Weirdest Facebook Marketplace Items (GAME)

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- Facebook ain't just for arguing with your racist uncle anymore. - Let's talk about that. (alarm ringing) (splat) (whoosh) (bubbling) (guitar strum) (wood cracking) (roar) - Good Mythical Morning. - Ever since Mark Zuckerburg stole everything from sweet, innocent Andrew Garfield, we have lived in a world of Facebook. It's everywhere. You're on it even if you hate it. And now Facebook has sunk their tendrils into your shopping life with Facebook Marketplace. Basically, it's like Craigslist, but you can go and buy and sell things without ever leaving the wormhole that is Facebook. And we're gonna find out just how well you know the prices of those items, Link. It's time for "Can you guess that "price on Facebook Marketplace for that item?" Link Neal, come on down! You're the only contestant on Weird Things on Facebook Marketplace. - Yay, I'm good at this game! Always. - Okay, again, Link, same rules as always. I'm gonna present an item to you, you have to pick between two different prices. A 50/50 chance on every single one. - Hasn't helped me before. - If you get four of these right, then you get either what's in the mystery box, or a dollar. - Ooh, mystery box. - And you know what, Stevie is here. She's going to be revealing the answers. She's wearing all black so as not to be a distraction. - Alright. - Oh, she's also got the new Mythical hat on. Ooh, check that out! - What! - Okay, are you ready? - Is that even for sale yet? - It should be. - It is. - On Facebook Marketplace. - Listed simply as Perchtenfell, this costume apparently needs no explanation to Austrians since there is no further description on the item. How much would-- - I am no Austrian. I don't know what that is. - How much would you need to pay to own this unique corner of the nightmare market? Is it 350 euros, or 150 euros? (groans) - 350. What's the exchange rate on a euro? - I mean, it's a little bit more than a dollar. It fluctuates. So we're talkin' like 400 and-- - That, there's a lotta hair on that thing, there's at least 150 euros worth of hair on that costume, that you could just repurpose and make a profit. - Yep, mhmm. - Is that a mask or, that's not the painted face of a man who's modeling the costume. - [Rhett] I believe it is a full costume. - That would be a good makeup job. Uh, I think this is high-dollar. I mean, look at all the hair, have I talked about the hair? - Yeah. - 350. - Alright! Link, let's see! (ding) You are correct! Great start! - (claps) Yeah! Right off the bat, 350. - Yeah, in Austrian, these costumes represent the fabled Perchten, monsters that run around during Christmas to various households to chase away bad spirits, so in Austria, these are the good guys. - How do they run around? - I'm not going to Austria! - Where's the bottom, they don't run anywhere. - Uh, first, they like folded the costume up on itself, there is another picture that shows it full-length, but I wanted to throw you off a little bit. - Okay. This doesn't work, by the way. - Oh, it works for me, (chuckles) emotionally. This wedding ring set is being sold by Liza, with a Z, for a deal, why? Because, quote, "My husband couldn't keep his hands "to himself so I packed my stuff, "moved out, and filed for divorce!" You go girl! - Oh! - Does she want $1000 total, or $1000 for every month they were together? - (laughs) $1000 total or s-- They were only together six months? - Uh-huh. - Dang, man, get your act together! You know, I will note, there's two rings there. - [Rhett] Uh-huh. - [Link] It's not just one ring, there's two layers to that, and it's on the hand right now, so I see it looks great on a hand. - Uh-huh. - Man, $1000. I like the rationale. I'm sure that was part of her thing-- - Oh. - so I'm going for 6000 euros, dollars. (buzzer dings) - Dollars! Or euros, Link. You are wrong. It was only a $1000 ring. - She just wants to cut her losses! - Yeah. - With no rationale attached! - Her husband liked it, so he put a ring on it, but then he liked way too many of Becky with the Good Hair's Facebook pictures. (laughing off-screen) - Oh. Wouldn't that be weird if there all, like, you know who buys it on Facebook, so then it's like, if she were to buy it... - Yeah, if you're buying that ring, the reject ring, yeah, ick. Okay, is this alive chicken, that's what it says, as evidenced by this hostage-style picture of its feet, listed for 700,000 Vietnamese dong, or 80 Vietnamese dong? - Mmm, I don't know how far a dong goes these days. (all laughing) - Yeah, that's right. - 700,000. - That is the question. - 80 dong. - That is the question. - Man, one alive chicken. - And really, you're choosing between a dong going a long way or a dong going not very far at all, because it, it's, I mean look at that. - I think a chicken is pretty important. A chicken makes eggs, which then can sustain you for quite a while, I mean the protein alone. - Uh-huh. - Is worth 80 dong a pop. - Yeah, okay. - So I'm going for the big 700,000 dong. - (chuckles) Okay! (dings) - For the chickens. - Alright! Dong doesn't go very far, Link, you are right! 