What's it REALLY like? - Spirit of Tasmania

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that was pretty awful I did not enjoy that Voyage the spirit of Tasmania is a ferry that makes the crossing between Mainland Australia and Tasmania a lap of Australia would not be complete without including Tasmania and we've been looking forward to checking out the final state of our three-year journey of course it wouldn't be the same without our van so on the 2nd of January we drove the van onto the ferry for the 10hour crossing across Bass Street in this video you'll see what it's really like on the spirit will we get seasick will we get bored you'll get a tour of the ferry and we'll answer some of the questions you might have we are in jalong and we've come down this morning to watch the spirit of Tasmania taking off tomorrow we're going to be on the spirit of Tasmania oh there it is between us look today is the 1st of January and it's the day before we head over to tazzy on the spirit of Tasmania we're super excited about this part of our trip there's actually quite a bit of prep that we have to do before we go to tazzy the number one thing is dealing with the quarantine yet again crossing a state border and we can't take any fresh food with us so I'm currently cooking up every piece of fresh fruit and vegetable that we have in the van I'm going to make a big soup uh a banana cake and everything else we're going to have to eat at some point today or throw out before we get to the boat [Laughter] tomorrow meanwhile meanwhile what are you doing as little as possible actually I'm kind feeling a bit feeling a bit jaded yeah you're jet lagged and hung over jet lagged and and yeah slightly Dusty yeah you're just you just relax there mate I'll supervise okay step number one soup is complete along with their no fruit vegetables fish honey is also plants and even though it's pretty dead means I've also got to get rid of my sad looking Christmas tree niga wants to cure his hangover oh we going to get a Nigel dive oh he's getting ready it's very shallow there you have it friends the first Nigel dive for 2024 happy New Year the next day good morning friends we're up and we're getting ready to head down to the spirit of Tasmania just making some quick breakfast I've made the most amazing Bowl this morning what are you having for breakfast N I haven't quite figured that out yet bits and pieces toast Tomatoes mate oh get into those Tomatoes banana cake no maybe not that's coming with us all right we stayed last night at a little free camp in this town called in um it's just like a little rest area on the side of the road there's no facilities here but there are public toilets just a short walk into the town There's a pub there General Store we are just finishing off breakfast and about to head off to the port to catch the spirit of Tasmania we're off got the step oh yep got the step you got the step Well Done Right so we're just arriving at the terminal you can see there's a lot of foot passengers here there's the boat woohoo my God I'm super excited just a little bit nervous so you can see they've got all these markers on the roads we had to pay according to the length of the vehicle so you can see these guys here at the Caravan are almost 11 M so we're just waiting in line oh actually we're about to move forward at the checkin I better get the little reference up hey do he good than how about you um yeah we've got a the last three numbers uh last three are 827 that's us awesome all right thank you Security will direct you down to quarantine I go Che thanks okay so we've just had the quarantine Guy come on and check the fridge no fruit veggies garlic make onions honey sad sadly that we've had to turn the gas off so I can't have to there's a cafe inside the terminal somewhere not as good as the nor brost I [Applause] know so all the vehicles are here lined up getting ready to go on I'm just taking a quick walk to the toilet so there's a terminal here which I think has like a cafe in it and toilets most importantly it's a big boat and a little boat and the toilet's up here so there's also a cafe you can grab a coffee so we're about to head up oh my God this is so exciting Nigel well it takes takes me back to um when we're working on the road in new Europe yeah hang on I just had this this horrible thought why I have to do this by myself if I have to stop on this ramp oh my God like Hill starts hand Brey yeah it really does it reminds me of the yeah it do to C Fury y here we go so we've almost to the front of the boat which is awesome it's going to be great for uh getting off it's this guy here who's going to direct us beautiful there we are go right let's go get on the fairy so we're leaving the van now we got to go and find our way might have some friends on board oh the poor pets have to sit in there oh w a poor wers where do we go ah through there thank you we're going up' be a good idea to get a chair wouldn't it yeah there's nice