chance to spawn it feels more like a 1% but along the way came some unexpected encounters that I had to deal with [Music] oh no oh my God okay I nearly just got executed Ah that's not going to be possible to loot what what is going on I need to heal I am hurt oh my God bro that guy was so chunked but then again I'm so lucky to be alive right now that bullet landed right next to me holy crap and I forgot to bring a survival kit oh my God I'm screwed I just got to go I just got a dip how much ammo fewer than half and I don't have this mag crap that's like probably I don't know eight to seven bullets it's probably better if I just hold this we got his I one of his guns anyways he was he had two bro he must have killed someone he's chased me wait he's followed me all the way here this is like kind of long range he's dead was that him I mean that someone wait I need to go loot that he chased me all the way here that must have be my last bullet holy crap okay I'm going to drop this here come back for it there's no bullets in it anyways oh hello I can't believe he chased me all that way bro I mean it could not be the same guy so I could be dead here to that sniper guy but whoever this was he must have been watching me where is he like just on this side of the train track oh my God he looks chunked oh so this was tough It's been 5 days since I started this Challenge and we still haven't killed the cultists yet and honestly I don't think I'll be able to do this for much longer but one thing that I've learned from from being forced to run nighttime raids is that the loot is absolutely insane okay I just killed a guy where was this [Music] guy oh my God that is great oh oh my God a meta HK and a Gen 4 assault pretty much an endgame kit he must have died to that guy oh my God so we're trunked what the hell is that there's the other guy I killed too I need to go inside how do I get in the only way is like way over here and then we have to go all the way to roadblock oh my God there's a pretty good chance there's another one off uh this guy did I even kill him yeah I did he's right here what do you have so with yet again another really expensive kit we now have well over a million Rubles worth of gear on us I am 54 kg do I even regen Stam I don't okay wait I need to get rid of some stuff then I am not running without being able to regen St well oh okay now I can it's a meta HK bro nothing gets better than this like what I'm going to use this I feel more confident with it so with the loot that I had on me it was time to start my journey over to the roadblock extract bro I am so slow I hate moving through this area of uh Customs it's like oh my God someone's in Fortress was that Fortress I can't tell maybe it was a bit further oh it's pretty much day what well GG's we are absolutely chunked bro oh my God that's insane I failed I failed to not only kill the cultists in the single chance that I had but I failed to even find them and to be honest I expected this to be way easier than it turned out to be see when looking into the cultists before I started to record this video the 10% chance of their spawn looked fine cuz to me one out of 10 raids wasn't that great but it was definitely doable and so I tried and I tried and I tried a week's worth of hunting to end with nothing 300 gab of footage and dozens of raids so do I recommend you hunt the cultists well that's for you to decide but definitely take my experience as I'd say the worst case scenario at at the end of the day at least I can say that I tried and I tried my best
Channel: CoolestJonas
Views: 59,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Escape from tarkov, Escape, From, Tarkov, eft, wipe, wipes, raid, raids, explain, gameplay, gaming, funny, escape from tarkov, tarkov, tarkov funny, tarkov memes, bsg, battlestate games, escape from tarkov gameplay, tarkov meme, tarkov arena, coolestjonas, tarkov streets, tarkov movie, tarkov short movie, tarkov wipe day, wipe tarkov, movie tarkov, tarkov movie full, tarkov challenge, tarkov cultists, tarkov cultist, tarkov how to kill cultists, tarkov cultists farming
Id: w8Pg0Hxxk1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 15sec (2295 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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