WEIRDEST first tech products

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hello and welcome to this is did you know that Microsoft's first product they ever made was actually a rice Patty a right a single singular a single rice Patty that they sold in a store in Seattle during World War I I'm really happy that Kenzie was the one who did the research for this video and not Matt So today we're going to be looking at first products now we did this video once before but the gist is very simple kiny has developed a wide variety of companies and questions for us and we have to guess what the first product was now this might sound easy you're wrong okay last time we did this I think I got like one right maybe it is really hard unless you know the history very well so we're going to be guessing the year we're going to be guessing the product held a gun to our head and said hey please remind the audience that we already did the easy ones watch the first video If you haven't seen that yet because that one was tough but this time around we're going to get zero of these ooh okay got it got it so I should know the answer to this but I think I don't some nerd is screaming in the in the comments we now how do you not know this you're a tech Channel blah blah like it's we're bad we're bad most of these decisions that I've put here are like just actively evil so yeah no we know we know 3 2 1 accounting software in 1972 I said works specifically in 1978 1972 trao data basically in the 1970s C would collect traffic data on these long paper tapes they normally had to have this all be done by contractors so youd have to go manually go through the data it was super tedious so Bill Gates and Paul Allen co-founded the company Microsoft to make computer to process originally it was trao Data TR Microsoft so they later changed it to Microsoft but technically it's the same company M Kenzie I got this 1972 thing you did I you got a point for that yeah okay what about what about accounting data that's that's not accounting are you accounting for the cars yeah okay fine did say it was in Seattle do I get half a point no next up we have Panasonic obviously Panasonic is a Japanese company yep very large today I get the impression that Panasonic has been quite large for a long time I feel like they were larger I want to guess the category of the thing and not the actual thing Kenzie is that allow sure okay manufacturing equipment in 1951 I said radios in 1930s well you can't say 30s whoo wo wo Kenzie that30 okay 1930 you're welcome all right 198 meta electric making duple lamp sockets they started expanding products in the 20s and they started building motors electric irons wireless equipment vacuum tubes in 1961 they started selling CRTs in the US under the name of Panasonic wireless equipment is radios in that era no it's lamps they did radios later yeah in the 30s I think I get half a point you can have half a point half a point what but that's and also because you're not going to get any points next up we have sharp ooh another Japanese company I don't have the slightest idea about sharp a lot of these companies don't have the same name I have a wild guess radios in 1957 I said 1896 and they make kitchen Wares and specifically knives that's very specific sh oh my 1912 a buckle for gentlemen why do you you goe you do it you read the slide that Kenzie so carefully wrote Coco beo be is Jay's silent or no too F uh fasten without perforation so it goes chunk I'm wearing that belt right now from 1912 yeah uh it was invented by the founder uh kokui hayakawa also more importantly the ever ready shark mechanism pencil in 1915 so it was a mechanical pencil that was always sharp because you would just actually use it as a clicky mechanical thing I'll give Matt another half point for being closer on the year woohoo tied it up baby Atari oh I think I know this one wait hold on hold I remember one time I don't know if it was one of these videos or something I like was starting to tell the story of Atari and I realized I was accidentally telling the story of Sega we did do Sega last time yeah yeah yeah okay cuz I know Sega was service games but Atari is not Atari though later I know that was it Atari was later or is it the company that became Atari you can guess but I think I think I know I don't know Nolan Bushnell founded Atari I know that who later went on to create Chuck-E-Cheese great history I'm going to go with this I don't feel super confident I think I'm Ball 3 2 1 pong in 1971 I said 1958 in a punch card computer 1972 arcade P I'm giving you two points y what's up boy in 1972 Nolan Bushnell saw a demo of the Magnavox Odyssey in his tennis game game and so he decided to ask his good buddy Al Al Al Al alorn Al alorn that sounds like a villain in like Streets of Rage yeah together they made an arcade version and even though a bunch of the major companies at the time such as B and Midway rejected it because it was for two players so he made it himself out of a TV from Walgreens a laundromat coin mechanism and a mil carton for coins it put in a bar people loved it made dozen more and next thing you know The Dumping ET carts in the desert 10 years later I'm I'm pretty happy I got that one next up Epson I don't know at all yeah there's zero chance I added this because I was like what really Kenzie can you give us a little hint what country is Epson from are they Japanese yes oh they are okay okay the name Epson does have to do with printers if you can tell me why I'll give you a point oh it's epiny