These games are SCAMS

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hello and welcome to this is we're going to recklessly speculate wo wo wo Reckless speculation that never would fly on the this is channel because today we're going to be determining whether or not some of the most hyped and anticipated sequels and games of all time will ever see the light of day here's my hot take y it's not even a hot take I'm Ready the Fallout TV series uhhuh was just Fallout 5 and they go what if we just made it on TV instead of the game I'm still waiting for the other 71 Fallout games so we're going to take a look at some games we're going to guess whether it's yes coming out or no it's not and fist of cuffs will be had staren wow we're starting off with a bang on this one this has been in development since 2010 so I knew that it had been around I didn't realize that they had started in 2010 yeah you want to talk about micro transactions in a game micro how about macro transactions you could spend $1,100 for 3D model of a spaceship talk about pay to win so okay if you're unfamiliar starter citizen is an incredibly ambitious MMO you can build your ships or really buy your ships and you can fly all around the Galaxy and have a great time with your best buddies they've taken the purchasing of ships to another level it's not like you know GTA where you buy some shark bucks and buy yourself a new car or something no how about spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars I completely Grant are impeccably modeled they look phenomenal you can walk all around them and see them like they're they're really cool but there are people who have spent ungodly amounts of money on Star Citizen nothing against that I know that if you looked at Matt's bank balance for Bloon purchases over the years is probably in the trillions of dollars I heard through the grapevine that they're approaching version 1.0 what does that mean they've been approaching this for like years now part of the reason they have to charge so much for the space models Y is because they got to pay for the A-list actors that they got for their campaign they paid them all 10 years ago cuz that's when they had them included Gary Oldman Mark Hamill Gillian Anderson Just based on sheer math of how long it's never it's never officially coming out here the thing they've raised $644 million here's my problem with Star Citizen I would say that like Starfield is like 60% of what Star Citizen is no man Sky also pretty good you don't have to pay anything else for those you don't have to pay for the ship look if you enjoy Star Citizen all the more po to you have a great time but while I'm not exactly a huge fan of the idea that it has been in Early Access for longer than some people who play it are alive yeah I've got to say it is it is a game it's not Vaper Weare it exist that was almost fist of Cups Perfect Dark reboot now Perfect Dark came out for the N64 and then well where is it it's so dark I can't find it so it's been in development since is 2018 by the initiative and Crystal Dynamics the initiative doesn't sound like a real thing Xbox has called it the first quadruple a game no no no no no Ubisoft tried this sh uhuh no quadruple a or quintuple a or sex Tuple a games that's not a thing we're making stuff up now AAA is a nefarious idea already we saw a trailer in 2020 there was no gameplay it was just a CG trailer which is great because they had actually not really even started working on the game at all at that point I realize that Perfect Dark wasn't 007 back in the day oh man is7 fighting alien I didn't know James Bond when I was a kid we did get a remaster of golden eye and made it HD and that was the N64 version right it leaked they couldn't uh get the rights from MGM because they are notoriously very protective of the bond brand they won't sell anything with Bond if it's not the current bond which is why we got that weird golden eye version for the Wii that had Daniel Craig in it yep I'm I'm going to give it both I'm give it a thumbs down even though I know that Microsoft are hungry for beautiful Xbox titles to sell series s's to your nephew but I think after this many trials and tribulations and we how many years from any kind of significant updates maybe in like 10 minutes when they do another Xbox showcase they'll show it off and I'll be wrong but I'm going to say not happening reboot no uh just remaster yes GTA man they spent like $30 trillion on this thing it'll be out tomorrow right wait when when does gtss come out I thought it was coming out next week it was like coming in 2025 then like a month ago they're like you know what we're going to delay it cuz we want to take our time so now it's going to be about 2026 what what what what and they said like hey everyone who works for the company has to come back into the office as of recording this like yesterday morning take two also announc that laying off even more people and they're delaying projects but here's the thing there is zero incentive to actually speed up the development of this because they are just literally printing shark bucks on GTA online I can't wait for the YouTube like sort of documentaries on the history of GTA 6 between the leaks and all this kind of stuff like when this thing finally ships by the time that we're both old and gray it's going to be a great time I actually think that GTA 6 might be somewhat of a letdown we have like this idea of like look how good GTA is right now but like it's just like no they just keep giving us all these features in online just imagine the amount of money and just the investment has gone into this it's almost like when you have a project yeah obviously GT coming out because this is going to be the first trillion dollar billion