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hey guys we're back at CES and I'm about to pick up my badge because I need an ego boost right now yes the suckers gave me media again Now where's MKBHD so before the intro plays I think this is gonna be another voiceover Vlog because CES is full of professional people and I don't think professional people Vlog at these events professionals unprofessional but before I stop talking to the camera I just really hope that there's gonna be some sexy cat girl robots at CES this year all right professional now foreign media elitists got treated to an exclusive Expo floor just for us so for once I have to act mature thank you I'm already in it in this Expo they're showing off some of the latest and Innovative Tech Trends I feel so validated to be around Tech everyone will be using in the future like this Anonymous sexting app what could go wrong nice of them to give out something just in case you decide to meet up and it isn't going well also related I think I found the first startup I'm gonna invest in numbers but if you feel different Bitcoin is finally making a difference so you can no longer make fun of crypto Bros speaking of the blockchain there was only one nft booth here compared to the many last year I wonder why there was also a whole booth just for one cryptocurrency and just like the cryptocurrency it looks abandoned with no effort put in here's some advice no one will approach your booth if it looks like these instead said everyone will be flocking over to the hit Netflix show booth never mind they realized they chose a bad company name like this one I was gonna ignore this easy joke but I'm pretty sure he actually got a job at this company in fact I'm pretty sure he's in charge of this entire Expo floor good thing someone snuck in a bomb quickly and some of this Tech is far from Market ready so you can say zoom in zumai take a picture take a picture oh uh it went to a venue go back to menu go back go back yes you can just say go back go back home yes home home yeah still stuck on the menu take a photo at the moment yeah let's blame the tech for my skills okay there we go there we go finally finally at least I can control my tech destruction urges this robot dog is cool but why did they have to make an appeal to a certain adult demographic whoa a world famous chef is making us free food is it supposed to taste like tin foil MKBHD nope why does everything need to be smart do we really need a smart shower never mind I'm sold Cannon's bringing their a game this year with some mid cameras and everyone's favorite piece of tech at least their Booth wasn't freaked out by how much I love free stuff [Music] thank you I love the sloth yeah I don't think these translation airpods are working correctly in fact I can't understand anything at this booth I'm starting to think this entire Expo is a joke so let's dispel that thought by looking at one of the most heavily promoted Tech categories here metaverse Tech my opinion has shifted already as if the education system isn't terrible enough even in medever school you need to wear protection please is there something anything that can restore my faith in the metaverse I'm talking to you here about the metaverse we can show you some stuff if you're interested yeah sure oh thank God so for example this could be an Excel of PowerPoint to build a space for your team for your company um and you see all the different browsers in here in the space mode um I know the Wi-Fi is not great um but yeah okay let's move on to another heavily promoted Tech category here AI something that definitely has more potential but sometimes it seems unnecessary I can spot a failing relationship a mile away by myself but in all I think AI will be the future ah never mind Transportation Tech is what it's all about which one of these will be the biggest chick magnet hmm [Music] I think I got my answer my ride's cooler yes sir electric roller skates or it could be whatever the hell this thing is foreign too dangerous for news reporters definitely the electric roller skates I gotta try them out now oh God they didn't have any battery packs so right now these are just regular skates and I'm literally just skating around CES right now I still love it though oh hazards oh I wish I could do the entire CES like this well maybe not exactly like this much okay I'm trying out two things at once everyone's all right I gotta return these before I get sued and that's it for CS day one pretty good I'll see you at CSA stay tuned oh damn it I'm not supposed to be vlogging day two was press conference day if you want to see how tech companies are changing the world click the i in the top right corner or the link in the description now let's Jump Ahead to the public Expo days AKA four days in Hell after entering the gate to the Underworld the first thing that really caught my eye was this jaw-dropping LG Booth the second thing was this Kodak Booth they're still alive and making cheap electronics also this might be the fastest I got into trouble on an expo floor because I noticed their TV remotes looked exactly like the LG ones so I took one to take off the battery cover to see if they just reskinned an LG one and a Kodak employee yelled at me and took it out of my hand so I tried moving on to film their cheap speakers but no photos guess I'm banned from giving them free promotion second bankruptcy incoming but I'm mature I can handle discipline let's check out the company they got their TV remote design from first we have to recite this vow and give up all our worldly possessions then we can bow down to the funny color fridge