the study of printers and why they don't work ever I actually feel semi confident in mine I'm guessing a calculator in 1963 1863 and they made calligraphy sets in 1961 Epson started as a division of psycho the watch company called shinsu psyche making watch Parts 1963 1961 yeah I'll give you the year what Epson means electric printer son so psycho was selected as the timekeeper for the 196 for Tokyo Olympics they need a printing timer shinsu psyche developed the electric printer which was abson printer and so in 1975 they made EPS in America to sell the printers in the US wow I'm angry by Electric printer electric printer son I had no I was like what we're all learning something new today so what more could you ask for out of this is video other than some random trivia facts that you can go and flex on your friends with much like you can Flex on your friends that you are a subscriber to this is Channel you can tell him that you've already decided to Ringling that dingling button so that you'll always be up to date when we're all making up some whacky old stories and sharing it with their buddies AOL okay now this America Online this is a trick question is kiny trying to get us right now I feel this one's so obvious that it's going to be something weird it's like American online was actually started in 1776 by Thomas Jefferson's third Aunt who decided to say that uh America was on like the clothes line and um it would just sort of survived for a long time I feel like there's going to be some trick to this what does your heart tell you dialup in 1987 198 uh 1886 excuse me and what is wrong with you Telegraph what is wrong dude stop guessing 100 years earlier than these things happen uh 1886 I guess you said 96 whatever I think they took their Telegraph lines and said you know what we could do the internet with our infrast that's almost as bad as America's on close line 1983 it started out as the control video game corporation which was gameline for the Target 2600 which was an online service to allow subscribers to keep track of high scores and download games for a dollar you could then play the game for a dollar credit it did have a dial component you I'll give you a point for that I usually like suck at these things but I'm on fire me I think Matt is kind of playing post meta at this point no I'm not I I'm I take offense to that because I think that every one of mine is a legit like possibility I'm trying to play what I think you're going to do and you are a walking hit post which means I'm trying to play to what I think is in your brain ah I take offense Xerox Rochester baby Xerox really from Rochester yep yes and I don't know this one oh damn it okay obviously made and still make copy machines and stuff hold on Matt we B we did a this is on this a long time ago we talked about this I'm getting like mad flashbacks that we've done like 2018 this is talking about the history of Xerox is is this ringing a bell to you no really again I live I'm so mad right now punch cart machines in 1953 1870 printing press 19066 I'll give Matt a point a Pity Point photographic paper and Equipment as Harold uh uh photographic as the it was the was the uh halloy uh photographic company from raters New York I guess it started out as just a general like photographic sort of Supply equipment kind of thing but then by the 1930s they had actually developed a very early version of a copy machine using toner so the in the 30s some dude who wasn't Affiliated had come up with like the toner thing and then uh later they would Xerox would then go on to make that into like the first copy machine yeah interesting I'm giving Matt a point for a combination of being closer to Printing and also being like 30 years off but like correct about it being like way early and also just cuz he only has one point okay you know what as long as you just mention it's for pity I feel fine how about your pity points well you you you had like you had half I'll take here so I'm giving you one I ain't too proud for pity points so uh two to five Tiger Electronics oh wow I know the second product they made was to turn tigers into robots but I don't know what the first one I mean the obvious answer to me is those little like electronic game things that you know they sold for a very very long time they probably still too but like that's that's a lot of work to do I almost feel like they need to do something a little simpler before they get into it I'm going to be very vague Kenzie if you throw this answer out I I'm not going to argue it but I'm I'm I'm just I'm I'm directionally trying to be correct I'm just guessing at the wall Now Toys in 1964 and my little sub bullet is that it wasn't originally Tiger Electronics it was Tiger something else they added that later 1960 vacuum tubes oh we're really close wait no no no no no more vacuum tubes when we did the last video every other answer was a vacuum tube people got really upset oh no people were upset because you said transistor tubes not literally no you that's not a thing vacuum tubes is the I got it right 1978 record player so we're both way off on the date Toys N it's not I'm not I'm actually I would say this is specifically not a toy compared to everything else they did but they did make the absolutely legendary talk boy uh which was featured in the cinema Classic Home Alone 2 next up I got a Texas Instruments oh Texas Instruments is one of the companies that's way bigger than you think obviously they like the ti massive they make chips they make a lot of things they