700,000 dong. Now the listing is-- - Those feet look good, too! - Yeah, they do. (Stevie laughs) The listing, as crudely translated by Google, says the chicken is, quote, "Not strong, "but tube feathers," which is all I need to know! (Stevie laughs) - Tube feathers? - Tube feathers! Which is weird, because, you know this, from our history together, I was actually voted most likely to not be not strong, but tube feathers as my senior superlatives, remember that? (all laughing) - Yeah, man. - It's weird how it all comes back on a big loop! - You always have those tube feathers to fall back on. - Yeah, if you're not strong, at least you got tube feathers! (laughs) One inventive photographer in New Orleans, Louisiana, is offering maternity milk tub photography. How much does it cost-- - [Link] Well, hold on a second. - [Rhett] Yeah, there it is. - [Link] Just let me take this in. - (laughs) Take it in all you want. How much will it cost for you to get all milked up in a tub to welcome new milky life? Milk! (Stevie laughs) - Is this, am I buying a picture, or is this a service? - This would be like, you would go, if you were pregnant, and you would get this taken of you. - This is, this is a-- - Yeah, maternity photographer. So you'd go and get this done. Is it $350 or free? - Mmm, well, I mean this photographer clearly doesn't need to build his or her portfolio, I mean, there's already a great picture right here. - Mhmm, okay, that's one way-- - So why would they, why would they offer it for free? Come sit in my bath full of milk and let me take pictures of you for free. Little creepy. - Hmm, yeah. - That's not a reputable business, so I think you gotta charge something. - Okay, okay. - Anything. 350 will do. Please don't be free, good gracious. (buzzer rings) - It is free, Link. - Why? (laughter off-screen) - I think this is the kinda guy that pays you to come and get into his tub, you know, one of those photographers. - Oh. (Stevie laughs) - Well, incidentally, I thought this looked fun, so I found out, check this out. - [Link] Ew. What? (Rhett laughs) - [Rhett] Yeah. - See, I don't even wanna ask a follow-up question. - It was colder than I expected. (all laughing) You can see it on my face. - [Link] That is your face. - Yeah, yeah. - That is correct. Is it a boy or a girl? - Oh, it was a food baby. I didn't check when I got rid of it. (all laughing) - A male food baby. - This here is a hand-made taxidermy body chain, and it features real deer vertebrae and scapulae. How much will it cost you to buy the perfect outfit for seduces a literal psychopath? - Oh my goodness. - Is it $125 or $425? - You call that an outfit? I hope that goes over an outfit. - I don't know. I mean, I could enjoy it either way. - Wow. You can hook your keys onto it, you'd never lose 'em. - You can hook dem keys on it! (Stevie laughs) - That's worth something. - Maybe that's part of it. - (laughs) Hey, I'm always losing my keys, hook, hook my wallet, you know those chain wallets are coming back. - They are, they are. - Oh man, you can pay $125 for a good chain wallet. - Uh-huh. - Make four out of this, by that rationale. $425. (buzzer rings) It's got some vertebrae-- - Ah, Link. It's not even $125. (Link groans) - That's a steal, man. I'm m-- - Yeah, it's a really good deal, it is. - I might go for that. Do I have to friend the person first? How does this work? - I don't know. Well, the seller goes on to say that this looks nice on bare skin, or over clothing, which makes it clear that this has 1000% been on bare skin. (Link laughs) Okay, Link, you're not doing too hot. This picture was listed by Facebook user Ester, from Madrid, Spain, accompanied only by the description, "I am selling a pair of new appliques, "clean and still in plastic." Now, applique is a term that can describe both wall sconces and chest pasties. How much do you have to pay to find out where these hang? 25 euro or 80 euro? - I thought that these were actual, like, opera brassieres. - Where's the strap? - [Link] Well, that's a good follow-up question. - They just have, they have adhesives. - My eye was, I would just say my eye was drawn to the part where the strap wouldn't be. (Rhett and Stevie laugh) - Okay, you were distracted. I get it. I understand. - But, okay, these are just wall sconces, I'm a little disappointed now. I'm no longer in the market. Uh, 25 or 80 euro. Well, isn't that a skirt underneath it? That's what throws me off, it's like, put the two together and you got quite an ensemble. I mean, no one wants an old wall sconce. 