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hey guys right now i'm in las vegas for ces that's me what is ces consumer electronic show basically a convention about showing off the new tech that's about to come out correction most of the ces tech is just concepts and will probably never come out it's been going on for a while now and this is my first one and goody for me i choose the first one where there's some controversy surrounding it it's basically due to the increase of the bad stuff in the air a lot of companies have been pulling out a lot of influencers saying they're not going and they've already shortened the event by one day to deal with all that stuff and i can kind of see their desperation right now if they're willing to give a tech destruction youtuber a media badge but yeah if you don't know despite destroying tech i love tech so that's why i decided to go and today is media day with an exclusive presentation and an exclusive showing of new technology to us fun exciting i feel so special i'm staying in the hotel where today's events are taking place so let's go downstairs right now and see what it's all about [Music] it first started off with a presentation which welcomed everyone who was irresponsible enough to come out here that's me then it became a snoozefest with graphs and the summary is that people are still buying dumb stuff then we got to go to ces unveiled which is a showroom floor exclusive to media featuring groundbreaking tech such as whatever the hell is going on here apparently it's tech for the metaverse i've been hearing this word a lot lately and i still don't know what it's supposed to be but it's featured a lot here at ces another thing you'll also see over and over again here is nfts because people online just can't stop raving about them oh hi are these nfts yes the thing a lot of people criticize ces for is showing off tech concepts we will probably never see officially released in our lifetime a lot of people also complain about making things smart that don't have to be i disagree i want my shower to get software updates whoa a race car oh it's just earplugs oh that has to be censored finally a smart motorcycle that can be driven while you're drunk some booths didn't have anybody talking about their product but really needed someone that's just read it and that's literally just phillips hue down to the box design i got to try out something that lets you sit while you stand it was pretty cool despite me almost falling over backwards and making it awkward to walk around another cool thing i tried was this temporary tattoo printer i can finally show everyone i'm a lone wolf but my favorite demo was when i was abandoned in this massage chair for a while because the demo were left to talk with other people this was interesting i forgot what it's supposed to do but it was interesting woo i'm beat from all that groundbreaking tech time to go back to my hotel room and rest and that's it for cs day one i actually had another weird encounter with nfts that i didn't catch on video a group of women walked by me saw my badge asked what i do and when i told them they promoted their nft website to me yep that's right nft they also told me that they were banned from ces and couldn't have a booth because of the nature of the product which i can believe good night see you at day two of ces where it's also media only and it's just going to be a bunch of press conferences and the highlight will be this one can't wait throw out all the business cards brochures and press kits i accepted just to be polite i hope they don't watch this morning welcome to ces day two here's all the press conferences i want to go to first up is the canon press conference they have refreshments there which gives them an extra point you can also switch out your sony lanyard for a canon one smart they also had the unannounced products just sitting out on the stage before the show so i guess no surprises here and yeah this press conference was a snoozefest they announced vr video chatting a lens that can shoot vr video and video conference software no way i don't have any use for this stuff so i rate this press conference two out of ten next up was the hyundai press conference before the doors even opened there was a huge queue for it and they made everyone use the hand sanitizer dispensers from 1984. normal temperature imagine not being able to enter a place because the hand sanitizer dispenser said so they also gave up face shields and brochures about the metaverse yes they are a car company but last year they did purchase that black mirror robot company and that's what most of the press conference was about their robots and their use in the metaverse still not clear on what that is but it still beats video conference software then it ended off with a cheesy concept video with things that probably won't happen in our lifetimes despite that i was pretty entertained so i give this press conference six out of ten for the next press conference we had to get on a shuttle and go to the las vegas convention center before i even entered i got a feeling of exclusivity and superiority thank you it was sony's and it was easily the best and most impressive one the press conference started out slow with them talking about what they're currently doing but then they brought up tom holland i don't watch superhero movies but that was a nice surprise i got a photo of him he was there to talk about him starring in the new uncharted movie and they showed an exclusive clip from it i've never played an uncharted game and probably won't see that movie but it was a nice and unexpected treat then they announced the next gen ps vr headset who would have saw that name coming playstation vr2 they talked about its features but they couldn't have shown off the actual headset guess you can't have everything i also didn't expect them to end it off by driving two cars on the stage and announced they were gonna get into making cars i'm hyped maybe one day i can say i drive a sony this was my favorite press conference it seemed like sony went all out so i give it a 9 out of 10. for the final conference it was yet at another location the samsung keynote it was definitely the most popular one with a line where you couldn't see the starter end of it but luckily i was barely able to get in i had high expectations but was let down hard they spent almost half of it talking about the environment that's good i guess then they announced a projector i don't care about some gaming stuff i don't care about and some ugly colored appliances which surprise i don't care about huge letdown but it was the least flashy and kind of entertaining so 4 out of 10. this is probably the closest i'll get to going to an apple keynote but that's not the end of the samsung experience they had a shuttle to yet another hotel where they had more stuff for us to do yeah this makes me want to buy an overpriced projector they do get points for feeding us at least but the main reason for coming here is to be hands on with some of the newest things they announced most of which were just tvs and displays i don't think this place is finished yet ooh now i'm intrigued i don't know what's worse being trapped in a room with bts or this display you decide time to get out of here they didn't have any shuttles back to my hotel so i caught a lift and it was a self-driving one well there was two operators in the front and they barely used the self-driving but it was still cool day two of ces complete can't wait for