chairs through there I don't know we're going to gu didn't think about that did we everyone's running for chairs yeah as it's the middle of school holidays the boat is full and chairs are out of Premium today yeah this is supposed to be the nice place the reading place quiet yeah why don't we just park here y right so this is we found our little spot we've got an even better spot down here in the corner tucked away nice and quiet life is good the ship is moving we're off can go out here this is oh it's such a nice day today look at this nice calm sea see you Jal so I guess the next exciting thing will be when we go through the heads might be a bit rough although the captain did say that today it is supposed to be quite a smooth sailing but expecting a little bit rougher at around 1:30 so it's in about 3 hours time and we should arrive into devonport Tasmania at about 8:30 p.m. so we just take a bit of a walk around the ship and see what we can see loads of places for sitting there's a couple of Cinemas on board I think there's a lot of kids movies showing because it's you know School holiday so it's a little bit fun and games trying to find your way around here BL blue lift this may take us up to 9 and 10 [Music] okay this is deck 10 this is like the outside deck oh it's warm here pizza ice creams bar free Xboxes pretty cool kids are going to be happy here so here we are on board I'm just editing some video Nigel has gone to get a knife so he doesn't have to eat that whole massive piece of banana cake what are you using as a knife stir a coffee stirer and it broke so it's kind of cool over here on Deck 10 it's as close as we can get to the to the B of the ship and uh we're actually not not too far away from the um the heads where apparently it gets a bit rough and we're really on our way down to uh the open B straight to tesy yeah it's a perfect day for it it's really quite calm out there right now we're turning the corner under the heads that's straight in the background here we go [Music] we've just started going through the heads it's a little bit rolling we went to Google to see some of the most common questions people have about the spirit of Tasmania and we're filming this section from a beautiful free camp in tazzy here's a sneak peek so first question is how long does the spirit of Tasmania Crossing take the schedule says it takes 11 hours but it didn't quite take that long for us did it not no it was more it was closer to 10 hours wasn't it thankfully cuz it was long long enough we got to apologize about the Flies here they're quite bad yeah to answer this question yes there are two spirits of Tasmania and we crossed paths with the other ship after a couple of hours in into bass straight can you stay in your car on the spirit of Tasmania mm- no yeah we would have been quite able to come go in and out of the van and particularly make a cup of coffee but you got to turn your gas off yeah so you can't stay on your car you cannot access your vehicle at all so the best thing is to pack yourself a day bag with everything that you're going to need next question how much does it cost to take your car that really depends on the length of your vehicle so so uh the two questions they ask when you're booking firstly is your vehicle over 2.1 M and remember those guys were standing there so we didn't like Crush into the lower part and the second question is how long is your vehicle so you're charged based on the length so if you're towing a caravan for example or Towing something else it's going to be from the front bumper of your car to the back of the van so you got to pay for that full length they weren't really strict on it like you we measured our to 7.3 M but they didn't check did they you asked if she wanted us to pull up but no yeah yeah oh yeah I guess you she could tell straight away yeah um is it cheaper to fly or to take the spirit well I'm flying back um and I think from memory it was only like um $150 it was on Virg so you might if you bought well in advance you might be able to find quite a cost effective flight and I guess if you're flying you're not spending all that money on food and everything on the yeah it's quite expensive we would have spent over $100 between the two of us may $120 we had a couple of wines as you do uh when had one meal the lunch didn't we we didn't have uh the evening meal and we still spent well over $100 next question is it easy to sleep well I guess if you're doing a night Crossing so there is a day Crossing and a night Crossing we did the day Crossing if you're doing the night Crossing and you have a cabin I guess it's quite a bit easier you can just book onto the recliner seats but I've heard from people that they were like stuck in between two people that were snoring and your seat is reserved it's kind of like on a plane you've got no choice of where your seat is so I don't think I would like that during the daytime um I mean our recommendation um that we were glad we had was