dollar this is octuple a game oh next up we have Beyond Good and Evil 2 Oh you mean the game that's like older than people watching this video cool so this is also a quadruple a game Ubisoft stop where is it I don't know so the way that they pitch this game is an open world action Adventures space combat RPG share universe so you know that seems like a really easy game to do they read Ready Player one and said write that down write that down look if you tease this thing in 2008 and then 10 years later the best thing youve got is a CG trailer hell no brother if Ubisoft tries to sell me another quadruple game I'm going to thumbs down I mean with everything Ubisoft like they laid off a bunch of people they shed a bunch of of projects you say shat a bunch of projects well they did they definitely shat a bunch of projects anything that's not Assassin's Creed they shat they also shut down the crew yeah even if you own the game you can't play it anymore this is not coming how about we do a double thumbs down oh no no halflife three I knew when we were doing this video this is going to be on the list I still wasn't ready for it half life if you're somehow unaware uh congratulations that rock seems really nice to live under is one of the most seminal gaming experiences of all time halflife one was Incredible halflife 2 was incredible and these bastards gave us instead of halflife 3 episode 1 and two of halflife they leave you on a damn Cliffhanger and then say oh right are we going to finish this game no the writer of halflife had even leaked the entire plot of episode three valve and the valve structure is I think directly the reason why half lifee 3 has not happened are you familiar with the way that valve is laid out as a company yeah gabin just does a line of coke and decides what make it like steam deck let's do it my understanding the way the valve works is that it is a very sort of flat structure and everyone at valve kind of has it seems like some sort of flexibility on what projects they want to work on and it feels like one of those things where there's not enough critical momentum behind people that valve really wanting to do halflife 3 like it almost certainly been worked on starts and stops over the years because of how much of a cult following halflife has yeah there's not a group of people who work for valve that are like you know what I'm going to make this on my own goddamn time and just like present like you can make a halflife game very easily but the expectation it's never going to live up to whatever hype that we've made in our mind about it's never going to live up to that and you think about valve who again are making giant piles of money on every bit of steam stuff I they did do halflife Alex which you could argue was halflife adjacent I understand why people at valve don't have the the sort of motivation to go and spend all this money making a game that would almost certainly disappoint people I got to say thumbs down thumbs down so sad to say that I but we will get whole life one so there's only one YouTuber I subscribe to on my work account and it's this guy he uploads a video every single day about the halflife 3 update he's nearing to Day 2000 right now Metroid Prime 4 so this one's actually a little bit tough at E3 of 2017 rest in piece this was announced to be in development and then they gave us a big old trailer with a very fancy looking four they have apparently moved it around so it was originally being developed by Bandy Namco it's been moved to Retro Studios who originally made Metroid Prime the thing is while we have not really had a whole lot of updates on this in several years I still hear rumors that we're going to get Metroid Prime for soon some random Nintendo Direct we're going to have hold out hope and it's just going to pop up 100% coming out the moment we get the switch 2 we will hear a whole bunch about this because if Nintendo loves doing something it's really selling us a game sure whenever they release this is the next game they'll work on is the new f-zero game right guys okay all right Elder Scroll 6 when this was announced in 2018 everyone was very excited they showed this teaser in 2018 and that's really all we've got now clearly this has and continues to be in development for the last several years and it's understandable when you get to games of this kind of scope and this kind of quadruple a sort of thing it's going to take a while but here's the thing we've not actually gotten a good update in like 6 years it's clear that Bethesda are working on this it's not that they're just going to say oh never mind we're not going to do it so Elder Scroll here here's the difference between Elder Scrolls and all the other ones we looked at there's nothing that indicates this is uh in development hell every other one of these games is like um it's changed developers five times uh the entire team got laid off this is Bethesda they just keep releasing massive games they did make Starfield I probably derailed them by a lot so you think that because Starfield was a big bag of doooo yeah they like oh we need to come back hard-hitting and now they got that Microsoft money behind them they do yeah yeah this is 100% coming out it will be a PlayStation 6 exclusive we're still probably years and years away from but it is it's coming it's coming guys unre oh this one this is a hardcore Henry the game a guy worked in the French Studio drama uploaded a demo for this game and everyone went insane oh yeah so it's meant to look like a body cam it has you know tons of people who are super excited about it has over 1.2 million wish lists on Steam so the entire Studio at the time of announcing this was just a couple of French musicians and a single Game Dev now they actually used just