Welcome To Margrave | Reacher Season 1 Episode 1 Reaction

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[Music] foreign welcome to the channel so we're jumping into a new TV show today this one is called Reacher so let's jump in and let's have a look at this one got gunshots already we haven't even started damn oh oh uh okay uh to make it look like something else okay [Music] oh all right blue singer [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what am I a piece of pie damn this boy's jacked oh are they there for him oh damn [Music] police [Music] got his hands on the tables nice and slow sir if you step over here I can process you all right I'll be doing your intake so first things first what is your name basketballs don't talk and a passport on you though Jack Reacher no middle name zip ties cuffs didn't fit them what the hell are you doing in my town don't want to talk maybe we put you in a hole in the cell get you to change your mind and how exactly would you do that explain to him his constitutional rights under the fifth and 14th amendments then I hope he waves them of his own free will take them to the conference room I'll be in in a moment Mr Richard I'm Chief detective Oscar Finley I'll be asking you some questions I was informed you were read your rights so you know you don't have a nice conference room anything you want to share besides your riveting company I'm not about to waste the rest of my afternoon maybe your court appointed attorney will get you to open up I don't need a lawyer he speaks when he wants to and why don't you need a lawyer because I didn't kill anybody what's that this Reacher fella so if I run on his Prince has been clean but something could still turn up no online profile at all the only proof Jack Reacher exists is the fact that he's sitting in that room Jack Reacher parents deceased one brother Joe owed about two years retired army commanded the 110th special investigations unit of the military police what if I'm thinking I'm sitting across from a man who doesn't mind killing and who has the knowledge and training to murder someone and cover it up three men drop this body enlighten me shoot her with someone who knows Firearms well bullets were small caliber nine millimeter 95 grain that's subsonic a silencer was used he also knew enough to pick up his brass this wasn't a first timer this was someone who knew how to conduct a quiet effective kill he said there were three your psycho isn't suddenly going to be rational enough to know he has to hide the body in your meticulous shooter isn't going to do a sloppy job with roadside cardboard well the third guy's so worried about getting out of there he grabbed some nearby debris and just lays it across the corpse you said the victim was big so most likely his feet were sticking out and that's how he got spotted but you still match the description of someone seen walking the highway earlier today near where the body was found with us because it was me I got off the bus from Tampa and walked to town Greyhound doesn't have a stop in Market I never said it did he just said you got off in margrave I asked the driver to do me a favor why on account of blind blink okay who's that blue singer Legend has it he died in margrave long time ago I figured I'd learn a bit about him medical examiner puts the victims time of death at around midnight last night this morning it's last night until 11 59 and 59 seconds and then it becomes this morning in an investigation Details Matter 12 a.m this morning is the time of death I can confirm you are on the Greyhound bus at that time you're cleared I bet you can just snap those and here a while now figured you could use a pick me up not my fault trouble just kind of seems to find me assumed you liked it black how's your figure you're not gonna no-nonsense guy cream and sugar or nonsense so you know I'm innocent how do you figure I doubt his procedure to bring coffee to the guilty well if you are guilty of something can't be much preliminary run on your prints turned up nothing bad guys set off bells and whistles right away sorry ceramic thank you you invited me over to chat but never asked what crime found that strange well you scared the [ __ ] out of me murder you know anything about that unidentified male shot to death oh he was found with your number written on a paper scrap in his shoe oh he definitely knows somebody did it I killed the guy he was me okay so this man you killed what was his name I don't know you killed a man you don't know yeah that's right it was uh self-defense so you expect me to believe that you a man with no criminal record that you just stand by the window if you think somebody's double Bower shotgun blasts right to the face and then burnt the body yes I did and that's all I'm gonna say about it wait do they know each other get in he's like ah don't no we both know I didn't kill anybody and they're uncomfortable that's okay I got it you guys recycle I know ulterior motives just information that other guy Paul Habu Banker lives in margrave Works in Atlanta no priors he just confessed to the murder oh nice thanks for the hospitality not so fast I saw Hubble he's a citizen he can't shoot pool let alone shoot