to be honest it's starting to grow on me but it could just be the brainwashing talking I know who's getting sacrificed first what dark magic is going on in that fridge finally a product fit for the shoes I've worn since high school before you sneak your heads complain the shoes on display aren't far off from mine and a TV that can be rolled up they aren't kidding around with the Witchcraft how must I obtain it so how much is that TV hundred thousand dollars yeah a bite and look who else decide to join this cult is better than VidCon they also have the thumbnail shot nothing will ever convince me to leave okay I need to join a different cult perfect but first let's take a look at some other options along the way to see if I would be a good fit for them instead who do you think these are vote by mail balance nope I know all about the real thing I can probably work with this knockoff maybe not let's try another one first Kodak and now this I thought CES was about being Hands-On with tech the most dangerous cult once you enter they brainwash you so hard you won't be able to stop consuming their garbage products how do you think they stayed alive for this long from selling garbage on the opposite side let's take a look at a cult no one wants to join I mean just look at their leader I thought roller coasters were supposed to give you a break from driving many people don't play VR games because of the cost and how cumbersome it is to set up so why not make it 20 times worse ah this one seems the most promising if I was six years old pretty sure I got kicked out of this one already ooh Some fellow cultists blindly following their leader nice to see so this is the one that keeps on calling me to join no thanks kids make sure you don't call the wrong CPS whoa another company that I thought was dead and they let you film their cheap speakers this one's a strong Contender to join notice how everyone's ignoring the ones that require physical abilities as they should always run away and never look back ugh I was very close to joining the M Night Shyamalan cult but the line to demo the new VR headset was too long so I had to settle for a worse experience that did not impress next this cult just seems depressing why do so many people want to join their leader kind of scares me please don't hurt me this one seems too dangerous judging by the corpses this is why I don't film anything above 1080p I wonder why TV shouldn't be fully Wireless what's the best way to show off your top of the line gaming PCs I'm losing focus gotta find a new cult oh look here's the one I was looking for but too many people want to join hmm excuse me is there a line for media thank you thank you so much thank you ego always wins or not this cult sucks half of it is dedicated to pretending to care about the environment ah yes this is what camping is all about why does a speaker need it they have a decent whip but I wouldn't want to be put on top of that pedestal great job what upping LG with a fridge you have to manually swap out the colors on I miss LG oh no the ritual is about to start and my ears are bleeding just like everyone else here I will not be joining this cult [Applause] especially once that stuff dead pets and promotes exercise gross you know what let's test to see if they truly care about their cult members excuse me yeah I like Samsung phones but I have a problem with mine it won't charge do you know the reason why [Music] what's wrong with it I don't know how you have uh one of those you just must not have turned turned it in what do you mean was there a problem with it yeah okay truly abhorrent we will not be joining I don't need to be part of a cult I could be self-sufficient and I don't have to follow any dumb rules they decide to set ah a being followed this one is better than the first but still I need protection for being stalked after wandering the wastelands for several hours something made me realize that there was one more cult out there another brand I thought was dead it led me to the Sony ponies no actually maybe it isn't so bad being cultless oh they have a cool whip I can't sit in F yo sorry I joined the Microsoft cult it's great being cut off from society sure are a lot of rules here we get to test these new devices for the corporation in your face Sony let's see how fast garbage can spin let's just raise the quality our background screen also crashed and I didn't even spin it let's take a quick tour of this three thousand dollar foldable tablet with one hand don't worry I was practicing earlier so yeah I decide to escape that cult because on my walk through the wastelands I realized I was already part of a cult let's move on to another part of the convention and be done with the cult jokes natural down a hallway there are some ladies giving out books and air tags if you let them scan your badge I'm keeping both the air tag in book but I guess a lot of people didn't want the book because they were piling them at the start of the hallway don't worry I let the ladies know and they said it was good timing because they were starting to run out of books this is my favorite part of the day I need some help let's move on to another part of the convention I never knew how scary Health can be brace yourself for a jump scare but that's not all but the scariest of all ah risk of demonetization everywhere but it looks like there are some that don't care and have no shame in demoing them maybe I should try letting loose too is there a demo here uh well you can't really demo it nah back to censoring whoa this device sounds life-saving maybe it'll come in use during an apocalypse and this is literally