25 euro. (bell dings) - Hey, Link, you're right! (Link chuckles) But the fact of the matter is, these are either extremely boob-like wall sconces, or extremely wall sconce-like boob pasties, so, to clear things up, I bought these. Here I am, in them. (all laughing) - [Link] Oh! - [Rhett] They're a lot smaller than you would expect. (all laughing) - [Link] Hold on, what? - [Rhett] Yeah. - [Link] No, you didn't buy 'em. - Yeah, yeah I did. They're pasties, Link. - After the maternity thing, I-- - You're questioning everything? - Yeah. - Alright, Link, if you get this one right, you get to make a choice. An entrepreneur, (chuckles) I've never been-- - There's power in choice. - I've never been able to say that word, "entrepreneur," from Sydney, Australia, starts his listing with a title, "Let's party with a potato on a stick!" - [Link] Yeah, let's. - And is offering essential party needs like popcorn, fairy floss, potato on a stick, and face painting. How much will it cost to-- - What is fairy floss? - I don't want to find out. (Stevie laughs) How much will it cost to have someone hand-stabbing potatoes for your entertainment, $150 or $350? Everything's on the line, Link. - Popcorn, fairy floss, and potato on a stick? - Mhmm. - What is a potato on a stick? Even $350 is a reasonable price. - Even! - I mean, there's three things there. - Uh-huh. - That's better than most parties I've attended. - It does look like he's put a lot of money or thought into this, though, I just will say that. - [Link] Does he know we can see him behind that globe? (all laughing) - Doesn't look like it. - He's like, "I'm hiding here, I won't be in this photo." - He's making more fairy floss back there. Not a euphemism for anything. - (laughs) $150. - Link, you are right! (bell dings) - Yeah! (claps) - That's right! And you win the amazing choice between a dollar-- - Dollar bill. - Or what's in the Mystery Box? - I love how you're insistent upon holding onto that, and you can't even give me the box, but it doesn't work! Okay. I'm going for the Mystery Box, man! - Yeah, good choice. - Who needs a dollar? - Good choice. - Okay. (whoops) My dreams are coming true if this-- - Hold it up. - If this is what I think it is. - It is, brother, it is. - You did buy this! - And it's gonna be on your bare skin in just a little bit. - Oh gosh, I think it's tangled. - Congratulations, Link! And thank you for liking, commenting, and subscribing! - You know what time it is. - Hi, my name's Madison Walker, I'm from Green Cove Springs, Florida, but I'm currently in Interlaken, Switzerland, and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - We have our own marketplace of sorts, where you can get new GMM logo tees, and new GMM logo mugs in two different colors, and lots more. - And click through to Good Mythical More, we are going to look at Mythical crew members first Facebook photos. - QTMBA, a question that must be answered. Socks, are they worth the trouble? - (laughs) That's it? (laughter off-screen) Well, sometimes they are trouble, but, in my opinion, they're always worth it. - Yeah. - Because of foot sweat. - Think of the alternative. But hey, you gotta answer this question. It must be answered. Post your answer to this question with #QTMBA, you must. - [Link] Thanks for clicking subscribe. Click on the left to watch our show-after-the-show, Good Mythical More. Click the video on the right to watch another episode of Good Mythical Morning. - [Rhett] And be sure to check out our other channel, This Is Mythical, by clicking the video on the bottom. - [Link] Thanks for being your Mythical Best.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,154,471
Rating: 4.9157882 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, gmm will it, good mythical morning will it, Rhett, link, rhett and link, Rhett link, gmm taste test, mythical morning, mythical, season 12, weirdest facebook marketplace items game, weirdest facebook marketplace items, weird facebook marketplace items, facebook marketplace, facebook, gmm facebook marketplace, rhett link facebook marketplace, price is right, craigslist game, facebook game, rhett link game, rhett link price is right, gmm price is right
Id: bvuQ0ZusV8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2017
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