a person yeah admitted to things that didn't even happen maybe I'm just thinking the guy who was seen near the murder side guilty or not might still have information to share I don't but Stevenson does he and Hubble were looking at each other they looked at each other they held eye contact for a full two Mississippi and Hubble have cousins that married each other he's just worried about family follow me Stevenson my office this man seems to think you know something about Hubble that you aren't sharing with me that true sure there was a family party last night my grandparents anniversary I don't care right well Hubble and Charlie were there who's Charlie Charlene his wife we stayed late we dance with our wives way past two I drove him home I don't know why his number was in that guy's shoe I don't know why he confessed all I know is that at midnight he was nowhere near that Highway the only way you'll know why Hubble confessed is if he tells you yeah well maybe a week in a lock-up will motivate him let me know what he says what the hell does that mean [Music] whoa not so fast drop them drawers bend over and spread no blanket strip search policies are unconstitutional unless there's clear articulable suspicion of criminal activity the victim I'm suspected of murdering was shot by a handgun that would measure four inches by six that weapon's not fitting inside me or any other human being without sending them to the hospital since that's the only Contraband related to this crime your request is unlawful it's not like I wanna do this regulations the only thing up my ass right now is you well that's not good what's going on we're not with the guys awaiting arraignment where were the lifers what do you mean lifers I mean people's sentence for life uh-oh here they come there she is come on that you heard me get my shoes like a little [ __ ] some glasses too get my glasses look at this Redwood [ __ ] what you want to give you a choice see you're in my house Fatso and you didn't ask permission so you and your friends can leave now where they can carry your fat ass out in a bucket he's like wait what I'll count to three [ __ ] two oh damn now get out of myself oh snap they hit the head here they come ambushed on that nope time to go sorry yeah yeah we're finished [Music] you boys know what's about to happen to you you leave now oh so I'll give you to the count of three one oh damn [Music] oh ah there goes your ankle holy is that the guy like what the hell why are you and Jen Park that's where the guy put us anyone asks you've been here the whole time oh come in boss got Reacher's military record from DC if you want to hear the back of his baseball card I do West Point graduate Silver Star defense Superior service medal Legion of Merit soldiers medal Army Commendation Medal bronze star and a Purple Heart for wounds sustained in the bombing of a Marine's barracks in Kandahar he's like God damn God's name is a girl like that doing in margrave what's a guy like that doing in jail to be the one who put him in there oh get out of my office damn national hero they might try to kill me as soon as I'm bailed out you have important to their operation real important curious why whoever you work for wants me dead what do you mean a guard from last night's by me you set us up in genpop you'd play it off like he was some kind of innocent mistake but it was intentional guys in the shower I need me as a person to take out my wife should be here soon I don't give a [ __ ] [Music] figured a guy with no money I'd do your car could use Lyft that's me Greyhound confirmed that's their Tampa station two nights ago so you cleared me but how does a guy who confessed walk away well everybody knows that Hubble's line so we're holding off on charges hoping that a nervous guy like him just does something dumb that leads us to the truth or just cracks and Spills what really went down got a love tap inside I got set up uh who some guard just the urine boy but whoever he took orders from wanted me gone and they're going to get what they want the next bus out of here I feel bad about the margrave Welcome Wagon running over I was going to apologize with an early dinner but if you're not sticking around okay so what really brought you to Mark grave can't be some blue singer I don't lie to people who get me out of jail I'm here because of blind Blake actually it's on account of Chauncey there's Chauncey a couple days ago I go to Chances Bar and Grill in Tampa there's playing police dog Blues by blind Blake I remembered a conversation I had with my brother Joe a while back read some article about Blake said he played his last show in margrave and that's where he died so I got on a bus so I'll check out the town for a while see you in a bit sounds good I don't go getting yourself arrested for murder again if you want to trim you gotta wait it's supposedly's Meal Time I was thinking of shave Mr Mosley blind alley cat can shave and eat for Mississippi Fred McDowell coming from your shop not a Blues fan might be able to tell me a bit about Brian Blake's time in margrave see bright white man your age knows Fred McDowell no surprise you know blind Blake Mr Richard small town Wood gets around strange against the