just ring fit Adventure but less accessible and seems too hard for some but not for me we can also add less responsive to the list too [Music] I also decide to give up early because I remembered I have a whole convention to kill my legs instead wise on our last Health stop there was a booth giving out free pills kids please don't take the free Booth pills one thing I did want to take here was a keychain that's a reflection of your health we had to wait in line to take a quiz but I felt like that was too much effort and I wanted a specific one so I just went in until someone got the one I wanted and scanned their QR code that's me I probably would have gotten the same result anyway just like many of the people here in the Smart City Section we got to see a lot of 1984 Big Brother Tech even the cows aren't safe from social credit I agree with this snitching device cause you all know my opinions about smoking big ego for a company that makes tape I think that's a contradiction oh no they're on to me just act natural and don't trust any of them can you guess what this section is all about yep one of the most prevalent Tech showcased here but these don't excite me especially these AI excites me more when it's actually in a body let's take a look I'm the moderator I'm asking the questions gross Reddit mod bad example I meant these bodies this might be my favorite part of CES not just because I've adopted one of my own but because it's where the requested cat girls are mmm what's this one for ah I see how do I pre-order you would make that face too if your arms got mangled like that just suck it up and get back to work with the help of your human slave I don't know which one I'll be afraid of more if they took over maybe the one advertising that it can get angry and react physically or maybe it's the one they're torture testing really shows how inferior we are but if you're old-fashioned there's a device that improves human slave work at least I know I'm smarter than this pool cleaning one my favorite one has to be this little cleaning guy reminds me of the one from Wally because they both have an unnecessary amount of emotions from oohing to straight up murder with how many times he was bullied I don't blame him at least most of them have kill switches let's take a look at what happens when there isn't a kill switch see the rest of this clip on live leak let's play a game who would be killed first when they take over this influencer or this dick wrong it was this lady see the rest of the clip on LiveLeak you'll live longer if you're a cat person do you want it skinned or unskinned you know what this reminds me of that robot cat from that mid Pixar movie that came out not too long ago what was it called again oh yeah it's also the name of this solar powered electric car only time will tell if it will be as mid as the movie there's actually a small sample of weird cars here but we should quickly move on because that's racist but creative nevertheless thanks to the Tesla hyperloop we have moved to a different part of CES which is my second favorite part the car part I watched Doug demiro every now and then so I would call myself a car guy there's a booth for all my haters at least I'm not the YouTuber with the biggest ego here a lot of companies are showing off cool cars they didn't make no one has any idea what they actually make because we all just want to sit in the cool cars they didn't make this company Must Have Spent extra to make this extra large sign good idea because you would want as many eyes on it as possible when I think Amazon I think mid zarati Hey look it's mid Sadie's can't word play here but mid all around they really shouldn't have made some of these demo cars drivable oops maybe I should just play Boneless Mario Kart they really shouldn't have let me up here I didn't have time to cause Terror in this one but I did get to experience what it's like working in a Cobalt mine really makes you appreciate the electronics that came from here I could see some of these concept cars come to Market but this concept car sees me and I see a lot of questionable design choices what's in this taped off car finally I can practice my distracted driving but out of all the chick magnets here I think I found my new whip keep an eye on your girl fellas and now parents don't have to keep an eye on their kids because I experienced what it's like in their shoes and I've now seen the error of my ways psych while we're focused on crime let's take a look at this car's anti-theft demo okay at first takes my picture then it snitches to the owner wait why is it getting hot in here not a demo not a demo the anti-theft mode was actually less restrictive than the teen driver mode can't really blame it disgusting I don't know what this car is but oh shiny I really gotta control my impulses if you thought that was uncomfortable here's what someone thought would bring people to their Booth um but my most uncomfortable experience goes to not just because of that I was actually very comfortable inside this car until I had the audacity to be hands on with the tech so UI is still not finalized so this is still a very early it's not the early version but still it's not the finalized version um basically we don't want to showcase this okay yeah so the the things are just the doors lights these these parts are okay but uh please don't play around with it uh we don't want to disclose too much about the the unmanalized version okay let's see if other cars can handle the advanced task of pinching and zooming tomorrow this one just froze completely maybe it's harder than I thought and the experience in general