tomorrow when the expo halls open and we're gonna have a lot of fun there back to the las vegas convention center and i'm gonna combine all the clips i shot over the three expo days to make this mess of a video a bit cleaner first section i went to was vehicle and transportation technology i can't believe what i saw here car batteries why did this booth have this many people okay some actually cool stuff this electric car that no one has heard of yet it can live stream wow can't wait to live stream my next insurance claim i really gotta ask questions but there's no time for example i should have asked what a dead smartphone maker has to do with cars i was too busy getting trapped inside demo cars when i was looking at yet another electric car i'd never heard of i thought i heard squid game music and i did [Music] here's proof i would win a squid game i mean i would have to go broke first thank you don't worry this won't be the last time squid game is used to promote tech products cyber truck i wonder if they're sick of hearing that i need this car to actually release because i can't parallel park to save my life if you're watching this after the robots have taken over here's some rare footage of one actually serving us good memories what shows this huge group of people gathered here to watch our inevitable doom dancing for us one last time but the truly awful part of it all was the music they were dancing to hyundai also showed off some working prototype vehicles from the concept videos they played at their press conference why weren't these demoed there they would have gotten a higher rating from me time to move on to another part of the convention and it's no problem thanks to the tesla hyperloop i did not expect that i would get to experience one so it was a nice treat despite them going school zone speeds here we are at the main part of ces when you think of innovative tech companies what's the first thing that comes to mind the united states postal service of course with those new ugly trucks they better deliver my amazon packages in 20 minutes or less so this is what happens when a car is designed by a company that makes washing machines great job bugatti for putting out a supercar so everyone focuses on that instead of what you're actually trying to promote why is this line so long ah i get it now because the one thing people missed when playing vr was actual pain what's in this booth wow this really makes me want to buy a panasonic it can't be vegas without feeding gambling addictions a new supply chain a new begoning this section of the show floor kind of felt like i was in a black market or chinatown time to get out of here yeah that looks comfortable and convenient oh yeah this video is sponsored by ray ovac the batteries i choose because they're the cheapest what the hell is this why didn't samsung show up this card concept at their keynote they also would have gotten a higher rating for me i'm not against any new tech except for this creepy samsung digital assistant that stalks you on every screen in your home keep that out i wouldn't mind letting that in though i mean look how polite he is i need a pre-order button for him now i'm serious it's a day one purchase for me can't show that can't show those either i'll allow this one i'll take that as a sign to leave and go to another part of ces this part is at another hotel and features mostly startups so i shouldn't be too mean why would you name your company after the icarly one i wonder if they had any trouble getting this in probably not that's a specific thing to sanitize what is going on here and how do i fund it imagine getting into ces and this is your booth budget finally a social network that bans k-pop and minecraft stands where do i sign up i can't be mean so i'm just gonna let you guys form your own thoughts on this circular phone that doesn't have a reason to exist damn it i'll balance it out with something i like mario kart irl look at these fools using a hedge as a table anyway this is what i had for lunch ah the korean startups so where's the squid game tech is what i would ask but that's a harmful stereotype [Music] finally companies that combine two things i don't understand what's this huge group of people gathered here to witness the most impressive piece of tech at ces in my opinion and i'm not even being sarcastic this time my name is annika have you ever seen the movie terminator i was asked that before should i be making sure i see it probably not okay i won't amika could i get a photo with you yes you may can you look over here there oh thank you what is the name of my nametag you are the king thank you are welcome awesome enjoy your day king oh thank you you too amica that's amazing thank you kinda creepy but cool the only thing that can top that is this this time i'm being sarcastic now what is going on here and how do i invest check out my vaporware whip which is the worst name vr that is bad or soy net people in tiktok barely know how to not accidentally kill themselves now watch me get sent to federal prison for what i'm about to do i gotta do oh no oh doesn't do that thank you not again not again now this robot may not be as advanced as amika but he looks a lot more friendlier and approachable i even had a few awkward handshakes with him also cool huh what's upstairs that's right so bad i did that irl upstairs is where the bigger companies are so i can go back to roasting as if i ever stopped bad security what in the youtube kids hell is this would you be a model for creeps of cameras for free teeth whitening who cares what this product does who made this screen mom is finally right about wi-fi routers microwaving your brain and this one's about to take off another cool piece of tech i want to buy is this gaming chair i can finally practice driving after having my license for 5 years what's the point of bringing in a quarter of an airplane wait don't ask questions i can feel like the pilot now yeah feel it yeah i really feel it i wanted a photo of this sloth because of how creatively genius this is now on to the last section of ces that's yet at another hotel easily the worst one and a waste of time because this was it best spoof there was one for nfts because almost no one else bothered to show up back to the main show and we get to ride one more time in the tesla hyperloop interesting music choice oh god the tumor is growing at the bmw booth the star of the show is their color changing car it's like the grand theft auto pain spray where they change your car's color and the cops stop chasing you i need this next time i run someone over again let's see how good bmw's auto parking is uh oh getting a little close here okay that was edited but this wasn't the exact same after almost dying in a horrendous car accident i've had enough of ces and so that that ends it for ces 2022 would i go again if it's held next year yeah i probably would but you guys are probably angry at me because i didn't smash any tech for this entire event well i brought this old gaming watch and so with that thank you guys for watching comment like and subscribe and i'll see you guys later bye
Channel: PlainrockVlogs
Views: 829,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vlog, plainrock124, plainrockvlogs, CES, CES 2022, consumer electronics show, consumer electronics show 2022, tech, technology, las vegas, vegas, convention, nft, metaverse
Id: h33C5PGl7bE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 19 2022
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