some basic unreal assets that were sort of pre-made in the trailers but the problem was was that this thing while it seems incredibly impressive I don't know that this one's going to come out mostly because lots of people have already made games in the style that have actually been released and you can really kind of recreate the trailer pretty quickly it seems like one of those things that kind of got the wow fact of like oh my God this looks super realistic without really thinking about any kind of substance behind it I'm a thumbs down on this one I don't think this is ever showing up I remember everyone was super excited about it but I think it will come out but it's probably not going to do anything or you could just go to Detroit social commentary I don't like that pragmata this was announc in 2021 it's like someone read kojima's his diary yeah it makes something really weird and then release it and people love it this was announced in 2021 it was going to come out in 2022 and then it was delayed to 2023 and it was delayed to I don't know now they actually do have some gameplay in the trailer as well so it's not just that sort of cinematic thing but also the gam playay is not enjoyable looking I will say I'm curious I will give it a thumbs down as well but like it definitely got my attention I don't the problem is though this is still new enough that it could absolutely still come out it could but like but it doesn't feel like it makes any sense and I don't know if people are clamoring for pragmata to release on the PS5 System Shock 3 wait wait wait wait wait I forgot that this was going to be a thing originally started in 2006 by EA you know the year that the PS3 and the Wii came out then the rights were moved to night dive who have actually made a lot of good stuff and then it was moved to other s side entertainment right so that's usually that good sign when it's moved three times they did have a trailer in 2019 so only 13 years after they announced it but then they oh I don't know uh ran out of money so then they sold to tensent in 2020 back when tensent was and still kind of is buying up everything that looked like it had a pulse that had uh the ability to put an add in it and then we've heard nothing hold on they announc the thing in 2018 or they just heard 3 no System Shock mobile yes oh no no Titanfall three do you know the last time I was an actual tryhard and FPS was Titanfall 1 I would do like a couple hours a night to try to like actually be good in Titanfall one now you probably know this Titanfall Universe from Apex Legends but back in the early kind of like Xbox One ERA this was an actual XBox exclusive so much fun like honestly I loved Titanfall 1 so the thing is they've been teasing Titanfall 3 in Apex Legends right cuz like that's the whole universe well yes a lot of people want three I just I don't think it's going to happen happening I think it whatever we would get for Titanfall 3 would just be an a PX nope single player I want the Titanfall gameplay of a nice multiplayer map but I want the ability to hop in and out of my mechs and to call my Titans down and have a good old time thumbs up Titanfall 3 is coming I don't care what you call it I don't care if you have to shove it in Apex so that people actually pay attention to it thumbs up the source engine we live again bully 2 wow okay GTA but in a boarding school they started developing it back in 2006 theoretically and they never said it was cancelled but here's the thing I mean obviously Rockstar and the early 2000s were all about making sort of very um uh controversial titles bully felt like the same kind of thing you could seduce a teacher and then beat up a poor kid there are a lot of reasons why bully 2 will probably never see the light of day I think a game that they were able to do 20 years ago is probably not something pull off quite as easily today if you just think about what Rockstar can do and you know with their giant piles of cash GTA obviously on the top Red Dead also really really strong I'll just take a guess that Rockstar table tenis is going to come out before bully 2 thumbs down never seen the light of day if it did come out I'd love to know which British boarding school this would take place in Hogwarts and then there's a secret last uh slide last up we have oh for [ __ ] sake it's a game get it here's the thing A Song of Ice and Fire has a special place in my heart and the Winds of Winter are coming for us all my friends My Boy George he's been locked up in his there's no way that George doesn't die before he comes dude he's been working on this for a long time he's out there in his castle in the Middle Woods he's out there having a great time I love that George RR Martin is actually just like a jock dude he's like loves sport you always see him like sitting court side at basketball game if you don't finish it we're going to be forced to deal with the AI version to complete it which will be still better than the David and Dan what we need to do is give him whatever Stephen King was on in the'80s yeah cocaine lots of it there's lots of cocain literally I'm so sad okay I'm so sad like subscribe and uh every like equals one more prayer for George R Martin to finish this goddamn series that I've been waiting for every like is one more line for him both text and kn [Music]
Channel: This Is
Views: 46,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: this is, austin evans, matt ansini, test drivers, the test drivers, facebook, tech, technology, amazon, google, sony, playstation, ps5, xbox, apple, meta, gaming, consoles, pcmr, laptops, gpu, rtx, psready, denki, xboxready, superswitchgo
Id: frzZfCnuE7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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