was much worse here you have some time we have another customer here okay sounds good yeah yeah we're about to close okay yeah let's try mid Sadies wow I'm impressed and they're not pretending to care about the environment I take back my mid word play maybe I'll invest in one too nah something there reminded me to be happy with the things you already have but one last stop we're at the BMW Booth to test drive one of their Cup oh they closed for the day let's come back tomorrow [Music] love you [Music] in the parking lot for some reason multiple car alarms kept on going off maybe they were using it to help find their cars or something amateurs I say that cause some of them took a while to figure out how to turn it off advanced it's tomorrow and turns out you have to be 25 to test drive but I'll figure out another way to have fun in a BMW without driving [Music] the person next to me was not amused ah now this is more like it oh I see they took some safety tips from Family Guy smart now we can safely watch YouTube Good YouTube channel the person next to me was not amused this might be my most comfortable car experience and there's no one telling me not to zoom in and out on their dysfunctional map but wait I have to check one more thing it works once again the people around me were not amused maybe I'll invest never mind the investor next to me felt the same way now let's take a look at the car BMW wants you to there she is wow I have strange feelings already but her sister is a lot hotter the people next to me were actually amused what else is in this Plaza a lot of giant buildings but most of them were this is my appointment only oh the ones that didn't discriminate weren't any better there's a Google coping and seething booth looks like a lot of people want to experience desperation and I do too is there a media line okay but not that much I'd never thought I'd say this but Google takes some cues from Samsung or also crash what's in here must be an exciting ride warning this is gonna be great that was not worth the epilepsy episode let's check out this lesser-known car company at first I thought they just did car registrations or something like that just gotta clear all these errors first then it's smooth sailing from here somewhat I see some fun games too [Music] maybe a test drive will impress me actually it's a ride along cause guess who still isn't 25 yet it wasn't too exciting but it was entertaining especially in the past hey event fast open the sunroof open the sunroof they've been fast I just had the guy that designed this in the car right before you oh if bin pass can't do it they hire the best to make it happen it's very impressive a show and dinner that was the nicest exploitation I've ever experienced will this flying car demo also impress all right let's look like we're losing GPS signals when it didn't lose GPS it was slightly more impressive slightly for Tech this futuristic you would think their budget would reflect it what's going on here no that's my job and it's only half done if you can't tell they're showing off that their automatic braking system supposedly works better than Tesla's I was kinda sussed out by them so why not do another ride along with them I don't know what I'm signing I just hope I won't get sued so what we have here is one of the hardest scenarios which is a tired in the middle of the road a black tiger it's very hard to see right first red flag is replacing the kids with tires you'll see why soon oh yeah last night I was like watching like yeah the kids yeah yeah so we're trying to do the kids but like the there's there's been some issues with it with the actual machine that moves the ah yeah Tesla's up first so for this test we're planning to just drive towards it and see if the emergency take my foot away from the pedals and see what the cut is to their credit then let me check if the emergency braking was engaged and it was in the first test without any Auto driving the Tesla runs over the tire and their braking system stops before hitting it but in my opinion the damage would probably be less severe if you just ran over the tire instead of just coming to a complete stop if there's another car behind you we can also try it in full self-driving we've also not a similar Behavior sure so you're not able to like use the human mannequins at all if they can't like walk or anything right yeah I've just been told that they're they're not working at the moment okay sounds good I think we've damaged them far too much ah second test we accelerate towards the tire with Tesla's full self-driving activated uh nice so full self-driving went around it but also on this track it's just when unable to get it fast enough to have a valuable comparison test oh yeah I don't know how full self-driving would react at higher speeds but I would say this is how you should react to a tire in the road if it's safe to do so some nightmare scenario for all human drivers we will pull out a dummy behind this white car so the dummy is hiding behind and it will be pulled out in front of us third test with their braking system we will see or stop for a kid coming out from behind a car foreign didn't they say the mechanism that moves the dummies was broken and yeah one more question I have is that we were able to do the child test with that car but can can we do it again with that car again with the child test coming out from the car [Music] we were able to do the child test in the Tesla emergency braking was engaged and the Tesla did sound an alert and slightly braked but it still committed child Bloodshed and here's why I'm super sussed out why was the Tesla