to go head straight for the uh they call it the reading um room or library was it reading room yeah there weren't people lying on the couches sleeping there though not supposed to not supposed to so is it better to travel day or night look it's a bit cheaper to travel during the day and it's a little bit easier to get those booking so the night does tend to book out fairly quickly um but as to whether it's better who knows I think it would be better to do it at night that way cuz it does get a bit boring yeah get a boring he do some work yeah well exactly I worked the whole way that we were across so that's one question that came um on Instagram one of our friends who's coming over shortly has asked did we get bored by the time we got bored it was time to have a wine so yeah you know that kind of took a bit of the bo she wasn't too bad I don't I didn't have the man of work you did of course but um uh you watched a movie didn't you how rough is the spirit of Tasmania Crossing wasn't rough at all you know once you get beyond the heads um you know gets you know get that that standard wallowy sort of field rolling you know the rolling um yeah I I didn't notice anyone getting crook no um that's normally a good a good indicator um if it's rough obviously it could get rough it's the best straight so i' imagine um you know if you're a bit um seasick and Clin you might not enjoy the the trip but a particularly Crossing was quite smooth I did take some a box of quals that I got from the pharmacy before we went and I took one um middle of the afternoon I think it helped either that or the wine helped well bearing in mind you you know you got your hair buried on a computer if you are feeling a bit queasy the best thing to do is just get up and look out of the Horizon even if it's through the window um don't sort of you know get yourself looking down I found when I went out onto the deck when I was feeling a bit sick that made me feel worse I had this kind of phobia about the open ocean uh if I hadn't been able to see land I might have been okay but because it was just open ocean it gave me a bit of anxiety so I felt worse I had to come back inside yeah I've never liked being out on the open ocean okay can't see me ever doing yacht life and the last question can I take food on the spirit of Tasmania while you can bring food on board remember there are quarantine restrictions so no fresh fruit or vegetables can be taken off the ship in Tasmania the restaurant has a buffet for breakfast lunch and dinner this is what 30 bucks gets you on the spirit of Tasmania so that's uh questions and answers if you've got any more questions questions pop them in the comments but let's get back to the crossing where we've been following our progress on Nigel's app oh sorry the boat's listing a little bit hello and um we're nearly there time for a [Music] wine little tesy number this one forget the name of it we're about um I don't know 6 hours in to this journey hours to thank God I started feeling bit seasick I had a quills and now I'm having a glass of wine I don't think you meant to do that but anyway I am 3 hours later L there's Tessy The Voyage is almost over we are coming into devonport clearly this is the smoking deck it stinks out here but yeah it's so good to see land I got to say look it wasn't rough but that was pretty awful I did not enjoy that Voyage friends and I'm not looking forward to the return trip back to Victoria that I have to do on my own but anyway Land Ho here's devonport and we will be disembarking the vessel within the half an hour Hallelujah got to say though the uh reading room was not a bad place to have to spend the time it's all right here what do you recogniz yeah agree given how much of a zoo it ISS off what did you think of the fery crossing no well prob the OB it's been long I'm ready to get off here yeah all righty that's it we've just had the call making our way down to the van don't need a my hi I know that bit of a crowd getting off the boat though definite bottleneck getting down the steps to the van welcome back to the van and we are heading off oh that's cool they stand there so no one can hit those Corners wouldn't want to turn too no too early there oh oh my gosh it feels so good to be getting off this [Music] boat welcome to Tasmania love being in an up country it it does feel like being in another country we hope you've enjoyed this video and that we've answered all your questions about the spirit of Tasmania if you've got more questions pop them in the comments down below meanwhile go check out this video of the last time we had our van on a ferry a long way away from here thanks so much for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: Nigel & Sue Adventures
Views: 79,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spirit of tasmania, ferry, bass strait, ferry to tasmania
Id: cHU02_6YSus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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