rest of her murder word gets around because Miss Roscoe cleared you so I ain't scaredy enough one hell of a town it is especially painted gazebo manicured flower beds statue recently polished gotta think it's more than the civic pride that it is the client and Foundation takes care of Margaret ever since Mr Kleiner came to town about five years back from St Louis to set up his company right here [Music] Junior and his Bug House cousin Dawson everyone calls Junior KJ I call him trouble keep my seat warm would you you looking for a dance partner was the last person who I bought me like that was a woman down at Panama when I was stationed at Fort Sherman and she wanted to dance to Tom burrito with me you want to dance to Tom burrito with me I'm not much of a dancer more of an academic and a reader in fact I was reading something interesting just this morning about some charges brought against a major Jack Reacher in a small village outside of Baghdad charges a very serious nature but charges that somehow disappeared the grains of sand and unforgiving desert the desert ended up forgiving you didn't it we don't forgive as easily and Margaret but you're back Mr Richard hey sorry there's not gonna happen what's going on another body was found the brush 40 yards from the first one same caliber bullet gotta go to the morgue I can't say I'm not disappointed I was looking forward to spending time with you before leaving I don't know if you're going anywhere just yet baloney easy Finley watch your language you think this is funny I got a town of 1700 people and two homicides he didn't talk to me the whole time we were in there I don't believe you I don't care they don't want to be nice you're not going anywhere my alibi clear just cause we know you weren't here when these bodies drop doesn't mean you might not have something to do with them so I'm wondering if maybe it was some other 645 gorilla on that grainy Greyhound tape maybe I need to bring in a forensic expert to confirm it was you and maybe you need to cool your heels back in Warburton while we get that done open next two or three weeks or you get in the car we go to the mark perhaps a medical examiner will say something that jars your memory about Hubble and you can share it with me these are my first murder so please tell me you know who did this any luck nope cracking a steel Walnut dental work was inconsistent some of it was down in the U.S and the rest was foreign and his fingertips were compromised by dermatitis reaction so swollen prints wouldn't come out clean until I drink some fluid we're waiting for the results well no do not um is he new on the force or no well kind of first victim was allergic to latex Killers must have wanted some kind of polyvinyl protective suit to keep blood DNA off themselves oh no I've been grabbed in the struggle causing his fingertips to swell in a histaminic reaction that's not his brother is this Dental Works off because he had his teeth fixed wherever he was living at the time broke his right arm when he was eight headed set in Berlin had his tonsils taken out of ten and soul oh no [Music] foreign we were wrestling [Music] I pin them against the stove I didn't know my mother just turned it off that's how my brother got this score damn what are you doing here margrave [Music] blind Blake you're messing with the wrong man I'll tell you that right now I swear I'm gonna find any reason I can or lock you up again okay this isn't gonna happen reach or sit in the back hey I know you're not the kind of guy to beat up on somebody half your size without good reason he's giving me a reason yeah well I know people and you've got condos do what I say preacher please you okay Richard oh that's gonna change it just thinking maybe my brother told me about blind Blake for a reason thinking about him lying in that morgue thinking I'm supposed to do something about it like what I guess I'll find everybody responsible kill him and kill every last one of them oh damn [Music] okay this is gonna be good this is gonna be a good series unlocking it already unlocking it already so okay so that that last five minutes has changed the whole the whole feel of the the series now it's like okay somebody's killed my brother we're both in the same town what is going on there's something corrupt and rotten in this town so rich is going to have to figure it out figure it out I can't wait to watch The Next Episode I loved it I loved it fantastic show fantastic show so there's a few plays come up um obviously we haven't seen the the mayor of the town yet so um I'm sure he's going to be another character we're going to come across so I can't wait to see what happens in the next episode guys make sure you come back and watch the reacher with us make sure you stay safe wherever you are and I'll definitely see in the next reaction video did you enjoy that video why not watch another one
Channel: Patrol Nation Entertainment
Views: 15,921
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Keywords: Patrol nation entertainment, tv series, movies, reactions, tv show reactions, reacher, jack reacher, margrave
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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