make gpus what yeah really they're like little little boys oh okay yeah sure like arduinos and stuff like that I believe I believe the sure sure sure okay yeah yeah but we got to go way back transistor tubes is my guess you will not get a point for transistor tubes because that's not a thing whoops I'm going to go back to an old CL classic I am also going to do a whole classic cuz I don't know the answer to this question 1921 radio my friend 1876 Abacus AB 1931 it was seismic equipment for oil explation you know what that's a real Texas instrument is that was the most Texas instrument I could think of look 1921 1931 I even got one I was three of the four digits were correct and one was slightly off yeah but I had I said advocate so you get negative points is that what you're trying to argue right now they made the first transistor radio it was transistor tubes just in the ground you know they were just you know so the original plan was that they use seismic waves with dynamite or devices to measure the waves what was underground so you know you're looking for that sweet sweet Liquid Gold Dino juice that's what we call it but then they reorganized in 1951 as Texas Instruments they made the first transistor tube based radio cuz they you had transistor tubes inside that's definitely what happened and the first integrated circuit with a transistor tube in 1958 was considering giving you half a point but no more you said transistor tube I was so look you've given Matt so many points for being 30 years off I one point but I didn't I didn't be a goblin about it Hasbro it was Kyle Kyle actually founded Hasbro that's that's where Hasbro comes from I don't think I can actually mathematically win this I think I should just win if I get something perfectly correct all right okay let's do it 3 2 1 gi. Joe in 1927 uh 1919 wooden bear 1923 they made textile remnants as the hassenfeld brothers and throughout the 1920s and 30s they expanded to doing pencil cases school supplies and by 1942 they were a full-fledged toy company after making modeling clay doctor nurse kits but their first popular toy was actually Mr Potato Head J Joe and wood box neither has get a point on that what the textile remnants were made out of what bears apparently wood look Kenzie if you took away my points for saying transistor tube too many times this sort of heresy I think deserves negative points well I didn't take away your points I just didn't give them to you Phillips now I know Phillips is a is this Swedish company no no Dutch Danish uh yes Dutch I get the impression that Phillips is quite old especially because we call it the Phillips screwdriver for a reason because Phillips you know Matt I actually say you might be right on 1800s for this one I actually I think I'm going to be on board with that but what did Phillips do what are the Dutch known for tulips no Max for staffen no wood clogs mm-m I'm giving you the answer right now no I'm giving it to you well that's fine you can you can use that can I if can I get his points if no you can't no that's not how it works a tool in 1894 1876 screwdriver 1882 carbon filament lamps just not you know Phillips huge so they made vacuum tubes as everyone knows the inferior cousin of uh transistor tubes in the 20s 1972 they made the world's first VCR and then they made laser disc baby last one up if I get this 100% correct I automatically win you can just make up rules didn't he already agree to it I don't know if I did but perhaps if I if I impressed Kia oh no oh no I don't know any of this is a Korean car manufacturer today um they are now uh owned by Hyundai although that was not the case cuz I know they went bankrupt uh in the '90s i9s yeah the '90s and I think Hyundai purchased them I don't know how much earlier they were I don't know if they even started making cars if I'm honest with you they probably didn't if I get this correct I win automatically I say yeah cuz what why would you just are you trying to tell me that this game is like Whose Line Is It Anyway the points don't matter I've been try Harding this whole I'm I'm agreeing to it cuz I know he's not going to get it how do you miss that though when she's like oh yeah uh this is all just based on Vibes based off of try hardness but then some of it's also based on Vibes in order to be entertaining to our audience well it's entertaining if I C squeeze out the victory don't squeeze on anything 3 2 1 Kitchen Stuff in 1953 1921 rubber 1944 steel tu tu and B part I'm pretty close on that one what are you talking about about 1953 oh I was within 10 years well I'm sorry what do you use what do you ride on with your bicycle rubber uh Matt wins this one like follow subscribe let us know what your favorite first product was go check out our other version of this uh that's on the channel and we'll catch you in the next one I feel great winning this after I'm filing an appeal with the the the higher powers that will what it's me I'm the higher power ni you wish you were Kenzie cast him down keny I'm your boss I'm your both of your bosses so I don't respect you Ultra beaming you
Channel: This Is
Views: 65,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: this is, austin evans, matt ansini, test drivers, the test drivers, facebook, tech, technology, amazon, google, sony, playstation, ps5, xbox, apple, meta, gaming, consoles, pcmr, laptops, gpu, rtx, psready, denki, xboxready, superswitchgo
Id: o074uFi7uTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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