child stationary when the mechanism that moves the child clearly works despite them saying otherwise could it be because it would be easier for them to time a slight override of the automatic emergency braking If the child was still I would look at the part of the Tesla screen where it shows if you're breaking or accelerating but I don't know exactly how it should look when it's emergency braking and it gets cut off as I Lurch forward so inconclusive and moments after I left they went back to doing tests with their totally broken child Walker but only for their braking system once again and the competition only gets to hit a stationary child once again again this is alleged I am not looking to be sued their text seems impressive but their comparisons are a Bit Sassy for those of you who don't care about any of this you'll be happy to know we're finally moving on after a bus ride to a hotel we are now at the smallest and least impressive part of CES fun fact last year there was an FTX Booth here obviously they're not back again but I don't trust anything here now let me in let me in of course the scripted fighting is here too looks like Walmart is sponsoring the area I would make fun of that but they know how to win me over why is this sign up I think you should be able to record the most influential people in Tech [Music] [Applause] what's in the direction of the blood curdling screams it's because they want a big prize here because these people are the ones that need the most handouts I was only able to capture people winning mid prizes and looking dead inside I got a little something too time for lunch I noticed a restaurant in the hotel had a hundred dollar burger so I had to see what it's all about lunch on a budget and a big tax write-off it tasted like a burger but it was way Messier and the Box wouldn't stop cheering another theme of CES more E-Waste for the environment another bus ride and we are at another hotel let's check out the second floor first where I'm first greeted with PTSD and more PTSD why three booths who's funding this defunct company I don't know but I might get a hit put on me I'll invest in that but not these electric shock hazards you don't need these just drink the free samples here what's this I would never let an Amazon product roam my house and spy on me speaking of spying you know the drill a lot of this floor was filled with cheap looking Electronics booths indistinguishable from each other this is boring I need some truly unhinged products so let's check out the first floor where the startups are and if you thought I was too hard on certain booths see yes a lot of Booth to make it more stressful for the startups as it's one of the first booths you see when you walk in but if you buy their service you might succeed will this end up on the wall hmm I support that small startup no how do they know so far not too bad wait [Music] never mind I want to put in more effort to watch ads oh Ukraine Tech but where's the Russian Tech here's the African Tech a lot of countries have their own section so where is the USA tech there it is yeah it was mostly comprised of that and the final boss I need to remember how to breathe there you know what I'm sick of hiding I'm gonna show off my new idea for everyone here the second hit has been put on my head I can't wait to start pirating instruments yes no more language barrier ah [Music] wow look at all this non-invasive Tech but what if I want to let him in you can clearly see the understandable disgust at the site of a YouTuber 1984 for dirt hmm what did I forget in the car my Offspring at the University Innovations there's not just one but three empty College booths your tuition was well spent wow look at all the jobs you'll get before and after graduating study here instead specific very specific let's see if doing this saves me when they take over this is what someone passionate and believes in the product looks like willing to come on camera to talk about his pen that can automatically digitize notes this is what a sketchy product looks like so what makes this environmentally friendly because sorry are you recording yeah just recorded after you know me okay so you go to CES for exposure but when you get exposure you reject it I'm only censoring them because I don't want a third hit on me of course the one booth I need is empty it's close to closing and a lot of them packed up early no investment from me no stay away from me definitely not the first how do I invest one last AI send off and finally we have a returning character I can finally try out the electric roller skates with a battery this time [Music] reminds me of the first day with my boosted board slightly dangerous yet fun the founder said he wants to be just like boosted except for the last part and I wish him the best of luck everyone is packing up and leaving now so that must only mean CES 2023 is finally over what a wild ride and so of that thank you guys for watching comment like And subscribe and I'll see you guys later bye check out these other years of CES right now there's only two including this one so hopefully I won't get banned from any future ones we'll see
Channel: PlainrockVlogs
Views: 415,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vlog, plainrock124, plainrockvlogs, CES, CES 2023, consumer electronics show, consumer electronics show 2022, tech, technology, las vegas, vegas, convention, nft, metaverse, ai, video game, gaming, robots, cars
Id: 4PoJGInjD1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 16sec (2296 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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