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this is our bedroom welcome to our home for our first ever house tour come in so the first place we want to show you is our dining area what did you forget no no we can't well we're here you interrupted the whole video for this what would your highness what I don't know it's something missing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] I got it the house is complete now we can continue the to take vo okay now that we've covered her little thing let's show you our house dining / / / community meetings games and everything else but this is where I like to do sort of most of my work right here we've got our family pictures that I love we've got this picture this was done by a Kuwaiti artist said Amma Hanifah I'm Abdullah alright here's our kitchen again pretty simple got our fridge everyone's curious as to what's in people judge people based on what's in the fridge so we have our when did you guys order pizza when did you guys order pizza why wasn't I informed of this we have our drinks so we have our camel milk we have our cheese's Saddam has a big cheese fanatic so she has all their cheese's we have our meats and we have leftover pizza I didn't know about until now oh this is this is my area so here we've got the I call them the three musketeers so we've got the espresso machine for your coffee then my midday peppermint tea and then for my evening I like a little toasty sandwich boom-boom-boom now we take you through to the living room I love it's like I feel like one of the places you need to be most excited to come home to is the living room like you know I'm coming home to stay here I'm not going up this weekend that's the kids over there watching TV hey boys say hi to the camera [Music] something important that we wanted to share with with married couples out there on how you could you know modify your living room so basically any sofa any sofa can become a sofa bed um usually when I don't buy sedima something or we have an argument she kicks me out and this sofa becomes a bed and then when I wake up in the morning she's usually sitting there right over there ready to fight again first thing in the morning you'll probably only find a thin blanket so you're gonna be pretty cold maybe turn the a/c off and because of the coldness of her heart just sort of you're gonna need to be on your side and then you just sort of go to sleep and then you wake up in the morning and then you wake up and she's she's right there right there staring staring at you judging you and you know that you never know you might end up seeing a few more nights on this beautiful couch by aura living now we're going to take you upstairs to where we rest our heads join us this is our bedroom oh we invested heavily in that mattress one thing that we realized is you shouldn't spend a lot on the bed you should spend a lot on the mattress let me show you what a closet looks like for a married man you see this section right here that's mine see the rest that's not mine this is the kids bedroom they also have a orthopedic mattress they liked it but we they like blue is their favorite color so as different than Khalifa Abdullah are they love the same color which is blue so we got them the blue curtains they always like their blue sheets why is there a whale out there hey what are you doing no one goes in that room let's just it's because it's empty basically curtains we don't know what to do with it or me it could be an office [Music] this is the guest bedroom or where my mom's gonna stay when she comes I would go with a pink theme I don't know why I never thought about it like that that is true I should have more guest solar now I want to show you somewhere up on the roof that's really really cool something I love about this whole community and pretty much what we've been showing you throughout the day so this house is powered by solar energy right up here are the solar panels and if you look at all the houses around all powered by solar energy really really cool stuff even the water here is on the side powered by solar energy and for me that's really really cool to be in a house in the middle of the desert pretty much that's powered completely by the Sun and that message or that sort of mission has filtered down into every single thing that this city does let's show you a raft [Music] what I'm driving right now is a buggy an electric buggy that is the only vehicle that's allowed within the city between the villas cars have to park outside and then we take these things to get around [Music] just over a year ago the sustainable city started an animal sanctuary it started off with just a few chickens and then a lot of people started bringing rescued animals and the sustainable city opened their arms to them and what they've realized is you can't have a sustainable community a sustainable planet with animals on the sidelines and what the sustainable city wanted to do was to create an ecosystem of what the world should look like where animals are taking care of just as much as the residents where everyone can take care of each other and everyone can provide for each other and that is a truly beautiful thing for me this is one of the coolest parts of the sustainable city the biodomes there are ten biodomes located in the city spread throughout that have food programs when you think about sustainability when people think about sustainability they think how can they think in terms of energy they don't think about how we can make a city rely completely on itself now each of the community members get access to one box of herbs and whatever is grown in these biodomes a month that grow different things here we've got a basil we've got mint we've got mad Amelia coriander sage I know what you're thinking comet on earth are you doing well number one I'm trying to flatten this out a bit but number two I'm doing something a lot more important on this machine I'm creating energy what's really cool about this gym is it's completely powered by solar energy all of the machines all of the lights everything you see renewable energy and what's really cool is that each of these machines creates power that goes to the grid so check it out here so if you're here training you can actually see how much energy on the screen that you're training on that you've created and set to the grid and to see the overall of what the gym has created in terms of energy on the grid it's right up here training hard or hardly training anyway here is all the power so everything that's created from all those cardiovascular machines all the energy that's created is shown up here on the big screen so we can all be proud of everything that we're doing very cool so as you've seen creating clean energy very important for the future of this world but another thing that's happening within this community is it's actually making people healthier a university being here at UC Davis and did a study that showed when these initiatives are here the allow people who dreams to create energy clean energy 24 percent of the community become more active so healthier bodies healthcare minds healthier world [Music] now we are in the middle of the city the plaza where all the action happens all the fun all the events the community comes together lots of fun lots of food I've got a few restaurants around here but there are a few important initiatives that make this place special and we want to share them with you let's go these are very important to this world they pretty much pollinate everything that we need what I love about sustainable city they actually own 2,000 beehives and they opened the doors for residents and visitors to actually adopt Heights and when you adopt a beehive you actually helping the world to be a better place and on top of that you get delicious honey about ten kilos a year [Music] this is a mural of a little girl sticking her tongue out next a quote that says creativity is contagious pass it on and I pretty much passed by this place every day and I see this coal and it's always a beautiful reminder of whatever you want to put out into the world your art your dreams your your knowledge you know share it because when you do that you inspire others to do the same and it has that domino effect and that's how you create a more beautiful world that's how you create a braver society where people have courage to do things they want to do because they see that you're doing it and they see that other people have done it so every time I pass by there especially after work and when I'm tired I just remember you know I'm doing something for a reason to make about a world and shout a lot thank you [Music] were you up then diesel fast and furious this you know what I never liked about these house tours is you know they always say at the end I don't know where he needs to go but you need to get the hell out of here that's not nice I mean they spent time you know so so we're gonna you know I want to be nicer about it hey everyone we don't know where you need to go but if you need to go somewhere we'd be happy to take you there and if you don't want to go you're more than welcome to stay here with us thank you so much for seeing us today much love god bless you all [Music] you
Channel: Khalid Al Ameri
Views: 2,897,089
Rating: 4.8797283 out of 5
Keywords: Khalid Al Ameri, Salama Mohamed, United Arab Emirates, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Marriage, Family, Arab, Middle East, UAE, Muslim, Islam, Sustainability, Environment, Sustainable Living, Climate Change, Relationship, Love, Arab Couple, Muslim Couple, Community, The Sustainable City, Funny, Vlog
Id: 8aVYLsV9M0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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